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February 27, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-27

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:x : THE U. OF 'M. DAILY.

+ 0f "1.adLM.
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the Coleg year, by
Grrrcei Times buiding N. Main St,opposite
post office.
I. COLEMeAN, Lit. '97, Managing Editor
G.iB. iiARRISON0' Law '96, Assitat.
A. W. SITH, Lit. Spc., Assisant.
W. A. SILL, Law '5, Assistant.
J. A. LEROY, Lit. '6, Atheic Editor.
.. S. PsERL, Law '9, Busiss Manager.
i. W. LEVY, Lao li, Assistat.
Associate Editors.
S. B. Shiey, Lit. '9. i. A. Dacer, Lit.
E. L. Evans, Law '9. E..Sundeand,Lit'i,
Carrie V.Smith,Lit'96. LIR. Iamben,Lae'9.
E. S. Bartlett, Lit. '97. C. i. Farrell Lit. '8
M. Gilbert, Engr.'7. i.B.ammos,Medic'9.
Minnie M. Tieomson, Lt. '7.
G. A. Hieath, Pharmic '9.
Suiscriptio price $250 per year, iariaby
in advance. Sige copies 3i cets. Sussrip-
tions may be left at the ofice of the DAILY,
at Stoffet's, at State s. new sand, sitie any
of the editora or authorized soicitors.
Communications shold reach the soice by
7ocloch p. m. if they rc to appear the net
day. Address oii matter intended for publi-
catiob to the Managing Editor. Aul busiess
communicatios should e sent to the Busi-
ness Mnager.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
The editors do not hod themselvscrespo-
sibie for the opinions or statementsof corres-
pondents, appearing in tier DAILY.
Ini ouis couemes today will bo foendt
ai vry inqportaeii eotice, that cling a
meetiug of the candidets for the
freshemsan track tels. t is impitoside
to urgeetring studentes too miuch to
com uost to this euoctiig. Ninty-
ight siowed sirit ad enetririe ii
football, tbut slit ha t chance to do
eeuchs hetter jen tracklatletis aid
Let the freshimieni r'mieitie' that the
eyes of tiio rt of the uivrity ae
upion tiemiiandt not disappoist teo
expectatiosns of tiemslveisssortduper
Spoken. English.
Tiio study of lanutagis uesaiy
pursued with onei of too or eior
aims, the student piay (desire to be-
come acquainted witii tueocceeted
forms of hlis spoech acd to perfect
iimsof iei the us of tiien; ihoeuay
strivo to acqtiro a foreign tngue,
eitiier for commrciai purposes or
witii tue intention of getting at tile
literature esbalned in it; or ie may
study lauguage for its own sakce, 09
a bianeh of science.
From the ature of the case, it is
necessary tiat te larger. ouount of
instruction to one's native tongue e
dogmatic; that is, tiio studet is told
what is "right" and what is "wrong,"
what he "ought" to do0 and what ho
"mlut not.' Ilence the study of lan-
guage as a science is generally re-
stricted to the field of foreign an-
guges, sod especially the pst stages
of these. That this is duo to our ped-
agogical traditions aind exigencies and
eot to the nature of the subject is
easily shown. As a set of natural
phenomena a lnguage is what is
thought or spoken; what gets written
down and preserved in tis form is
hut an insignificnt part, and It is
always very imperfectly represented.

We have. therefore, for tist' study of
a lanigusage of te past, ony sueagre
ail defective saterial to sorkcupon
whseres, ini the case' of the living hes-
guaige, smuhi isore kand much smorei
reliali'eiaterial is to behald, asd i
the ass' of ot,s owes tongue liii
ameounet of t'ustswothy smeteial iso
no~t 0111y abunidast, but one's ability
1o delurapiitly -asd correctly- with it
N' lt its height.
This fict has fos' stmee timse bioe
re'ogniz(ed y the'lhaters ii phlill-
gieal scii'ece, ot the cosditioss foe
the sietiic stu1d1y of ose's owo spee
lire' only ;greaduaelly teing attaitnedo.
Somseea 'ersiago t'rof. IHeml estab'
liesdtilt this unsiv-rsity ee corse iii
Spokesn lEglish weith spcial refer-i
01100 tee AmeriteaneeEngitsh. The' cheef
objecets eaimed' at ii this course were:
() Tos glve tilt stuole t of aiguegd
eel opplortuitey tee obser e the'tie-
noiensa ofihumseecin leopeation,
to tudttey lheelivisng tinlsg, slet tipir
pictusre' of it. 2) Tlo eabelh imetle
test-andee thuss justify o ejrs.ect-te
dogmeaetie' statemensts of Englih tet.
hookrs. (:) To femiliarie him with
diversitiese of usuiege i tie varieus
partsioef thec English-speaekig werle.
td) Tee treeie eain leotservisng, rordie-
lng aned clessifyig nee'svfoos as to
thee lengtage of this or thos' cosi-
tries. lea all of these' way'oseore oer
loss sticcess uhs been-s attainedtiasedt
asa usresult, there lre110ow'seatteroit
oerocfthe coustry meany yotngieoplle'
whose iteas ao to the satre oet ies.
guago aesetruer anti smore helety,
who lre lss tdogmaetic bet meore 0100
ful teacheero of Esglish, asd who coss
tribute to the sciesce as otsesrvers ande
collectors of speech feets.
The success of the cosrse' acti year':
is to somle extenut deesdent eel the
seenseberslit of the' class. f all were
fromeeonee lart of the constry the chai-
actor of the work wotlt be seehslli-
ferio; for it wouldl be neccssay to
resort to books or seonid-and state-
suests ie orter to ottaiseisforsaton
theat would be' smuch 11100 easily ad
correctly obtaineth fromie i native of
the territory iii question. The ideal
state of things would be attaised if
every imptortant section of the contry
were reprseted. These tots are
psiblisheed because froli certaine unique
sections of the country-for exanple,
Canada, -New Englaned, parts of the
South and of the west-no one has yet
presented himsef, while we re sure
that there are students from these and
other sections who, if they know the
character of the study, would e glad
to take part in the work and at the
sanse tne aid in naing it riches' and
truer Thec class sets at 3 o'clock
Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room L,~
University hal. Itt might be added
that visitors are always wecome as
in pst years.
All graduate students having either
a major or minor in American History
are asked to meet me Tuesday at 7:30
p. m. in Seminary room.

Our Entire Stocik goes at
"Six Love Songs," Reduced Prices-
By Praoh E.Sawyer'Trasleesations of Six
of ine's fiseest lyriescsinexqseuite musical UNTItL
settinegs. Heavy Paper. TO cents.
Thee standard collection of College Songs. JACOB S & ALLMAND,
Over 300.000 sold. Heavy Paper, 5'O
cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. Wshsingtosn Bloeh Aenn Arhbor.
"COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." P. S-This includes all our FinelPat--
ent Leather and Russet Shoes.
Only bosh of the kidubetlisheed. The T EGA DOEA H UE
songs of the lieedieg colleges for woomen. THE GRAND)1 OPERA HOUSE.
Heavy Paper. 51.00.
Eighety-two piece's for the guitar from thee ___
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oome Cover. 50 cents.- Thee Famous95adison ae S uc scesse
Aney bookesestpostpaidone receipt of price. YOUNG MRS, WINTHROP
OLIVER DITSON CO., By Brosoen]Toweerel.utoeter of "Shenan-
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453-463 eWashingt on St., Boston. ful comeedy wethleeremeerkhatle
C.IH. Ditsoes& Co. N. Y. castesncludeseg
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Surplos, $15,r. Steeo.
Organeeeaeunderthee Geotral Btankeing Laws PRICES -3C5c 5 n .
of tieeState. Receives. deposits, hays and + - S +~, h nd$.
sells escieneon sthec principal cities of thet-IO
United St.atea.iDraefts ceeshed upon proper EVERETT 0. FISK & CO.
idenetifihcation. Saeoty deposit hoses to rent.
Geese .ns: Cheristian blace, ires. ; W 10.rfseH .jj
IHarriman,tViece-Proes.; thas. E.siseoch
Cahir;M.J Fit, sssan Csher FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES
M.~etropolitan Cafe Chicago, Ill., 355 Wabash Aye.,
Lunch~ ant inbing Boone. No. 18 N. B. F. CLARKC. Manager.
Four'theAve., teoteenseArlingtoonfHotel
end City OfficBueilding. Open all Thec most complete Agency System in the
hours. _Oseited States.
f3Over 1,00) positions filled lee 189d.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. .eece ~cse e
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NewYorh, LosAnggeles Toronto.
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING memers ofeeueraeeTc~etuBrokers' Auo-
Corner of State and 'William sts., cieatieene ef C. S.
'William st. entranece Cosby & Mc~eon R. R. Ticket Agency
$ 25SUBSCRIBE NOW $. 50 Adms ., Ciaot Rdcd lin t l

N ,Edited, by ALBERT SHIAW

- I T, WAS in April; 1191, thai the tinst number
of the American Review of Reviews was
seees" --prined. The new idea of giving the best that wa in
the other 'magazinea in addititn to its own brilliant, orig.
-- inal articles, took America by, storm,_ as it had taken 4
wu= England-though the magazie itself wasntt at all a
i'" '" "' reprint of lbs English editisn.; It dealt must largely with
American attains, and is edited, with perfect independence, in its own office.
The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely in illustration and teat,
seed instantly alive to thse newest movements of the dsy, ho a degree never
before dreamed of.. Thousands of readers who otfer their commendations,
among them the -greatest names in the world, say that the Review ofA
Reviews givs them exactly what they should know about politics, itera.
lure, economics and social prugresa. The mustieluential men and women
of all creeds and all parties have agreed that no family can attord to lose its
educational value,- while for profes.
sional aed business men,,itis simply l
indispensable- 'The departments sre)
conducted by careful specialists, in., 1T1E REGULAR DEPARTMENTS
stead of mere scissors-wielders, and; I(Besides the specialsaricles d cer
scores, of immediately interesting pur 'actr kehes uf thrilling Interestsand
.tritsandpicurs ae i eah nmbr. imeinesthe Review of Reviews
tratia~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h adpcrearinecnubr sathese regular departments.
All this explains why the Review, Th. Progress ofith. e rd.-An, illusn.
of Reviews bin come to a po abl setal eiewo tmnth's eents M
unprecedented success in the tint three souldouderetand inatherproperesignify
yeses of its existence. For 1895 it' Leading Articlesof the Moth-ThsId.
will be znore.tisvaluable thtansever. i '5 loihcals evieeembod h d eas
ar edltha teis stte ouhe,
Ageensre feaptse iasame prafts. We' Ocen~isie ,erian and .e, is
givelisberalecomssisons. Seal for ters. quote fsom
....... torent History' In Csreteoildes
AftstttI Sit~leeltiee. fIs,.,the month's hisorpy 55th roo ~itr'
sesi~ey. et. to silste Z e erle wc.. .5 e rto one
C$ Astor Plaee5 NewYord dalliyrecord 6 e.eenso..

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