THE U. OF M. DAILY. [ At the Grand Opera House. ( ADELP1. U. 0F? M. CALENDAR. MICHIG N GENThere will be a special meing of l Tae Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. "Young Mirs. Winthrop," a society Adepli society at S p. i. today, for Wed., Fob. 27.-Prof. Taylor speakls EAST. WEST. comedy by Aronson;Jloward,,author the purpose of mnaking arrangements on (urrency in Tappan all at 7 p. i. Mal anid Es . 3P55M.Mall -.8-- .43ofStolnoa,"'eIenets" for the Ypsilainti program. Tmrs., Feb. 28.-Meeting of '94 it N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special-7 30 "Aristocrmcy," and many Other sue- 1. I. LEV, Pces. intRom9, -Mains building at 4 Eastern Es.---10 25 N. S. Liaised.--. 9 25 A. X. Pacific Es.....12 15 000ses, isOtile bill which will be ofreti The seiii-aiiual meeiiig of to' Fri., Mar. 1.-Ladies' program givein At.ani Exress...5 O4 estrnEs ' at th flraultd Opera house, Saturday stockholders of tle Wrinkle tublishi- by Alpla N litray society. Mrs. 03. R. Epress--.11 0 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 25 Matinee and night, Marceli.tngassociation will nctur Saturday at Trueblood will ead. G.w 075.5 R. Ex-.--n---ES, The play -ais for eiglti outsat .R 2 o . .IAESS .('cock in the afternoon. The 111300 Fri., March 1 -Meetig of amdi- G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Al., Ass Arbor. the Matdisoi Squ~sare Theater iii New wrll be aiinouiicedito, tomorrow's dlates for freshmnm track ta t.siiit4 York to esormons business aiid theni Daily. All those iterestetd in thie Iptb- p. nt., Itoomi 9. main hal. T., A. A. & N. M RY'. isade a one of list' big cities of lb' liestion of (le papec. or desiing to Fri., Sar. 1.-Freshman class so- Taking sfet dSssday, Asg. 1, 194. seattotrd. Itlias been iven an Bab- try for a lac 011liie- oardshlstode t'ial in Grangrs hal. r ims eas s ro n eta tn.orate lproducl(tienthlissesasoil an(s]lwill ireseit. H.I. i.BLISS, Slt., Msar. 2, 7 p.- i-Mleting of can- sn-Onm. SOOTH. to takens atl over tie coititry payiisg Secetasry atstl'Trtastirer. idastes fore 1t rack lant in Room 24, 7:18 a. nm. *":5 a. (tfrt clss thatstlarg(s setso n -1ily. mintobuildiig. *12:25 p. a. 1130 a. m Ua.SSLCAS 4:15 p.a. 9:00 p. Is adve-tit is eveywhere mttairkted by BSNS LCL. Slt., Sas. 2.-Atti Artor socity of *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toedo to iig00so1ialrit outitantiSociety let'Ih cslercotleinatIbis cotleasslatetbeate-sre ony t(aotssedustnsecept insntays coItumnittrite rae liit ttiittwllttttiSrs Al-tais01)y Agentndy S rearn its best gownsittdudress f 5 cents per ie. Special rates oe oger H. C. Ad Lllis at i. it. R.S. GREENWVOODgn time, anti extra lises furnised by applying VtMs.12-iiest r~res W. II. tBENNETT . P. A. Totedo O. : st'ts to welconmethis sileutidet-iiii' at the ])AtSY olbece.1 r. a.1.Uivriyoaoia roittlitsus at lostionl . superbtrtn007- '10 IENT--A nicely ftirnishetfrontcotstit t liiivtrsily i1tl11iunderasp llt- ANN ARBOR &e YPSILANTI ST. RY tally will be seen l(l tie lt tay. It i1- suite of rooms. Funce hea. '73 e:s of S. L. A. eltides (011(11 eittier. iHotert Mo-E. lWasingtonlSt.Fri.,ltsr. 2t.-WVarsiy intoor ilect Time Table, October 7, 1894. Wadt' ero-i Dtlnill, Wilisatt Htunt, TO RIENT. inl (yitinasiuit. Lessee Ypsilanti froa Cossgress st., 7:00, 9:t0tLansig Iowaniililistn Shovelits. anti 11:3a. m.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:t, :45, 9:00 ansid ,151 A pleasant, large site of romss wtth Corse 4 in Cetistry will be giel 10:3Op. i. l'msstAbell ads , t le:Anti:'- llstiusr.funchetlitadbt. re LeavesAnn Arbor Junction,, 7:309 anif:enc;hat0gl antbth Picast 1. . .instead of ii a. i.drig 11:30a.m.:1:15,2:5,5:0,7:1,J:tssstl:ttp.m. H1iss Lsnsinig Rowan,tf tile Yousig$4 11 State S. tl ~Ol ~lOtr etrswl SUNDAY TIME. lies. fWinthlroptcompansl~y rtOminitlgTOIE .begvnithlorlcuerom Leuve Ypsiiant from Cogress st.,l: 30, 3.30, (isesucess tf her carerill (ie It: O rolItei-i i ielosrlctr o 5:0,0:10 anti 9:00 . .Asutofroswthetadlgtmdclbiin. PC.FER Leave A,nArbor Junction, 2:0, 4:0, 5:, of COnStalle:'Winlthlrotp- Hteform~er Azut'2E.Jeson00llStsiel(lilgtueiclbidn. I Rt 7:30 uesti9:30 p. i. sutecsses illtilt'originallDr.Bli lat E.JffronS.Advertise in te atl. Csrs run on city timeebFsre: singe trip 1 dvris n-h Diy ceints; roundi trip tickets 25 cots. Charles Dickousimpanlt~iestt5hilvetbet Aderie n-ie aiy Wa..AKR uf cmltl cisdb e oki H AT Et L W R ,FLOWERS Bromsontilosacd's geeat eeiie-tly At Granger's andMsFse.Sdn-u A A HHlgshosfrthi eas.n comeses n- Fo vrtigan vrbd.NOTICES. next week;. Ticetos for either shool - FOi- COUSINS & AIL l hl l iS s . tem s'rseyse Tlpoeiesitl5a NOTlL TO TtRACK -II=N. can ho obtained at thie Daisisofotheet HOT SPRI~NS, ARV. 'Tre will bt m o ieetimg of al eall- greatly retitted prices. Th iae o h taktaeStra Tebs detsn mdu nteT X S tvensi, lurchii2lsd, t 7 neinti: in city is the Daily. L S..T EE wilg -A CtlHEAP TRItP TO TI(KSON iPlls ahims for theisritg trainimig l-LEAND- t wsitl be: tisetussedi andthi:'e 'ttidtets S NF A CS O R