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October 09, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-09

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4 f { p . Training for Football.11ANEW R FST S J. T. JACOBS CHAS. H. ALLMAND
,TeeIs al ways a, cry for heavy AMI WAflI_________
mel11 for the rush line, particularly ill SCHOOL 0RR5'I AN ,
thelsh Colalegundy e ted) 11rin tndnear the center. These big e- Dancing and Desarte. JACOBS & AIMA D
tul~hedtall Seeysear, teltduiy Tid seaonopesufistweek inovebr
TH U F .INEENET SOCAIO, lows, with their aldermllli pror- Foe prticaros Equiet betaen 4 sd 6 p, i DEALERS IN
at tie school,
OFICE.:T.imes tuidng N. Mais t., opposite Losadover 200 poun~dstre gen- 6 S STA rE ST.
pot office. eto usedL111 ey4 oo 46atemt-_+ SF1 ()iU3S. + +
really uo smuctipoverySO iatelt-o Miss Hattie Long,
Subscipto pie $.50 pe year, lntaritly igTodoaAlncCorHsERll woCOME AED SI- E
is advnse. Sige doterscecits. Pollel- tegin ill fairly good conditiul. If they Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, ________
tiois miy be lft t te office of te DALY, te r oh fvll l h i t ltieteAtAbc ih
at Stttlhlet'osat State ci. iew st o,l Il1ate y aet eO au otebg fgDle v. n roMc. TeWsigo
ofte edilor tteot horeotisolicitor. gimles thery itust beIansled oith Te ahigtnBlock.
Comnncatonsholdreah Leoficebyglat cart. While tey must work susrh o h IOfMh ,FL W R ,LO E S
7 oclock p. if theyae.tee apipiearte iets ~UiI~S 1 I VILUIIF O E S L W R
day. Addresso ttli ottter isteided foe publi- hard to get rid of their fat, te ________ For Eerytitng ad Eerybody.
catios toth ie Masaing Edittr. All busisess shudntb u nln vr a.CUISHLiFaiI,21$ S. Uniersty ave.
o)mmuiai~ t~ll ltesittttionssi shouldno be lint inolltheeery ltiy The DAILY con tais official noticesbltl - tBI Telephoe 11.
sess Maager. Tey shotld le played lit part ott the from the Faculty, and notices fromu
THE U. OF M. DAILY. le echl day-lfive minutes one0 ay, te athletic teans and other student EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRYI
AnngarbortMich. 2t AST HURION STREET.
AstAb dtt- trll nother, back to five the next, and Oraiatos ood WokbGuartteited. Goods called for
EDITORS. so on, gradually inreasing hicthileeas It contains complete reports of all ad deiereeti Al-F.5COVN~T, cr0.
J. . Lntp Li. '5, anaingEdior.University events of interest. 22 Years in the Eusiess.mm--
. I. LoinE, Lit5, '96,tAsgisg tt. condition improves Big menr out of It keeps you postd on your own
I. COiEMA, Lit. t) Assstaitt, condition carry froml 10 t 25,and sod every other department.
S.BI. SmsvLit. 9) Assirst.CIY L U D Y
J. A. Irsotv Lit. h6, Atltteic Edittr. possibly merec, pouds of useless USRB O N EPAFL
I.S. PEn, Law 'i, BsissSMasger. weight. Their miucles are bombiigjustSBSRENWADKEPAFL CIY AU D Y
-,Assistatit. s uhoetxd n r oela
-,Assistait ollcloetxd ldae11c a $250 IN ADVANCE. M. M. SEABOLT, No 4 N 4th ave
LIERAiiY. iis. tle to iijuiry. They will, of colre,
lihoile T110o5lso,Ill I.I.. Evatns,,tt5. ineed work other thanl tt ttey git Subscriptions received at the ___ _ .-
CareV--~h pl during their short time in the daily DAILY office, Timies building, tol- -S
EIsA. . S. Nittacl,'95i. iractice, to bring tee down to ptroer et n by alatoie oiios -
HOEOAIsC. weight. This work soulsi be minlly
All copy esust be a ieofc tfte83 , running, not Several miles on a stretch,
othliyo tllcatioii. Or erilnilne imile, biut sort surt of
Thti edtri do siot old temsrelv es re spos- abott 50 yards followtd by walks of
sibtetfottileames distancit.tTohitratfcorers-Is h LEADING SCHOOL OFBUIlNES ad S10001
podeints, appearliitithinv. aothetsedstlTurte DofL, -SN- Mgfit bithiding ien ieahess large
- --- sed ill Ie runiishould iottb alsra kat iedne;good disiplie; superir iork; well
piorei belil~i~supplied redig rooi dily lctrs aturlisday
The Daily calls tie atteitioni of its -z et e tsol emc atreeinricpin;o h nt i oryer.Ecep
bes, yt i slot~il r iluci fste luuClna I facilisforleeplcigstodents ispsiios
reader'sts the ftct that 110 cOmmilll- 1lBordnd ros$ o $2i-l7 peiekhpinivae
s long dstance gait. The wtil be- sIsfamle. These rtsueduedo s i self-
rations or mattereof any blusd iill be tenternsgvsth uce tt, heardig. Foe Caaloge addes
0101th us ie hei isis P. R. CLEARY, Pres.
published inless signeii. The siglo chance 10 rest, allows the exercise to
tore is desird as is mattter of good be kept up longer, thus icresilg THEGRNIOPRAHOST
faith and 11ill not bePiithili prinpiatoedidthenrueioso ONE NIGHT ONL,
desired. weight. It also ttnd to devlop FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12
speed, which the log slowov ro hoes COTRELL & LEONARD,
Own-t he tane itere cta- ABN, N . 9 N 9 RAWYFirst prodctio is this (bain ttof Dr. Hery
Ooii ott hniii not, slnd it is nearer like the work iiiA s .V 41 N l OAwT Irig's pictorial ond realsib- sectac-
ion hours it as been foud inpo- SMakers of CAPS and Gto- Ite tar versoii of Goeth' saserpiece,
football with its sudden rushis aid Aericat Universiies. Illosraed -T
siblse to hold the regular chtapel eer- treatise, et. upon reqest. + + + IFiAiU J' . + + +
rise. Th 5iahi s ainoticr hito-corIeesponldiilg rests btwen. While it V. A. MUII-BELL Ag., 44 Willim Sret. srde~ h os oltcatr
dDeS :PDilyei s iii a large liicto-ue alaytdoblduvcIRSg TthALeA o unglT13 + G-I ator,
sprains, whlici are awy oal ihI his origial tiid ateisi cocepio,
to obviate this difficuly. The et- haymneryitesao.AsheOF ANN ARBOR. MEsosuaTsA'HELs.
heav mci ealy ii te sason AstheOrgaied 1811.
ingofthestdens rbmal dear- special object with these men io to Capital, X0,t00. Srpls ad Prfits, $,40,00. Prices: - 35c, 50, 75c.
nients tiea we r nvriye f egt n stewJJoi Tranacs a general bnking bsiness. The Evess of the Sesso.
twce wekil uieoilget P oeigitanashemjryho excrohaIses boght and sold. Frish ___________________
Hlall, to listen to appropriate series 0 h on elis a rmoeltes of redit
ofth yun fllwsea fomon- terP BACH rs a. .CLARKeON, Cashier. MERCHANT TAILORING r
andi to hear the strains fronm the grand quarter to one-third more than they C- uing, Pressing and Repairing
orancnnt al ohe' btiE' AU. doe neatly by
nlti alltfl obll bu eed, it wioud be well to eat less, noAG SCHOENEWALD, a6oE. Washington
feelng O unty aong he tudets aying so much attention to quality as
wvhichm will umake liii Uniiersity1111IB
qusantity. This can be dn without
stronger and better, and ite future loss of sreiigthi. and is great help in UCI E T A A D
alun tro tenisely patriotic reducin. I hive sen big men. who YSLNI IH
Saturdays Football Games. mliht hive been of value, played so ___
on each day that they wer of 110 SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK.~
Football ganmes on Saturday resulted use when needed-Jas. G. Lathrop.- c'
an follows: Yale 10, Crescent A. . 0; Outing for October. Stdents and ctizeutnssold make thso
their headquarters while is Ypslat, and I ..s-
Princeton 8, Lehigh 0; Harvard 46, assre thee, they will findse s ever,
Most cordially, +
Andover 0; Pennsylvania 0, Swarth- Probably he youngst stuseti the W. H. LEWIS, Prop. ,
more 0; Oranuge 34, Wesleyan 0; Cor- university is John Sualding, son ot __________________
nielIl38, Uion 0; Wiest Point 18. Am- Oliver L. Stauldin, ex-sista-nt ec FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS
herst 0; Rugers 12, Lafayette 10; Cli- ietay of the ireasury, who resies ItEIT TRY THE PR C i$50
cago U. 4, Northwestern 0; Wisconsini St. Johnis, Mlicli. Young Spaulding I LT IIG P RO h nyRaktsl iha esnbeAesnbeahn nPie
22, Chicago A. A. 4; Rush -Medical 12, scarcey 1 years of age, yet he re- l INNG PRMrktsllaarssal ee
Prairie Club 0; Iliniiois 3, Wabash 6; ceived a year's credit in matieiatics Cr. State and Liberty sts. Simple; Durabe; Writing in Sight;
EDWARD LEWIS, Prop. Permanent Alignment; Intantly
Indiana 0, Louisville A. C. 0; Beloit 4, 011 eneing tim class of '98.Boardero Wated. Changeable Type.
Enlglewood 0; Purlue 06, Indihiniaptols J. S. PEARL, Agent,
Light Artillery 4; Browii 2, ostoim 0; To give the "Best on arthi is the DIETAS & SCHANZ, a3E Washington st., Ano Arbor, Mhhch.
motto of Witters Palace Laundry.
Iowa College 54, Simlpsoni 0; oovdoimi which lfaves nothing undone that tang'O W.T I O TU N S!
14, Exeter 0; Kentucky Stale 40, be done to give perfect work. We eol- Ltest and bst utyes f FoistsaudDo- -THE
mestic woolens. First castndfirstelss
Georgetowin . let Mondays and deliver Turday. wot garnted. Cleaning, pesin a-nd FINEST RESTAURANT
Leave orders t Fldeo Tailor Shop, repairing nIeatly dose.s in Ain Arbor i
The Oracle fell in hune yesterday by roer. of State and William sts., or ad- 48 . State nt., Seond Flor, Ann Arbor. G r _& $ E ' S
subscribing $5 to the athletic fund. dresh card to L. D. Car, 21 N. State St. The Daily $2.50 a year. Give ito trial. 2 E. Huron s.

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