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October 09, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-09

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Time Table (Revised) July 1,14.
Mail and Ex--- 4 0 5 Mai--------8 431
N. Y.Speciil---510 N. YSpecial7 0
Easteca Ex----10 25 N. S. imiled. 11 925
A. M. Pacibic Ex----1215~
Atlantic E__-747 eP. a.
1).NExpiess-__5 ill Westere Ex.-1 53
G. R. Expres1 5 C. .Ex-- 02
0. W. Rd VE, 11 . HAYES,
G. P. & T.Agt.,Chaoe A-t., Ane Arbor.
It iswell beoreleaving home, -whether
foabuseor pleasure, todecide apoa a
Whea yeavist Detroit we would be
p1eased4o avceyea clap at the aid
"Franklin Hause," c. burned
and Bates Sta., wehece yeaucwill havea good
maeal anda leanabed atmderatecrates.
The house has been ceenatedfremleop to
battem, and is nownin flet-class condition.
iteals, 35n. Lodgings, an.
Pei- Day, 81.51.
Represeiits Every Department
of the University.
$2.50 PER YEAR.
Big Four Route
Through Sleeping Oars
Petoskey, Louisville and

Hours foc Gymnsium.
At St'e leetcing of till' univercsity
sena~te laist evuenineg Dr. titzgerald
reciominded the folleowinig hours for
uvork ini tbe Gymnsiumeli: Fo'tladIelier.
fromi 9 to 12 every cmorning; and1 for
genetlemenel froii 1 to t;Ii 1( 7 to 9 p. ill.
The cenate applrovced ef thlese hours
fec the presenot. It is expectedi tha~t 1111
Glymnaosiumil cuill be ready fore inil
abouit 10)lays, cwhen the lockers uill
be plaec~eiion alc.
Elocution Clone Organized.
Tile beginninig class in elocai o ini
the lacw departmenit uuas organ~ied~
yesterday by Pirof. Trueblood. I- boot
1515 etiudents uvere tpresent, .1n11 iiearly
all signified theu'iritention (If joinling
tile class. The hiouirs of recitationi all-
lit preesenitat 5 oclck oi l Soiitays
anl Wednedays, but miile schangledl
if suitable ai'raiigcilis can be 1m1de9.
file text book cised is "Mltonel & True-
blood's lPractical Elocution.'
Vance on Jurisdiction.
Librairihn auceihas iiouv oiisale at
tile assistaint liblraianil's desk his smallll
bloek oie "Jur'isdiction." Thie' bootk cll-
taius 5pages, land deals cciii imacy
poinits of ;jurisdlictioin uchilchare 1inv11-
ale So 1111y'studenit. at shiouus ini
uc-hat coulrt It specific actioni shold blel1
broulgbt and11 iy cc-bat princt-il's that
iaction is gocverned. It also cota~lis
citations of linumeIrousOiladiig csles.
"Stepn Into Journalism."
BY EDINisL. oUrMAN, PH. a.
New, he'lpful1 11n1 practical back by
a Chicago editor, for all youing wcriters.
It tells Ihow 115get a start. holy 10
conistruct a ne'wspapser article, and
gices a thlouisandc detailesin It ldelighit-
ful style. pp1 230; Prie, $1.25.
"It is thloroulghly prctical. S kniouw
of iio oter beck uw-ich-l can ,illiroalcl
S. C. Wade, 1I. A. LL.. D., tit. Critic
toeMtcCliirg & C~o.
No person wile expects to write', cccii
occasionally, for the press shlould bSe
withiout this valuable ti-caise. It is
unilversally commllended. by till'lneWs-
papers of thieecuntry.
Aiddress Cor. School of Jeuroalislo,
Evanston, I1

'I:(;clrkicof 111e practice courtI lviii Don't forget toscutbscribe for the
bo' iln Vt)11117 every woirkiing 1115 feeo.,Daily.
..Al0 to to aiteiid to lie dulii's. Sily the Best Founstain Pesn at H~al-
Prof. Johnisonl williz11tlii' sen1icrlr's Jecwelry Store. i6-11
hawse collillcniiig ne(xt Wednlesday.v For lillect board iii She city call at
Th'le filet section recites lit 2 o'clock.5c- .Wsigtns.t
Sf -ous smiokcyCigars, buy ilit best.
An exam~liniationi ilesitied for lt'e IOSCOE CONKL.ING is tihe beand.
stuldents ctodiii~tiondill Englishi and1 WANTED.-A rooiml-mateii at 15 8.
to the lawc-de'paritmlenit, cuill li eIldIl Onie Dollar buys It first class Foun1-
after till Christmalls vca~titon. 'ibis tin Peii, mlade by 51a111, McNally &
ucill be 111e last oplportuityiS of 111'heecr Co. Students? it cAiiililay ye-a to ti'y
to mlakec 1111sil-cv orkt. No1icc of lie 0110 at Wtiilsey's Music Store, No. 42
811110e t. 80111by studetsi.
First class board, $2.25, at 33 E. Jet-
1111.. tercoi sts., seconid 1101100feomcanmpus.
0pera House, Oct. 12. 685
_______ Dental studenit ccanted to sclicit for
.8 stupeiitous piortilpIroduc~tionllof111e Daily.
i201ibc's imm~lortal 11o11, "Fatist" c-ill Halllel's Jeccwelry Stlore foeryosur
thue cominilg Fridlay, cvhen 'MSc. hn1111 Juinior or senior ".Metile' wanted to
Criffithi as M1epilisto cvii, ccithlthid11 act as stecward. Call at Daily office at
of It comepetenit comp~i~ianlad brillianot 7:15 tbis ecvening' if
electric 1a1111scenice effects presenlt 1110e Whlen y011 clalit a gootd Cig<rar si
my1stic andlicha~rmledl ccvondters of ithat ft i the IiOSC' 112tCONgrKLI.
TCTOIING-iii Latin, Gersman cud
U. OF SI. CALENDAR. Feenchl, Germoan conversationi ciecles.
dues. Oct.Evening clases. German deamatic
TS~S. (~t 9 ('1011 1101 11115Il club to be formled. Mrs. H. F. Nac-
schlool of Imsicl, Itt 7::>Oii. 1m1" 1111111, of Berlin, Germany, P. of .
Trhurs., Oct. 11.-Senilor indeetdents graduate, experienced teachler. Rlefer-
meliet illchlaplel at 1 p. i11. to fin Casi- enices-President Jasoes B. Angell,
talian val-anlcies. LL. D.; P'rof. Calvin Thlons, A. Mi.
Sat., Oct. 13.-WSarsity vs. Albioni at Foe cablelieaptoerecisli, pnieumatic
Athlietic field. tiredl Columllbia bilet. fGood condi-
NOTICES. 11011. 11at aternoonsli, 14 N. Inigallasst.
If you wish to have yoile roosrenit-
('ISORAL UNION. ed, advertise themo illtile Daily. 1-7
Examniationi florentlrance 9'to 10.2 The Daily has been enlarged and is
aiid 22:45 to 1:45 daily. Old members a niooni edition, but the cubecriptiotn
retain their positions ill chorus Avithi- price remiaina tile samlil, $2.30 pee eel-
out further examinailtioni. Meetiug foe loge year.
practice iantireepitioni of 11ew m11011- FoluntinllPenss 01d11U.o f 2. Novel-
bees Tuesday eveninig, Oct. 9. at 7-15'te3 tHle'.JAer tr. 61

Passenger Traffic 25ccr. Gen. P. &T. Act. UNIVERSITY NOTES.
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING pelileice' ciiwrin 11gm tle ncc' li 2-
Wcilliarn st. entcance. p. 111.
KIT N Z3E -i-G A R T F±N The Inlainder will 1n0otIbeout 51011-
BILLIARDS AND POOL. day, but probably the latter hart lot
Choicest Line of Cigars and Tobaccos. tile werek.
Ne. 3 N. Alain Strcet.
The insetrutors of the li vvtdepallrt-
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ll~elt cwilhiave' office houirs, ho hoe1an
Ansi Air110, Mih. Capital Steckl, 5,000. eoiec'nd liter.
bacrllus, $150,000.
0 "izedunaderethie GenleiralBaciliac kLaws it is rettortcitheWrinkle cviiill'
of tfitc State. Rleceivrs deposits, beys setnllt
sells exchangceatile principli citico of thle otext ekalhuhiismps-
Unilted States. Dasceashieti upoiipropecr i'tsek ttligii siill~i
identificatioii. Safety deposit boxees teceint. ble to find out tile exact dab'.
OcFICERSl ChiistiaenSiack, Pres.;-cv D
Harrimain, Vice-Proc.; Clhas. E. Iisicockl,
Cshie;o.u 511Fhill, s sistant Cashier. ITle miaxiliumiiuimber ofliloahs lpe
AMT BOERT ,0cceek foer1111 studesits is ti), tnles
STE M L UN RY O.othertcciseonrdeed by 11thfacult.
STEAM LA NDRY CO. Will F. Svanli's,'91 lacv, at preenct
I~ig Glss nd ometicFinsh. practicineg ililCiceago, was hmarried~
E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Oct. 32 to Mica tillola Tanllith, oh

at uinversity' school of hemtsic, Mcay-
uard st. A. A. STANLEY.
The class football games cwiii be
played early tis year. lanagers and
captains are urged to get their Ilcti
out at once.
The first lecture uill be on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 10, 3 p. in., in room 21.
The regular hlour wiii he changed to
suit the convenience of those who
ccisl to lake the .course.
[;notices inserted hitis t-lulmn at this rate
of 5cents per line. Spet-ial rices for loacer
time. anexetra linees furished bly applying
at the DAILv officeel
LosS, 100 pages of mianuseript niotes,
oh Zoologieual laboratory paper. Re-
turni to Sooiogit'oi laboratory andt get
rewvard. 11
vaniced class in dancing for ladies and
f ehltlen llviicolhllllec0 Tuesiday
evening of tis uveekt at 8:13t'liocks.
The class for genthleen (beginnlers)
'T'hursday- evenihng at S o'clock.ic.Ste.
and diSrs. Rotis Granigeinsetrulct all
classes. (Office and d iancing 111l1
grohhndhfloor, Si Maynhardi st.
M\r. Iltumlilirey, '19355', lost tatptir
lot golid rimilled eye glasst's betuweeh
ethier 49 Fifth st. anth ie city or ille
Lacw buildinig last Thuhrsdiay. 'lie
finidertmayllh eave t~lhinlat this offite or
cithi the owvner Itt 49 tifth st. aid itle
cciii be liberiallyreccaredst. ltf

Two students frollhtie School of
M~usic uvanted to solicit Daily sub-
scriptions ill that schlool.
Tho Daily has alrcatdyneore sub-
scribers among thie co-eds than over
before iii its hlistory. Co-eds, cub-
scribe, you lire represented ou the
Three reasous us-iy YOU should bate
us do your laundry work: 1. We are
responsiblo if any articles arc lost sod
will replace same. 2. We will return
your woric.uvhen promised. 3. Uni-
formly good work. Wagner & Co., 21
S. Slain st., representing 'foledo Laun-
dry Co. 1-13
Do you wvant boarders? If so, l d--
vertise in the Daily. 1-4-
Tuwo fine sustes, very cheaip, furnace-,
bath. 25 For-est ave. A 11-
Nobles Star Clothing House sells Silo"
hest $3.00 Derby in the city. 1-12
SFoe the next tw'o weeks uveuvill
show you the largest and best lines
of Suits at $12.00. Others will charge
you $13.50 and $15.00 for 1110 same
HSOUSE. 1-13
The best in cverything always RivI's
hue greatest satisfaction. The 51050DBi
CONKLINGI Cigars are the best andi
cost no unore than inferior brauids.
Ter' theirs.
W~agner & Co., Tailors, cviii he
pleased to interest you in the many
newc things they are offering for fall
wear. 1-13
The Daily will print full accounts of
all football gaemes this fall.
Wvagner's & Co.'s P. of A5. Collar-
Do yotu wear it? 1-13

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