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October 09, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-09

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Ijc __ _ ltl,

VOL. V. No. 9.
The University Senate Will Offer
a Trophy for General Athletics.
At the athlectic maIss meeting Satur-
day evening reference was made to
ao athletic prize offered tby tile faculty.
Sicalizilig that this will be an implort-
anlt factor ill university athletics, the
Daily madet soi e 0 in lquires, whichl
brought to light the following facto.
This prize wras determinled utpon. at
tile last mueetinig of the University silt-
ate, throogh the efforto of Prof. towl-
hard. It will be to tole formi of a
beautifull aitd vatluatbl trophy, which
will lbetoite i'persontal tpropeuty of
t' winerci.
Te 1mon1ey for ti is securedl Sy
subscriptionl frothe limembt-ttesof te
The iprizse will ho awatrded for gist-



H. D. Johnston.
Aumon-gtile many citanges whtich
have been iuade tintile faculty tis
year is tile apointmnt of H. D. Johns-
ton instructor ill history. Although
still a young man, llr. Johnston lion
weos for himself a reputation as a
schlolair anti writer. Ste has devoted
Itis etirie time to litersary anti religious
pusrsusits, atndlis Sty satuire particu-
ltrly adtapted to thte workchpnitiwiihi
ito is about to fitter.
Mr. Johstonois isat iative of Vermtontt,
hiavintg beenitboris at Busrlintgtonthaltt
state, in 1871. At te age of 11ito
tioted wiititis liarents to Ntashtna,
N. SI., where'litotool:Sis tprepatratory
retiree of studty. Ile early acquiredS
te amtbitionitSo ieceive si cillege cdui-
caition, aind after coinig west anst
takitig till ditiotissiyeair of ptrepara-
tory wesk t siKalamtazoo, MichS., lit


orsil excellecin it titisl, listS niiietnteretd BrioinIUiversiiy, s-NA-lere lie
foir excelleince in tanidisss' Srstiti-i. I tgratduittedl withi Honotrs in 1511. F rost
is tiossibltthaiitttwos iriss-wilitse here lie wvest to ('iicalgo,-whcri' lie

offeredi otte oStr geniittleen atdtheli
othter for ltadies.
'lthersesit's'twoItisltm i'sisistewhy
tisurine is toffered. .'hfliirst is t
shotw tonlu~tsey ltat ts' fatttly is
heartily u in its'of siatielies, ittid sit
siot tisiositteslistie thitet, iso is stittie-
hissesitoutghtt. Thle secsossd tettess is
isoliriodiuce tisse gistdItll-rotundit i-
letes; lii0 theotry Siing tit assisas
will iso bttlerSi-sist woithfelt'is I
gosodtialsilet efotre lits ~itiki's a ,ps-
itility itt sisy-sot'eitrtanci. (Compi~etiStits
will asoe Steisssto a imuch-i;;geater
tIsiItec sif persosis Sliss t Swottlt its
if consfinedto isanty sinigileists'.
fTe cintire tmastter inow rests utnte
htandts(if asieiuite commtititee; -isitielt
still, assoonsit sisibtle, ,tisttiite
Illoresdefinitelywhast te urize still
its,siaS ndihtthsis'coniioiss srs' endeir
Ilticit it masiylie secuiret.
British Museum Catalogue.
About te sitosithSils ye'ar a eitts-
legee of till te 1,7:0000 books in te
liritisit ?Museusisslibratry, will is' tism-
islcted. The worst otis bigots its 1S5.5
antd it is ts' greaste'st titsitrtakiitg of
te kind itt taty lee ort-otrty. 'The
tIies beginingtowith te letter A salonte
will filii023volumies, thtose tithi B,351
volumises aisudSte whoe'catalosgueo 00
voluitses. 'The woerk wiill Steass ervice
to te ittire literary Nwerii.
Dr. Ewing, of ('hicago, will lectisre
tsote graduitate antd senior laws every
ight this week at 7:30 oclocks, cx-
foist Saturday evening,. tiessibje'ct is
" 3tedical Jurisprudence." Thsei'le-
Sores are given in te evcning so ite
imedicail stideists mnay attendt. An

re'ceiv'ed his imatste's degre'e, tkinig
hissiorytintS socioloigyasehits printcil~s
Wh'iile its Ciictago lieotis sit the lutis
sit what is knlowntias te tiv ssity
setisetlee t or fsss uni Stive'rsityt'x-
tnsioni sr Ieoplle's rollegi'. deve'lopsed
amongsstgeSltatboritng lsssofsiturs
ltirgi'citii's. It wtas hite haSst lie wttas
s'c'ure'd to oesiis to tieUivesirsity'.
ltr. Johttstois is tfluseinttaildsi itl-
osoicaitl iWritei',sdirecitighise stteit-
tlitn piiplaly t itStstiory, soilogy
tuturigioin. Atnion-ghis isest wirstk.
is te "Sistotrysitfte Sltave's iniRhoides
SItsn,"lspublished'S Sy tslIt hoeIst-
landsis~toriliSocety.Ste htts isles
undert'wtay tahistoric-socesiolosgical
wNork of te isoor systemt of te t'snt's
States, whticht lehs as teyetisot tutu-
pleted.Il.Se is tlsaslso roinensttwriter
for religious weekiess, andi writ's
mansiy lhistorietal iondsociologicttl-wotrks
fitr sdiffisent standaitrdi tsigaitts.
Donors to Athletics.
'Te follotw-iig' tre te stibSiriiers
sndStttheamonststibscribedlt datetcto
lt'e athlti~c titliststtartedl I'riday
Ilist teste s f i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i0
w rits e - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1
tU tuf 1 ,Ilsy------Si--------- - 1
isshisi v nig l'm s --------- 1
1 iv. e -- - - - ---'.- -- - - - - -- - - 1
R. C. Ilssu il --- - -- ---- -- -- --
is. AL C o e - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -
5'. IB i ld - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
C a id e l- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - ---i
Cooe -------------------------
The cltass in ilistory, Ctouse 'I,taos

A ewVESPER SERVICES. WHY do we carry the finest
ANwPlan for Devotional Exer- i of
cises to Be Perfected. MANDOLINS,
As sooei as te great Wosrld's t-atir BANJOS.
orgtinihlio beets placedilittpotsi~iti, a 'Thley are She cheapest
vestier service' will ho itttauguated'st D flAII rntattis whsat you
he participatedllihs'by11 hallsearttetsi'stv\ U~L want ahnt
of ite t'itiversity. 'ltis will tilets'ei' WE WANT YOUR TRADE,
placetoof chsapel exercises, wielltrihatvei
tie-it scointintuedshbecatuste of tse Q ~ju
chattin t thie treicittinheis. 51 S. Main st.
It is ts'eittenitioti to itasit;-hut S Sr."Uj'.JI N~rUrS!
vesperi'sen-ices ott twit afterntoonisatiu
wit'-itat a coneiet-thoitsr, iprobhably ' - -FINE-
at 4o'cock.A coru of 0 o GOFOOTWEAR!
stites still tassist. siand it 'garge ottsst -
si-~' ill its playte rosf.. Sitpli';-.A
isttttg l s timts si ott sii r 1st t- - =
tes' e s e srs-iis i- ll'It. stilt
its isossible teriafttfer. It te sit-i-is tiBEAL'S SHOE STORE
listr Si ref'igritet St' thfacuty 11i,-tt titus. tHouIse', MiSi.
ts' tiithalsi-ri-e- t'i'ssre ltt' ts ii- U(0[TII ST Y~OU CAN
ly ts Seliterairsy dsitpst-sIntl- thels' UJ O S AVE~i)J
iltntitnis Iso tmtake thti'ntwosersi-i'-iis' ipbiyitg yousr
for althieiidep-iartmet's oitt5te1i' 0- WO'O:D . 'DCO-A.
s'srsiln. 01-,
_________G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street.
Football Looking Up. lie isue situ tathilstotciityiou.
Thei iii'tifdltte St 2 ciitr i i's o-H g e i
balli prticeilis' 5-ts sry It rit ll;;.i
andstllllol eeoraipi s sthiei' Boarding House,
hettry tcseering th1103 p dt's-lisi s-s
gioodtlplay. -It showdthaittust Fi- of Maynard St. (ne-xt tos School
of Music).
sdty's misss sstitiitghis' trosil t n"lu-
htt'sttiiit tist 5 Stsll titi ii-t
qit~e a itussmber ositeits-t . ''Sit.-LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
\'asity sitisd soo sl -t's's-itn sit-Is' pSits-si is-i t stIirs us AT
spi aigaitist eichsnis tutund tu.iSti ยข TIJTTLE'S,
s-is-s's-st istSast isrscisestssisisils. + 48 5. STATE ST.
'asrsit~y sisn5 a i'hprety"rssl S-sI-ss ueCe.le.ri ..~~
Yonit wsochasntged frotmuit 'ht t1sillto SCHOOL OF DANCING,
tight Isiscile suit hts - sity I le h is 55 titiss totn opsi. uinittrecesi's-sdstiainiy
Sts-e, thes it "firtinglsi wiithti Sse ofaii s-
now-' oIts hi s' iionis. bitu -t s ' s i1i) "-ion. Ati o tis-s dr sti iiiot e irsssss its-
strsusst ioof.1.andsid 1r. Itis r an~citger. Na
qtle sushi. 1i't''iuith andth ihatitr stir s t m untti. tittise atutu lissi 13x1 toit
Site cs-tuuntS i-huts-it -ntis sitstS
wetshi hiatt Is ush.lii'lSt es c r I-
tight tnsh st DStthsithlast yinl. ____________
Theii scruseplayed'tatS s gususi ti wits'hiil
Wiie offer discount oni tlt
tls -xs-stsss othis-r ssts Sirshttt. University Text-Books,
st itightia sin'-sg of the ecatndl- Law, Medical, Pharmsaceotical
dathessis ts-helditsroomis S, inheris'(tilSand Scientific Books.


sii Ste intoudti'olsss sioorrows. 'it
tiss'-tig si-vselsesI itht si;pottquiz.
L. Gi. Lontg;left tosiay istoatstien Ste
GriaindSBienntiaslsh 'tittlast' iooftihie Ksapipa
iigrtttss Fraste-rnity ts be its-huh sith-
islisi, Itt., Oct. 10h. ar. Lotig;issis
bit--iselectesdgrtand oraitorittfte cs-i
chits's, the isisghesst homior to be conm-
fueresd by the gransd chapouter.

We boy and sell secomid-hand honks.
MatiemnatictulSInstrumnts and
Drafting Suppliies at speciah
rates. We olfen
Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb.
t'siversltyhBuokstorc, DinsTownt
i Sttate St. Oppt. Couct House.

nutopsy still be held Saturday mnornitug 130 members.

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