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February 19, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-19

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/yp Baseball Practice. Literanture:' Essalys and ollatral TI. OF AF. CALENDARI.
N GH N .ENT M treading will bo includedi in The work.
Time Table (Reovised) Nov. 18, 1wM4 ('apt iiniels ann il c 1.1al ie attention will bse given to the- Te es.. I'el lita. -Junior law wanltli(al
EAST,. WET ' ecandidates fot"e bi- aseti a11 11111 Ol rolation titween Freceh literature and, (Ortest.
Pe.X.i-pw a i esi roi-j hitioy. The CourNseiintnd- Wed., f'et . 2tt Junir :ua s ri
Mlall aod Es_. . 3 60 A1511 8..-- 1J4 4 r ectl"t v ot I h- ;tu
N. . Specis l_._ s 15 N.Y51 Ial Id fo hs w ocl rad brnl n Olioat ial ote.-
Lastern Ex.---10 253 N. S. tLmilad 4',islrlTrpatc vr t nob-
Atlantic s .- Ex cie x P. -la iniiiiiii' today. lDe. I-its ::ralid has
i).r I xpees.. R 40 westr Ex_. raoration ill history and can only ho Thurs., Feb. 21--Mir. and Mir,. Max
I; IExrss._105CiG . lEs.-- lOz5inly.i eontli w toallowtii theus ')1 tkn by special prtuissioli. Further Hecinrichi song recital at Untiversily
0. ~ ~ G It. rxrs .11 037 ,iO ts 1
t,. ty ItinoacK 11. NV.. HAVES, IOn trt and of flei floor f rtto II liartienlarSsiay bs otined'irCoo the hail.
,. Y. &iT. Agt., Chicago. A~gt~ Ann Attos. p n tcy(ll.(ua tl ititlueor Fri., Felb. 32. -t'atiingta Iis Iirtlt
bt J~n~~ttitii il~ OHN it. FINEI. 1a: i. slay execises, undler t iusit-iess ats
TI., A. A. & N. M~i .RY fIs- ee 111 liios lawNnt r te1 stusdents.
Taki effect SundayAg 1 1941.-- st tlrctt i i iant itig AD l A '1i . l IN IIISPttIIY. Fri., Feb. 22.. -Senitir lit. class Ora
x tiltnih :ii55 Arhsi hin. C andidates lli it -r i tt u i it torical contest.
petitI int Iina to a itti ortrg ptittoti bt itrcit itr at. Ieto 23.- Seetor lit class ill a
Pl1ts. in. 723a.n :akd tilii we t o 'rt :day nt 7: ri al. contest.
41b3 p. m. 110 . m.1sat., F elt. ". -Senior lit recteel.1011 at
'Trilts rnu etweensAsii At-hoe 11titil f li tic 4ti I-iis~ 'tl 1 icli it 3 iiisitl -;o 1. I% - .MiLA iI; 111.1 N . ! rs- Orsira al
! .ns dal;xetSna. Iii aiills tili ren fs Fri.. Alar. s -Final coitectt tceo u( a ,:
B.it llsalyx.t~nay IEE iil.itcftit niacstil1 1 e BUSINESS LOCALS. 1i-a-elii-t trisolru
w. II. BElNNtETT G. P. A. Toleidi U. niiltites semi ioii tile- ttniitg tiact k ia
R ! ,tl'.tn1; nd. pi itt liiiTh atiss : is , t~titlet ins-rtid iti thi,. coluitnt t t rate lN --____________________ fron
A NN ARBOR &J tl YPSILANILTI ST . ittiiiiisrtn. ift-sok ol centspier lite. Speciai -atos Ior lon;gee ft IIEtAletyfrnsd
______ getllf i-a ili-ti-alilil timani extit a. litics I iittisliii by applying sii o tots eiae ha
Time Table, October 7, 1894. IThat tildl Ir itoiti. SAlif ll th eiiii t Sl It. 19 Washingtotn s.
an 1ve.m Ypsilanti ,2rol:45 Cox0 ngrests st.. 9700.en ib d0 il-t. relort inlay. Catptain ShIis-ids ! I'ots-l-ts-ttitsiitiliining atbott 15t in 1 r-teu ansd Gtemain wonks lIus in
an ltt o; t:l2ltSt.08.(t a
10:30 p. a. .111h luttilier sitllt i ill tii-nlc liloly, sott ~assi atoundti ttii ittlpus alY sty5lie it the Ar-i tt todelre i
tease Ants Arbor Jlunctiioii 7:30,9:30: and l-ti-riis-- n-
21:36ts.to.; 1:13 .45,6:tO,713,9::i0:uit Ui tp.st. thini ae li tihI to isto ie (101i4 andsilit or htosev n it and Maynard or. Fintd- 1.5 to suit ihe timais.
SUNDAY TIMF. (lv hn nosquais, ('- ssill ret-i-is:- Itward biy ritlirling it Advertise 10 tin. Daily.
Lean-n Ypsilanti from Congne..-.. 1t435 it di lii to iiitlser. 3115s tO1 840t1F I), _______________________
5:0 :0adA:0pm. - - NOTICES. Tt-soo
Leaves Ann Arbor Junctiii -on 00t 400 :xrlmsn,
3:00 anid 9:30 p.mi. A COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT.
Cult mai o cit tie. in itige tip t I'IIE~l lii lsstio ii~iI. isis h~s 0!V:
casrno iytm.Fr:snl rp1 tCt.II[bosmd s odnwa h.A ents; round trip tickets 25. cens rmlx~ndr.(MNHY
Wm. 1. PARR S unn to . All ihso t tlsil1toit It !t lit nt glstilley.(O'H
iie1111 (1hllr 1-si2,-- A Suliita it o i h t a 011 iistiillet n d ili el s 13 x iit SERMONS OF REV. J. T, r .UNDERLARO.,
FLOWERS, FLOWERS 11,o~ f1rnhLtrtrat tn, ~ ~nlnIi,11a ,rn ~ eis 19-5
oe Ev-erytbing aed Evtryhody. slid li l11t 11120l 1 at "tott i i l c w~l i h I ni es ii ii rsiiy ss-riti-tl anduti u lli a
Lasps~ & MALL, lUriitsi 28N ovriy1. Gen dy e.:0 oded pn 4141x svu SEPT-The Soul'S Cry fbr;God.
1.priialttsi hour. (MIAND) 81ttRINGt3 ii'NtNi. OCT.-Jesus as Huanity's Ideal.
T1uj JOIIN It. 1-t F 'I I N I'R. of titto wisoli-no, Tuesday, Feb. 1It), at NOV.-Sectertauism: Its Evils,, Causes
PSYOOGY.I~) thile Coo hiottsie. 3t. 110se, of the (ol- ii and Cure.
5tttit its ivssitn li eosuilli th mi. den Eale~, Detrioit, will show all thos
Cliover Lea iig is ii rii i i si etii lit~-tgossial u DEC-"The True Cross of. Christ."
I- il tatti r-ssiis-N ifll spring ti-tir. Yotu are cordially in- IJ N a eu o?
IRolite , at i my re1. tu J. r II Al(1 IOI T ir1ts-to iiispebct this fine line of Hobby FEB.-"Loyalty to Convition."
ols andt string los'eltl S. YOU~ can
31FT11EMAfTICS2. o5CAYA GA. "" ".i edc itisw intl hoate thu goods delis- ,0. YEAR, 50, NUMBER.
mind~~~~h th Tleoi cti'C 51i11 i AlallInnitlies -is willi-eatyitpeaus fihisif Io lttOteinxsdtPt.
'Please keep in midte beo eas stted lit thi- almoiitl It esi c red astl yrs slis cre Th Atetit lf TBleaoisha .1. t~fc
S3t. Louis & Kansoas City Rt. it., icetilt '1 asollowes: st-ions 1 :111th II str pn ossilsty li-sh eal (let lety.
'lbe Clover .Leaf Rou~te, "Fast weill recitelo h t-.r Htall it1 roomt I: totpoile rcsAlsuet
W~est and Southwest loaves TiO TO R1eii113\111. ~ti ty e
Lin fr S. ous, o. anI ue I Markleiy iall s--lio i ' i apalthll
ledo Union Depot at 5 It. 10i x stioni still reie oilt101. lil i-is-li At leasant, large suite 0o1 rtoims wi lb
daily, arrives New Unioll Statioi a uuy s-x-epti fiinrsity 11titld~ul lt ait urc et ih nital.I'ii Tl-itI'TTt. '
(this largest in thte world). it. 1 hi u(lock ini room 17, ii5el-itt 11ill I $t 11 state st. P I ' A 1i
Lolis early next morning. I V.'s. I 3.tN#:. SfAMAP COLLECTIONS.
i t, liitvoioi-n'- (itist of hue «'e scant to buy 1121013 collections iT-
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR c iourxp h-i-is 2el' .
I eb li ad still paIy echt for the samel.o' 111
and liciga Cetra lies t U~tM\ 2D SMESER. recipt if price askedl is satitfactory. BE D D M AN'Q
anldoMcianCn. l Tte atrs IIIAN Gcrml Slics andCollectioias should he sent by re 7n-
Set bretallttdo onlits-it In te Itst aninotunce- ered Mail or express with letter nam-
Bufft Itcliing hai Car Sets Fee np ssill he givenia lh ereitore I he i g price tintder sepaslrate cover St'e' B-.Hro1,
and Vestihuled Sleeper.wtitit I class still meet lotitlays 1111 5 i-cditoend s ro allrclset ou- SPCA AE OSKO
ouit o"haute. days at It o eiol::in room llt .T lho soisihle parties.-
C. C. JEI NK1N S. shfy 1hall. N;' .. tAStEONCt & C(0
LAWI.IENCE .1 'litilIm. I-ala ti, M/00 I).t
t1 iit -hu etr 'r 'ewl -l suiiri ls ,. x.' l biii~ t t .1 3 1Ille 111 K ly V ~ O L(1
DIETAS 4 SCH.AW,I Z of rd Ilit seilote entuitledi "Aj.,\ ~ dn~etlcTl n21. .Il PDR (L OL01
untolary of theiHsttsorsy of Fienchli in roomi ;t- M_ ST E3L. ' -
,7.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O$mI~ .StiiEn. 111A5 balntgons IOe eNS
YADS M.' L.I.I",.hn hoe ,0
I .t, st an8d st styles of 1 'ostin' 11: . o__________________ ae 1ioe
nste cSwuins. FirsttisfItt and ii 5m fl nuu
411'k etlt it tean ,tiamAsaA .2 25x FO ALL. COLLEG' -EW
retairing ile~itlydone lia IS fI1.A
M0. MI. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. '4th ave. TW
MERCHANT TAILORING! T~ .o NlI. "1) J\r J [j{f
Cleanting, Pessnnd itelpaicingw (i
doie neatly ity'
A. cnHNoA,.rr.wrlb wlbedlvrratteyuromtermidrEXCELSIOR e LAUNDRY! ithe college year b'r only $1.25.
itsd Wor GiitIhuaranteed. Good, ca:llcd tor! ,' Tie enly nligh Oratd 1It eiii: on the
.tnd divehidt. A. F. C(O-tt T. I'res. M,. s U 13 S 0 R I B T "! AArkt rule ataRsm~be:'
ANN RBORr. " 1 llf - Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight;
AT A tY WORKS. Ofie Tilmes Blck atSoe'. NesSad ernent -Alignment;, Instatly
ST EM DEn WORK~ig :'es.d A al fie lcatatfitrNasSad Changeable Type.
01 yedf or at Pauil MyersTS tate st., N -wsstand - J. S. PEARL, Agent.

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