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February 19, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-19

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TfHE' U. 01,'N1. DtAILY.
JIr and I-ilo to loishi rati tiiittle
rcwYI~~R duce Prices ntodce
itse Coaly( leeyer t('ftdd11 ith.' rof irlf ssol's Ii' olloL c'
THE U, of M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, stlieis su hr iiil r Ulits -
itt-lre Times building N. 'S la t, otipitc i Th. "
ii ots, ,Y' } Ihi 'llloullll of i o.it In oti ii('.-, The, '95 B L.RC3 1t, 2195
ti'lr:I ii t. tiotil.a'e itor. cllslllis. "1111 thi I jot ell ;tract I~nt T h IY Victors t) _t~l i .rt vr
G. W.I Sutio , 1 w apl.. AsIstnl. ; 'slrir lii lllll1 iisl ls trnodclsi I lriigtio'ndeauty, a ~ It >1 1 'o -~
A. Wt. SI-'THet Lii r f. Assistllnt. ill I-tdit ill lihe n11loii ofi ii Silint ih 'tt . tih i ,c e j W ni ln h tC t
.1. A. Inus',5 Lii. . ,5liletlt Editor. 'IlO.Aiiixr il.1 Asstt ii a h o h e 1a d~ l lon u. bilt. Yo o ir ai I ct ipy
1 S.I'etn ilw r: nubn~sy vna er and h (: cus,1of5m11utbier vle, ,lol u 'itrl Is)I.l hen l >-T:t c iP.eS.-Teisnnclu oural Fiur eFne aPa
t7. W. Let-s , Lit '01, Assistlot itideli t lii. Th't ot' of ill' *1- i 1011 wont a nt Leather and Russet Shoes.
Associate Editors. 111 1 l ii' tll i ii-tl'I'ii ih b i O.
.t it 9iinti.Si. 11, A. 11 trace, Li .3 til il lll height l sile, isO fu it
F. L.'valts Lilt w')S . t.IlttinilcS1% o ts t I adLIt 96. i the5 isllI( . -l. di ,, o
Carrie V-Saithi.IAii '1 . It. 11,ltb to WnI' 'lbito . Al vliltopel<t h t cx
E. S. Bartlett it
itGtb !. nr 01 .ti am oluti 'N. thitl Sr gisliltĀ°( gs' as li t oilt or aionll (..2t; uttil- ttkkiiog. lean
Minnie Ai. Thiomaison, 1 iti A( hutt1Int. i"nti lii t Wito dui wiith it. cecnts isl rtol. ,ri-ure the~ Victor 'Th s pa e 1 @5 Yv d
The editors liii not htiild tttrtisrihs rerspoi i Forlexaleii whtlii is lte tri'il Patil talendalr. T i p c s r s r e
tiond eni, u 'urine in the h)Air. OVERMAN WHIEEL CO.orte rad pr,
dt'tot tohis d1tt~s7 1, t l not' iooa e tcit x, } t s n dit hl et ond.
Tt'ati tt lar('. Chtii-- t~ it lt11111W iltrltl~'1l~ H N R O A ill D N
-iho i 01 tillss ttoo ill- eler deposls bNsewl
, s itl ito its utrf"- io lllns?: eoo T m Irn '
Sanicetrn-s u Irtt l It. i'rt . i
ilescasett~~~~~~I i'i4pit Ao tnIly hiysiil iiidcts hi hittou Io hn; rt i
i'otitthu Ate, bttert Aritolt tiotii it-f 11t>1 itiottion tYled ingh illl udra
ittatlt lgito it tdl'isI 1t itl(01 ttt 501151'~l aiud fie. atd urni Edward Lhwin Popa. tie 15 ita1 TH AtN ARBiiOe SAVINSnBAN
Uu'tiirstits R ti x'ltlttttttit Ictil it I t i nt fig ile tlttliltko I lls hi nt' f Autnt s FRT A SS M C SO TAILORING SttentlR(cretioi ead
Wililr th etrustic EVMRBT O1. SK Street
gt f it si ulS t li 'A l.' lil ottI si i lt 10~h uisir st udent ' 1itci t 1111 rie unIteO~er13x1ifI,
Ortt tthiisit State ii ti( tit Itp Its hits l (silt t/ttisiuti TEt C i
t WA in April o8n thai th fotnnb
itoptid atliA' c tiit ra t t F ii tdo1 ti'' . ..i dtati"~ lt or eu of> the Amria Reviewt ofistlil Reviews
" Sttutrh ta tilt'd Dhiib'.s Drft , he oli oeraaie in diit to ts snbrlatrg. I
lit eI ip iwith loti atiu d -hllttiftori o f t I i nl flL UIU deentt laie' n d ell. j ide s'ntifiati n o. ir~yd, England(s ltooglir :i E tsaga ACne RitseFIsvas ntts-fa at all la ts 5 1.:(
tr his lltilttiu ind Ow ' 1ei t(i't 1 "ftiitut' cont uot i te . 6N.teiA - I Haria Vpcn of thh Engis ediion ilt dei ms areysvt
itutit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cahir i. tu. Fritz't Ar~s A~l ifsu mrcn ao Catsheited it- Cc ago inepndnc, in5 its as ow Atie.,
with ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~eiw fltIll, id'Juh:vn ctpxdkr5oiyivlrsa~n a. moily tl inLK ttrat an
111 tti so iltyn 3'thh5 titt'sti it le 1., 3 beforeneu dreme of.s whouind ofl reaer who ofe their~ap co medaioe
tu ge~ei ams n Th wosa ht clte ReviewSstsrant
wla smai and i irowd'dlitiU t-t-Sjxl o Iaav e ut tcd h' Songs, an Pnig them. o ' exc iw.t-t sJioed kno abutpliiciiet.
- ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Foh ~oiuE twe I'u-tsoiloo t urAe., beorinc Arltnd oIlpogess Th e ost 1 influeti ile an women
wasttti' byrap "i .uit-iii t stti h oiti of Gr is. tilthe lyric at u r e toflti lt'ir and Cit of reda ll r pn haearel htnlfml a fgclt oeis
Ili.the h ll.tli aw int ofi 1tttits 1.1- - stoiya andnpern buins hanen, suc ist_ simply -otn tt, W -intn
ition.' againstt t he.~ iistitil its it r , c eGE, Sin Gecs. oft ioefag ndis Eable Thewide Parens. se N'. -,rk r en 4 Trno
551 t gis h - 111, 'liii'itu ra tiutioi n ie'i of mmon s':.SoIiu Ki sta of Dsr Fsoooiles aRa (3 Besde the" sptcii teiee ct
let et-sitti's si til ahiiutit a td ']it thse rog0.nt0 stedIoul."dtsJRT LS UTMTALRN;SuensRceto Heavyda-r 5
wastepoiiio rn agn t-iteshol iott Goit. $1.00 h'.1(_g I t sCores of tate nedity w ilerlin 01'. Ittrsncis0 iteihl uar eusu s
01111cei tilllt' ])(lot]' Th Xis i 111 r UL(O GI Ls h Al thi eplan chye Revie - t e -Nst. wnien a S tr hst
tral fltl.in ol n + b tso , "Iltly iihc tiCt ti ithe t iti iti- I eiw a o etoapoal t
Heav aor i.00 v -. r . ~ of .tr {xsdc o 8 t - nteettnntu~ itTt
in arso invlubl than over.n sis1t~n-ted ensoytstilt i-rl. T es 'hsnd iwl l "
-tgt willt be, m~re bet olip~ useetgt 'eon lan lnift1ta d on lc td
itihe l-lat mn l ti.it i5t'l il t ! Aeline 5re re-t ptrntsm aestd werti n liS
Ilt alltt ceedttt fot. give hiatll ennaiini cen nltts 1ftu vnn. i- (I x',i 'ir nesad ha ity W E j w r
D~t 1uy to oast, to pay.tp Ind "soetnauins rttagttit-uuhttvt-eI
lithi pari tti- nt rol Ih ttit swu t atu i Cns ..billsp~n onf th t Ame 5', teie o a e iew 1 wais
toths saresit iattus ittit -t~tluu o --lls 1- 11ii1111 pris. tted% h nw idaofgvigthu tvi utat nave in
tuult r aittu itos hito tilt 1150 it lIi-O I E D T ON ~ V.1 3Aso inal Nrew , or k ae reined str,astit adut aken

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