At the Grand! Opera House. BUSINESS LOCALS. N --_.OTICES_.
.,.I slit cests per lie. specal r ates Ior oser l ilt-s ttt1sllin g booths attit lei,'hsll
Pimep Table (Revised) Nov.tsoiSTour Paly I" rill is tGarry (110511. Yr-1 tinie.asd extra 1lines tis hbeilby applyiiip to b(, givt-n tothe (lyill sui Fr 1eli. 1.
EAii odIS.- - 3 to SI liii 5yt'littrt he alt'iioit. t 'F l tt he SPEI 'tltic . Ntltt.Isjl itrto -.1
N. 1. Spcri-i _--I.. 13 N. Y. Serial _-- .30p llso eras woo P in t :111(sit evlotty Youi lilt' ortliotly incitedt to 111alltl Iali'
tF;i sitin x --- 10125 N. S. rt~ie d._ 1ok 1u t 13trol t llI(<P i11Iol('
G.I.Es toes -_11i 053 (li. Nt. [,x --0 511;al -01 el" is a5 .7011 ---tedy- godts exhiitedlnt ty _Ir. A. L. Itio'eP) iite iiiioflili1rh 7Itl
G.Strs itR. itt i-t---t---tt-t lt5tl5;ll tl.vlthe Gldetnit agle, of hictrot l MO-lu.beho ert' soonu. Applicaitions olloillit Is
o AV .N.A YE, Irl't f lTo 1402niin sl . '111 iiioliii(o tti Ii o.' li -trs > - ' ).
ititly. -:i
It atii 5iliteffe ttPsilillliititidyli. h-,O89. 11' tt it 1 Itt' aIll- s I lii' it"stinlg (51,'ll tIl lol-. I 11 1i t t. esr ooue li la
Fo ii os boi ii c<11 t IItiV"01t.11tt'os Ii
TAN laBORain&AboPSnnLA ntalStairY'l" II il t li-s li2:i)(1, ii It-idtlto i gs tt'i -i tsstt l li~i-li t ot .5 1 lititt Illt ' li l shou ld ig tiltulti1
._1_")1_also1_ '-i-isu itr e i ds o 11. - goSa tsoo - se cl. h abil1na es t heil lt ttjecli-ti thi o rt ioiii
t itt tltOO a. st;, tt,01, ttt.5:3,1110 iil
tt o o it . n . '
T i1lsunbtt~eil]Aol11T)eoa75om.<1:11he - -- -- -- -- -- -- stii,lull E.-.orettoiie 111ty 1 bt' 51110vesrit'c1i- >ail sai lclano nk
Clover Leaf
Itt-stil, tered mloOPr tirss Nstlt r n' 1511- . till tt stP111 ptt -l-lIli
ill I. lieit. I1,11. riii iiV t - s end supeior7 approval slwt s to& I ll., bi'le.ggil cfm li " tlnt
______e_.IG.-___ c _ T-1111_-e__ Itit' l t is.i512iidi1111 li
I N E .-OL ECAT - liy'isIte ltof-.St Iistrili Pl r 111. oll n il u
NOtihiCnE.. :. sii- . J 1 -1 'Lurr'
hal on5 the1 oil loII- tli.boks-iqueslig itto. II- le edgles, 'I. IL VVI1tII I U I
_ e cst ad- .i .g m e iu !t l* , Su s ri e o tI
A."Please keep in unitid the iToledoi
St. Louis & Kansos City R-. It.,
'lie Clover Leaf Rosute, "Fast
Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the
West and Southwest leaves To-j
ledo Union Depot at 5 p. 113.j
daoily, srrives Ness Unioii Station
(the largest in the wvorld), St.
Louis early next moriig.
iud Mlieltigaut Cettral lines ot
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free
aud Vestibuled Sleepers wvithu-
llslit t-i-u siiialuited t'I( iilt-. N. Sais st.
Stoebt'rsl '111hey11ar e ili oes.
- -Il i)t-
lin tltti tsa. 1s
Pl-ut ills iiaiiCil
inill I t t ~ itli s tMlt' .5.trip,1to lFlorida, just tiowlt 510111
le <i t1 'aIst. Ifoy}lit. be one('futP le o!ot plea'atit hings -5.011-
Ol )_of life. It putty of 15St(-ill tue so-] SAN FRANCISCO.
catretd Messrs Creenissoou.& GilmnoreNss teisodCaiurlatshig
(f w~~~~~siltltruotuge Per 133dasbi-trip itn their ewTxsadClfri~eht
I13 huin tnovtitint ter- privtlca-tr. $301t w till C Ltllpy' sntire (oltn
15 it I'ittittlIijust cost of joturney iulltililig tumetls, bet-thus,
1(rhy 1 (crl n rnprati onutb-no o THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS.
tycnteb. '(thu is datti as tutl in o1111
n11uhitliiu ~ uamei. Iti iailgrliteit aifhewl- aily tiilitt
C. 0. wJENKINS, iiilhI'Prof.i' ild'
reeiirlPassenger Agt., Toledo, O.) biith' iltisI ott1
DIETA~.S & StiCs uH1tt-shltuuus Iii Ii'uuus Hits'e 111; 1 ll lit lu- ?Ill f'1 :o.h a I.ts ayt' Is ioi
aboutM TIL~. it-, l i tti""o Ilouu iIi 1i ltly'ICHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS.
Litst indobest stylies ott oreign andtoDo-1iaLtle oc.D lvrTx knPt-
aistit Woolenus. Iist class fit a irl Sass I 'eOL EGstine, AusntondSanu Antoioiu. l1aseuers
ii pains,u iirriily donie. [ flRI IV(at Iltotuius950 a. ii. nest. day),arriving
48 S. Sinte sat.Seconnd;loor, Ann Arbor. _______________________0I U attHot Spri~igsat 11:t0a. m it. hous b (u Iii-
qicknest thiohsepinestciilin he tetweeva
22 Yearn un the Businen..-"'MS.- Chicagoanduit httitsnu. Alsoidaily fhne ot
- r 'ourst l eepers, leaviingig on uu lnic
CITY LAUNDRY, tri,______t. 'a racso i o
.C M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. IT ]\/[ Jor J X, Ii titut ets anOd11fu Sll lininatioiun
Cleanin, Pressing and Repairing LYII I i~ J. H.GRE J. HALDERMANf,
done neatly by Stielligaui lass. Agt. Trtviss.A-
AUG. SCHOENEWALD, 26-E. Waehingons
will be delivered at the your room the remainder of I --s-
EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! the. college year for only $Ttlah111.50:.t Iatit.tttlu
20 EAST p1URtON 'TSE. t F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh,
TRETi yod Week SGuaranteed. 13ods ratted foerICen. Paso. Apt. has.-& Tickiet A t.
lilid delivered. A. F., COVERT, Prop.
C N ToAI 7thi ave. onto Sm 30175-Midison s1.,.
AHN ARBORS G~ajUa- 'N O W fieldsi., Pittsburg, Pa. 'te ,Po
STEAM DYE WORKS. HlIRSPl'ODIiT- Dr. F. lI. Suri, formderly
0 with tie. N. Ken es. of-B8oston is a
Lad'e' ad G CnsotitsingClene °men DieyOfiDaily at Stofailet's StandStnd th pstffie uithe. WrpoeorisernyeboinsiIgroingNals Wn-rl,, dfocuoieso
W. oUrDydAN O or at Paul Myers. State St. r News Stand h eePucesuj rae. . io :%