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January 22, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-22

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J4+ f 41 HNTI f Comnmuncations. -- 0 ola W eather!1
N U ii 1-( H o Irth ot 'AU itVVV0-1
l t tittitti tDaiti.(Sundaysa--- -%XkXed, iii iii I
Ni-a l ii l iS tota /0 0 to whta a t it tail ii ot iHtto .1rut- R ap oraliiit
THE U Of M. IHDPHDENT ASSOCAION u . tis 111 ihit to la -w1nAN Itu'r3
(FIC E 'im-~ ae-stbtling . Mtin t -,-oppitoit
pali, ioffi. it <101 liiof t l t tottim iitf f liii- I u Rlb r
(ton mad b(,ltta.tii theapic of theD IY l tdn t s n tw t i wuti
it- i-i t tiiuiit-atit- ii N it -tititi i 'Ot'htateitt ititttlit VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS IJ C B zA.~ \1. i
i,1tf]. L t.sae tn. stc' o it i itii i\t1iii'icy cH 1,- i i lI t"
o ftteiato, oSathoe d ct-rt. T ,i uttt -itittit to tgycfi ti. iiit Iclt tii iti A ii
tCcmunitctiossoulai iicht-ti eiitititi iby (ititt stii tO it 0 io tttet iotst iof tn. Tte o'ty tIt iriiiiiite _____________________________
y. i-Additit. i.ithtiey ai-i ii tci aartheii it . a-it :(t- po tion)wuldbeitaot'co a icc iitl tsitiacd e a ceed o 7 drs l t~e tedAlb ihf eaeasrdb l i clphu-in oil 1 Pitt' 1)1iAtI'ttt ti010
itttiot. tbo T il niiiit I : e ,iAll f Iaipcs t eltti lt sf ~ oni:th aingci couraIubyoi i3t ,icalp ats ,i i NECtt I GH~iT \.iNLY .
o iii cii tin atiho uldb tt o tlui t act- tht it(, tot. ts aiii t tt tei fwe I d ii Tnisit131ONENI HT ONL
nes larlgr.- I-to Ot-, ~ibu ;o ws otbls WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, '95
THE U. OF M .DAILY, tutu1 titus ioi b- ittit. itiit tt f( that titheulia-titan dtiuity. atuucitii
AAi r, ititit ititit tttttiii tittot o t-.al Ietiitiii ,ii BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS Ric e's Surri se Party,
EDITORS. tti tjttitii t tt-itt '1 niis Party,
ii /t Atnn ii. iC. agin t or. itat 1( tti t i ty 0 I(iwiit--- it OVERMAN WHEEL 0O. l i t uthe i0ci iti(-ti aot iii ia
i. i. ti iit awin, L iioOHA sisut 1 4 9 2
I. Acotic., Lt . I, tltica EH it-r. N' to It , (ldeig n, 1 I it i* tty ii iitic t i iitco
.1.S.PE ncitY .'5 uiesAaae. - - - reari"atuiici, ICh icg e, Iiiowr t y .h it- cIwsta of itttntita i. troi--
SIT ERciiARYii~. iA IV~ .. itiuti tc ii -tttjiti ii it- E EET. i FIAn( esK,&P o.rtlandH ~ G-A T iM
P iadtti ittttl a utI ,iia n"'tici- i Ediin- iiiittoro l(laut uu i to ttu otittIr n.r ua te s
cibtaantii-Hiililitttt- ttiiinii-iicttc'ita-i-o
11tic iti , tipauii-i-itt- oiwi ticooriItx. I~lH K It iN. Ma in ltitit. r'
w ish ti i ottttt H i---i ii i - to c l hi-u- tt n i n fitb ln ic i ii ic te ta tiy iti y i-
rttand tt-a tiPa oiaiThmpon9i - . tl fiewBotc, Cerg, I'ciigiii ) H A I I .
Fiii el9.nttoi~' o tb( iouitttic iiiof ithetlNan ERoT-, LTs A.gi-ISK TeteCO. IfIU ILIIL1 ii
-anihg hu it-oy t t u i o-i-ti '9iittil aiP o n tiio it.r . iit e t t ii i-dtt i ou-u-
The atitortsiido no inold tb(m i c eu-u i s ut ]on - ttiuuiiucltie iii-.aesue ytec Stuofeits Rprodu tion or eyait
Etu1ucicitit nt t-titti itttndt iit Astithlt vlesoteoosme-mWer-tIig bu
tiblftcu i agea it si stuoie itiii IC i't. taiiiciii lacititi- iiie ii K T A nE S'A NCIn E tr lia, qualr te-f /
iii--nt c ,iotia hlr ty Atiutitto fi i nghe(onit uitititi~1ti oawIiiaoailibcsulaotiu.fiselaslie TEaH CA O R CODeI'
itt-too iiiotiiiiu caditatlotiont orc Icl D1>i s uS(htiC.o rorsst ERwitOutLit. PThee reOAlNer
toiii tistiudeit ait lrtc i ppes pssily ansgood, itnoebttr4n
* cty uuiu.itSxLvSognoejsliet.I print ~s adtherelrynely al
,sOe tuitsatttatofttuuCiitihett ii 1t1 t 1 s ityu r vaut ossi ble cat I-T e ot ouith Ae ,.wor ylcl-t ien ( ie .g O i cea ytiee ( tE for-every (lay, h ul ''(ti" i e'? it(1Sat t. iy h u.:S oI a It : a dit
)cot's'. but, t hut s olytisino eeasnOtit us in fle ii194 n
Tttettbu if mor Cta l",ti r c ciutt u- ouIN]tet H ey Pap e l7moen at .C W T S
cised iandrprints itoin thetshortest1'possibleSspace.EYou
tiio (,ewesit iitot-c cit-t- ' ol 5n G 5." af., or estn 1Tl oWsdgm,.C A G T R E
i-tiittt i l abiutt uu C t uti Tia atoai uaie-tai iiinleaSatc. ot1oorIes icin een en p p rnd gie
tubtg-ttkiivatit.tt tit o'OLEESNSFR IL. s. Ieo Tnt w r-i o.tpet, c onsed,
ittil d cti be l tttctudiffi tu-tin i-eu- coli a ucc d c n o dto as n
- l1 wr el~hr fr'. A ongty t a ssesi h"i ted bto itei Tilen ons am l nisapr ot tha h
cI,) rem uai iiintge WIki andtlutini~ti
Itarhnt diayatthiiac ~l ltn )Sti h t G iit-ic iacfnte cia nattCt
tiPwiibig intngtit iti-tit tcen trstep edid ngtih-aniios Itiu-Unvrtys s: " h'C I A O E OR
imptit i byiIti ttleiit ish yinha c. tla iot ooms.''idotitetrtof pu om sateahengteieaialy jus
reo- e d itttheatinter l ice )ilb l otiba lu-etI II ae )in e t e ten d N o h n i n T s W r l
teatn)a)ieel actt: itt tintheH e t fcligtheon trro n of soldcyh e s a ewspeverywhetre, i t sb-
tn-Ito a that i il iIn to ~ u reolnrnshcriptliont ate.~ s rdbye cetbyof itpomatrs.nAreiss
ct ietitthatnacrtion tttici Itttil IRSALASC STOM TFAORINGlTe tC hconsRerDWe8are taling-stout
tutoc it tt reigarttoe ht- ening tt r l hr illcur otea m rc n ero oia ,d iy p p ro h
whilethe ) rit(I addu e somernerchea antategoandouWan'tltantin tesd a
leta t supprl lapost.olsentrancne. S N M S IC

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