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January 22, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-22

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Ijc II.iof

Al1. Wlail

Vol,. V. No. , ;t.



REV. REED STUART Wrinkle Out Today. ( Yale's Social Week. -
Sel eoeteUnity Club on lie'liirst Wrinikle for '95 is out1o- 'li1s is promlenade week a:Iii . NO GOOD STUDENT
the Literature and Life of the tlay-. 'Iit rtinhie usual inuinber of Yeterdaiy the senior stud soplhsoiore Tr'ys toitarlwithotut books.
Past and Present. short verses and jokes besides a very- teas wi re giveniintl lhe doors thrownvh Some People thlough try to use
'ro ero e 111v.ledSlantwell designted dlouble loge (-artoon. open to the "prom'" girls. loit' et' m 1tlsltll iOISt'ullints Withl little
ilo taly 'iib asti'st'iingWi. ~ Several new- eoirditors tireertore- ingslithe anua~l lroineotitle glee ant
ni arkatilytelgant:11a(1 finishied address. stinted, the best. stork lteintg sltiw-iby lbanjot(-Ili)roneeri was glut-tiafter WE 8o 1 Ihose Which H-ave Ton
Iiterspokee-i 011 ileiand tiellt e i. t j ari. tlt t tehitcoe1111 li ert enoyed.Tthtlsttllt t1 iities "'e J-e l t t kilnl.
-shouild hldi. l~aangtag'.It, -aidi, is a fTe full p111101'. lit))ii. 1 r eneSt ill w 1ill tilitint i li lithei juio rl-
ts tuudertftd thing. -itallitig it- es l - I gt iulirtg -u i ittis1i Sortutthitt tt uMiaintr I ttlt.. lt t
misson f te fiest tou~irs of tecued nd i ,t cr~c to he ull ar ory f te 2 reimen ('ltne it
ifcr li'-iittt g sttttt tl tili) 111 S)'id To ~s is i t cut as i-t tion lt'bar s. 'Iliti ist --a it
10.11 aedi. gssdfsee;sdailyllN\issas;is tirtdw"
ithitilt 'orts) isitta notit sl iit p ilap lg isttsot Laie' i itiri oi r - evlogliOfw-e ',ree lir thoI(-1110% oiligdi ie. sios es; 1i
E nail. clitain sltic alutoitsgoosopiis- tcousp sftheiheattitotalse, usuapl
.'' ut-t-tlitIiull oiartki.'.inte 11111 tioilccn'.te tt vio'u1slt itis. "leu d itr te d -itthuey t lith i c:til e ii Oodsa ss O s0I ptzttlii stt
it'.)' byoititW.tia'lpTti1 tI)taioathe drioudcois Ot.cs tobyrtaltt-
ith itory f til oldi , at kt 5 '. A 'ii' Slll, ituistofiuige11tt. oisit oCtlos1adse .°Y Pts
1 Muoltitheuxi l«ii' .ll eir t he:record firnmsaidinor pasie iflii;' f t ti t " I posibl tl C omit1 c os. gy t
o ry f tri tips.sogrotalnuss Alit-isqustl'ition i"Wh oiit titist iis'i-ssirip- il yo tdutoy egu'e oi iert'ti T EYS C O O A E
ttiigtt;lii of ru-ad it l' iti. lii) i t s b e ts w ih t e u l(I i to p as ittllot 1't1t1gttfc its t l f t .l st he EADNG JCHO L U IE SSan HO T
'-aitiiihes IAND. Miasgnificet.nlt.-uildin4gS. tAteesT.rv
itisir sr s~t risloll titlis t~lt unioraCassdPary.;stgiodatdi'riplirne;itsuperuiortiwork; 1weli
t';irl s trl t'i d; si Aad t1-itt' esrtsi tn ttgt i lttard rtttiit att inn l~erly i ili '(tity- i i ii 1 supledreAgrtitic ailynl ts ura
fuloa f tl'ltu'uitltrutr- rti itma il uit teillal.iAmor li t'it in a byto altt ri o us iutt tass111£tutu r th nnu rcptos;opnth ntreyar x-
h ll n t h tr-fi'ues.tisensuy itl Iliu taktgiofii'iirtleisasti.'itt;' ttsscilities-fortpfatiygtsfuthutslit positiln
I oiu' iii~li' tistniili'ii ti t eatuedlstit're iithe igi', 0 1' '1. 1'. I iittd'Ilittil't no sthe deds a1 i ard nE W'om;2GALL.5 erYe '.nprvt
ilut ituttless sitert'liii'mak'; its(,oirtl- le if tisIaleiit 'tih'ui i iti t ugetoi si t amiie. heseOPraes ~rudoM IN bseTE
haa-iIndit ti'bwks tttlttiis th S . Cal t'uti .ilt utuf ii jttiuu Wlotlislo lie g'ettstudeni t . 1 oardig.tFtr'atalogua_ dres
isli'10 i te odss to Iw ttik .ofi's r , comesi- inss. ' ar, fli'tiu'ulu thueifar-iltchedl-ll it a u l Com u iti s. ti it
li' ouithy tit lftu uuunti lt th a tot i nsis ifeithes ae il. itteIfuts, ey ar'EolyHuggLItNEts oloi
slsit's ii'tlrai sri vedintr l slt-i lbt tooi. Stetls huui rittsthie iiW ilietfou itttkin give'rl. A (,r O N nY'Arb O OLATES
l'tfiitutiablyhutinurliof t hei nsr- dMcsdsrs. rvI' eSult'r I'.I) i'itin( s i, I ii ltudi ouu t-u ' i
uliami of in rilissutlt itstel ioes i(ruui Its1.t. aili. ' (e- ' (11111111i11'too ewtr-markthul uni -UT I I;'Ii>Te
"iltricetttti0 t jLtetofrve areaSo
t'lsitiraedto tntgroutnd. But theb honpe aI+

tsrI is it entlirely'comphlosedl of such
'otntouithiaero iple itsIHowuells hulls,
inito his stories.
Atndlthe lneul'sluiihutr. too, is ta powern-
ful factor initmotdertn lifet', isIi iiis-
itonsible butt is ofteti reatd unitsly'.
"There is 00oniore need of reading t uvo
ot' three utoiningt^ papers.titan of eating
two or three hreakfasts, anld it is just
Its foolish to readt everything there, is
int a paper istS o eat evokrytliltg then'
is on floe breakofast table."
nmt-a aim of literature is instruction.
It sltould be a corrector of judgments
and a broadener and deepener of syms-
piathies. 'Thec highest forms of litera-
ture open for us the gates of inspira-
tion. History and encyclopedic knowl-
edge mary suffice for us as mortals,
but as immortals we must htave Im-
inortal food.-
Subscribe for the Daily.

ti-otisselu'u'ctedutatint'estltuitis ltiti-
sont South'4. . 5.1Clatrk, otf Oiluvatii~,
tutu Ars. In. Warrn iiobtitu.
'Thuodaticingusill commitintewtatu' 8:.-S
'flit'hI 'liinehtiountorchestrai if 15
Nieces has li-i it etigagud. 'i'o 2thl
datnce' uill bhi' tw uo stelt "iitniors itt
'W rte o h cain ikt ae selling frapidly and t is i5 t'Xhsdtt
that inearly 11011couples will attendtu.
Beal's Lecture Postponed.
tin account of the htid veathe'r only
a f-ev persons wecre present at the In-
land League last night, aatd, for thuis
reason, It uwas decided to postpone Mir.
J. E. Beal's lecture on "The White
Czar's Realm" for one wveek.
Engineering Society Election.
The following officers of flue En-
gineering soiety were elec'ted at the
m(Athug Saturday night: J. H. Dye,
prepIdent; T. J. Hatsweli, vices presi-
dent; Mr. Streeter, secretary.

liie vacarttionis selis. I fee slut- thu y Ith citsy. E. VWasingtoni st. st dosur
Iluilt~d o lu'tust tt t'teisi uofillin stito .ats, Ann Arbor.
115''. 1 hatve yettoi the'tutheufirst hut _MAMM lT H PIPE SAE-Toalopnnofteshhe.Te
shrenn o he11111igIV~inoces JOLLY & CO 'S
us gt-tl''ally commended. sl('hrt'.t 1111
6SObUTSATE ST.sh ee Dontifail 10 come.t
ptarativetly fess (ould ltaladvantaige Hst and Coldtiunesurtas tAlt mesas.
Sof that. But not so ithlitth othesr
vacations. By consulting laist years N OQ W O Ni S A.. L..F
caendiur,sut' fintdItatuof thu ;2,56th)
students. 2,0128 are frtotut Mit'itg attt. ..R ,
tund ninie'tnths of thueste is o stinill


esitimate to muake itt the itetituser usho
go home for flue vtacationus. 'fhlen
there are nuany .troum ftarther' tuway
whto spiend flue Chrnistmat~s holidlays

OLO) ACE, Anfi Other Poems,

at home who could not 'afford to g;o
tho; distance for only otie' week. Cut FEDl) EERsoN BROOiKS.
out the spring vacation and we would
have a steady grind for live mnths. Ciomplete itt one volume. Hand
If this would not leedho increase ittomely hound in extra cloth.
the number of phtysical breakdowns, Price 1$1.00.. Postage pre-
paid to any part of

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