TrHE U. 01? M. l)AILY.-
of nicely perfaanedtilet sop for Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital BANK, 3,00.G M SLJI S
I~hlnn 0 Snr ,Su lg tock $00)
---ch---II sllsexTENeon hernialciiesoofh
F'Wtashtin_ ton H Ieaclqulartem the~i COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP, identification. Safety do oosit bore, to rent. . tcit~ apeln
OnES: (Christian lock, Pros.; W. D. ths
everythiing dStudent needs i eIf ALSO IHarrioman,).Vice-Pres.; Ch1as. E. Hso1- fUIiaim .ll 'l
)line of Test-Books, Stationery intl Colgate %- ()tac; .0Cop.Cashier; 11.:1 rtz, Asistnt Casher.
Al seilanoons Stock ini -eneral. tColgateo solerle Soapho;;( goods ar maiu IfacttrIe'd by the
XARTIN SHALLE ('olgate's Honey Soap,I
MARTIN SHALLER, olgat's Almond Meal Soap,1' coe STEAM LAUNDRY.CO. Oxverman Wheel Co., makerso(
NRE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, or 3caSoafr P.c aligh(lioss and Domerstic Finish. \Victor Cycles, whiclh is sufficient
-1 H Washingtori St.,0o0 block MUMMERY'S NEW DRUG STORE, .S EVSMngr taatea oterqaiy.
east of Main St. ('or. Fourth andl Washington st. E.SSRVSMngr1
13 SOUTH FOURTH AVENU1i.. We sell them for)1 less than whaL
- -REUBEN H. KEMPFM I+' tiCf yi aetopyfrifero
' rm tRotyal tConservatory,
1)0)Stuttgart, Germny, tanch ant inhng Itoom. No. IS N. 0goods. See them 1)efore vonm buy1.
- _ ~~~~Teacher of Piano, Organ and Mu1sicaL IutlAebtvenAlnf oe
.7-2 K 'Composition; also the Art of anty;t ('ltc(tuboiin"lo.. 1)0))n11a')'
. tdo Teaching. 0' eis rp.A STAucuio (hCYLE..EMPORIU,
Studo022 )0)Dvisi ) At,;ArAbor, Mch IMr. and Mrs. Edward fLewisflf IPropMs.IIP
ATTE ""rSNTION!T PLEAdSEB. i xxdlilt
1 NEWi COLLRM.R Are you ainnoyed by your 1.aip wicks cliltid? By your lanmps filling ('
_______ _____~ tiheihouiso with a sickeniing smoke and giving a light tile color of te I /Cp andtU own
moon wh11n1s00010thlroutghla simoked glass? If so, tise otir Bed Star Oil, and
GR.ANGEIRs thus troubles wilt vanisht. It gives a white lighlt, does n;tot ar the wick, FOR MEN ARD WOMEK.
~~~ oeiils no otdor, and wilt all bu;rn out of the lamp. R~ed Star Oil Sc per gal., ____
OF 'AT 8C OOMa:' A-.N _y_ and Clow'ns of thie highest quality
44 South Main Street. t Universities. Colleges and Scoollo
Atll <la-. ireeaa do th' per-o.cclisco'- thrtoughout the United States, at
tion otf Mr.oand M.11c. ti ranger. Private UN IVERSITY NOTES. Dr1. lcitig).l'))itrect,llttlc ls t11illlts- stirprisinigly low lances. Self ineac
cr1)s00:, o iteno n ( e f ei remnent forms, containing all no;'-
trec ril i h aer'-n~~ulequestedt. O55cc at tIA('Ac;;;em;y, groundtt \- . Il.O;ve. ')7 lit. Ian rreiltiil 0)) esary inistructibns tO secure per-
cor, 6 C dynard t. sin i;the last-,Il'0)1oft'it llIllutated feotly tdtting garments withiotut
_________________________________ I__ tis Mlie il)Detroit o c'cllt )of r iicih-t.a ;ts ea)a;;' .visiting thoe store, will to;'forwarded
FLAG PINS $,.50,S. ts.sto ut~le'bii tlO)lgiottiil '~se.tpoll request.
Yellow and Blue But- r1ho, jilor ta~tw till 1it i),, 1loi RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS
tono Ih~c. in C'))tstitltltl~nl l 1;aw' tis t';ack b oni0C l ead ingnx it vek 't 'ii t~lliiilr- it;dar a itha m drt
* With U. of M. or the hIstrutrlor hiN.difretwdry;a odrt
75.28th, Se. oin Stlty See.;5oil prices.
r year 75c.Aelard y tI' n.Iiversityu g;il ls 1s' ac. n
-AT--- 'Ttesday, Se. oilc Sedesit io a Strawbridge & Clothier
W'M'AR'NTTV .Tmrolv 0 lttl't~iit'l iy Mr. Utttl1. rn
M_ RNOD~6%.T0W18'. 4c~n'I~n1ticttt. ec r)nIlie la. =3rt xclt uselt;yCt
AOt05)it.r: .11 . tI., 'Ion e 'Pone ot
School of Dancing and Delsarte.
Satrda~y, 10a.m.,OGentlemn beginnersclaes.
Saturdava d4p. in., Lade beginnesclass.
truesday, 7:30 p.m., Bteginners Class (La;dies
and Gentlemen).
Private lesnns by appoin;tmen;t.
in thu latest styles at
ielian & Co.'s
University Booksellers.
in the city at
15c and 20c Per Pound.
Organized 1863.
Capital, $114,00.-Surplus andllProfits, $40,00.
Transacts a general bankisg business.
'aaelg n exchanges bought and sod. Furnsh
1iters of credlit.,
P. BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARICSON. Cashier.
Saturday II'ielttotl.
'['IaSttcratlic U nico is the name of
the inowsoctitetyI tatis teillg organi-
ott t I;his stlttit's ;fter 1aeshtort visit
It. Spauldinig, Ill9ltcotsa bei
on tilt'statff ofthi(e';g; N'aas, gas
-t Oli t. llttl',-'SUa l . Ok,'I . 1. +Fll t' t 11 tales
't'here Aviii i)« an inwortant ineetin-,
of the senior literary chl' s at -i li. Ill.
Wednesday to decide on niatt. I., c ".
ceriliiz!': c:ius 'llid R-Volviis anct to tal e
House in Amenmn..^
ta;ke titptosititon with t;t'l Cicago
Eninbeering sottety next Fridoy tilghl
010 "Thle Lauthat letWeyratielt Mthod
Quizintaster Hhegls rvquitto tile
writtenaquitzzes in Fixtuires atod Easy
ntents 10 be wrtilentin little, blt'eeotv-
crud examianationlolouks.
Atclpbi itall will he be oeeal vwitht
apprtlopriate ceretmonies next Saturday
ev'ening. Tue hlll iosituatedh iinnuio
N of thieimain building.
:fudge (Champllin suirpriseud sections
4a and 4b io Torts yesterday after-
ntoon by calling for their 0010 books
inmnediately after the lecture.
The rtumtor a;o0t inl thueoa' lecuhre
rono yesterday afternoon to tileefcIt
that thereovould bo another Black-
sfone exontination, wvas without
Therneoill bo a faculty concert
Thursday evening, Jon. 24, at 8
o'clock in Frieze Memorial hail. No
lecture wil ho delivered at tlhe School
of Music tomorrow.
Persons who enjoy the use of the
S. C. A. library are requested not to
sietnove magazines or papoe from
the room, as great Inconvenience Is
thereby occasioned.
S.Hi tand State sI.. cor-
11nl t~ctonilaI(;;ard o Iw las o ti er of 'William si., have a
Prt'sioet ltAn gelt. copete stock of
Theiex,1iiuahtittis o ,n oti)trs ill NVR1 T HU
shtop loraetiel' will itt'giact; itt rtomt'ttoftt
othe htngin.t'ring ttttilttitig ttt Ilt' New and Second Hand.
followoinugdatos: Icegilug, JtI;;
Note Booaol other Studen;to' Sapplie-<
t9 a. 11i.; ma;otottwok,;;. 21;t1 1 in~e Stationery. Sporting Goods, etc ,wii
at. Ill., and ir ont orkF'Ot. ). they otter at the iowest Prices.
AcX quiz ill Andrew'0's S~tehen 1
Iledin isiaole~ te u'xltacte,.~ Call and see us before purchasing.
ering pages froma;11.)t162. hiesittes SALIG
each; stethttw illtte rtuiretOcokilows'L111
thefite) u u~elittl tt ~tllltlt~t~ ' ' INTERCOLLEGIATE
f 1it t oIlct ii s tri sta~lt'.
Tracy MacGregor. SETR
Ittis lie test sweater maade and is s1ueri))r
'l'l'l~d lai'OGre avw11);';k,lsIl'oto any oth~er tonthe market. Mtade from th)e
fin;est and softest Australian wool. hood lktit,
' .C'. A. lootiSliorLtyil an; h td was0 tsed exclusilty loot Tear by nearly
to1 the conllogo football elevens. tIn awhite.
a -'mairkabloelan i aoc.git;' i ro' k y navy an;d biaci;. /+
irir'colarie~s of otre ottinter )t a: ittaly PRE.IC1E S .L$7.0O.
ta'e's. Severaul yeai's ago;; eS 'iiaias.~, SpaldingsIBasoeOBall;and Tenials Snupplies
are recogniz;ed leaders. Everythoing requisoit
nolinO d 111(1)0Itnis'ersily. 'A ituibo'efor the fames.
xvi,;wooenage ii ci~' Iul 0'11Wdt~d Spalding's Trade Mdark 0otlwhat3yo0 pur-
wli wa enage inelt I~is;.. 1 r'(r"obase to a guarantee that the goods 000 thi"
It tDettoit died, lietheu n ;;hi. o1 -bent.
and look: up the hlard wvorkling life of A. G. SPALDING & BROS.
a city m~issionary lamionl., '0tinit'
porantI friendless. XW ild, Wild, wX l d .
The Mac Gregor inissiuuot of0111(11l
ho has charge, is one oft hio tOprO- STUDENTS. TAKE NOTICE!
asentative city missions and ts doing
a grand work at Detroit. OUR WINIER AND FALL GOODS
The S. C. A. will give him a rocep- WeBl.nRdcin
tion Saturday evening at Newberry
hail ___________Fancy Suitinlgs and Trousers.
A plan for the foundation of a chasir Thpe goods roust go. Please call and
for the Study of Russian is being agi- see.
tated at Yale. 2--moat Washington Strobt.--Q