re,',jh was assuming the hiiest htoors of 1,OMAN LAW.\e 14
f tihi. Stalle. ilig this 1positiin with IStudeits intending to elctcte c laii he
__________ ile gleatest elfi n-y and1t1ereby be-' ts iurse in the "Latin Tets of the _____
i ' tati at Smlyse ttld eiitgItts-tIisg l~oman Law" (Latin 8'), are reuested It''tiotl
the thd ill naeg ear le - as a fi'winl'snwntliis-iitheuntr itogive theirinanmes as soon is sossi-1
theCni ~ yer, y ;I, Iforless xpn~n ofuu pri ile to Prof. Kielsey or myelf, so that A r"ctics
THE U1. 0f M 11D[PFODFK ASSOIATON ie. li- aoccupieis a )'lst favrahle tssi- a sufficit nunier of oos may e AI
earice:: 'rises lbanilig~ N. Blain t., aipsite tioii for futir' pr:sileitial rn. Ills securedt for te use of the class. Tue IN'
p eat111, uillisirrart l ~r. Isaikeil lby iat-ell arim of the course is to makeahse tu-bbei
dents familiar ith te history aii I
Saistcrptioialiie' 55515ctie 1t',Invar5iablly stickiid tlotilgfgi'itv'ier'ilctsl the stijet matter of the Roman Lawo
illadvance. Sisgi eetttes 51cIII s. Sseri-tpriloblimis itakesinilt tstit-lilrly htted su7ogv inavchlr o t 1~j)3 ~A LNAN
lions may te left at he ofie the trie i v, adt rehn ,vcblr fisJ C B LA
ait Stoffitt's, at Statest. iris stand, wt ti ny toi esltitnll such qutinsals iasrs' i- technical tems. W)hile attention willSHEDA R,
it the editors or autiorized sliitors. -olvd ini tie suibject ashilt-t Is los te directedt chiey to the ssbihjct isat-Washin tiolo ci Alls, Abr
l'ommunications should riachi the oie by te, opru wt ,iillbe .ie to sin-____________________
7ocokpni. if they sits' to tapplearithe net ihosen for his l'slre ionighttilt oprnt ivn WsiuinHir i nir
loletwdents who may so desire, to iiak ss ' j~p 'e f\ ) OER, OUE
say. Address all natte'Itntetndedi oeputii- S I.A. corse. Nitsmalstltdgroee li special studty of the Lstiniy of thre1H'CRN 0 :A11U"
atlan to ticeilanaigEdhitr. All titsiesa
cotmmunic'altisshaotttulldiesu ttiteitsi- ispira'tion tis recit-vil fritit0110ifIttstituttes of Gains :ati(of Jsstinian. ONE NIGHT ONLY
ess iMtnagter. silt-t distinionlho lis knoiwntto lhavei - e. . MEADEII. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23, '95.
THE U. OF M. DAILY, Icul ti'jsttti ' ited the u stitid tutuits f i-il- 'iiet.15GlortiusEentl
AnnssAtb, Micthi
EDITORS.-i a i'' ettstt ls ugit ts-i-DITSON MU.SIC. ;Rice's Surprise Party,
EDITORS. Sotn atill no ido tttub ' tsti t ybe ilisby tc Iiihlit i ri tE r raz
7. T. IAttttt Iv. ','liituing Idid . liii attn ithelst t'slurs- itt si o
I. ii. iAiiISn aw 6,st'(iAsisat
1. CLEtMiAN, Lit. '5, Asitttiittt"IniiattlI ism-s-vrssssiitti.A'isst ''Six Love Songs,''I 4 9 2
A. F'. tloxeiswiai t ii ii, Assistssc: t tis~ Ctssr stantiiisst Lmii' (si r o i .il init i ot it Wvl i
.1. A. Letoty, Lit. 51, AttleiieEditr.itf itt ittest lyics !its cu'siusitessmsicsslL 'sces oiyclcts el!tcct;ei i
. . .P15111., Isis'9,l nsiest MaitagerCo Innois sttiiitgs. Heavy Paper, 70 cents.
tsL~I Rm-Y. 51ittf6f'l 7I ES 1st irossaofI.i arqust-5.i, lsdlntss-i
honye , t lii:COLLEGE SONGS.' ea--usr (li Ox, I t sis sinsaly a.
arri. Smit '9tu i.t 1(7 t i s 1 ll of ii i tlit st ' is' ' ( I (tel' sadr o lletinHANOSTE Sng
FX S Bastrletti,'(i. tt5tct-ents Cloth, Gilt. $1.00 N G\1 TRE.1,E ash"
1-.i.Snetistl 0.I.I.tsssit, itrs. 'iis.only Iisrsssii"itl'i,'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." a ~ 0AF. r~n
'thei e dtitt: dlitostildtautilsioeles resoia-
sie for te opiinionsis ta tttmetlis-oitis-a- it".I. tin tiispr sen. stct 5. tit"'iOnly bot:is i l ie hi plstished. 'he' Students IR ecreation .Head-
P~nent, pperig r te lAr~v. iariter ofth fot itear , rpt-eSHeavy Paer, $100.qures
- fls' sa ht m '-t iit' t'I itNit.:tIN.Mailit Sttteit.
I c gsiritligtieplt' ictt-iiiiation sissit rr Nit sit'(illssIlst tt lis' ,tast R-OYAL COLLECION INSRUMNAL CtITAdMSI' W . - F U25
rates. tii erti l i c i I 'ttttlt litis v(rilly ositheititi e tt'i'ly'S 11 S 'sii'sal rsss itaity-ttilns ('s-ss hlit- ist airfs t he i FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING
art onsid ofihe yol i,,. I ncat SmeC~er 50cens.sorert sit Stsse atd tWillamssal.,
asidtin iredlyla'lt l sll stils os f thit i-tttststsii(s'itl lt- tyI 1 isoaii C ( Vlimnt.sietance
- slutnu. 'this is si lo i's's's' us- OLIVER ITSObUN C.,V tit h DltNisKent'tsisiof hBosit, nisia
lt''titit simtsply- I s'iltstsie t' fi-lc liii ite postofus i'etbuildtng. war~t Cornst, lusn-
ly istttttisii'i tsth(isl ti sity a d1 sil3lahig . ot-oI.tlotts, Ingrowing Nails, anttllsi diicul'tlies uf
- st'sr s' istso few' it ri'' t o's i n - 5-11 aiig ts5t~latt te Ciet sucseasslytreste. s9s. a. f105::3i
su~iitltll,'u-is's-sill lit-s tainsisitc helnl' my ;realt itnbsi tto gsc.ss1. iiDitsnt& lCo. N. y P. aO.f0ccclosed stlgoosys
t tesiits titit1i. Any ' si-lt-Ii'sp ect'til speks'a-s 'iss dstailfilqltI So'
val thusxwill howeve'tsr (is. ils it e malts' 1111 i 5boud ito lisets-i els
somet' ulsssu Iti f ti it tiiiis lt , Ill- -- tsh 't'li istl'i'cot'i elsts lve'~tfi.''"-
cu-i. lControu lus ul ihu t akIleifussi,
ofiichoosing caotnsh uss'snstifursrthesils-es'-Is Sso'hap fIs tnewspaper, whether it brn
'sileisli uttelts.'IIise ii bylssi-a t ie'yoiii'witlh isles'thls'opportuity tefstsrefl by the cost of its proftetion or by its
lsthn ushy goodst tsi'sls who tadiisnsts f spsil ~ giite rlmii.
he lotg t lluis t enttioIlls' i un'tIisilei' ) vltte to the consitsnrc;. We are taling faboutt
'iling toitalke part 1ini li-i-nst.'5. li.a n Aerican, metropolitain, daily paper o the'
tuthaen luuv' otsy itt showsituirg. he91 Eilis I1 flit . Dallsy:5first-class lute THE CHIC'AGO RECORD. It's s
ihuilit.ti' I'lsiy is oit (top simnionit hits tect'omiso i ti-sty1sillgei''''cleap and so goofd you cntt ff0)orl in, tiis fify
lthtititfit sch aelis xs. A phurtsslplubishi unoctush irsoastof progress to be wthot it. There flreGofhe
murii-til, sthlistaudtus-twho5511 tsuts' conce'irning tiii'salumni of theisi uahpapers JSbh as good, 1.t5on better, ad.s
Iffy iiuliitationtot r t he tiseiuisl~b is I lion's, ustihuly saltttttii l~sl-ItIt'ewp ssbl n it
Ardi tii t iththi' variiousltsi'stu's' olisiionl i it'111alur.' oejst lue it. It prints all the i-el neits O
uiigamtrities nl tese'sorities aret's' Wliluit. not useslvlssututsforthe thte iworlf-the news gait care for-every fay,
wiling in sll elts es ss,:ce('ht tlla tilt- Dl toiiissaltish sushi si 'it'tartnun atd prints it in the s/ort est possible space. ou
iut'shuipuotith-Slat'aere tliionteniuiss i itsihumlulms, scia'lly sthli s ulnbt- can refifiTHE CHICAGO RECORD anfidfly cfla's
far hotnos. Iis through Sl.t'0relim-ulvsily isnut rh sli all uusIT'f otssr' -Iorh too. It is ant independent paper fanflgives
inary inotngĀ§,lhl iy these so itl' l ivimungettituttes thanuminiiiotiher ittuus- all political news free fron the taint of party
that thu s'tlues i mshi'sntsuiu's'sasrs'iia ntiuinttthsen t
chosen, 1tui if )101-i1", ar~terili'ut idslo nlluls ntll -uumIr. !). ibias. JIt a iord-it's -a complete, codfensed,
csrof tusuitug sm,-ut1te7rs' atill hits'-clean, honest family newspaper, anit thas the
le i ulil-llty ue5.hLpe iins'utu if Ithe}- 11 ist''tl tavtd'l'tsl'it h largest morning crciilatiost ut Chicago or the
signiesfyt talisgi'yt'iurta-ill sutaC lisilt tit west -125,000 to 140,000 ft day.
E:'iuitrigio' suitrsy eveniniug. STo
society tatiers. tiilt'sto f debate tiill hit"RhsostledlProf. J. T. Hatfield of the "Northwesternt
IruetlyiOhtesi i u-"Iitatuieulutts of i'iuiphttyrs ito ignoiteUniversity sags 'lf H RsU IEC'ORD
ereatic party excetling Preidenitluethve'-asusocuationus utfetplloys atime ta ilhi conmes as near being the ideal daily jour-'
ltnd octcupiis a nore li'cttiiient-post- iniviaul wolittemi Dauly;' art' hreuit nal as we are for some time likely to find
tithIlanmioeulocailliauinJ'. Russll, o ittuiAtlilto theibetiteitrustsuottbothi paw-"on the@se mortal shtores."
iasssihustt , Ills casrer has bee'u' ties." Itrurvuteth til ltuve hut'lsi miii.,Sold by newsdealers everywhere, and sub-
oise of ifet-eccealsrng ) li' tiIes' shmut'ite.
sitering thefeld wof tilcs.(lead- A. '. e)iis5'iiIota, hasretnedulto -sriptions received by al postmasters. -Address
uatig 'withitie highest lhonomr;rut his hone at h""Itcani", I.. oii siettonfImt THE CHICAGO RECORD, 1 1 ,a!cdson-st. tu
Harard Itsonucd 111ait: ,W)i bfre - , sckne=ss,