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January 18, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-18

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~IjcttI o

A 'l. Wailn.

VOL. V. No. 76.



First Recital of the Frieze Memor-
ial Organ Last Evening.-
Small Crowd in
Thie otgan retital of last eveiiii,*
wvas a Intsical treat Which is as yt it
ltuxury to Ann Arbor titdiene, lutit
Bacth recials ought to take their plait'
:I it itt'Cssty. (ertaitily anyoie who
valtues anltall rutiutl etltur--would se-i
eune their establishtment s a perma-
tient thing. Thatt Prof. stttuey is cum-
inently itttt to makettsucurbia seres oi
great euatioualt altmwasdenc-
strated Jiy hasi evening's progran.
The rantge was ittertiolatot nt the
selections very representative. The
Mentlssottn snlata uws welt adapted
in bring ott the tpower anti possiili-
ties of the organ.tatd the Ltrgo of
hlandel siowetil its sweetness. Tiie
Lohengriti Vaaltsie was finely re-
iered andi grealy ejoyeld. Waner's
nnsic is most trly oi'('i'trtl anti a
_glat organ S the only sige instrt-
mnt that cttn do it JilstitS.
The trseletions troni the 1rinl
iwee pleasing anid t'lart(bristi. So
were the taian nulmbets. They bitg
ight antdairy. almost railitiII4 One
t Italy itself. Ateria was welt rep-
resented by IDudley Butck nl . IH
Paint. Theii'illdertolit of serosness
wshichirnt through theit was wtoly
Amierican, nit cotrastest strogly
withi the t-rent'lind Italin titsi.
The variations tnt "Te Star Sisa-
glect Banner'tutd one tnwritteti vri-
at1011 when the eletric power faild
in the midst of tei'nmber, lit it was
ionly tempoary.
Work at the Gym.
it is e"xpected that the tewaocskrs
for the gymnasium will be in tplace
before he expiration of another week.
D~r. IFitzgerald received word yestr-
(ay that 225 lockers would be: sippedi
from Indianapolis uring th first part
of net week and would arrive bty Slie
midde f theivwee. All o thi. ship
met has b aengagdby studets
and will be made ready for their se
immediately Tupon their arriva.
Dr. Fitzgerald is enthusiastic ovet
the inreaing iteret manifested it
thu gymaium by the members, and
in a recnt spechb to one of his classes
congratulated them upon their oppor-
tunities for pyscal culture and theit
readiss~ to pprecate them. Tin
regular training elasses now avrag
175 nmemsbems
The friends of Claude 1:. Sheldon
the senior law who became insant
recently, bele tht the insanity it
Only temporary as the attack so fat
is very similar t o nu he suffere
about two years ago.'

An Enjoyable Social.
'T'e senior social st Granger's sta-l
einy last evening as ta most pro-
tiotutcedistccessis tll who were there
ttgrt'ed. antint only the partiipatts,
"tbut the conmititeei'ilttrrtngemecnts is
wvel iete fully-sttisfied, wihc annot
tie stidi of every ctss social. It wis
fetred that thei'ctilit itt cdie itil
smalil aiitndancet'.butiStheewieec-ais
manixy at thei'sciali is the hatlliittitd
storetian ti ttutntredlticktosi-ct'e
ittd itthotis-l ltani tt oti sulttlic
T'he tprtiritmts wrtgsten tiltwith
the best of tatce lithe itusit- t-is tll
thttcould le idtsirtt, tandilevethSie
lemontitade it-is soteti got. h.'ie -ite-
tng began t ttabout It ntl coitiuecdt
tittiil 1 c'clock, 18 reultrs ad lfist'
extras costittingthlei progritim, witi
twso extra extras trownr in. t is io
be hoped that the clss wsill fotllowv til
the- txcllent beginnuing if htstmadtet.
Jeffersonian Preliminary.
-Jeeststtit htllIvaitits t-ell tilt-tilast
teveninig to heartilii'ytiuig ltgtl ligts
stitti aspiredt t -ieprtsnittftsociey
ett of deitate,lt'etxatittn tf tchuitch
propierty isas tcttnsiteedtini mtaniy
varying lightsiyte ineiitsit-tots
fotit spetkiing fitr taxatittitadi fist'
trots. Mhethemi.itiglt' adt Jtohnsstn
1ud bet-itseuedtais juges tatu tfte'
1 ldeliberttintg aotheist II itiutis re-
turned tot the bll. sileit' i'sof.
Mectei n tniotnceit ei'folowing ts,
the unaimtouss opintionsof te judges
ist fiteherank of lt'edebaters: 1St,
James V. Oxtoby, '415Itti; 2d . '.'.
-Crosby, 't16la iw; 3d, r:. . Iyker,16
-ltw; aitd 4th A. H. Coser, '93i lass.
Matny viery wtitty argumenuts ver
1alcltmt'l tins antd con andc taknitii
t tonjuitctioni with te prelimtintry tdt-
bati'f te Wetster society augts a
ves-ry hot inter-society deate.
Western Football Schedule.
Liawrence, as, a. 17.-(Specia to
rthe Daily.)-Thte schiedule of the West-
ern IntercollegiatetFootall associa-
I ien has been arranged f or net sea-
son. It is as follows.s Nov. 2ais-
- soori-Nebraska at Omaha, and Iowa
H ansas at Lawrence, ans.; No. 1,
e ia -a-Nebraska at Lincoln, Nb.,
eand Missouri-owa a-i ower City;
Thanksgiving day, Nov. 28, Iowa- Neb-
raska at Olaha, and Milssouri-Kan-
sas at Kansas City.
sProf. High will lecture on lteoi-
rgin and growth of the Higl Court oh
IChancery to the senior laws at 4 p.
m, on Friday, an. 1.

Influence of College Men.
'file Natoin publishers tnder "Notes"
soitte very iteresting figires siowing
te infelene uS college-trei tieit tn
thetir titme. These figures iase btiu't
ot tl Si'tifty-iree ilasstluitsetts "til-
tttorts" swhotst'n ts ttuaivetcently
b(-+,it pliet-tontin eiiidit'iii of tie' iotie
of te'hlutst-of reprtesetiative-s ihis-
"Ofitt'ese,' Morise, wihio gradtlilttt'ti aS
disscered' et. tour itereit istt-
bints, andtialt Hat-sat-tigradiute-Baitl-
The ots Eite-sitit.l~llrts tutu Ltwi
ell is-ere alstt Hartvtrdl grduatets;
LonigfellowsatutuIawitbrne grddiat-t
fruitsBoss-coit: yt-atttstdied tt'l SWi-
liamis; AWhittier tdilinotitgo t ecllg.
Of twouinttes, J.1.S. Copley anal w.
3. Iitt, SheltItter beongedto lar-
vtartd; atntcf tree lergymn, ('Stitit
tintg atndi Brouk-i gradultatd t Ittr-
vas-d, anti JontantitEdwart altte.
Arntg statestmen tueritckering, Johnt
andclS. Q. Adtmns, tDatne, Quitny, ~e -
anti 'W'ibstr of lDarttiouth. Andrlt-e'
tf Bowtiitit.fautH enry Wil snt. Te
litt-is retprsen-iteby itasns ;ats-
Store-andtlleniti. tllbut theSit:last.
wvhost' stlectiont ha~s itt-crititise'.
being IHarsvtrdialunti. fTte-Retl'iu-
tionry getterals, Knotx andtitintclni,
cli ntgo t colicge; tiltwhs-ugetetals
inthe Sl'Rebellion Dees-i-ndtBtrtl tiet,
swcnt o Harvardu. Oflt'eirefonmers,
Weticel Phillips wvts Moty's i-hss-
mte cat Ha~lrtrd, arrisotn ltad sit
grau'iastted tittBruit-t. lFromti Brown,
too, eatue liDt. S. G.SHoie in trutot'
of te btin. tIWiftel, tietarchitet-,
ant i Sicrce,lt'ttmathemticiant, se-tt
tit Harv-art; Agtsssiz ittttted tstertl
C'ontitucttal ui'rstiecs. I ustinhu
Bowdite it u' ihetnaigator adttnc titatm,
thi' settler of the Nortiret, hai to
Colle-geuf tucttio. IFivet-of tliii'ur-
gintal u'lonists---Winthirop, Ctrer, Ens-
udico,iBrtadford cid vai 'tn- -tim-c sp-
propriately retmetnbered; te first studc-
ieul at Trinity Collegu, Dublis,te
last at O~xford-tltrvard (ritsnot.
New Football League.
It is reprfect thatt a. mscemenetistonOt
foot amloig influential college gadui-
ates in New York to have a football
tongue fummed between Hiarvarc, Yale,
Princeton and te University of Penn-
sylvania. The proposal is that iarv-
ard should play Yae, Princeton play
She University of Pennsylvania, and
then he winners meet to decide tie
C intercollegiate championsip:-- Sars'.
ard Crimson.
Subscribe for the Daily.

Trys to learn withoutitooks.
Some people though try to use
musical instrtuments tith little
tr no tone.
We Say Buy Those Which Hae lon,
We sell that kitt.
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is~t a Ogni itbiliing; tntec rslag
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Complete in one volume. Band
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Price $1.00. Postage pre-
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