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January 18, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-18

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THE U. OFi m. DALy.
n } A te rndOpraHus. TXS-MEIC ADCAI(R~~ 1j jjG A 7L 111P"ha. totd riialcIiirlons 5suePaties oishing booths lt rse tbai
Time Table (Revised)'Nov.1 8 94 ' ~ ssoand it' history sice'('it hs tee(nito Ib;:given in the ytiyi iiiiuiii eb. Io 1 TILE WABASH RAILROAD
EAST WE. ints'rprtcd by 1,ies iurpris lParty Illst atipIY lay s ~ter thaoNe. 1. Iik connection with the St. Loui ..
)til acrdF'. 350. at - 8 a43 losbtcsiithat of i snintrrsislton F ', B, Ft.t'8)EF7AN, Secy.. Iron 'Mountain & : Sothen ailway..
N. Y. special .-- 5 I3 N. Y. seciat.-. -"730 . tre y'iscitnoil i e o toie eia&PcfcRiwy neeto
i-itr s 18259' N. S. imited..9025 (f ol '" yasCniuusy i s t
A. , 'acific Ex--12.15 fok ansi tssosysar'.snBsstoi. )osilt- The ivitationslii o thelia11111to Is' al A& Great Northern Rtailroad, ani
AttiEx__74r.. N. Eiprss__ 5 040 westrin E --.--2 12 lescmianiy of this'inhabitanits of this giviini till' (ymuinlsI hs i 1. 1t twil Southern Pacific Railway, known as
3. R. Fxpes __1 05 ;h i. Nt. Ero.. 10 25
5.L~ - .i70 ily 1hav01'tit CSooSed it and i ssll lt is'cn eh rsoon(11. Apllictiloiis shloldl Ieo' the Only True Southern Route" hIs,
48.00 sloll i'ts H. O. lHArES. islitly -xected'i Iltb heir (,i1t I m'adlile nolInrt han 1 Feb11 . 1. paced in serice tlrotgh irt class
ip4. 7 .&1.Agt.. hcago. A~t.. An Arbor. 'lint oill be so srog that t1he' l Cilt. I'. l1.9.5Ii". sleeping Car and tourist sleeping or
T ,A A. N X .EY. l' the trosill Ihrdly bt llags' ('Hillii ito Icrh el ta11112Pi louse., laving Chicago daily at 10:50 a. os.,
loh tho-'eIllsiingts whit .s- it.]A I. IStid'11t9sslho dsir to'tr tll'ora- via St. Louis to ILitlecRock, 7alvri,
Ia) iigeffect siiid y eg.1. 184
Tra10ins 11aeenArboron 1 tilS~ndI i ce11'. forimer'great ssu'cs'oes ''Allollls toital Cotst 'sholdleave lther (ot Strings), bAstin. Set Antni
ho lim. - 'and " vaosli iise"'al-'e. learly oult- mli ih 11'o itljctofltheir 0'ltillls Lreo (where a direct coiiietin is'
one~l. s7:15 s.
71 . '71 . in. ; trippedllIby tils prdullction. 'lh'or- 111111 1W clsss th111ey llrereentith11J.1.jlmade with through sleeping asror
'l2:25 p. a. 110a. i. 1g ilization iis lliidoubted'lly thy';lrgsi. II. Qslrles a)t l' lot I17 ous' ty Fel. te i t of'ei ).E asL y
41p m. 9:00 I. mte Cty o eic) IPao l
"raisil beieen tee Ochr:id Tledo '011 IIt'o. 11ie01 t trtbts vr1. fo Soudb add illby.Angeles and11San 1-Fracso. Tts i;
rains 10)l t ill topl'iillldltiiits10 lll il ~etlt' t hell. 1,11t1. I-the oly line frmilt Clica o wicsh Ciil
RY 111 l iiiiil 111'is i11sorl~y Friday, .1111. 1, atl-1Ill. il oonsii 0 °1i. basis 01'connecting lins or11 tilofdsoeyo hscutyb ou -Allctbriftebadneepce atrSo igtn- otr tes, ll
ANARBOR o& YPSILANTI SRY htrh mrail.1'))
Time Table, October 7, 1894. 19 111l '1111 l~llo 11Il o1'Iecl .1ritimilof ars, etc. or
1.1II 3pou~li emI lltise i. 700 910itrodution of 1111' most latoraic'I.1.I11.fl 1'\I ILIS.Prs. C.S t'2 N .(.1'& '..
and :(1 11 a1. s.; 12:45.2:15, 5:t005, 1,:00 andsid Oile i l ttlii i ns ]s lapplily btoeco ..b - 11I 1'hm o rs illb, i:oiilg l'l - .'5t. Louis, Ai'
10:0 1. In1
ie.eo-Anns Arbor .Junction11 30,97:110 ad1 akt ll il lllltlll ofIIandiitsiiih1um11r11togllles 19o 11n o til~e o h91111 a d. 1111 P. A.b. 'ALM l I, bsst. (. I. A,
SUNDSAY 'rI E. 01ever ll. Tht'l 11191' 0is Swee 1 (lt -;ld 11 nd 1e9.:ste. Slldcltts Itl'l1'ilg Ilo _ 201__ S.____ lark__________ Chicago______i____'_
I-1:sl-1 pilloti from Con~lgescSt. I, 1:3:1, ()i: -td :~ ~ .b et tta'n c ta w n w "s a ect o reac Clc td t o1- -
1Leave An Arbor 2l :II, t,2:18,4:o0:130(1 II 1111' 1111' Iile III'tie'5 and1 .11 1 illi l lltu c L i io:' 111111 19111 t1 T H E
W.Mi.11' l ii 911111 'lb haitliO~lllQuen Isablt la; I 1ro 11an.15. B..11. 11 .1 b(,LAND
FLOWY -ES F ES Vr to w , i 11 I andlll''The I 'tapi s ore Ex- I t-its 1, dee'(w1 it notei t)1 Send'111theii 1)
etd ly-iINovl t 1 l(IoeIIi tl )t - ~~~ iI119 IIIIi 111I HQT SPRIN'GS ARK
101 1verythin~g isnd Everybodty ill 19a1 I l 8:H1 ints 1111 l tI' ll:0 115t' tlO 1
COUSINS & HALL.1fii tlobne : Iis ic (1llt dpol llli il" lrIIo il: n.11'T1.tAL - 9.- 2.TEX A S,
The111112(1 o NiII:-meets.,1i9 so tars 11 ____L :OS .ANGEES
ta11il Ro 11ston. I Lialitt erI 1111 ' 11 l1'll'rs 1-111-g:-01g-_-
Ia ssleeucllsth . L.ilts.D
BUrlgiyaSNrESS hal A t l Fie Ilarn.11 1 - tll tlll in room ll- l T HE ABSAND RAN CMUINCO
5j'iaeiepu iinltl rleo ntctllt enclt Inlts111 Cliii atllU hell IINils I itt 11111C1l10111ia1,Sleep.nIll
lIP~eelsFrpe 11m.-IsSChoral rIsaso1111oclll n
NIti'llsiNrt-v o rk ladLOSSF'ltiti'CaLi nell.t11 1111
he C o e Lef otl, F A t 'he 5H'( t v1 Oxl~aI[ut t n. Fr I. iltli11ilI5'et 't 1 eTEXAS-=
line" for S . iss i., ili il Sc o-ntli tthol ritdC11of the 111, 1111 O711 111. 7 iclO91111IllCHC GO TO L RE O
andSSothwes leaveLSo- I-TH1E WAB-ASHlcANat 1RON11.OIUNTAIie 'rYst
edo Union Deepoit at .3 1) lld . leceistto 11111 slolun is ltilt rte tol l,'rooml'21- 11).l o lit.ie sd'.lil~l~i 'acee
Icily, toe ot Spinecs ipecialliratose foriic Illaecse
arrLo is N ovKa ns oiiCtation Colleanetn Tiesilllltlt.c -litby p rcg S l31it, Ta. llh i icrat o,]aitnloI-ur1:50d1a 0nsew IDalyin aeioif
Th lo er Leaf Rlouteg. iglFasthll(rilly, hlillol deb1 'tc- O~~I Icl-
:Lile"forSt Loisl Ican10011 S an t .i n qCICAGO T liOi L 5 E1-iicDOrheleocl
slid ni to buy s R31011..e-ti11s.Tan . ' 1)ra .e it I SitiatTEX S slfst and S outh w estllaves, lb -. . Ilchurch.t-12lIli:'liI 'fire n
Mitlae C ita i18 a as b'.l p 1.cash9 forht sL N (8- lerila c :Ino'' 11f1til Via811 Litt.le k .awetT xrkn l
Ledo . Union Dipoi/Ill>3111In. I 11111 toioln, 1iatd in L t 0.e utn adS n. no i eeg r
BuftR cinnIh i C r e t ree i pt i Y)pirt sked ittE. __ aeto--c I'S scll1 1~ lltsl~fiiillllll
(the lrgestin th world, ti11.,cb t l2. -ol(a lx 5 l t I J Ii. REN 95 r. ,dyarvn
C . to edo d m-t iSl ors ltxpre lss w ll. Il&tter iiSam- ) oil. : Sa . 7(11.1. 1 77si f an tlint S'till i a 11 .m Sxh ust w
L oui ser l y nestng r niso.l lrrie u e I lsop IliCtse . v Ii lhtlt i, Ch ; k t I z r 31 k s t ro g l e in a i e- e w e -
send u ri o rm. 112.35 ooiheetls lt r a ic. Ch5 ril~gI 1 I 111c i c ago12 nd 1011n1 ly ine11 5.'
CONN E IN TA & SH A N ZA BO tpoot bc pnetyuishlhll tclhlslepri -7l. 3'ltoiligslilsI..51'sl liil5 li F.H.uris tr a, P. E. f olbaugh,
andMihian Cetra ine lesati\I I s ys1:ttc \ct ell 31' (!(> lIt.. llJa i.21 '-PetlReedint a o r amllthroiulhel t.Litosr,l'i 'td.I
Ito n tsyesdfo.itgi od Duieti (Vroi-l wllltO 11. t-Slito (iisttiiiig 1111 cscal
ache Weeees 1 uC clam, it euidbetel 9
Buffeteclnatly rCr deee.e 1 IY 10\CHE>I! o 'lI."tcet od ulino -to
-5 Itlei.,Aeendlui'Ani~br.I~ "2)'Ch- iro'.Ian11'.Daity CRAND I AL tYPW IE
and Y esibuleth epsters wih A.til oordjst nN woul *I wiwi eswl,8 n t.e54iAiii
out ch.ngeAB. ,No4 N b4h ae on o te mitalesat his'tins o eNRY 'sREN o , ALERAN
oflfI f ry f SARE n b s . lE-"SI'. "Fe- busie. st" ~~lt5 A
CIG.J B K N , t11 AETT IIKRS 111111 t il& l 0Dieilnrl'l-
leal iP rssing AnRt e , irlsg ileg ii pufors 15elytui p iillthsi1,0 ,118TO RN T~s,-~-
dunernatayty cl ri i ue )ii0 wiiiiigay esli L'o scitya iod; Goerorehyt L
DIEG. cmo 8Lw.21.Js.anZeg c' stirtjhin y iS Rn lingleimi b slis d. 1 1 Bio s.,scodflor.a 1F.H.Trstam, P.E.Dobagh
EXCEL IOR +LAU DRY! theranspoton. NNiht nt 'o? ro t l e teast Edhalfr CQIs.At r_&Tce g
15cC 0tc'iee.nted5115etid fo se iis dateli h se1.1 i editc , o y u t p re a o r wh er s is r fied slcIittburiP.eiic ' t+.
1114teall estsyer oed. g11 nCY Tan55Do- am er. alloveglco-ats oathiLhLeaFI n Con.g . 1 rsrr- [i i~ ~g rd ~rie ,nt
woi-li. isiseordChlliing,-pressingnand -THlEasnilIie
_________________________j ._Advertise_ in - the pDeili. i (1 n'.
DYYas nt e usiness es j bele i Jsictlei" _- I _i - ~h~u.b ei"i~3. hngal~r~aetAigsin;-Iatu
dIeTY and ND RYehii nd cnMn 54htc eieRellseinilo rl'
m.ipeAOT o. .4h v. silin . 8. EARLgtht
20 EASHURO N ST REANN .AR OR ____ __ofthe__T__es

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