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January 12, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-12

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th( Daily to thel( esh 0f 1 city editor ALBERTO JONAS. Ol , W a h r
i:t~ ~ 11(1111)IOPO.tti;'101 is safe to stiff that Alr. 3Jona1s is
t'rthiishcti litly (Sundays estepled) iurnina io ltl tig1's1c's it
tetCollegie yiear, by tt'tf the m sit tist~itt'oty artists «
THlE O. OfM. INDEPENDENT ASSPIATION. to c~r itu(>r t'rhit ad n- lote teklt tl iAtitscticsal ao
()rFj,:: ine buldig . Min i.,ppoiteto tet'tjoytoelit 11ill(e.wrkthis isitat will take its Iplatce illthe
lostotice. hi is te feeling lof teintgi sill iuche Sit i Rter
ill advnse. Singlet's ties 1 ti. Subserip- telt's 1')'o. IToititle sucilinlilt rist in
lions miay helcit at tihe ttfil'eofthtil' iAILY, Ititmes. ottf otte tttitlst11151 tillCinstatiiIiJiott it ito tIN
(21 l(tti111iSpIt12inislat Stoiffet.'s, ati.State St. fnew Statnd, ivitht ony ly ilti~r'ttsillty ic(I ttf utan~sSHlOE IDEA~LERS,
cit te etditors or authizted Solicitors. tmtit lllt initittit,tt of Iit ' irt i;' NsvetWahingion B0115k. Ain Arboit'
C'onmunains shtottld reaect the otitee ty lttatlll sl i tebet ilo1111ittntt tei''er-__________________________
o'tclotck p. at. ifthtteyaIets'ottappear theet' itswl'. a11il histIly, tt'thepilt' itt lt,11_________
tdty. A ddi'etsailat t r inltentde'dtar pubtli-
raiontoiithe Stosagitin ttlr l wotsies strk itself. 't' IlDaily turge's 1 lire- Subscribe for theo Daily.
g diorttlsiin:sseo mnicaitionts Shottiutld th silt;(, tit'itt 0111i- foreti' alt l1111 11h ssishtlt no u se otic
THEs Uiltl4 . OF M. DAILY. Iitnake ltitf this line it' svork lialill victor Footballs

A. F'. tRocswrui.i.it. '96, Astsitttilt.
J1. A. ttoy, Lit. 9i6, Athlletic Editor.
J.. 0.,iEAiRi, Law '95 s. tiiness Atanalser.
IT. 5". Itt's'. I.111'96t, AssislAatt.
S Bd.Shiley, '9,i. - -----
iCarrie V. Smith. '9tt. Eit. IB. lnerisiti.'its.
Minnie Tilnnpsol,'97 I MEICL
10u. S. Bartlett, Lit '57
Altletopynmnst ttt'at. iteoffie b ltr8:30 a
in. itt the daofltpubilictaltin.

hi'eus!t tiaterial. 'Thll eIareIoit' enttl
fIalytsriti 12 it r t1.; g 'Iil.'' 'lit d itt ey al s itinifor'.to is:
ogle posltlllitandiitit ttele11,lt «yeit's
Choti(?>sttttt stthi i's titl Illt~ltO ' s - IIII IP C i'& ~~nI~~~
jswholwiir. It PsitionI s oil 111 boardlUULL~L R ASO
_ during;CtATIOar"aFOOTBALLS, cEACHp$4.
live and Own! 1" o suell hin. I18 <11,e 11ade of h ' t 1111e't i 111i e;1H'

for the Grand Opera
Series of 1894-95.
SEPT-The Soul's Cry for God.
iOCT-Jesus as Humanity's Ideal.

Theedtor d nt hldtSporties C"0g- GoodsDebte,;NOV.-Secterianism: Its Evils, Causes
sible tactilhe opinins at stltl'ntttlitt'lrres- I an Cue
tid tsap ritlletpil 1eIiY'Osi.fI Te'col11111 tf 1te lltelititi cy(lr-; Tennis Balls, Rackets, etc.an Cu .
'fi'- ih-t-tltittlits stel .itgtiN rtssi'l i'l_ . tts O''.M J ''Wl1 o, 50C, A YEAR, 5C. A NUMBERS
11115.omIttit oe th' tud'l ''o ii' at'tra ion1 hsent'tt OwIi,' '-New Yoirk, Chlca~;o, Denver. iFIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING
tutu OST lte'11lllcowlto te le.11 1 i' t to tly ' 111.1 settlt', till tppllic'tdill San J"'ant'lneo. l.os Sgelen. iPortland Ctrntereofus!Stagt' 'ntd rtta l ' Sts.,
Williaminst. entrane.'
ths ea n llte ite ;er lli I. ilb 1 rol1i- 'irlizdI x.T ere s Onily One Place!
bisg-t~stt sitltt'go tio-l I il1th 0 islJotilltiltti ) :; asb1 'tes' csted ttfMERCHANT TAILORS
ccis tt lihtelithoI llelit' tilttliconsl- tl'I tI'iljt.RhI I'FT (P11 ATULI I IP fDA D I A D

c"iation. it should lie enoligii to llrirl.;,
out ev(eI.A- studexlt: ill the Ullivorsity
Til(:111e 111V 110«' S(,V(11'ill vacnilc"lc's 2121
the Daily board which arcs to b", tilled I
by competition. Anyone ile"'iriII4 ;1
practical Imom-ledge of, '
could not: do bet.tel' t1wil try for ihe:r: r
Positions. Actual oxpeE ric'11(-o oil a
cone e daily bon is all the school=
of Journalism. A po"i'tion (1!'~11'(21 io
lclarn to write quickly and readily I
cannot do 11r4tor (11.111 it) Nvrit,- for n 1

Cxollege C% Sid"ongs o on

37 E. Washington Street, Corner of Fifth.
WAe ihndtle lotihiuto' btt Tltilor-Madlte (Garmsents perfect ill every
respect atnd flr u'petior'tPin style, mlakte, lit and f11ni1sh11tote ordinary
shop made goods sold ity tite readly-maile dealer. Comealenl see us.
W~e will showt you garmaents froma some1 of the finest tiloltrs iu the
coiuitry and1( for flat less money thain )'(utcould buity tile saws' qualities
of the ready-made diealer'.

ltewiihilhll'.. 'lIt" Dally is onlt1it11titt1t The New Harvard Song Book. A $25.00 Custom Made Suit ot' Overcoat fol'._
scalleenip~hltl tltwslptltc 1 anthi tAll tilt ini' HarardehSangs ot tilt' lost itfou A $30.00 Culstom Made Suit or Overcoat for.
hltl tlo ha'tttti tl111stf' tieyettes. 111111 sotnie ald favarites. 912pp. A $35.00 Custom Made Stut osr Overcoat for.
Ili- lg~io iui et~ l~I' Heavy Paper. $1.00. A $40.00 Customh Made Suit or Overcoat for.
is lsaly it ii t ~itlt lit, COLLEGE SONGS, 9 A 15.00 Cuastomn Made Suit or Overcoat for._
thet'e is t t hit If thl't'l't til t' - Icitanutti btly theilt s utpuliot:of ttNTShPANT
lcoea'legesaicN-' er publtishl'd. l()tyea! t ANTS.PANTS
110thiOJ', hit'hiisti ilt) ittits .1111rt ilta sold.
devlopen of111 nas fo nw . IHeavy Paper, 50 cents; cloths.ciit,, A $ 4.00 Cthstom A ade Pail of Pants tot
'Lhelt'rlheeislt If tiill' to , fie hl'S' $1.00. A. $ 5.00 Custtm Made Pail of Pants fol--
.ha hn oulicleuo1)1 "tii COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." A $ 0.00 Customl Made Pair of Pants for- - -
tuiogi'iuhuiu's auth tutetlllllihelhts ohIll A $ 8 .00 Custom Made Pair of Pants fotr- - _
s'orle tos1ye alt hit Iupteakisd t~atiii holpp..A $10.00 Custom Made Pair of Pants for --
itu ueuidiiig;If colly. eoct't'eiiilg o Heavy Paper, $i.00. A $12.010 Custtot Marie Pair'of Pants for-- ---
prooi ' 11ullt'c "itli iiiit,1"''i of"hetIi'3 __
llllati'..ltnytof (our t~'ictt'st hihpltI 'SSend One of These Volumes Home. M RC A TTAILORS M Ftr weie yilnworcA7v MISFIT CLU
their first triiling ill joornalsu'uon OLIVER DITSOCN CO., 37 F. Washington St., Corner of
the coltepe !liapet', auitt one otf t ilI' 453-463 VIahingtoxa t., Ilnsti.. -Openl every evening until 9 p. n., 'Satub
Daily's fuuruuler Itito"s weiit itirot 'Pfiriant C . TmTitel& ('it\N. 1'.

--- - --- -- -- --- 12. 50
---- -- - -- -- --- 15.01!
---- --- --- --- 17.00
--- - -- - ---- --- 20.00
--- --- --- --- -- 2.50
-- - - --- - -- -- 4.01)
--------------------------------------------------------- 5.011
-- -- - -- -- - - - - ti6 00
CFafth Ave.
irdays until 11 p. iii

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