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ALBERTO JONAS. , Alpha Nu Hall. New Degrees at Oxford NO GOOD STUDflENT
A Large Audience Greeted the rhe Alpha tia wi11 soon h~e ((oe Oxford's plan for regulatikng a IUUl-
Great Pianist in University Of the most pleasant hlls on telke uc~ed~ stdy and(1 rese(ach'iks il( r's to lern withot hooks0.
Hall Last Night. Sm epetog l OUe
______ (kfplts, room 3i, io thermakkkin ilhkg. slablishlkkekkf okrk)o knew dl e'k(5. Smepopethuh y t s
During tin' last two ,eks 11i'n1(1hl ahelor of lete rs and(1ahlo r Ok uiaisrmet ihltl
Air. Aberolobuts ahieved ia genn- orino tone.
nol trinkmphi last eveningO and proved amphiheatre. formeily used as a qiz scie(ce'(, whih Will take to' t kke(
cocuieyta eik en ktitle'dtto the('roomk, 1has beenkokkpl'tely rknovaed (fiithe bacelor of arts1and.hklderksl W'0 Ye ay vOq I ose Which Have one
position in ie rakkls of lie grea1tst 'liefloor ihas ibe"nkklevel'd te i' 1s- of whichlak~y ie canikkdiates1k kkfor msllalit-kn1
(lists ac'corde(dikikkk1Iby thekc'tics('of fok'mk kr'ekoe o'(' he.Il)' k0(ilk Iektd (f t' INof krts. (C'ndidtes fokte.ekI' elltht(knd
lEtrope(kekkkd Akkricka. It is a1ifilkttkthlie ('((0(k, gtkO jets1(putikin h(('e, 1klgr('( , if the(y lr' kot( I k( Ikloas f (a" "
task Ito give'ankkikstrkkkl'ktkt keitkal wis and ce'iinkg ikkkkisokkl('y paper'k'diart's((ust be' M(:'1 esof e gie)51 South Nain t.
withoutkny idkk' and1 none(00bult great and (1deorated akdthe lkchaklirs likt'((I eviden'kce'of ikt cod gkeneralI (t edmti((kk
pianisstcklkkh1(01(1hit' attentionk of nu ink poitionk. 'kkk'icts wil ie (((I okkknd of finess for i iwcial(1-Indyt _
aukkdiekc'e'thkrotughkokut ane'ntire ('(I k' Ilke'stkge (akdtinkatlk('isles;hi; 1(1' 1v11tikikk (ay bilku' ilpofiablkat (1A((( 1(1(1w~
inkg. The (elkthusikkskkof (ihe tirke)'nd-1nakrkandkkpicitkrs, Ivhihlkolonthe unk' kiv'siy. 'lies), IyIthekw(y,0
('(((c (l es'~l ktk 'kknek'o(f likea-( itrktl i akI Ikl tlI 'ik kr' ienticalk ith u l it.k'ukkliikat ikoks
,on thuk tfr) steadily increa(lsedl as5the (Ikeeti.andkthe lk l 1wil be complikete. of skei tts aktOtt M11y111d(Itt tOOk1 LE
'lening progrssed 1tle fika klkkmbr Thek('litlek'r'0(111at1 11k' noth ill1 ( Ire ' o 2tkk(k k ( 11 ,i
of lie 11r00rak lk usk';k reeivedi withkt 't10i ikkry 11'ktIk''fror for two years 1at leasts kekIuirkkd.(
ktmlkmktikots iapplaiuse. 'iie prograrknktiese'imkkprovemlekts hkasiprty been1kThe otlinek'(f ti lan (was 0.re11enkty isteLEAING SCHOOL OF BUINES dSHOfT'
wak, introduckket Sy a11ihe kttr'k'r'takrisedt ty subsriptionk, a'nd partly y adoptet 111 ovektionkkylyorek k'Of AND. Mgiicent buildig; tesn(teachers lg
on of thekS'humannlokatka 0(11, ((p. 2. 1 lpriaik'tiokn by' lie r(gnkts. olho 89 tO 21). Xl kkltk(let'(1 ilk0( 1111'upple ea~ odigrosm; dily lectures; Sturdy
'Ike variots lklkkl'kkei~ S were)'ackcordteSd kk'o'lie ocit5ltO('itkik. W'tek'kcarriek tth(111islan k 1androo52 tIo pk2-i7g Pedowekis prsivates
symptheic reatentby r. onas ( illgivetheOxfrd L A.to lenfai)s 'Ths rakesrdcdo (5o ~0bysl
sypkiktelekkk~k o ~..kka. Has Gone lr~ane. wl )11 II frSM. Ilk1(1(1 kg jo Ctalogke addess
'ilse Anntioseemdtok1I ar'ktksote of11k'! - uwhkkokowv not a.1ko(d0(11 (Ifle'rek.-N RCFRY. Pros.
_kmost iteres. T' lke ((0(111In( ' liar'ard'iDa'kly ;fkekwsl'H(fr T UNCHES1
wh'ikhic'ara''""'''' lk' .to'alarf(Ohio, 1011s ironounckked hl, a byk IOr. Geean
Glee tol 01andlkkOBanjo Cus. 0kk05k(((M1NE(of
makes ihikmkallktadmi'ableik'SI'11tk1111 Darli(g ytsterdatly. Air. 811eldo1ki5 ik i'll)'knnul con(c(1'er of it'e lie1(11ll '~NEYS C O OAE
player.t'"In tl't01k(fI'~Ikk k(1 li~kthe1(grou'pkokkklki ils kklI'k)111 (1 njomklulketbs will1 be ' ilkn ok ll-ire 1k ( sy kkCIV'EkA'
beks beginn~ing 0w1it 111 thdramakitial~ly (order' 11(0skr'esul'dfromko k1'(I51tudy I kniersiy Hall asit110 nft k'(k'lthIey T+ LES
coneilil mnorpreudean eningIleha ben Ahleicassciaion 1ron th tun-+ 48 S. STATE ST.
witih thke'"Heroic 1(i'o(111sci lk A.fla, to seul'I'aIlma(t(er's degee ad1 i(1( hlkte(f tiket lready 011o lde Iattnk- ________________________
Aill. .1onas5showed himnslf tooo' no (kdmiIsionkto tie lbakeilk Ohio.ltrsike t)kleo'wili bo';reater tllanlkver.o A Go to RANDALL Io'
less admnirable' 1( 1(n1inter'lrptretfer 0111gIls ''g(iI'fk'lkp'e111dalek g'fetatuktrkbeI'(fs11(11itkkl
C'hopin. Exquisitlyi'siaded phrasing M. Sielonsfattiker arrkk iike tank usua11Will 1(e' lntkouedin 11 o-( 1( A tistic Photos.
it veloity of totuc'hlwhi elk(lsired, tre aoe-Iki1s (ot bel'iee thatthillson's11iligt's conlcet, 15 ti to1r(11y 111Over___
((kndous pivotlen110less thlorolktgy at Ct'kkg~lktwl rl ent~l(tfo 'ornel is an(1ispirationk 1i 111 itselAfI.EBY
aoo1111( 'it(ekesonk takt ((1011111' mu 11ALLEse-
'onad.11( (Ire'k'Hurt in the Gymnasium. I
tion of 1110 sbtleties of ('iopin's tye i0((5s' Iaffetedl ilktill'same 1mann11eLARS OPERTING ~ROOM I STATE
('1)1al1to a tde l'Iaiiklkm, cha~rctertkizedtt It0(10titrek, 11(11rec'o'eed110fer al .1. IG. Htlitoia. '14 it, was 1evelyt5_____
he artists iplaySing of thils groupj. At lproio(111o'Irs. bttkIckla lgrosy 111rt1 t 1'the y 111p p
t1h0 coclusion of thils kdiiionof lie laud(e ShedtnkWillilbIe tken to(thelb'lasitlk 111isftrnoon. Wileik'pass-5'NO 15 WASINTON BLOCK,
programin l (1resplonse Ito ankeicorelhopitltoday0110'nd(11plac1ed and(" te in 1g olnt)of tilt)large handttblli,,110'e11a15 Ann Arbor, Mich..
whlichk would(ot Se delied it deliglt- inflellce of 11allkestleti(. It is ex- struIk til e(lck Itndltrl'101e5eIt ilk- _______________________
1(i S'renditionk (f Liszt's "t'.trlpaknkthi~" petedl that h ilk'li le'Ir a11((1sesibe. tromplit work 11y' lr. Filz- ED. A. CADIEUX.
11115given. Tile atudiencek'appkiered to (eeltif hlide 1sihe must01 (1011 lis (o'.0(01 Patrik 1( l)(k('lmeial sl~tudent ikres Latest Improved Barber Shop
enkter'into tile spirit of lie work 1and(1for 11110 yair. ekt relieedt i1111anl~l abItot hal nthe(1cty(115.FWasingont s t st (ool
anhu h a al:tolae o at olMinst.,AsnAbo.
nothin~g buttttl. JonaisO'e('trelke 1110(- Alha Nu Preliminary Debate. 111itl11'I(IIbitoloktl _______________________
(sty i reentedl anoter ('(nc0o'r 11'S'11011'. lH' ill probaly11o1111'(f1e1 MAMMOTH PIPE SALE
charminag littlt) Sit frortlk 111(1 8111 I'l- 'fie Apat (Nui preliinar'y 1delate iany'furthkeI'ltroul)from ll 111 1(1(11(1
fury5, lie "Cuckoo," (1011'folowed. Tefo' ir1111' -otrctio"ca( INTER-COLLEGIATE.J'O -LYJ." AT&- O
grcflCapriccio by 8ekrlatti .l'kmsig will tfke plc n et)0k)Iekitfrom111tI-
vabttifiytol. ll0k' t night. Tio contebants are 'R1ob1ikail, 'fill I i'' ei15 of liuioas 111102('S1' TR SOcTE10551ST5. Don't til to omek.
Fwaeisebe.auetiefuitlly1(110dgogne.r i.I.n'omanyi, rkellgl'o t and(1Cohd Lnches at Al Hur.
'pets the (ost inspirin~g numbeeaI . s sm___11.________R._Atilsgad________5._____________ r o
IketPrelude and Fugue In RElminor by E. Bloek. G (. Halapilall. '. 1 it)'ihicago A. .Ilko oach ti r iack
Medli on.This dignii'd ompios- Rbin.FIt.. B. eylnolds and1P1 1. tatmlfor tie Wesen It) eolegiO eN ew T ext B ooks
hion was given 1wit11ia force Iandtinsi.til'Sadler. Tilt) questionl luls 110(tIIeIll assocation chaionsh11ips11. :irl. C'or NOW ON SALE'
ration 1that electrified tilt)kaudiekce.lann~on~cel 15s5'et. (1101k Iil 111' witilhelle 101towice 1a
Mr. Jonas, as a comlposer ielis un- Reuests and Petitions. Ieknlt t0 ,nll I'wl )1'nn,
fule(reIonh net +alified respect for tle twoo ee xe, efloriginarqlI -tsandp fullns A (' iche fill e, whn1fnishd, AIAU 14111\+
WorkAslhich non' fololvedl werBOOKSTO
keeingy hautfulant wee wittn were grantetd at tlast01(metig oftilt)largest 1(1 te orl. 15s11011'btig
Witha fie aprecatio ofthe e-the faculty: tGranted--G. Barow, 1. ast inGtemany. It is illobjective Carhart's University Physics. sucso h in.Tefnlum adn .Snes 1C ,te.fr natooia eecp n il EetnsMdea uoe
e s oe of thepiao.stdilt)finlt ofm- thReferred-Ti'. BIrown, Edna IDay be 43/ ichles ill dimueter, ablot '5Chae'o Caseo on Tots.
berisoneofth (nstdificltof ilPf G. 1Fandee, D). . Glascok. inche greater than tilt Lick Obsrvl- Paige's Cases in Partnership.
piano compositions of Liszt and is one
of the few of this writer possessing At the meeting of the engineern~g tory. In its rough state before gi111- Ziwet's Mechanic, Part MI.
lterest other than wonder at tie society at 8 o'clock this evening, air. ig it weighs just on ton, ad will Andrew Stephen's Pleading.
enOorus difficulty. S. D. Townley will discuss "The Sn's cost it is estimated, abot $75011. Noy's Bacteriology.
CONTINUED ON SECOND) PAGE. Hel" Suscribe for the Daily. Hubes Histology.