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January 12, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-12

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NGHIGAN f l cospivtefjoatncyincludillar enire INTER-COLLEGIATEAl~W i
Time Tahle (Revised) No. 18, lS-4, and transportation. 11hy not g? 115 ut I Hawaiiians areInowNUID "- (
EAST. WEST Ic]). th is iate st.Send ninyour ini ot. Yal.A a n x 30Aai _ i rucbgto hc. a"slIr~~ he O
Eacer E 1 2, NS tsitc..5 s i ipers Y iii or(1515 f01ilclircre of iill be ligibli to p~ccagin , u ixi ROT SPRINGaS, ARK.,
A M. IPaciicEx ---i> I. liciprs 0 1. Slll'I. sc
Atlantic Es 7 4,tall.
5I N.0F s f.is R0 isters x..I 2 igct. TfEXAS,-ncoc O 5 si
G. 1L. Espies', II i G FN. x - 10 73ee wl ancac h. iraac'
0;. w. Itisoss, 1.IlRAY , carcfully sciects its ill of fare1toplysiy. 'ruinsiniig wilt p iillin ii LOS ANGELES
. P. & T A'S ,Chicago At., An Acbor. (iettei nso h tdn ie ia5-N-
I., A.A. 8& N. M.[ a.ir ts dieicary s preiredic1niiilr thc sunli- e 'Ills ~iiii0udohs nlcl se pi ois SAN FRANCISCO.
Takiiii effeic day u , . ecrsis7ion of a Spcially TrliicidCook
riiis leavieSuenArbor ioncis ico l asii- ainilis ay }s Ircli, whlolisomeii'ansd sc 51iil 1ya i i silic fN Txs: dClfri ~isn
r l t ir l Appeitiing, whilc. fice froiii 'vr_ liii IclioroicA oolets, i i. ii t1-1111r1111e.
7:8ai._ -7:13S. m. Itinilaing foudsiil d1111irritaig(lO-Ineien) ill'111 liii) li oil tli, 1 sis s'itsl7_______
4 bi dirllclls.a liorlu 1i trial of theivar of Bl ___________ THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS
0 i0op.siHelalthlsotous ss icliarc nciucl
fi~tsrn etwcsii AiiiiAi-bo ~cnlclo 111 sl lcrmiisNOTICES.I
ilily.inl its iiiciiii l rove'their_______ I ii ii luau iiaitil.iapw i ry il I.liioii
All tramss daily ecep Suiiil~y t RI I;T 11SsLES ~efiisii
11It.S? REENIV0us,iA.;cii Vfol brai ssol racr tothLaericsnd!cii.ifl ie r iill bea.i'sii iorsii i iu ! ii.
w. It.IENNETT 0. P AToledo5. (Genleminoareccsriially rccscsle. No) fso ~illsau ari ~ i 11 HCG O LRDTXS
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. 11 ?IyiuII o.. iicst 101-boosiltif:at 7:ii) l'i'10i0.ttle iisilici i
'-ai-ns'sily i-cilhicols'l Isi Isoelii ii- l siu Ts~tirl suire. l' l-
Time Table, October 7, 1894. At tlin Grand Opra Jan.l4. ROOMAN LAWA. for Il iit pi slucysolysssieclisui-scif (ie-
Li-srei' Yplaciifrom Coepiis .. ,:10, lOi:5 ______Susdents itndinilg lto liii lii (i Mali-ern, :11 i. i. iet dy, au-fii-
ind 11:00 a. i. 124, 215, is :03, 4 :00 :iiisl Iofi lisi priigs is 1:10 a. . sl iiiiusllic
70:30 P. i. Sluht Irsulllvi t.I-sI c- lls )':l ii -il'al i olSs i h. I t ls' 'sfii heis1)1tiliii'Icks. thrioigi sleipiiig ~rlelie Ibset isien
Leae AiiiiArboi- Tncioiir730.5:30 siid,
Ii 515:.mi.; 1I.5l, "7:45~3:30, c1,7.30 ,ass i(l :0p. a~tn t ii iie ri. f rreahsu .-i s l ii- Ionli Isisw" (LaiS 1, arsir e Se in~i'sl icgsiraiiila i se . Also daily li io f
SUNDAY TIE. si-s iiattliii' (ranillOperia Housi' ncXtl Ito gisse thii- ames 15 sioioln15asIssi- fTiiris Slees, les-lg Chicago oisam
l~cai0e Xpsilsiiti feomc "ii',, 30 1 3Is 0,s Mondiasig s'cs'iin, fal. I. ill teiii' li I- bliitIs Prof. Keciss( r111 isis olf, sitha -iiii ntirogh tIs Si Fl'cieuscsssi sia os.
3:10, :30 511n0 :00 . m. 5Ageles,1Cal
leave Ace Ardor ccnct li ais :,o;^t.01 amiiosi i olnso J. C ( slil "b''asiasufflicienlt niiiii iis' i oos 1111ay be__
C iass iun oncity time I iii - siiglc sip P - ii' ITii'1111'15fsilisls llritua]S -ili Iis ll' 15 if iechs. ii i: asnd iiifll iifomaions
ets: rouind Sip ickesc icc - ut. hosSci-untliry fr h n I lls uiillp iti i 111of ths olss' is to iiak the 'slilnui i
iVts. PF. t Sills iSaul 1il nlul s I lsapplyi tof lni alilll'ii~l11' itr
FIJO ERS FLO ERS ndiIni li i-ll-iiltneo is illisir I 11/diests fam ilialii t4( Ils toiisindiiilJiH GREEN J. HALDERMAN,
So. Eserthig iedEsorylldy 111per s lisupierisionl if its al~ltlio- or ii i ve hinil a s iss-llliilr ) I - 5ss i5iich sa. f. si i v 1Pass .
i ISK & LL Foiss 6 ihuno 1-111. . tarter. Sp -cisciisry is tis-Iicial lrus. Wlils ile tet ioni ili sRil---P
!i itl ly. IIllshesanict iia t~r. oportitylii sill is gre ivo oSillFH Tistram, P. E. Dombaug,
flCc't01emoti liilliiliIis 511115li1illilthelisilibo siler enssli'o ilily sei ( i mii 111:1 55 lilPass &'Tiktgt
riosisand iiihehh iir iis'afrIlaiilhiiii'l3sescisl study- of the ,ailiO I IIi 0 aisoi-,iii
and liiih losluai g furl a-s-. 'i'rhe o tIn s ituteil5sf (;ies an1 of151 55 1 Sed s . itsi io 1 1 1oldO_
E~xcursion i lw itIya.oedusepo ' .ll1hR
li ul01hyI r's'sssssI -s-I. - ltllIREUBEN H. KEMP~IF,
Ti~liiets.sisn.ii1111ried-c. ' Illsengrist -HA RAILROAD TICKET BROKER EXPLAINS ii:hlrs(usvlsy
s-cteils'l sclis's's(cixtifriicir.c- fio.a5Columbsn-, Ohioi, NecSisaisss.5 ece o in, Organ and X ica
cedntd aluvea~us o teirpe- ir A '. C. ru, otheiii irliof Wau-si Composition; also the Atof
f~rPlease keep in nindl the 'Toliudo, firosulsi'in Ils hir'-ieciui ,of t~isilis.Lros, ills (Ill),beig siask: "w51iy i slo Teaching.
St. Louis & Kansas City i. 1. a l i-ighi trin of 1)tas is i 1111 il'croSsills lsi atthe urnisils'sf thesrailroad tudi-_'a-. liisioiitt. AniiAs lin, Hus
the Closer Leaf Rotte, 'Fast theii' stsits'irti ii i llniusit 'siloss'te i-t hrsker-,iitsiss(1 is lyuiliiitie TEDEED CATERER,
[ine" for St. Louis, Mho., 1113(1the aso ia psiualc Isclilstiss' 'Itiss fie- icreasissiots itlusisiiiitiithistil,1( HANGSE.LIashing
XNet and Southwest leaves Jo- iilin 11n1 ugmeet:r Ilseen11AsthIur gnecy f lthe ilois'"' cil lul i Ithi
Ledo UnIionl Depot at a, pP in' ri-ilsle slspectie.staionslos hihis'lity ime ins hriereops'ihl frism iii 101 Ito ltseI DIETAS & SCHANZ,
daily, arive's New Yiioin Statioii itsself. .Aiisimasilincmsili seediing Isisslihg foriwok, slshd ostheyisi Irlli) .o'yc i~i...
(the largest in the xorl), St. ty asloshsisthisnaisil pl ui st tol fs liiOsrihss iuTuts '2uit
ilos k fLo--ihasl beelp171-,tcickeii iliidlh
Lois ealy next mommin . ias IeiierI 55115hisiseens i ito lsl -lisil' 10i iisikn 1 'in'-y maetsandssest, Ils ltyris orei tand so
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR tilil,.hii'hlslt NistgsrsihalsittSsilit fori-ast lsi n1511, fr whe-weiliswsork garsastee.Glennpesn n
adOicigau'elrltnsate slosshisiii sll hir ha iislarl Itiy -i l i -ll'h'' ~ irpairiig niatly dnci
an ic ian C ntacsisat : (e tsi ict 5sf rsl vi s"s-cis put 1 0 i ,li l4sl,.stitasilstill hisnfis'iishs.' 48 5 Slat
Toedlo.thics saigs, asiiioi ls ns ntiisiss N ullt. Iftsillsaif hi sic at l:till/zes o ,Ansi111 22 Years in the Busines s.- -
Buffet Beclicing Chair CasSeats Free tisfliisi iss tililsisY.tThi set oif iiuii- ,ris'-iiiiiili sig111 iiI l1Y I
sand estihtiieslSleepers with- nee, oli ti'aditsin tfull, ils'ss sirght phill etrIetioisi Isr1:
sltihnge ls issiiss i ii iO 1olisrs. I 'lmslilt.. LAr UatU NI1"
SissioilidIse lto si-islipeslth" IfIs' l i-ikes
0. . liclosis-. raliy.1 M. . SEABOLT,No4N.thae
lsaiiig, Presig aOdIRepirig
BUSINESS LOCALS. nse eatlylby
tfathsr~dctlclecsths -ie 51.. .si1.ra l 's'cligioflDaily Tl AOSLtAt~)O AUG. SHOJNEWALD, 65E. Vatihigicsr
uf a cens spee lie. special roes foeisigertosrii7:1is-si. In conectio iwitithis St. Loiis,
lime, nn~osu utr hes foriitilcdIany ss:t-ls0 hi . anIlir i-lhouslsIron 'Mountain & Souttir Oaiiisy, EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY,
sthlasofsi--Texas &Pcfc.5 a, nentin 0EAST HURON TRET
illiass tfistsil th ,in aii.:s_':1 p. &titictsis.y Itrtain
ussr siorilhignish rsiihuI2 tstrit Siu. 1. l~t's' ' ~ius al& Slist Not ieii Wonrk sO Wrk iui eduiiite odsu dallshie fos
Irnmrigudc adDtot Sait, n ti.Gh nt Bajo cs 1 ra orhr aosadO, :an siuddueiered . i. CoVIs~i, cep.
papeprs go o I. Sollet's,12 t. Alin eneit tssAthletic .\sslhil, thun- Souther Paciic tRailway~, known-i:Is
S. oIPaul Mieyers, 2(6 5. States Si - s-it5' lsll. thio"Only True Souttlern Route' hast ANN ARBOR
S'IA~hl~ (OLEC'1'IONS. Shil.. .1s1. 1:3- . sBasrbours, of 1 red in serics a troug ghfirst cixsss T A Y ~R S
Aleissiit to huy stauill '0ildtllis Normasl Schol. sslciess. 'Ns'sstc-cr- sleeping chic and touist Sleepiiis ILl ises'andiGets-' Clohinig Clesined
austdisill pay cash lfr thi sa5e511Onhal, ).1 :1. leaing Chico-sdaily st 10x0 1.lm.,01rlDyed
receipt if prices' askedI s sstisflctol' hslos s3u ls-iiss isiaS.Lus3oLtl ok lh i WHURON ST, ANN ARBOR
I ulutoi hoiihs ihtP ce cm irlu'isIaI h hisll, 5 p. 511. (lot Springs), Aulstii, Ssn .ntoihi, KS NIDIS] R0 .G.A..BR I S 1W
fetesd imal or exiucsSsill1 Itc 'fe- ~ l'lirs, Jsn. 17.- Snioisr scil,.tit Laredo (ishere si diect conectiis SudnsR retion Hea
hgpie uitcrspal e -sic an, liger's AScsuelmio. madoswithi througi steepig csr for Jquarters.
esnsd stueriorlalprovshslsuets itous'- flhuls., 11111.17.-Senio l s l dsil tho Ciy of Mexico),1 El tasis, LosNi.3.ShlSte.
spusisille tlirtcs.Ir i.,tanti.-(ICo. lulsll, sOf Angeles sort Ssnui 1aiteis. 7ihis is
55.:I.5 lu\3XIRCs.1 & .<i) Mass.,letirsbe fore thu.s 5. . . tio only liefromi Chicao w15eIls hiani Miss Hattie Long,
Al 11 citn -alcii i/o,icStun 1Iri.,fasllu10. -Meting iin roomui>1 tooffer this excelleit Serics' u-illIICr Gitr AdliE ndBajo
Al lelaigpapruari ig15-1 I hiculs: sColl es ogs. iwrite to any ticket lgent o is Wa- Gitar,___Mandolin___ ,and__ _Banjo,_____
tines uaulb hdat 1. Sole There a Gag1sAcdeyO illee ave., Ace Arbor, ic.
h'i r ue thaid wht olct. rn bsScdtiy ash or connecting lines ocpi illteth
WHY!lresuoOhdIIAP' ii il Son., Jan. 2L-I1e. Reed Stusr, of matter showing te, route, isies, des- PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS.
W~lY! 110F CIILAT Detroit sill lecuil l iliy luP cription of as, etc., or eSaoeJwly hsod e hte
Ab rpte llrd js os iudcituse. C. S. CRANE, (G. P. & '1'. -1, mertgagee. as clsersl. Diamonds bought
one of theO most pleasant thinngs Iri, sii.25-Juniir cass soeilatandi t mus 50 sed. Ofachtm esd eelnicerp. lhert
of life. If ,party of 1 canl ho se- 151 ________ .LAM Sit. Lors, ~ . a iredfic tl rsidenca33m.Lia Uirs
cred Messrs Greenwood &Glmoie ( n .A AMR st .I.A, p.rin. lvsa o .m,;t3an7to9
Will aIrantge for 15 dys .trip in their Suscribe for the Daily. 201 S. Clark st.. Chago, Ill. I d. C. WATTS.

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