a ,felingplapnriSpke o "Asssoli- INTER-COLLEGIATE. J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. H. LMN.
_____Mr. Browns devoted himoself to "A Hiarvardl nombers 450) men. JACO S & AL A D
Publt'shod Daily (Sundasy socepted) during Cotoparison of the WVebster aod Jeffter- th olg er yThe Yale (Gle(lob gives a part of7
sonito Societies.'"SMr. Oxtoby thoes initsj proceeds to tpoor stodeots.IELESN
THE U, Of M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. DoEooALEoRrdS IbNd"t- h sroo ato(ac a ooeli
OFFICEe limes building, N. Mainsts., opposit e rvnetinAnAbr" fera hepsnttedncatCnlls
pas fie soetns s niAbr'Atracosiderably less than that of last + .4. 1 e ( ) I11. .f+
short closing steechls by Mr. Cootz its
Subsocriptieon1p0i5e $2.50 porpysar, invarialy year. U ys~~B 1 ~.-5
whih h ito-tedaodurgd ll resot -Ex-prs'sidt'ot Andrew D. White of
tios ma etleft at tlse osi~ee of the-DAILY, to join, thes oeetingssadjousrntedlitn ort(trnesll has tresenited thtat tUniversity
st Stofflet's, at State st.nessstaed, swithsaoy detaalpesnmihhveaTeW shn onB ck
of the editors or cothooiedtsoticitors. tawslIrso tiithy'a sith a go Bok
Communicatioens shold reacsh tsessffice by optptortuty~t of becominig acquasinted's. Thacdmcndsitfcfrh-F O E SFL ER
7oclocks p. si.,if they ire tsssoap tir the et ____________Tt'atdttiaitsceifcrsh
daiy. Aistress all mattsr intenstdeetr utli- Dry Weather Mens. titt classes it Yale numober 675. Tile Fer Esves fl Oew!iasdEserybesdy.
eation to the Managing Editsor. Altltbusiness tsslttC'tOtsU tth 'heoiyi tSINS &tA'ti tl S2E;t ~iI 500'055t ae
comunicastios shouldss be ssenit tssthe that- Stote of the footbeallctntidsates att tlatnacea nvrt'ty i L'i 'Telepe.e15t
siess Maer ver 2,0t0 211.EX LS R LA DR
THE U. OF M. DAILY., 5sf the tdry ws-attier stot. At ltast iti X E SOR oL U D Y
Anns Arbor, Mists. soeent-so yesterdasy, when hot 2 It lotyo tsottiitst 0 st tN5IFT
ha____lss derided to allow work on the cos- Gtoiesi Garatee d. G ssts oodt saledsIfoss
EDTR.sttshvel ttpinthttoraisn, seriously lNandi-a ess l sivre-st t. '4)'V5 E T'trop
J.TOS I.Ltit.Lt'.,ttesge dss. etsigtesoosstvtOsteltlegs' paper to count for Esnglisht itsthe'
F, . S. 5asts, Lit. '10. Assistssnt. Thtwels-ttevens so-re linied - rtegular coulrse. 22 Years in the Bsies "
F. H.II. tTS. Lit. '95, Assistssnt. u againttt______________________
S. BII. 51mev.Lit. '95, Asstatst eacti othisr fsorabotut 20 iiutes. 'JTte paJ.ALEOi. f thecEdor scbsm
zdeth bet hovns aSubs( r ibo fof the U1D of rM Daiy CIJY L UDWT.ARYK Lt 9,Bsnesituar
-- ,Assistanot. gstining three sdowsossevss-ral timssand
Assistaint'. ee oinNrud he!as . IX. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.
LITERArRsY. LArotW.. 'te Vsrsty Thse DAIsY constaitns official sotices
L.. A. P 't9s. Oh F5'B. Ilhsmill,'It. scoredha tottctiotittin ttsboust tte from the F'aculhty, and stotices fromto
Mine Usso ,9 EL vn, 15 rte V. Smith, Spot. inuttes, shod thie scrubs had thie bell the athletic teams and other studen r
Iirr'sioosTtc. 5tzi- h this rest ttf the titite. organsizatisos.
EiO~t . S. NMtek,'5.5. It contaios complete reports of all
nOiEsPEttOPAitC. Samtitewoo- IlecOn-eeree takhenito thte (~ann al atngt hs o niversity events ot interest. o ,jT
Alt cspy musst bsest thse ocebetfsre 8:30a.t-sists blehttniht hss s It keeps you posted on your oss.o ,. O
m. of the sisy of peublicationt. at the table are, besidtes thie smianasger, and every other departmoent."'"
Theouditors ste not sold themselves ressan- ctttchs atiditrainsr:Bittrth, ttenninger,. S a O N
siblhe toorteopinionisosttementtssofcoetts-
pnetapaiinthse DtILY. 'sill-i, Htsyes, Senter, Leontarsi,DgttIthe LEADING ICHOOL PF BUSINESS ted IHORT-
ihtdsl'hs I~oontttstot, oot t'srls'r $250 N A VAN E. HAND. Magniicenst hilding;tenitearchers; laoge
Haddn, loomn ;topYon, Paker $2.0 I ADV NCE satendance; teed discipline; stpiororkte; welt
Thtsre osilltbe tin ih10tt let ts'ttg Iu ladLrysupptiedt reading resin; daity lecteres; haturoday
of theisily5bardhtonght at7:30seeningreceptions; opetestir ue pye. Excep-
of te D ily isitril tisliglt st 7:11)tiesat fesihities for placing studenstis positiens.
hue ttemlissnot yeit beets hicked'sh Subscriptions receivesd at the Besrd eed resinms$is to$.per e iep isnprivate
shr.All tss'stsbs'rs stf the si Itffise familes. These rateseducto teAs yse el-
fhst's ot'toisorroosgineiit' sith Orelhard DIS~LY-office, Timges bnildinsg, Stoth- hoardisg. FeerUsatetigueiddrtes
requtestedl to be prsehnt. Ltkettt'tstwsill be asbouttais the 'Vairsity- lets and by all austhsorizetd solicittors. P. R. CLEARY. Pres.
Ose oteoesstliot t'iinhatsstysedthis'lssst fe'odasty. tOrchards '[[ } B( R ( l>P RA 10S
to the sisass mseetisig ho be hetldin t the Lsaie is hard tit work fsor this gitmse 'r- ONE NCGHT ONLY.
interest of athletics, its the lass lectue'ands osill maksie a dspeotsrate effort to - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12
roosts5 sit S o'elocks this evessiss;. 'Tls score'. Otur oseight osill be outr greast -t - tsrttstttisSlsIisleohh.teiy
ptositionOhio U. of 1St. is to attsaintedur- s battieaassttesfrte sa - ~ ii trss ted oettotcctsco-
log the cosiing yesar doeenis its groat lissnostyet hash title'tos got to woorking - stti ti'mtsise ,-o
pasrt uiposithis osessimssg meeo'sting. tssethsr. -- - + +lfd' the . n rmtL. +ctor,
Sorely everyonse can spare '0tawMetig.tiome- + toI TT
attend so himportsant a mseeting,es In his iii Ansil antartiistoic scoetion,
. . . ,, , - .,11:,isi osis',-+t 8s "'.i ( }' fit'itis' it ii 70 I .
pecially 505500the fotallh setsoni is5
yet all before no. Cornell liss broken
over the record asid defeatedi ts its
bseball the past tot seasos. This
year ove siseet her twvice on the football
fieldi, ansd every studsesit csans lelpinit
diefeatisig hesr iii both of thsese gsts.
Tis is slot sill. OStr asetisll teamti
htthht retries-c its Isisses of Ohe' hast
year, antd oar trasckste'sams mtust carry5
lieesissy at thuesiext'Westerns tnter-
collegiates. Oorsill l ts there tmsust
be pirotter suppshort intd enthuhsiasmht.
Sec to it that yost do yotur part. Thou,
andsinot till thens, liss-ce-yoesirnesditle
right to criticize.
Jetfersonian Society.
'Ths'.hsffs'rsossissss literatry society
hel'ds its insaugurualsmeetitig fosr the
year isist tnighst. Ots accouosf the
irclemenicy otthis'swe'sthesr;tilts'' 5555
hbiutia.ssill atts'ndtancs's. '~T'etproeratit
in thi' sititconsistedtofsitmpthrompitu
speeces. Delightful msissic soits ross-
dered ott the banjo asnd guitsar by Mtiss
Lang. Its the absences of Presidett
Dovaunt, Mr. Cootz presided and de-
livered 01st "Address of Welconme" ifte
wvas followed by SMr. Hanmill, w-hso in
juitior lesss yesterdisy sftertnoosn for
the puhrptose' si gettitig in lisse fosrtto
athletic sliest, and also to 1p1us afoot-
ball teamo in the fielsd. lie folloswing
commissitts'e' saso appoinited to organsize
the foottisll toast: (tr. R. Sille'r, jr.,
of Fr'e''domti, Ohio, chisormnan; F-ranik
A. putlpichi'l.; E). C'. Shielsh.Mit-i.;
11. L. Jacotis, Daytto, Ohio, anidSir.
IHughets, t11. Comsmsitteessetn yell atnd
trsack sitletics reported progress. All
cadiatsfor the football beans tre
reqtuestesd to tieet at thse grounddotlis
safternoon st fotir for practic. Trsick
astletisasre begiottisig to boomsisisd
all those isterested sire reqested by
the c-ommssittee to be ons hantd ifter-
noons to get in shape~s for wvork in their
respsective hises., Sir. Fitzpastrick woill
lie foundisti sthe grtusisisis cyy siter
51001, sitd sll csaididaste's may havie
the bs'nes'its of traistnig.
To hiv'e the "Best on earth" is the
tmotto of Witters' halace Laundry,
wvhich leaves nothing. undone that soan
be "done to give perfect wvork. 'We col-
lect Mo~ndays and deliver Thursdays.
Leave orders at Fulde's Tailor Shosp,
cors. of State and Williato ste., or ad-
dress _card to L. D. Carer, 21 N. State oh.
Prices: - 35c, 50c, 75c.
'liTefossn5 of th s assts
COTRELL & LEONARD, Csl e-.itti v P'ososieg ssndIRepairlig-
'ino seetly tsp
ALBANoY, N. ''., 472 suits474 BeRsOD-sY AU'S.;-csiE5Elv.UAl.o G551+,. Wasoligtsit
Maskerseto5.C'Ss dtd (iSPO toN te
AmetricanI'il itrsits's. httsoist jtd
tresitise, oh'., uoeqouest.
V. A. 3Th1QRlELL, Agt., d4 Williamssstt-t.
Organized 18i63.
CasptalU50,0t4. Serpteo intlProfts, Xi0t000.
Trasacssts .isgeeral tbankisg businss.
t'oreigsseechts toop boughtsandolid. ui'shs
P. BACH, 'ret, S. 55. CL.AREtSON, Cafsier.H
:3 1a "Usabroidged." S
SA Dicionsary of
Geography, "g
') BisgraPhy,
'Ii!III 'I R A Grand Edsester "
V- 5KAbeast ofthelTimes
A Library in Itself
\\ MbZeon. P. J. Prewer,
I epemes'Csot, wrte:
The One eat Standard Autherity.
Publiehed bhe
G.-OCMER t MfO.,Srstetesssn,MihSS.,T.P-A.
0'i'ee sehy aiiiBeoseers. Sesdlt ePeute-
huisesfoetotore rspectue.
toersD ntiyeeperints nentetios.