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October 05, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-05

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ZirV r7xT A T John Griffith in Faust. musical rading. no music lover Mr. A. E. Rose, representing th
11Vy11llill _RAIshould fail to accept this liberal offer. Golden Eagle (';lohiu5 Co., of Detroit,
Time Table (Revsed) July 1184 Ons tridiy evening Mir. John Gri- Address The S. Brainard's Cons Co., will be of No. 30 E. IHuron st., (Ran
EAST. WEST is s Icombiation will present Ge- Chicago. dal's former stand) drng the entire-
Mai aS s... 455 Slil .3 the s poetic isasterwork ' Faujst," at week, Oct. 1-7 with at coiplete line of
N. Y. Speci aL--5 15 iN.Y. pecal..0.5 theb Opera House. The production is Williaiiss (ollege eitere'( upon itsus obisflladc-negosfr
Eastees Es.1_to 5 1 N. S. Lisird.- 75 tenbis aladwne od o
A. 1. IPie Es.. 1 15 said to teis revelstion in silie raft, 12 yeare last Thursday. the custoim trade. All studeits co-
Alansice Es....7 47 Prns.
D. N. Epess..5a+0 wesen Es....131111 the ingenuity of fti' Scenic sritst, -There ars' 544111111 onthe waiing templatilg the pureass of winter
G. R. Espress 11 03 Chii. Nt. 'Es..)102,5 lie electrician aindl rie stage car(tf~ i tMmr ialbalnitearad. sitingso iclsosissol e
O. W. RIt:Eis, 1, II.5/hAvES, having heens brought into play form- i. Rose at Sice. Hfeles also a full
G. P. & T. Aat, Chicago. AfI Ass Abore in the most startling, dszzling andl Harvard hss twenty mii isut for lhne of ready made clothig wiiels can
realistis c esntations of Suis idealistic fall prctice in baseball. be seen at the smse llacs. Mr. Rose
1 ii511 5 ihsaes osth tae M.has caeresd to the best university
FRANKLIN HOUSE Githlhesys thenrole of AllhistO, BUSINESS LOCALS. iiil~titfrIleps ~ er n
DEhIMI . is clever snainis original,i siie ands cs is Sscse~sCiscSi ge itslye111Irc.Snlit n t
tNotees isetedilis lmiathe rat li giventhe best rf satisfaction in
It1i well before leaig hoe, whether at tsssh' cnig ese n sr IIe DAsLv offe.] e rs are isvitedstoInilset il stock
lee bsisess or pleasre, todeide spas a castle spiri of esil; thishlreccd 1551111 Buy the Best t'untinliP enl atSHasl celiete l desire ts buy or no.
hotel ad thereby aoid cetfusisn.YY
Whes ysu visi Detrit se wuld be nire sihis lie poisonis the isiisls of l~r's Jewsilry Store. (i-li
pleased is ae ysu stsp at the old toe Sale, it very sperior Bajo at a.
"Frankcliij House," pr. Laned hl icimisith-ils isildindiilceiien's, F oe fiestiosrd i hell'ciyesall .5vr as iieaCt.I ~l~r 9S
and Bates Ss, where yeauswill have agood of cworlsly pleasure and f-ibs' ides vr awpie.G-s.Mler S
meal asd a leas bed at msderate rates. ' 53 E- i N. sssiiutons St. If ifib scave.
Repecfullythseissafter they lisves'fslleninsilthis'hieyo r
H. H. JAMES. cosusmissioni of cwors' erors, and lSCRCNfLNIi the Isrisi-f-sl,'250pe ,olee yer
Mteals, 35e. ]Lodgings, 50. fiedishs deisoniase dlight iitItieir sit- tPrivate tessoiss-h1'isiuo aid osal. The Dily hssbhens elsssgeandusudt
Per Day, 51,50 fering, csill be sll cl'srly deicitedin toe tesr call at 31 E. Libirty '.iIt110011 eritios, hblt the stbsriptions
____________________________________ his creaioini;lebhas sudieid liii'chiss--Special classes for beginers. pice remnis the sames $2.50 iper col-
cir I-arfully sand undistandiily. (Oe Dollars'busSa.5first clss l'oun-iilhge year.
I'EIlsiS 1-Y T is masterpieceesitid'slivy siillll)- ails fei.,sissue by ld.1, tecslly & l'ounitainl IeiS ail _.oflif. -Nosl-
Represenlts Every Deparstmsent mer at ithi' Gransd O pra Houses, FIn- C.Setis ssd'.sit scill pusey'esl o try its t Hailrosswlyc Shot. l6-1I
dsay Oct. 12. use at Wilse y's sisie Ste. .12 4 Wsned-Tso hustlers froums the Md-
f the Uuiversity. .____...._ Stte St. Solt by Studentiss. Aricltdelsrtsselst t solicit for tle-
NOTICES. For tRent-A very dsiratie sitie o Daly
$ 2.50 PER 'YEAR. Dasishaedsih o vle' ttos iy. tihussfoi hi colo
~ RR h laFOOTBALL.gne viih'cry nboss-s ha cc-it ils los otter.ad .cold cater. Music c-u-sstdetuited te c too siahicit DailyRR, Th sub.-obalgaeswilbeMuicwatd o olci aiy ub
1f Vssiw, iiissese y sse'er. MaussierandussBathslsand closet. 47 S. Diisoi Sts. 5 crpii7s htscol
HANGST LIIIK ~ 5 capainsyrd urgesd to get tisir soc-i For emt.-T'leasant single rooms. sii- '1110Dsiy hass aresry msore sb
_ >fou le rooml, ighted and heasted, 2. tl, crhOneilo~ hec-sa hnee
t'tAltI 1 S I D, hit Mr. blsck froist campusu, JO . Washingtsssibefore iii its hstory. Co-ed, sub-
IOSC. st. 7 sibes, eousre repres-ented on the
I shalmu b us rooiii12, '. 1. u's-rmy Firtcass btossrdh.$2.25. Sit i.. Jsi-bord.
TRADE afternooni this cweehk fronit 2 to 4, forhers nSt.. seonish hours'frotsamp sslusl. Therssoisclt ouhonihae
Sthe purpuhose of coisulttio Th'6ssitsmaoyrho lanuesnumdy wor: 1. We are
courisescuill be gien iISs anuncledr in Haltiers .s'Jewery Stres'fuse suour resposible if ay articles sre lost ad,-
tie ciiiendhar.. A. A. StAN7IufY. somutalu in s. slu ccl eptlace smle. 2. iWe cill ret~urn.
' A NEW LINK CUFF L.ATIN I. Junior or seior "Mhsdsic" swanted Sn your vorhsens promsised. d. Uni-
-- A. speciasl sectionm inl Lati, Curse I, act as steward. Call at Daily offes' at foruly good wok. Wssszmer &' Co.. 215
for studensiwhstu hivie hash Course II, 7:15 this evening, tt S. Sain t. representingToledo Laur-
Big Fou R ute siand are required to renri iyimstessud A large assortmet of SBgs ansi Art dry Co.11
IU of Cicero, cilusnet MoudayAZwicnes- Squares is splendidl pastterns st Mhurti Do yownat boarders? If so, ld-
BEST LINE TOt20. . A ADR. Fcnyu1n odCgra tdns n l e oes e
INDIANAPOLIS, .s IiItIt5155TR . fi the RSussONLNG ebier he old nw tad 2N.
LOUISVILLE, Couse IS may eeeted na8 5itisu W tTII on .uii irssmissiSa.DtotCiao evYr,
and CINCINNATI. hiusuncour. Cossrse liaSholsauldl nsis id's'uch, (inunis enienstisssdsircs, Cincinnati and Toledo mapers. IRes-
1a. Conultations hosus 2 tss3 linE-veninlsg lsses. (Grmsans sdsaiiatis' dents east of State St. camsl less-c their
ELEGANT rennu 2, Tappan Ihsail. 5j1ut tus betfomeld. irs. I. 1. Nsso- orders at 26 S. State, at Joly's. 2-7
Through Sleeping Cars U. OtF M. CALENDAR. sisaniuosf hBerli, Germny, I'.ositC.1 Tur fne iseis, very heaph, funaesii
gr-sasuate, eperenecedl teacher. Refer- hsath. 355Foiest ave. I
BEkLousvllean tri- Oc. 5.Adelpide literary o i'iles's-I'nsitlit Sateiis B. Agell, Noble's Stsr Clothing House sells thc'
OS3 ciey mees in old quartens. IL. D. I'r-f. Calvini Thomoas, A. M. best $3.00 Decby is he city. 11
Cincinnati. te. eve., Oct. 5.-Reception it Ntw- WANTED. A slendid line of Lae, Cenile.
berry haseL. Studenssnoeuiy three iunfunimshedl 'apestre- ansSSills Cutains at Malrtin
ASK FOR TICKETS VIA Sat., OcLt..-'Vasitsy vs. Mihiganrcous in iaconvenienut ad desirable Ilsuihrs. 14
BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. Miitany Acaemlly ft Athletic field. quiate of the cite. Will rent eitier The Dsily is tieemly meuspamer is
Sat., Ot-L6.--AphasAuNitirarysasingy,or 01111sin gle url a suite. IfschsAnimsArbor sdevoterexclussiv-ely to ht
ciey metsinroo J t .301).In is hage snoughstolaciommuuodate two uivesihy.
E. OeGl Smcci'ec e is . Gn. .eIAI11I&T.N it ueaiinosm-,a Op s . pesons. ('onvseniencers as to coal, FrA. Arn rtoe eustxtwSio seekshesc"wil-
l'osesi'sc To~s eur. ee.I'.A T Ag. Son, Ot S.--tirst inanes' f 515. swoorlanshaste. trice 50c.eeah, or ssu osteIsgs ut etlnr
.~ isumuder."y1.23 for the three rooamss. Caslihht No. of Sulfsatu $12.00. Othesscill chg'
Ofe5oMsiioes 2 S. Firthisav~e.1- you $11.50 antl $1.00 for the sutne
~ ~ - ______Lave your orders for U. of SC. Daily thing. NOBLIE 'S STAR CtOTIhNG
Brealms.rd's SMsical W' ild for Oto- st Stfiet's news stand, generless nusst IOSLf. -:
er c'inta'ims besides the usual largi' for dsily and wekly ipets, a111d 'he best ii eeryt-inug alts-acs CiSs
su1(vOO ~monmt' of readin"isuaster, "Dancinig maonthly suagaines. Gie mue a csl the greatest stisfsction. r'I tSC:Ot
R THEBET I Faiies " by G'. Bohi; "The Last before plcing your osdes. 2-7 ONKLING C'igas are the best and5
ARE THE EST. Greeting," by C.L. hfeel ; "lSy Der' ccsWated-A tiit-5111height, iiii1c,: -out50ilii hss sf'ii-lsuus
CIGARETTE SMOKERS sho cc will- ittleMasid in the Moon" cc lt., by Ta 11oung .5t for light wsotn.Sill-I- i'i'~O'em
hng us par a littlecmore t1han1the price Anita Owens, andl "F'srevelhaul-
ec-aged isi tile rdissryetrde Cgsirettes ' daiy afternons. Clliut Osce, 1ISN. W'sgsse S Co., Tasios, cWiii e
wifinad 5THISBRAND superor t011 eher. he," by George Saywood. Thils nsie IglsS. o0.4; pesdt-ners o ntemn
{, p p p s alone cotlh$2. The Vos-d is $.50 eRcmodSrigtCtNoih lga5sts itdaning t ( hisehis heymtrtc oflringSiserfamly
menyear, 15 cents meecop. During 'iecassi lsu-mgsthsig-',iestisg hiysr finmgfrfl
CIGA.~E'I"ES this monthi the pubishers offer to sendimAademy cosuisuesce lcessns Saturdauy, c-Iea. 11
are mde Seem te brighstes, moss delicate teMsia-oldortraSoIfu c. .No sahs to mut tie n h al ilpitfl conso
is flaos, snd highetisscos OSLO LEAF teSuia 5oiloltis i om'Otsnuu.Ots ms il iie sihSnmtfl conso
grows us Virginia. msonths emsreeipt of 25 centsIs dancing halOns ground flSoo. all football giaes tils fsll.
EWARE SF IMITATIONS, asdeoberve stamps. This sill include the beaui- If you wishs to have your rosntl- Just eeieu, a nosy lot of desks ad
thaitishe name o5 he mnuiarturers as
beo sa every pacage. ful Christmas and Newv Ver's hoiday ed, adertise them iii the Daily. 1-7 tbiokhr Csses siMt smis Hale's,cs-ll
behose 15umsbers, and the four isses will on- To s-raut, stcahe atedl suits' of rooims, O~lttt for sudnts' use.
i~rM,1 8.jP2 9E A'TOACCO Co tamn about 20 pieces of nosy music, e- inicly furishedls, iprice vere reasons-Wugne's & Co.'s I. of SI. Colar'.
NyBRANCH R,LicOiSOND VRGINIA sides a large amount of interesting ahl, 20 Alay'nrd t. 7 iDo you wvear itS113

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