[H1E U. 01??X1. DAILY.
MIC +LTHIGAN GEI11AL At the GrandOpera House. 1. (OF A. CALEN)DAP. tlf !N L
1tAiE RS 0. 5. . ate's 'Fast Mail" fCo.. which in .. A. corse.
MaladE ._.3 0 AI M .-_-.-'843 appears at tho r (dpera Itouse, Fri.:. 1.AbroJns in F)i--
N. Y. Special -..5 15 N. Y. Speil --i--7:; o ltidl eenintig, lJan. 1, his I113)( eciael 'iiiinoiS 9 Q' P IG ,A K
Eastern Es --1025 N.S8.Litd_25ectlilCua 1po cistu-HO SP IG AR a
A. M. lPaciic Ex. _11;15 ll 0over the tflited(lStates fo diee ersit7'Hall.
AlanticEa_ 7 47ra
U0 N. Express -S 0.OWester, Es 12 pst three yeiifs. It is 1111)e('05ai11' St, Ja.111.12. 5c,1Had hi 111 1(liih'si'EX.AS
t. 1R. Express 11 01 ('li. Nt. E - 1025to 1wllupon its iiirits-slilleeto01 Tellt 11 All'i' S))Illll 01 N E E
0. . lhUG.S. IH. W. lIAYs ittoe this seasoii it lhas lu-wsscineyI esty Iall.LO AN E S
G. P. & T. Aft.. Chicago. At., Ass Abor a n eehiical effets th it SU5 S un Jan,-11.. .Iii.1:.-Poflioa ho1u).111 f
1'., A. A.. & N i~i R~ ll pitestols 0efforts.e'11r'een C'l se\oenitl~ial1(1, addles'. Netwber11 11
T',Aoii& N MeR . al,(1ttr 'has six1colilntltl ihll. i1:1. SAN FRANCISCO.
Taking efect Sunday, Aug. I,1194,
Irtains leave Assn A rbor on enrlesii 9Stathsn111d- il x' ilEg- Tus. ul 7."c-y 'l ')eNew .lxis111 lfrl o3etisi
sehaim .d.)) l 5101' hall . Il. 11. (SL'1'"- a' Ibils.
7:18 a. in, ':1 1 a. m.
12:25 psim. l:a..o. IS. "1)1 11he'Go" thelettloSielld)" il BUSINESS LOCALS
4:15 p. m. 9:00p.m.C p ADIONr' AYS
run btweena Ann iArbor Ond Toledol j ss'it'hthin'llletl (Gorulti )nial1et oie sseiI oSlt oa:o tIeiTHE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN YS.
only. 'illditli (.hhs A. 7ollt' is 11055'tar- 0o.5)cents pee lis . Speial r ,forls longer l~sioaoie 1ss titlt
All trans daily except Snda time, slnd etra lies toes Iiel by ,11ply111 IIi iagu'r atedl a es Da .l' 115 tess
R .-P.PGREEN WOO , Agett1SF iSSwill bIs'aithli'eI ul Oper 1 t tie AILY llie. IS LS LEESfot
W. i. IFNENTTG P A. Toledo (0. Iloltsi f)1lbtths l4 irsull eTIsd a}' Sisrh o h al.CIAO
ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST. RY. flight. Jill th. is ill threeats. he11111 rb LAREorOP1tTeRENT
____ _1 is ll 11e'e. 0o rot ir lst It) lat. 'Te iFtitl SckI ll!er.2N't'.a a ai
O 1)11 5re, Pasant sinle rsil.le Va its Iot-M lot.fe eataPl
Time Table, October 7, 1894. ('1111'17'isbyFu.rnacek Dllheat.1151 2tiieAstisasdCo Asoss. 'u.enr
Lease VYpsilati from tGongrssxx ., 700,11ad:00 atlirof (i 'e~ilde is lopS'ielsl" sti. Flna 'he . 2: Wiiil . forltS pins sLae oy oe elissg t s e s
ands 11:00ia. Sm.; 1:521,SSl4 " (0 td lain-Maktrs," e.. 5111d the astlor WfFI-(11\WV 'HEAlP! (t Malerns, :0 a. in. net day, arriig
lease Asns Arbor .tststioni, 7:30 9:0 0adlin this play1a7 ls otoie all iis rev'S" A tril 01) l'lorida 511u1t lowO 'Io llllad b )100a 110:. i ixhss(m
1 P qs;u:521,:5,17Saii1:01.11 ) ) 1' : 1:i lcset )roitctislepig crlie betwena
SUNDAY T152455:0,15 7tl. 1:0 m ois Iltolls: le huioi1r is deligtul, Ie'neofThl 1o t plasant ithinigs ()lcago 501e1 llseets.Alotidaly ln ofSN A 'II. flf. I tly o .,cn IS ors:So
L~eaverepilatti romc Isigressat-.,10,3:30, stutins)) t c '~hy, the seni 3111 n i lP. t hil II 10t1i.i: a. Tais poier, le~ss'iog theg n :r
:5, :33 ed :00 p. a. 'unical t'fi'ttsatel'attractive:'thts ;. caed111 50 lsrss(1 rI'I'lis'))il & (ilnore tabn, tiieIgli to oSd ' lotcti isITa-
1'eive Ass Arbor .Junctiont, 2:004:(X), 5d0, wllarane o ],idasXtiilttei 'Ag les, ('01l.
7:0 asd :30 p. i. is a large onlit'nd11o1 tinsl a. hot .4 51 lofgefl 3 y 1(i iitl
(tsro runt os city tise. Fare: inltrpl rvtt ur. (2:1wil a} (nte--
cnr15:rotnd trip ticiies2as cents. od t i at-ial favilttes,.h iss Ethsl L'ltoli " i'iI 11. .t2.8 xl ,i 'itii
Wii. F PaiA to, Sup1. lts "'isdos "i "111 uta g':and11aamost eost 0(if.joriyintldig teals. tsrtllo l101' maps, tikets -in i 1full iforettuter
W p1 L_ R 3-12,]E, lea'ssinig p)1 lot donna; iss 115- ull rlil)1tls h 1) o
Lyt01111 thi' as-onplishl IssI-SO- F). hi 15) 0'.51) iiYl~J .GREEN 1. IALERMANl,.
FIRST CLASS CUJSTOM TAILORING 11pt li)) till'20th (entuty Girs Nel' Ihiill, MIitcvid nPasslit t ie av.Ps Ag
Cortner of State asd 5Wi1llm s s., a(] I wis MllC'oy' past 155Is years S51.97111 tllECT'IONS. ts- _
William t. etranci. bhtilIot A'el o(hll. t eaSthlto0)1bit ilis S')l'ios TICIKET'OFFIE: '01oia., Clark s . l,
] O"E SFLOWERS tossn; M.tSaks Winter theloula~lir tllSwill 1)i5} Cash frte111)- oil 11F. H. Tristranm, P. E. Dombas~k.~
For Everythinugand Everybody. lilisti-lesI l'o'iitix'c tnor, lMatreiteeeiptl it 1(p' it askedis st iust' frti' Con 15. ~A, lass. &iekstA-gS_.
LOSNS L HALL Flits, a2 s.oUnisrsty ave. 1Whslihis'egreaht tbassslprotlllo: tolt. (olitos soldsb e s-lt lby treis. t'r.7th lt ani sutiol- 1(r, dIsnst&
Telephone 115. 1Brun'tthe(leal)sig come11dian, If . C tetsdl nail oliexprles xiii: lee atsti. teld st., Pttsurg, Pal':i. T " oledo. (S:,
(htshntan 1011secen1tric hIishma~n, Sill ing piei-)'11110 ' spartel cover51. Aic
Vafcaton 11 all ~tatI n till' naking in theensds uperl5hi'1iI' 11ior l)S'111 li)'.'~s lo hI" REUBE IL KE ,
bran11-newi re) cnley,'OtheG . ptr aties. Foitie RoyI onsrataory
________________ I. .. (V IIACII& t., Sutgrt, emtany,
NOTICES,~lson)Si Teaher of Piano, Organ ani Esmsia..
I Composition; also the Art of
1)11)' ills 'tr sasle tr itscount)'. "rtl1LOST1'Teaching.
T i k e s. ) he. ailys' 0101)')'. A. pendant (haiti madil ofl' ills'OhIO (111Studio323 S. tDiion St., At ti Atlas', Mio
'Ihe lrusslhi)' h- Iltllat 1)Of 1 hsart. talc101onrIstud~U
~Pes epi i~hteTldI'beThes'raduteMrs.?tb 1willIt at t cos. Lost %2Slhidal7',tuht.i7 tSS'fl flANGSIL flERl i'4E5RIMg..
JW'ias ep nmn teTleo eidneofAr.Isael Sal -02 Wash- A liberal rwssardl will bla' difoh leIft___f________,E_______________________
St. Louis & Kansas City R. IR., llterm .sI.. l'boisd y S- ain.1011, at 1t (5 .Flntl I,~DEA C
The Clover Leaf Route, 'Fast 7:30 1. Ii. lDr. Prescotsswil give Ill, llDllIETAStliig hil))i'5111)1Z.
Line" for St. Louis, AMo,,and the addrelssoSom e Ohem slsica'l labottSrlli f aea i l1h 1adft hF. Sollt's'11Thi'e Q 03O3F , .&=02 ,M~":~.6
WVest and Southwest leaves To- sshiiehi he'isitesd in t(rnlaan'. . A yuc sn ol' 51flln'511' ))1111bs'it 7011 wantl. laeladba tlso lrdusdI
ledo Union Depot at 5 p. 11n. il initationi is hereby' exte'nsdeslto -lus)'Lat'))h)r Gr11 l-l1 et andobest Fstla i s ritu2"l)".
dalarie e nion Station all istetsleitilb' igl'illte 010)1ho'olc glPpe-l I.SoOI.a'work guaraneed.ile thing, pressin ad:
dailypaprsarrivesoff New sleepairitg scttdne
(the largest ini the world), St. 11and 1))illallil)I''s ofIlio i" tt't"dt' c t liiit t.naty, o
Louis early net lmorning. their )i-c". - i)'ll. as. Snt" s.,dtnsctIlttlrDettrosit
CONNECTION WITHlhANNtAtillR)Al.-1iilig DTtloir22 Yearsin the Business .
CONNCTIN WTH AN ABOR55. . lOSIf~ll ~' tIpapes gl to I. Stoilt', 12 N,. ain7
andd Michigalt Central lines att "Steps Into Journalis." st.oh. M1l1e lth eyes 2(1S. St l.
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free Ne, helpful and practical ok by
antd VestibuletIlepeswi a-I Chicago editor, for all young wrters, THI' A ABASH RIAILROtAD. X . . SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4h ave..
1)17 Sleepers I1 tells hose to get a start. how lInutconlectioni si-tte St. e,0111, MERCHANT TAILORMG !
cag.costrtet Inewosvpapeur article, andlironi Monltaini& Soutliernu.ilss ay, thainl esI n Rp rs
C. C .JI-ENI1'iZLS gse lotas eal l tteilt Texas & Pacific Ralwsay, Iltrlaun- dne neatly by
teneral Passenger Agt., Toledo, O. fil style,5pp 27; Price, $.25. al & Great Northern Salead, 1an(11 AUG. SCIOENEWALD, 335.1. Wankiatges
"It is thoroughly pactical. t knosw Southern Pacific Raisway, knossn1 s EXCELSIOR+ LAUNDRY!i
of 110 othterooksswhih canl hpproahlthto "Onluy True Souterni Route,"' has 20 AST IHURON STEE-.
itilrlailt-}tlt alSsm.-placed ill sees-ce a throughfirlist hs Good 55o17 Garaented. (God alldi fit
-~ ~ S. C. M1aSde,1 A. 1.7:. ., tIit. Citi sleepig ar and torst slepn ,ut, itd delsetd A. F. CuvEJ, 1rp.
for MClug & Co. leaving Chicao daily at 10:0 i. I., d esnwoexet*owie ee i.S.Lui oLtl okAarr
oasiolslyfoiepe soudite, xeu -aSt us oLtteIokMl eh STER'S
P ~ 1AR~T ocsinllfo hu reo l h o(Sot Springs), Austin, Sanu .9.itouo, IN RN 21NA.
4 w thotthissvaual treatise. t IS Lauredo (wh'ee a i lrc '11)'hZiI SosNTE JJICIONA
r fE AE'11 IET t (rslyeuuetl y 11 tes-llle sil hrtesli onecpgtieen is enr. _____________
CIAETpSOESalpecwll 51rs tcotuendetry thh(Cty>o MniswsEl-t ,50 Sftorrl
inadoiwith throthhnsleepingrcarlforI-ttCg,,etDeC, ON~
The I o'r tihexcllntodvietryil. Bdeeao~r f y
(IGAETTESAMOKES IT ae will. (I th'ih Cityofauiy ic )et i'sOLS, ,t 1- : '. .
togtopa alitl mretha tdeprce Ad res 'o. Shol f ounaiss, An'(ites n a rnis .u t l 50 I is A GainEa ts
sehal led ortht e oriar wes Cgaete, va stn il, e 1 n1o
vii l S R, A NiD sti' eioroan)GlDlEA 11'Ieol hetl')c)) others.ter luosline ,roCiesate. iiti lltizo' AliraryI lel
T e W REic hm n d O pa l l oo ffosi i (9 ) c o h l ' a t lh ) h li i : e ril t i st ef c e ea s, viet., orli c r.°).Bfo r r se,
ThelicS htamond 51 (li tiiatillash I a Irhsiselu. C(1ISOg" .. l 'it )'r oC.f. ChA E.c2aPgo,, 3,Fup ae a.4te
'IISiniti sotl~c~~g. ~ r'ihelt ~' 5, llitt Oh'lwhr ityo'n Scetae t. ot:a.,,11 Te Oe reat Stand dUesary
asreNbauhior;connestiaglines for. printed Abeasrteeunhn Sb .1
g"row nvraiCm lgt~s9 lin tley'201 5.lstmein: ritin fclark Stc., Chcao, 11on.r S y D. IssbeB, et, Is I
that liernabe fthe Dal'.hh'' , ter s r sn. Aeltill A blt v C . : At (t MAsNit Et (i. P .AI 0m(i at