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January 08, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-08

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floflI Ancel P ft read toilt sap for Ann Arbar, ltikit. Capital Siock, $50,0005. A ' 0 s o 8 1Srl 1000
___ d/ ]L11 r Ini under the General Iakt an _ _ _ _
1.~tIN ~of this State. Rteceives deposits, buys aed
__sells exchange an the principal cities of the
E ash iito S. oadgLiar rlfr!COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP, sied~ilatem DrSaftdsit xshe o reate. s eevd a pe ln
OFIRrieS: Chistian Black, Pres.: It )
en or tiniga Student needs ini the I ASOiiarriman Vice-P1te Cas . Ea . F. lisoctk, of Gtnna sium Shits. 'Iliese
tiny OUText-Books, Stationery and llaa a ai op1amt 11itAsttm tair
.-rais ee ~eus Stock in general. ctgatat Glycrsine soa, oods are manufactured by the
t'olgatae;-"Whitte Clemtis StapiN N AR OR
C'0'(ate s honey Soap,
MARDWTON BOOKALLE?,°t1tgrtoe mstap 1 i.taeSTEAM LAUNDRY. C O. Overman 1Whleel Co., makers of
Co t rcts ilighal (tinesp aan10ia taenTH oelleOW BOOSELER, r\3ctaoerfCr2clesVitorCiches is suffiscientien
IR Wslhangtoi St., ollr block MUMMERY'S NEW _DRUG STORE, I .S.SEVISMaagr, tuarantee as to their quality.
mast ofipMain st.('ir Fouta a singlton ts. E.S RV SMngr'
DROP IN AND LOOK AT lI)TtlttRtfANI.Weslthmorestanwt
THrHTL XRIE.ierpltnCf oil have to pay for inferior
THEI A5AWTELY EXERCISERSeethlem b1efore voltDirtt.
ulnfacr. hidMr.n dw1iiard STAEBL.E18 IN. 1YCLE EMP()tIiMe
/ t a n R L .lou side o t.cmpet Xtm- lorthrAe., itw ila in. tonW.Waoteglin t
aaw-A OpeYnN CpsanlGwn
TnIffon VERY, LATEST! pad4bte hr.rk-
trint.tttdora'tsftyeatsarea. lfcaCtoe tar lres ce. ndllatrts t. E wr e, Pop. FO T R 1M CYLEND MWOMEN
I n- Itt'.r o~iitei f t e rtse ar te Daly..paas ai~n as 'alt
ualss.Ai n A O ttttyotieb Md itae .. tittgint te1t1al Saea
111,,t.ittt Ilti . IrN o ilesiisllgs atid Schoos
All 'iaraet nt1ieIat. I i nnBl Ro y, 1,,rt ' Fie ptttPie t iettotPt 2 itpiiil O R ices.!SAlf WOME as
_________________at___________ofthe________ i"Tte fanoul a ; one alr.'entt tobaeks fely ltfn-gr tt silin
ine n.ot i' t.-t ~~ a iow fle iaol r; th . te t Wef.a epr epa f r e cotainishil iap-
PINSrrttt ade=s TsliS h .l tpnttireqnsoft. ehget ult
I y., -r tellu an LEDlueOLEE TRPSut-" to ALLesitis College COLRScl
i~tkbc-srudrthe pe.oa M. o ie"ptn. rcinfn ototr -srrithenly l owfret ridth s.tetttodt a s-
yea f'tr n is }osagr7c . ArThe tiitti ; ft' i n ap01teryi.aI tied it0 Otit formtscontaintig prices.
att ,ini "wo tep o ewse l r. inooawle' sifrck et ur'.nblei ndsatig ilihfatcliritoritt - ; staraw bnsrucionge ecr
- tus roihls itanish. t ygiv ealwe eit.tsato eliir lit o t t lyPHtiLga reP sH i thu
litnoooranwll alti ti oto the ulasngic; . lttvSa Ols Ptg it igteso ,wllb fradd
"WiWater White Heathe IiglttO m~cpericgal. 4 smokelessr(laiiempt t t l i aetr t ittsr t oeratod
e)mits1f)fnoI"o4oth ai l lStreet. o th lMOOREd &aroilWETergMI.RE

Ii tO.. IOVVimtgttst.,'Tioe N. 8h
YA.n . C. It.tt,'ttttte No. 5t
School of Dancing and Deisarte.
iiirltp1 a. mn., Gtetlemttntbegtnerscais.
a eca, 4 p. m., Ltady beginfersclasp;.
Mnday,-,t' .et., Advaneed Clas'ta'ie s t'
and G,11ntemenl.
t'nesdxy. 7,jt1p. in., Begiiters C(last (Laioe
andol E ntleinta
Privatelesseons by appoitment.
in theuhatest styles at
Sheehan &Co.'s
VUniversity Batoksellers.
in the city at
Ihe and 20c Per Pound.
Organized 1563.
; :aitsi.$100~1000. Surplus ssd Profi, $4,00.
Tzamaact~s a geseral banking business,
l~aegn exchanges bought and sold. Furnish
14' BWCHPres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier.

UNIVERSITY NOTES. t'etittli tlt'e f'nlvrity. s1"tolemitit g S. AMaiti st., anal State of., cor-
tau, .KirctnellteItattnes to ieo tlt«ss ItaiBiit oIteil ;witht '.)1, Itas U NIff[HSITY I T IflBOOKS
1D, It. 'ht'o''e't, '19 l tcrial ei ntat the 1ta3' lity'Itttdtstt'ittt Works. Now and econd Hand.
Stio tttiullii Wio. tt g'iihiti7i' 11. Silatnti se ub1itlishedtinl RitebttSatiinery, Shtrting Gtoods, etc, hc
3Iis Palin l iespos ; a~iatethey titer at tthe fLtwest Paic's.
last yteari,0111nt theIitholttidatyositt Antorigiiitl tiece t air'trloin ''The Ntatt'r'
Arbo. ad Dstriutin o th t'etroolus." Call and see us before purchasing.
Stios 7Italtittelt'(ahsvell, '94 lit.ivss' Prt ofi th. is -Notii' ppearedit'in'tt he ti ___________________________
isih'ii l'i'liiig.lt'e ciit' thelii oitni-arriv'.l ofSlit' stid: 1110. liitl , I NTERCOLLEGIATE
t~Littheansitioti iii Iaxait'. toitortoss' laiw' urg'm ttiic and itl Xiliil'SWEATER.
halir ) toii(t'ttttttoiti''it Ostsuil. tany oilier onthte martet. Iide'fetim thet
Robet. ). Asti forcomissintroftinestt asttd softest Auotrtalianitwotlthund knit,
ft. AV. Kenioti,'lit de'nt. t iitch nsad trateuted extluis'ei ylat yetar by nearly
sahlolso af Slias'asst't'i'ttuiit;'. atl the cottaga footbuallIelaeens. Iniilt'.
Thte Castalinilsbitardtof editiirs tits ftorei lpreseiitttiva' intihle siritno.tsias'y'and blac.'
decided to extenidIltlthetleme: 'tillon 11ha0 puried'i teitptlrct'itof V. V'. PI CE, $7.00.
ributiiitioto Ibta into Fe.I~r.3. DCa'er .)'117cleait, at Mtantiila, (). Tie. Spalding's Baser 10ltanitTinits Suplies
ace recognizead leaders. Everythuing retquitet
Miss Martgareet Miclt',)(;tlitad Boty'retis qupitdetitrly andiul otue ftrthe gamias.
Mr.'btit',lirigii, tP~eu tlariilinto a mnuitfaatureing ttLitsino. Sitaldingo Trade Phtreltonutattyou upe-
11r Whte,'JiengnCerwer marie caae to a guarantee that thte gotuds atouheu
(luring tihe vacation at Lancauoter, (). fhsstat';' Braley' iTmpsaon, '933 lit, bait.
Pro. . T. auo '3 itof hur-aiid Edward Silosat- heat, '93 ruiiti A. G. SPALDING &- BROS.
Pro. E L 1Tso, 9 li, f CarNEw Yusea. PAtiLADIRAi.rna HCAGitO.
lotte, ws'oa married oii Deceniber 24th, ear, worte mtarriedi last Wetdnesday 't Orw
to Miss Sag;endorpli. of Jackson. '92 Grand Itaidst. Mils'1'homapson sesn .{ \ I7jf,
lit. farintely'eiitaor oftt'eArross'.1lh6a'or-
The Daily- has i'cciv'eid a adirector utngi of tile ti Beft thi sorority. rnai T llfl
of tie law class of '91 through the At almeetinig of the college prfittes- IE LEUA1IIGi IIILOfl
courteesy of Harry D. Jewsell, tlie soro of Ionaraercetntly a resolution spau,
compier. passed to prohibit the piaying or root- Has te newest Full and Winter
Ther sol b 24coneotint inotoball buy tile colleges ofat litofate. This Woolens and largest stock in the
debate of the Webster society to hs as yet imerely ai'esolutioni antI is ciy ouanetoanygseoec
choose represtatiowes for the intereol- opposed by th1e president of file State (inyuaelongfr
leglato contest, University. AW CORE AND SEE US.
TU. E. Goodrich, of Brutus, svill not Subscribe toe the Daily.2 E. Washington at., near Main ast.

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