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-PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.
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A. F. ttoencl.t, lit. '96i, Assisant.
.t. A. traits'. Lit. 96t, Atltii' Editotr.
.1.l. PAIM,. Law'9, Ilitiness.Maliosee.
11. W. hoev, Lic ts 1, Assitnt.
LIhTERARlY. : (5t
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Minute Thlnepsite.'tt7 MEDICA..
EL . B Iartlett,.Lit,'97- I I Pltit
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(3tsesI.,. HOMEOVlATllt.
Allhopyamust:le at. tteoffiscetbefuero8:30,1
nn. of thlecday of pulicaetiotn.
'thre edittirs iotittiitld themselves responll-
sittle forte leopliniosiotrestatt'ntsfcors
ponldents, aplitartie ill thtty (itiI'.
tile plst o lttillt 01 siththe liii' ttiltlttat-
pforttenIsoftIll( tt slthti, iitnorant
De'ts"' ill (hat country-. This osill tbe
"'((l ilt't1t'l Irt inlftrOt i1'.1s.W 37r e' s hOnn tret O ne ofaFifth
ani it of g tirt' esi dn t stt rtittsttt W lidctohtg bt'aitt- (l ianens 1ef, nee'
t'ttht'gtl(ttop iblt:il he ll aylinge ot'illt- res atect an f a s uhior i st yle m aftronagd in(s tatt the dnr~
Ierelll..51'ia tsoobalt' t llt iliat-n opmaegodssudMyE R eAdy-ad ALRS oi ti e o
thle4 Thttt iswill ntprovnt(t' il" ewilso yo gam nsfot onc tf he iettior ii the'
cotlso ly nvriyol 1vrorMIty(1( rF ITtrloTH101'ING y PAtoti RLO1R11saeuliS,
gous h lit titllt''ttir hiiati- t, f fi- fta raym tl el
Plsst bet. itwn t't iet o' s.sito.WahngoiSretaoreho-ifh
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