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December 15, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-12-15

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n C IG N TK ( REGENTS' MiEETING. I rgol 1o0 _lli.'1a ;1 01 olds80i,11, 1111et1
Tliame Table (ileeled) Nov -1-8 i NI 21'l) 11 F 1OM 1 1S1'PAGE.1 .$22 (each. Youli '1111 cr111ti as f1l1'
EAST. I WS. s ol'. 11a 8011111ldistinction isII1,11of1111c'I
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N. Y. Special--.-5 5 IN.Y. Specil I' 115 1--(11 110A. o 01 11il Ic1 c111 1101
EasternFEx. 2---125 N .Limied t
A. ni. Pacific EF'----- 1 1.5 llllznl'itli lo'be 111111811 11cc'the 111lcl l'001 o ll I I. c111 1. i
AtlaniOc Ex---. 71.11F u n.lo k t isi tefrt(i
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7t h111001fare 10o' 'roundlltrip 811ill' 1111111e
D E C 1 th to al~l 10oi118in tii'e(Cetral TnIifIIo'
-- ercertificato's. Tioket old 01(14 10
21 and 22. 1894, 111m ilitto 0Ireur
rT KT not labor thall n 5. 1592.
.171...ti..L.'.L'TO RENT-A pleoasant suite' with
fuirnace heat, bathc and1 light at $3.
)O K ST O R ES . 1111. State st. 1

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