aiti+ Iini Elmer E. Brown. New Books.
I{:linn E. Bion.wo :rdnnii'd The ifolnwiviiirai n iin- thin n't
f 1l hetnivorsity o''cif n l ilhibooksiinrecently iidiedi to ithe'geniial
itt iiI) iy in i y' '. I i ";S), aiiiii i t t tu )lit re a yeiir or libirar: 'ivii Laws- of i aiii-i i
OFF U F V NOPF~~1 FSSUOFO ~ 1 tt i iiikiiga iviii'otiPliiti'(f ill tin', Present 'Tinn', I>. \V. \ii'(: Cin
twicr:'tuesbildinN. SMain -4.tioppos-i4'ti hen'iveitiitiy of"iCalifnrnia atl.Berk- piny ie latt(2 vo(ls.-. I litrin F'. Leachl
ini adivaniiie. S iniigi i- iii en t .,i i niliip iofiNiw Xiirk aiii ( luleagit Will shiii : I)elocnnracy in OldiiaiiiiNew Em"', hind,
.o simay be 'lefi it tiefice oii f tI)A P Tin"ui'hediirn' ofi ii' i agngy 'of lte1 'Charle's lirg ail; 1w iir-n Ixtno
it Sttiiit's, at State ni. ne'4 tt iih v'nly o 'ifina t 1any~htii n iii ~ n
of thn editnor, ornaii horisetdri il iest o aiona i ong M re lo-i ous 'n ta s i
intinti iwiirk iori theigauseiiofieXi tin lil
Cnnui(ai i tIhoud iireach n ii ii ni n thenriigi I ofrftiiiceby s1I i 'tioiiiio ii'roiii Sinviii Ii'ii
T'lc .i heyU.OFartoap rt nxttXin ii itlinlfniettfaiiiwest. ill t'nili'erItI'. r . iw ~ Iltl - f i
da.A d essGa IatOrS.nendi or ibi- ll\i '. liliii its headiii l l in- ta o Rn ii' 'It'llf itheVii') ititli'
caton o te M na n *lsdt~o. Al bshlss i " y as ilaniat li'l inwe.-r lort i iii adPoetr fM dr '1,alct
r .o.n A.uiai oi huiIt hAti nu o 'dein is
S. i'O~iii I is 'hLietinveiiitation"u ueu'idilii'uiiiioii iieiiiil'igliicin'sonunProimi l. Sle iii
IIi ialav1.- utii uuitiul' ii- I'p iii g ni-tii t'ii i i'
t.'iinic V. niitii tiu i i lii iii ich giiu t .th IsoutionSoft e p rpli- ng.u Deep_____ a._________ son;_____ i____________ i__
F.beil f i. lciticitioiitheii 'uSa
,I ..L ri: it 9, a a iniittiidit iii. ltiion ilt Idias ioii' tiI iiiiiln if listo inHer
All CiEiiiAN it ut hut' Si~t i.iti ni., sfril 1dtney 1ci o-Bbe onSanr im~ n
in . i i Pu i Eii ~iii i iLith. 6,_Asistat. n1 inc iii, he i-sa id a 't- tl(.4vlu shudtit. oi f (xek Iite~t.I cb
J. A. it R Y, it . 96,miAki t lti nitiir. i t(''ot bl ~ii tedilium liht-n o N _ micii'
J. S. m I tliiinniu'nt'95,iBusinesiiMii'ier.
______ tic tn-u'cntnli;i'tl byha Sai'iiim elthatibllu'-Ii
it- -, Amit. mummil iltmu'.u' not it cou'ulu''tibute.ier- ni-u tt mii:iow t'tns liNier 'timil 1))imt.
IiTERARY.t LtAWI . i 1 1,1le" nureuthaim a'u oth i ~e n sto'kill. ' -i i ilit ini li~,hm.
S.B hly, 5 .tam l,9. l)Ili'rini d iuulotn li i'f tul l'r nt'i m i g r 'in, \tit, inlu. in t itu(i'l-
ii i. -i-u nt T thompison',nni 9iii lii- wil lcit uit'ut i lii n -tec'..i -_--iii
'ili BtelutuLnlit -thu..;unio'la.o(teI lorn thu e I i i rii'l-nia Iei' i'.1.mi O VCO HEIC G O S
4:18 ii.ubtiiiitili' i lint tiy- r in
'mut T'A um~L. HOMEOPAI. . Tliulu IC.t ti't'ntedylioiithitstcholsg iiliiticter- OV R(A WH E C .
lii'uiuuli''gherenit'1 unts' tin wmn1i in imo 'iii-ninipaom. Untoit
iFAll u-co iyumus t'e ti- e iiie' eor :3 a za i ftheii.lxi I.liioi 'Khttdl"I . N r ini, iir a ' mi-
n))iofthi' yo n uni iti he niti'n f'lit. i t iii i iiiT t.i ti'u n
-u 'nei s onla y ()Sticuun tryuitigati iaiii a
T eeitors idogliot'i]Iio miidthens lve epn
in onritortet this wek iiiiI
JTaoobs & Alln~and,
HAND Magniicnt building: tenitachers;nlarge
atntenne;goddiscipliw:nesuioworknt e
niupiieidcreadinggrnom; daily licue.'. a::d
n etivrceptions; on ee n ieer int tcep-
uinifcilitiesinr pling studentsnin ysin a
falik-n. Thesecraitscrduced tiSr.,ob i .
morit ; Foig rIC atalogue addrets
P R. CLFAPlY. im-
This space is reserved:
jfor the Grand Opera
Big Four Route.
Through Sleeping Cars
Petoskey, Louisville and
ball, N rc(cogni zod b all. As it
])rill Captain he has nnrtolthted 'Ibility.:
and. Avith tllc alroady tlattc.rill".
lwvtc ftir h: luall_ wo '411:311 lt"Ik I'm-
9I. at : 7~oR .ti 11tit-Im. iiieituuil IASK FOR'TICKETS VIA
1111ditili itittii't t n--ICaps and Gowns OR RUE
tilt tir Allat'-r 'i'i'ltn BIG FO R +RO E.
I-..I'. .1RRK 1F N MC Nn$ 0WflMFNII
l Isi lii 1i t l siii im l. it lit t lit- tuutni.cii:' -1(________.I .otne~grii-uneMLnR cc. 1. At '. A
ontorihe t ,ittn ilSi . he 1nes. sl t' nasse~afciir. Gn. ' th l iIII il'1r. ', Iu-;I'ul-+ :. j We arc prepared in fturnish Caps incinniauti Ohiou.
(ii-.lse~o -'""'n" mult(\ ( _.i (lGownof the ihighest tqnalitytoUiesisClgsanScos
_______________ thrnughout the United States, at C rs ila
Th-lofer mdeibyPr1'.surprisinugly low prices. Self mets-
rarthortly before liii'Cone ~i iiiSix Love Sns"essary instructions to secure per- eaafcl ftin grm tswhotGtg
'' to li ith igig , t lK , iiions vtt sitingenors, owilulg for G reetin
mt rn , ayr iasato- fSxse i oh v enls i i f n o it iu't finestt lyricie uisi t mui tiu pou rqu st
uu-uu i it'luu'iliit ei liitthigt Heavy Faper, TO nents' oso rgusi
mandu it'e 'l'hum uimgling hlidmit ut'COLLEGE SONGS" RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS Students durlig vacationi are nor-.
flit ater hvequpricesnsc ~- i'headquarters, and inspect or el-
tt'itt it wtuouldutetue't'Ilii toua" muai-im i-cOer x30,0(4nsldh. Heavy Faper, 5O gant line of College Outfits, Sweat-
cents, Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. Strawbridge & Clothier ers, Foat Ball Goods, Skates, Import-
lug befoure thei't'lrisnuimtatuioniiamndiued Hose, Cam-ieras, Golf Clubs, etc.-
P'not. Shuilu'y tt'illunouudouubif i-mill tltn"CLLGESONGS FOR GIRLS."PIAEPI. ec
nuuuu 111' ixtw'k.Tu mimthn'1tl The largest exclsively Dry Goods A.(.Y P. .I.DI- &BRS
soire timenext i'eek Ibeiniltuse tn oim iofitliiindmupulishednuThin House in America. .G P T IG&B
cri'iwidnull fur t'e rtuicoI o'i' otbo~ilumlison othe hiding eolleg'es orlen . miiiPaer,$1i0.147-149 Wabash ave.,Chicago.
nu14irins t'm'amr imii' 'g Ir" tinii'iuluit''.1it f D J- - =. . MR, A . -F
ii-'iun UU OLCiNfNIOETLClA OI Students Recreation Head-
Etguiy'twpitecpewnfornnthe nguitmurfnum tieqares
Theluestlui'nforlii'iebati' biettt'n'bist iourees.. A.nplendid co'ec'utiioi. ]landu- MARKI equres
somiulmuilluitriyuu i~iiy e Cover. 5o Cents. N. 3 N. TlainStrese
vunata in "tResolteid, 'Fimt iilihostmAy bokientpotpid onimit oi f pic.ANN .ARBOR
I' tt'tt'n umiuils o retririsi ile O IVER DIT ON O.,Ladmen'ad Gents' Clothing Cleaned
liquor inatir is toilimainate mlii' 'Ii'- .453-463 Wlaiingllnn St., Boston. I NEW W {T Rnr Dyed.
inlent ef pri'ain profit." 0.KII. Ditson & ti., N. Y. I R J",i OL LL 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR-