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December 12, 1894 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-12-12

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T'HE U. 01? M. DAILY'.

~.34 l 4] Webster Public Meeting.
4- %.' ~ NcN.4j* iiile irst Icodric iif n cii --i-i
to he(;ivll by the Si-iicli-i lilcriii Sc-
I'cliicid lDily (Sceilcyc "wi-c d)dri'
thi(e Cl eeyear, by td 2511( Otlct l i c
THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, illi r ideoom with olii )ilidiili c io
pos-iv1c. 1o1oiwd(1 cutli muic 1)y ihe1-igh choo cl
Sbciioniicce i$2.51) liltyear, ci nvai-iyyI: ahl .il h
ice-dvacy.lt i--ti cies 3 cens.- c ii- lce cip-p iiii l ' e'Ilress 111 c-u- ic. lwi
atiSicflit',cit Stae tIIe cci cilidciihicHy
i 'lok1. l. if cvae toii ic-i-i ii liiil iiihelii next- c --c i -lc- Ic

icy. Addiiis allcsmattercintended fcioiiirCpubCli-
AiiiiAr-bor, Nli.
I.L.Lo u,Liiit.t, )11,A ccginiEditor
J.A. Lr-. ,LIuuCi. 96,i. ii.Accticitoi.
J.1.. S . A I 9, S.Iluuuii s llanaigti.
It. A. aneri '5. E. Livans, '95.
Care .Seiitlu iii G.iB.Ii larciciie . l
DE T L - ii-i i i - - -
Ai illii iy sbeii heofcibfri5:0a
In. o t1 day f puliion-
l'iecliii)S eii-).t;iho ld iculslci. 1 sli-
pondnts apiar11 in/ i11DAI1,.11i)ii
SI h-lic. S ici-ciiofiil. Slileii i li
uis, t-cIii ir lc iiiliii- u111i-iSl i1i ii
Recorid iofi cior iciiizi -i aNc. ci- ~o1
Aficii an.iiii W iiscni- e-in c .l i-
no)11 ' 1 ciil .-olii 1 ii-li rd ue I bu ''.'tsi-
fist lila c iiiil iiiveiti arei Ill-ll
tiiliikuuu iroto1111 .Ano, rci 11i~a
cwid s, if-iuedeicc i iiwolldiii wil

The purposied ciofiithe 1111 ni1cice i t
mld liii- hl-Iiigiofii ce-l 0.01,10,000~
p l e, l l n iiitil it ii 111iili-.s lf-r- Ithat
{tutso l be(mr im wii h iiile- of i-il-
Ic . Mr. .1. W. lu-i. 1 iii ur, ia wiell
r ily i. Nclat he iii- I iii heisi- c
that 1111theris iic - thn wis. lThe- ic eli
oi jiistil}-,lihe-iiindi theireof.
to i ci iiioniiwai-cc iill fdin afo- i
cl win" ai d iiluli i.iiiii ii Slice
faiiiesilihe i-lwtincreiiasiedii-ilie{
kniiiicii il i 11:;i11\-iii v". 211. Sulli-!
ic ii-iiiti-illiii - Ilt itif lli il-itc-ic 1
therefore iill i lile ii ii odiiilli m vI
them intoliiaiiicilililci hOillofiicliiil
liii illlli celji-t ii
1)0lncc. iuii i le -cc- -c
andi Idiicliiill Lai-i lliicluc\ li


Tl llisiliby Mice Vo11 lcd 111.11WOMEN ! WOMENY
Si-heel see.li (]111Air. 1Ili illl Ni i c- ____ ____-
enjoyteldlnd appri-ciacd by liei iiillil SPECI AL SALE OP ALL
Junior Class Social. nortr hswe 11i
''he ticketsi toi theiJilinir11.11 1, liiIoSATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER l5
1elln is ie i ic-i 'IllesiicIili10\\i l TY .C b 3~
ol.111 ( i Isi lhonellil w ill isld 1 heVlii."G , a , a
possible. Stolis -l.61 Su.Iu- isie
ii--ciii. 1eu-ii cc iii lc-i.ln V Ic im
-15511 Megeifleet beildisometteime lieci;inii
aiideiiiuiccdusgcicsi deily uroiheclhc;11
HAND MagTifcentbuild;cendteahers it v
___________te _______ 1~rtioi i atednc; od isilie;per. iorwonPY . :
iupplieireadinCroom;-aily letures;1atuldl
thecole-' 'l o 2 -otn~ o (.1-1 tvei ; (receptions;open heFntOrLyea. xe
WEnalaclesAYr ElEing t deC n 0121,
Wie.wic i eclrdtoh Peck's)- oadan ro Badt 2.5 eBoyki.pivt
£a ci s hsertsrdcdto$~c-ys.
j le-o color. bt :~~~A;11 FoCa lgu adrs

cit made ini lieimmicense Vii icr fac-
loics of unlimited facilities. Victor
laieball coil Tennis Goodls, lootballs
end Fiootball Supliesii, Gyimnasiuim,
Sprinting andl Sparring Shoes, Bioxing
Gloves, Indlian Clubs, Dumib Bellcscoil
E-xercising NWends cre leciders. SS'c
dcclso ithing Tenisc ci-us.
Bostioc. Ptiladeia~i. uDeroit.j
Ncew Yoik. CIhicaic. Devr
Sa Fcico. Lii Acgciii. Prclaned.

PRICES, - 35c, 50c and 75c.
Through Sleeping Cars
Petoskey, Louisville and

1)(11'0115 1' lar 111 lls football 111 101' ; . Ill-," of 1"11111colot llll(l i01J1N) ill .1 lll:lil-


liii- colli ii t l i'11 i l ucu11\" c"ilyu 311 u-u-u-ciitalulol-oii illcui lOlo n t:II l \. 1 1II'"' F1' ' "'1i Li' .F . 00 iC I iCK Di. 13. M RTlIiN,
1)r~slltdos nt eem to ire l y l~retledactr.We repreard tlPssictig r TCuutiic Sn i. Oen. 1 . &T. .c
lies ull Sl-il iii Will iuuiu i~uui leliu. Wc rc pi-perd tofurnish Caps Iitii~ ~d
strogly ll 1.1vo of uch le'-ile 1 - -1- 1andGownvo f tic highest quality
A5 g;n efforSuti:cvi liie glade nextc u Jj l MUSIC toUniversities, Colleges and S C hrost
son toi gu etugim- iviltliSail.tiI Ici I _____________ surprisingly Sew prices. Self iota-
- - 1 i ureinent formsecontaininlg all 11cc-
uiilIiit-ii i iii I "Six Love Songs," essary instructions to secure per- U r ____
haeti -)ntt t . iLi iilit I ,al Ifectly fitting garmnents without
ofI~i nei i ii e t yics cii . i s iittemuscicali upon request.1
Itiithhr ui-iu (Tr-aces of-c iii i , ci ul'l e itugi Heavyi Paper, 75 cents. _____ --- C789
tlio rCutrnu-li gnite-c ,tliiii~e COLLEGE SONGS," RIBBONS IN ALL CDLLEGE CDLORS Students duinig vacation are cor-
cnnotuaffordil iliii<1 clii11151 xtI different widths, at moderate dially invited to icake our store their
-so-ea ~ gc I i Ci ttdu uleucil ~irdi- headquarters, and inspect our ele-
ovc -ere 5101)00 cSold. Heavy PapCloth5e gant ine of College Outfits, Sweat-
. iuccicu't.-iif I1Iiu-11isi left oi cnl I loh.Cu, 1.0.Straw.bridge & er"s.Foat Ball Goods, }Skates, Impcrt-
.lran~nxet culdbe asiy llad toed Hose, Canieras, Golf Clubs, etc..
cruiii-iiiictutll i uoiyuiiuh I COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS."' PHILADELPHIA. etc.
laly liie cviiiii-c iioi -ti-ll dateiandThe largest exclusively Dry GoodsA. .SADN &BR .
(lely bocci; of the lhind Cublisched. The House in America. A .SADN RS
thius setlell qiuesuciiinofthe ii uuuchrl .sns cithe le-ading colleges for woen.t 4-4 aah v. hcg.Il
"aionstiuhip."ili§liiabily delot Heavy Paper, $1.00. 1719Wbs v. hcgIl
ciliiilily icthority hu1t his-uslate--IIROYAL COLLECTION INSTRUMENTAL G0ITER MOSICI L --- SuetsRceto ed
llts. bti b elieci"(1 -i1 it lik ui
s i ll m to )l theEighly -two peilice orthe guitar mth ie Sueke eretinmed
gceealeticlii-cltuloli- h csuldentcet urcesi c. siplendid ccllcctione. anti- ~-" quarters.
wh hn;scmeCover. 50 Cents. TRADE Na. 3IN. MalnS trect.
whhihti biutiiirS'Michigan to liR
i--uiiltil-ul ia-u Atiy bootc set postpaid titlecilt; ci ric. /f ANN LARBOR
li-ast inlhiettr year. OLIVER DITSON CO., fl STEAM DYE WORKS.
453-5403 wastngtn sSt., lleston. A NEW LINK CUFF cir Dyed.
l',ee l WHITELEY EXERCIISER I. 0.11T. PIt~o & C., N. Y..... 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR.-


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