~Ij U.of
, alai 1AM ,.
VOL. V. No. 51.
Delivers the Second Number in the -Mil-Ieufat la.j llsil.c oclcii
Unity Club Series- Before ilI'ilily%, l111ce. Oiiir Cny. (llio,
a Large Audience. -f5 81 i-cillii'ciiiie
TamsilrKay Apiiiviuvu. ofIii lsicli 5,il u-v llislefather'e Iced uandiudli(,- tillitres
Is iset ( h,0 illvi1111,ii l ivh Iily ,"dli) ii illcoll iiitillii eW lt' il) viii5 cldi,
-liiiili-l 111(1 ilihr lichli il( a vlten 11rev i "1 ers (Colluge.,le r. Cilvin-
il iii- iitvrelofCi lielr uit-c-s we ncii. iii civ lie -grlliilill ill Iii151. liv
is-Il ucd(liy ' l l it.\-Ou1o sir f heBy aul ilriicly riitrib[lvii ioiOleiii- s
spa ersiownliii gtc sill uli ily clii - .ld Ifli tile i llion-t i1i Alice 1(1
' 1i"1tnit i . .l ......l.laic i-ttI O n wih te Ellciiiiivvi. ll 1, l"
~iliviv 11'ill1lIii evilli1114(((clv lliS.ilil
-I 111ev is iii hid liii h(' li.;il.
v till lani liii ililil lr((-li 111 1111 (11
1ill thoii c ill tho11 fist aetlofvci huh Xc
Thiceisibcii li' (lillisicivi alis
Ic1-.r 1 1 111 .' - I".1 1 .1 ly.1111 t a-5 ueolisi
ciird lestalciucseii 1111d hirewspael
pe llthtic-asndliin lb-;52-:, workvied
oci M~aci-ili8,185:3, nsacclcvport le
cud scull biscimcvnicc editrc. Iii 1854.
the "Con 11illiScill el-li eor-sivgiiiei
111111 1siceiiiiliilc1115is (1all il 'csti il
for a fathei-dead.. ut. iifor' t ilo1111')' the paperic. Iii 1 46 ieclitr(ilu .c
lsrced-. 1But1if hi-hits i li'-111ill iWOiishis handsl. Aftr-i'luicl'iii'or a
1oiiily inder rilef i liv ikilie
11(t 111:;t b-cisaffalueic- i-i weniiihe
((' cnsfroite wiill)(1114,i's (cid o
goo -'iir et (-r ii1i1,111. iiee-sle! ri-l
11155lfrll fre-eliei'-lediiiw lllg.hes'-f
sri-i..ship aiii hellicyl-l iii'vo lye
\1 roliells (c ii-r~ -~igt He lluiiilycf vei-
powierfu lifuies of elliuity of howii-
iv, In he oliloqucy iliesidelibeatl
ini few-s e- lir l lirodctionsll.
Oph~lelia, losinig, faihfuli 1iii isy
iiviailiillg ofgratiii iiid0'i-tuid fulfilehd
lepe. fers -wsea sofi.eNierinl elliel
tiliill a iclrs o f pvlho'1'l cf lltji n-('111
sm.ho ld ~li cluii e 11 ! l(,1 c'ile
1liiilil11ll liedc liii-11 11( 1)nftills("- ~
portg'g. cfI' C11-agolile usil vlsleise
li-siil li 8 whihuciuu-u Ic-reill foul
-1(1111( 1 lo 1r1 15e p eillto l .(o_1
1)I~ luilac lilly. iieliile(uoh 1117 liii
lllil W111(1(11 gth 111 111of t evt(.011-l
11(11-c l Giie t.cg-.li.21.fu'
l.c nle Aeci. 1.8.tl
New Rules to Govern Them.-
Changed to Meet Changes rys to Iearn evitliiiuit book-.
in hours.; Some people though try to use
Ic cs o -il-i--ir lll ite-cins.mu ic lnseu ensIvillitl
lietc il-ilunder lie- uii so f 11he
I'll IN'-esiiOf Miiiiig11iilticil-assec-We Say Buy 1 hose Which Have luvel
Rifle I. All ci-eilS uc sftlie 111(11 We se-ll that kindi.
the licestililwhic'hstheyi shalli ii
phty7'ied hlllbeismade-by theAhei
ztssoi~ttoii.51 South Main st.
R 11e11 c. T eoier fIl:ui ~ I r
the- Athilet ic assoiatll~ilionsihlll \ili FOOTWEAR
Mle lii. Lissif ilasi eam icestATc
bei handeid toli liithe pesidentlof the "s
Athiileii c asceeitionlliii 151 11175 s -
liii-thelsiteiif 1 cntici.
u. 'tihee liss cav-toI c i.-ocied r
hI-sidcenvlifliii- atlut icsassoe ia-BEAL'S SHOE STORE
lion oil tlit eraryu-ell-' l- (til I iii- Opp u rt Hoe s e,1c--liiiiSt.
leis- boarIdciii thei111-101vialsill of ihe 1f you want to get a ine box of
-liiist lidst Ix'lliilillueli loithi (('ml Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either
dn liihe athicbis iii netdi(11l lie- Night or Day go to
151j 111(7 b-foe-thiidateOif slusussul R. E. JOLLY & CO., Suite St.
u.Wen ai li(1111(lv-zs-( 11.11 (To tol RANDALL foii
111(1 1 ulviel eilill 11fillfleiit ht ' ii 1iA rtj it ic P otos.
loteIV i. As ito 11ii ligii lii I NEW G3ALERY.
1.A tident. uuiiiliielciul1 din theLARGEST OPERTING ROOM IN STATE(
h'ivs ity7 must cosieri huielfi. ____
se n ft heul 'll iii li ' 'eii -
.A1ll ix i-s elust Iiiiiiitles isNO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
()fi t -1e1cas ilic-the.il ' ililvievrli. AnnArbor, Mich.
-Noit 11117' ear' l 110 s illii uuiu-
than ne ca's.ItiOPODIST--ile. F. 5ILut ormuerly
tha11 (li-1-1ie 5- witliiDr. N.-lees ,cof Bosetoni.niw at
I 1 A-stu ententrin te 1.ii i ii-he isostofiive bildiiig, Starts, tCris u ui-
4. .b etuui uiueuc li- P11- ils, isgedlulegNails, aind ill diffculties iif
s117'~ ~~~~~~~~~h illiliu-iuileui I(il1(iiCuefeel. cvesiuly tre (ted.c9.. .toc5:s0
sill sl~t l becotiklre(1 i"'llier f . iv. Offic cloeed Saturda~ys.
lit' ); t gi-(iiluiclwiths' hisi tills li h(i, HOT z -N IUFRSHLIEO~
shlllbeli- iui(ieiie-ula sen-ios lin, ugLOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
-;Ile iis ciii eu- lu-itll15(zitill liil -
luent. +TUTTLE'S,
Any.li stuentu-uuu in-ill ,II24 +48 S. STATE ST.
sdrda csiiuuhu; - 51 hous1 J 1ust R cev
ad(11shnevedll.ithe $a11 us 1 1
he huteii wouldl11151lush ani scuisil I Cicialgol as ItherulforeIlain-li us-r
edsunil a ciliuiii Haleitsliii-. tiuu baIeitoithue- trinluig tlii.
't'klig u i pi dltof thueltrlgedy17'Aliuii15 eisii 1111ill 11takeniionlii
aigillii M. Aiuiihi-iic- ulifuuponiluuuutriplaud si-llleeIrt u-o-. 21 poivcl1y.
li-Ic ciletul ly-1 o f the u- u-s--tlii iio f I olibleli, I g[mli ii 1(111 11151 i
his comisionli. Tliii-vsitceirinueiuu--ranigeId wihi Califoiaii i Iuvecsil I
iveshimelf anyeccse" or hisThe Oracle.
Becla}-, bu i nuc11S-adits ichis icicee
lesioss 111l1a117 iel ld it i f liiireigube5liuult - iii-ire eissuie-il,
thulughtf,111nd lu-vies oau- hne lthe5'llt- Ori-- aii c(le,-i- w'ilibetplacedlionii"al(
oppoutittnity-. Plus con~eicsiniteliiislit .Monday,7 1and1 will lie-fuill cf iuulu-u--tleg
sceniecof thue1playsswhenII Ileit kills
thie kiigt, s-eciiullasre u(lnut- ital-
(host aily time- uuhinthig hu eci oni oifliii
Mlr. Aplt-ces ri-edeerig if tlii-c-
liloquy-acd ofliii-sc-ee tween- theii
gease diggers s-ieu-eheeltureceived
if aniy of the iiuieuiuusrevauhiegosciii
wehiichilie illustred e-ithutsvariouspLoiits
of his lecture.
Prizes Iamhounhtinig flu$1890 cre
-offered by the faculty of arts aiiul Sri-
-ores at Harvasrd flits.year
rei-nuig nd nil dsuilomieicuths. liii-
saln eafululv- (f this publicaion iis
thuat ii is lil~ldIas far aus usielhwithl
wreitinlg" nd uluiehe'sg 1(7 lii- 1-lle.
It seill cntain halfhhon- ci(iof (-1115
calious. togetheurueiihi a half iiiie-uit
of Ills-' Vaity1 eleg-lcuuithiut dul'i uthl
Coreil-l. Tliit eror fouhlei pavg-5esill
bei dlevoutedu oflugindic and(;slerius. ht:-
.i. jitllci-; eitii4S hiuliec's iclls' tu-cre-h
itii he hicl hutetisisiul ic-iS-ior
A Christmas Number.
lbs-( iiticu u mbiuusue ofSWeinkle-
seill lit-issed nexlt-sioMcshsh7. It ~51111
li tlihid hest luhlithulef'ierpulish-ud.
Thi-e oerlcii iiwin ei-colorsc eithlii
Iiihlhic hh uli-eg. .Aimong tlii f usc
teibihtur e ieu . Is. tiiiclhii )'3,11,I.
1:. 1itylil, '9)3, Miss Ohuot- tellins 11111
esvoiilil ecl knoiniseii e'iie. Anioig
lhio illstratiohsicire-someiu-b1 tClihhll.
.A laig :Motck ttt
ymnas'im CIothing
if Ypuilantii, aud otuelsotftheublits
'ho Albioiu(hhlt-ge footblhl to nlInt.,i liul iuiiuiii lilt. lie- liu-u- eilIlbe, 55
ulu-rctidLandon captati foeIill-st 7year. culilte