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October 04, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-04

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t a t + Webster Society Meeting. INTER-COLLEGIATE. J. T. JAtnilS. CLIAS. II. AILIAND.
I 'lit XXebster society of flit Law di'- M1iiiager Harry Cornisli saysi that
Pul liied iiily (Suds excep"ted) durns partmtiitlheld aiiopeiinmelting' last Chicagso will vethetstrongest team i JACOBS & AILMAND,
lthe toilets year, lby et m ingi tshal itetelwitlasa yettt i te ld.-L
TH U. Of M. 1NDOFVHI SSHIATIOH buildiiig. The meectinig was called is At Tale us member of tntie 10ticDi l'xl:c:s IN
Orico: rTirs is iI'lisg, N. iroiS., oppsite order at 1:45 by Pres. L. L.Slaliaii. A teams is allowed to bo a candidate for
p);st illices.Ilre iiiiiieirifioiiithit juniirlss a~iy511her athleti,,55 i lOiiui r r - f 1 1 ) It . + +-
Sulsseipiii ii ie V. c-i'per e liirly was preset. After a few reiiarks byc ily'. ~ai 'i

liciis may b' e llt ii, Ihe cliceci lie IILY
at Sofllie'-, it, State st. iewstnwhay
tii'elii Ip. cm. if they ,aie'toiappear thenetIi
dlay. iAddress.allimaer nendedu fori-cpubli-
catohtisitii''ilsoccing IAilici All biiss
commnnicat ons should ieIsentitolte usi-
lsl anage.
AiiiiAiicii 'liii i
J. 1. Liiiiis, Lit. '95, MSlaeinnEitr
F. 1. SAulERi, Lit. '96, Assicitant.
F'. l1. uii.i's,lIit.'t5, Acss~r
Su. 1A. Siluii., Li. X0, Alliuciuill'
(eIuTERR..LW 5m'C~'1
I. A I rttii. P . it ruilsf ii
All ciopy iiiici ie catithe otiiee'foee8:3ila.
Thlit iic iiidouniiiBldiitihe'mselvs 1i'spoirl -
sibile foiie iopinions ostatemi~eintiii ciii
Edition today 3,000.

wvere miadet by sesveral mernbers of the thie Untiversiiy of Peunsylvanmia, 'will
socety. At theeoielusiummof ihilseiiachbfilii luileirsil of tlliiioisc ,i The \a~laiagton Block.
lirt of te rram an iiiforiial re- this fall. FLO'A" E7R, FLOWERS
ceeliiiiiivas hlcilfur t iiiirpiosecofTo ! oriluiuusihin-adTcuey uui
To gbi' ilt "Best Oii Earth' is 'iii - .~nt~til :t.~
btling acquainted. fLut ii' i ' etsu itrtlc t idiN ,1 aT I COUSINS__&____________________
shiirt biusinmiss sessioii. Many apiidLa- iwhichlc aves nothling undone that iiin EXCE~LSOR y LAUNDRY!
tins wverec mideltfor mieinberships. Jul. e ldioeto hgve peifeet work. XAV,,l.cl Il iN STi1,IVT
10lwisg1ishitegroilim: A Welcoeti le ct Mondays aiid delie'r'fnrsdi y, iGood iir': ; i, ,uu eiid. iui (tl~l o
lili.1uie 1.1 X "1 Leave orders at i'uldes tailorSho l c<<, A ii. r s rp
ci ecic .ior. of Slate and William stoat i22 Years La thc ,Buhimcoss33TZ -

it Feils is Stniy in Ani Arbor nil Snhi
loch,''M.SIf. .smilo-y; "Filit Niu Rule
oni. tokiiig-Notes;' .. (Arbiter; "I'x-
tincin toflihetine Yea~r Men,' T. L.
Liek; '"ICinstitution iif Ilu -ai Mr.
leFerie; 'liiiiiils iif thiiitioraioim
if Itho-id'Traiisit lietween AniinmArbiir
,iiil Ypslili," C. IF. Otiusr; "La's
and I) rocirics,''1.N DIavii; 'Thme
Webster Soetey' T. 11. lays. All of
the speeches iiwee wellelivieed. Thu
first reglar niutfiligof ltescciui
iiill be held iiext Wedimesuldsy eveimg.
Faculty Connert Prngrami.

dress card to L. 1). tCarr, 21 N. Stale at
Subkcriba [[arthe U, of M, aily CT , 'DY

The fi'ti'issue ofthit Ia ily inis awithi 'lhe tilliNiotntis ft hrou'r'amlof lie
todays ediioiii. Toiurriiaregiilair tmaclty momcert at Felt ' 1l.'uu~ial
subscribers only soill lie suipliedil with 1hall flis ts i cimiig:
copies. It has beeiisitie puriposieiin 1. Soniata.IC minor,(01.. it, No. _',
this genermil distribution toinltroiduie (Allegro coni brio, Adag;io cantabuile,
the paper to all iieariiienibers ofthle Seierzos Alegro, tinlAit.lle'gro),Itiul'
universily anu to all those wo wish hoisenmMiss Charlotte Jaft' aiid Sr
lternmnn A. Zeife.
to see what it wi ill be "like' this yeiir. 2. a,"Onuiieiiie Secte, Selisensier
The Daily wishes to ha'e this ycar a Trl. ttmi asil. tiils'. li',
larger snbscriptionm list thun ever be- Mir. Ghartdner Lmaison.
fore, to mnake itself indispenisable to 1. a. Ballade,14iGmi',. E.tiuie,
every person ifinteumniesity, fismh 0"1'.Sf, No. , Chopin, i. Cl'auipauella,
Liszt, Sir. Alberfo Jonas.
thie presidenit dow'i to the freshman 4. Coincerto -Militaire, ( fligeiro llSh-
iiiakiiig up work iii the high school, tiall'), Lipiniski, Ste.iHeerianni A. Zeit.
The effort of its editours will bie to sup- . 'lTe'TosGtrenadiers," Si'himann,
ply all fteniars, to represenit evei'ySir. GIardimer S. Lamlsoni.
department and to ery organmizatlimn G td,'~~os r let
fairly aud sqnaiely, Slid to fill hl e __
frnfi aout hins cen wen fit Yesteeday's Practice.
truth is a little disagreeable. Atilet- Affere usucal work iiipninig manmd

'The P I)1.li conltauiins uflitilumnotice's
from the tiaculty, aniiinolices frm
the athletie teams and otlier stiiideit
It ioiitaicompiihletemuporto of all
liversity events utfhimterest.
It seeps yoti post'd on youro own
aiid cs-cry ther idepartinent .
Sabseriplion' rieived it thii
DA.I.Lv office, 'Timies bailthiiig. 51011-
lets and biy all authoiedthsoilieciors.
; OuilofiC 0A I'S and11 IOl IS itlii'
Ameia A nIuiiiuI r glieA Iilumsiri

X. Tip ;'__ BOLT. Ns.4 Y. 4th ave.
HAND. Maiienstibiiildicg; hocuntecr; laose
attenianse; good disipline; isuperiorsiwctk;coil
tore11iso readingrosoms; dail oiers; Satuday
eveningureeptios;uopesitie etire earl.Exisp-
ltinial ailiishor placing suodecis ispostions.
Biordoandiromi$silo $2e75 perek oot ipiate
facilis. Theseoratesredoctois.lessby sell-
bordinug. 'orCataliogiue aduress
P. R. CLEARY, Pres.
ThLio space reserved
fo °tV113 Grand Opera
t_' ii ii ; c't :Intiaid lc it i ii
dii>ue earyiby

ics waill receiva'the fllest attenitionll inig iothe ballItie XWaity adV.miliriE'L At4 WliakStr .
and this ic11 be thme gi'ctesrtlerfoue scrub eleven aert set Isoavork prattie- +FIRST ' IN ATIONtiAL BANK.
mtleticsste-er steni hefitunivoersity. tugsignals. 'lhetvoseilea't'ns cret OPiANN AIRBORu.
l)i ,aulsh il
The literary societies awill receive due thiei lined upt against eactholer antid up;a, c t l uss Iio Poil 15h
niotice, nor aaill the social amid religions hplyetdtsr abount halt an hosur. .Atfe hsi.Tsuucsa ; eeuuI miia u lluusiuuu'ss.
F~oeigi eac sebps bugu lt'asld.sun ih
side of college life be negleted. tole- thei' harshly had Ililile to'stoumhi-letterss of redit.
oa'er thie Daily inthendts to miake itself doawns the scru~bs aa'-eee giaven ltme ball.1. 3tfPe..W.CARiO aser
thioronghly relied oil to sift rittter ho The WarlusitylheedpartiS' by the ® f % .
the soturce before printimi t~lls tofumbinugaind losse playimig of their *ViEB Tr.ERS
Inake its criticismns snch' in fac und scrnhs, held tiem to a featasot gmins. NTrrDC0O.A
niot llr05 5I mellyson iam. Thme Daily Csachi Mllarlley andilCalif Braid 5Cioti~oe a ____________
wishes to have this year ltme largest gave ltme mandidates a short quiz in ~tiud~
eA Dictionary of
circnlation ill ifs hilstorymmd if thee-roomla 1sf eenting. Taosniew phlayis " 'English,
4 (GGeography,
feeltlhonestyenitelturise and ulpnctfual- aWere explainmed oh thio checker board, Bi ~ osgraphy,
ity in thme delivei'y of its papurs anid will be ulsedi tomnorrow.' j o~1 I Fcton Etc.ls
paro~mply at nioon are fmrctois it cannolut Tl Glee Club Examination.kAreasof the Times
tail to succeed.,ALbse sIs
_________Them exaumination tsr <caault places Hon. D. J. Brewer
Juotice of the 17. S.
President Harper, at the uniiersity on the University Glee cub'I ill1cr spme Coet, writes:
of Chlcago, glves flit average salmry next WXednesday evening, Oct. 3d at 7 The One Greattandard Authority.
of the college president as $3047, of o'lcPnroiu4Alblaldte .f555At.ise by e~h.O.
s@Fore by allooksee. Sendlte ills
the college professors as $2015 and of for positions will present lhemi2'a'es Ushersforefee prospecus.
instructor as $1470. at that time. I arDo notbuyeeprins of ancientleditios.

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