Alpha Nu Meeting. NOTICES. Mr. A. 1E. Rose, representing the
ALG I G N C.1 T , oldien Eagle Clothing Co., ef Detroit,.
Time Table (iDevised) July 1, 1894. - .The Alpha NAll Will ;ire tihe fellowv- I' )lil IAiLL. will be at No. 30 1E. Huron ot., (itan.
11400 1Y . m n rograin at its oeinilg siseelilig The class football games iswill b.'(llns locusr stand) diriusi11the entire
Mail ail Es----4 Os5i I il-_ -__841i Saturdaty"ev-euing, itooi 4. 13sery- paedec us3-a.Maaes wi ecek, Oct. 1-7, with a c-ompllete line of*
N.YsetlEs 1 51o51N Ybodeiauttest05captains are usiged to get their metthe nobiesl faili mndstinter goodts foi'
E.YasteEx--- 1 2 N1. sld 25bdyivte.ot at since.
AM.PinEx---121thcutmtaeAlstdnscnAtlantic E __ 7 .At. 1.Music, Focllsolo. 3.. : batsoli. t'iAIII.1S AtDMr
1). NExpress _10 eoWe~ti Eo __ 1 53 L teinplatng the purlchalse of winatet
oi. 11. Expres ---11 1(h, t L -1--1 ll. edinlg .......AI.iBlioik. -11511i. siings (ItllMackinltoshies shlld sei'
I. AV5r' ,% 1. 115,51'r. lIIll osi t .5'~lit I shisll he 10 100111 12, T. 11.l'very13IMt. Rose' it lilie',lie 11114alsoa full
1N,..51' t.iAnn Arbor.4.tItsprolltutilSpec, AV. IV. Gtiffin. sfternloon this week froni 2lto 4, Itir lo 1t' dyllie iiiig hc h
G. i'e lllltnollllsolo, 1V. A. Plltiu'l' lcours'es'5ill belivenslas55 annouinced'5 ill 1111' I'llt''l''dito 1th1e s-Iuivers''ity'
FR NK IN HOIE7.Deat. lesolviedi, 111111the r tilte cals'ndaris. A1. A. STAN,.i tradl~le for till'1pastsix yearst0ansi al-
roANad lU~ 101trikies of last suisisner wsere tile L..t T5. ll i c iglliii'ehb'st I f satisfactioin l
Isis sbelinbingiinisasnog taeic.lmihatisn
lastbis ell frelleaings.hosecaldseapesr iif Iacrisis. foSi tudtls who Siise1v1e011(11 Course 11, '5 si are'' 111' us'tol lisecti'itIls sloth,
horabsine ss orbplas-ait eieupna Al. . .Aas , C solale sequsiredi to readsILily ins-teadl Ittlt t ly desireto biuy11orstsot.
When you vsuit Detroit wse would be Nef'C.ce.o13.Yt1ichllasl. M-nday. tltnitil-
pleased is bavoa yeu step at lihe aid S. Alss, socal soloii. .L Watsslofnicr. ilVlec o rlt3Mlis itsalt, Ii city Supiitor 1101130at a
"Fanlit ~ese'~sa. amd '- lll 011 atriliy,11 2o'clock, i "eilii y 3l1115'pris's. Gti's '. Ilillir, t9 S.
and eases Sta., whiere yoa e-tliae agood .). Critic's et-I.I. A'. Daisci'.
mieal and a ceanl bed at rmodsratseases. I' Ii . SAsllll. 1t h ave1.
The houseas sisen sresnovalteasfrmltp Iso A lllilil tatsiibus51liness111.me1etis-Zill .311 t.N415tu ltcsis Itl'll 1 sil'311Il
bottoam, and iasnossinis t-clia scnditionsa. A ITR. sbcib oteDi}-wieyuae
Resipectfults. l ii'e hli illitihlts'3 afht'selri1110 W-i Course 1S 11113'be elected st is i tiiiifhush, $2.50 tic's'college ye'ilr.
Stas 1. H. H. JAM ES. 01111.11ii'cosirse. C ourse 121 tSiouldi '11eadi
t4els5.asodgings,5.1 , A* Iils 'lsilllslllosti2 ihaii.issseesitnarlgticl[andis'
P'er Daiy, $1250. h aiyolJy-$20for the college aroosmi2, Tapa onuttiion411.1 lslilltli, ii ls ll~tttcl
_________________________________ Te Daly Os~iy 2.50rice rcemiainss tile 5s11me, $2.511 ter col-
I l J'~ +]iI.i\.i~J.~~i 1'.01"11.CALNDA. lridiate studillits iNiii ire ikihi- Irst, sssn i lsgllcs 3
>_____I_'___1 AiI_ OF CALL-111' i'i'rivate''ei,'it i1 1,11' 'i 111es.1El
Ic o__ Ie eq esedt -e. o i Iocltr, A. A1., 2'l'Foresl sve. 3t.v,
l~cpic.'.cs LifI} 111) it~hi'lll 'iiiis li., (et. 4 ilta t11t1111' Want'ed--li1. 'ioalutstlers o frstles theois te hi
if the [s-iversit y. 'sisesrt. I/' l~eiieoriil ~hl. BUSI NESS LOCALS. il departmens'it ll solticit for the.
p ^ Fi., lOst .. At'ii'lilctear 11 so- saily3.
$2.50 PER YEAR. ciei 1111 s ilii111 lolld'arer. (CofI~nlliple 111ilitnl.i*.S esailislith.11 111
ceils ic-' ll . "lleilI eltss s fl c 11111 sic o1siis sisit its I15111 tile School of
Fi's-i ('v1., Ocl. 5. ii '11) tiolli at ycs'' Iill '-. 1nd11c tlin tills rlild bIy iiiyia. Msicsl wanteld ii solicsit Daily sub-
CTERER - a111theIflticly
H ANGSTERFER IiS, i. Pis 111
Sat.,___________________O______ tI-. I.-'t. \ 'lu'5i13' ss. hisi1ligasi I(iSCI C lIiL It lis5th i'' 155511. 'hue 11113'lihsialire'adiy isirestill-
Military'' .Acadiemyl ast Athltifie lld. 'lhe idanicisngsisoil at tlrangi's ascr-iberm-. iionithe I'lldlotha11111ev'eri
,. Sit;., 1)-I. G.-Alphalitll ite''1rry so- ,bi-desi3lotpens swiha Sunlist i Dide hefsts' i11its historylt. Co-eels;sub-
1543' 1oil15t 111 s in room 4, at17:30 1'. lit. partysil' tiitsdiy 3 ' s ic'li sf tliss sci-k, scribei, 31ou1 111e l'lp'cs'litl' il 11thc'
TRADE ir" sociiity3n11t1 wsek 1"ridzl3eving155. 'June leaclsillI 0tiou111sliolcisihav115
MR- -Priv-ate iLe'ssns- iaslo and Vocasl. is dosiourllt aundry'3 sork: 1. b'e arc'
Donit forget to susriibe for the 1-sr ternss caiii st 24 13. Libe'r1' at. resipissible if any3 articles is-e lost and
_ 0Dal.Special ilasses for biegismieris. wsill relacse slimue. 2. We iwill rturnl
A NE W LI NK C UFF Denmtal stusdent witcl to solicit fur tFor iRent-A sery' desirable ,II'( of , yourtiwork sch1ei licslilsel I)*-31. 11111
lie Daly3. roomss hecatedi siithi lit swater. Station- f'orsuly goosi sork. lb'agsic' & Cs., 21
-Unless 3051 icwanttoibehi' agrind sisti- aty bowsisisitli lit ainilcold wamter. S. Mist ., repre'sentligToldto Latuin-
scribe to the Daily.Blath and closet. 47 S. Divisionsi t. ,5-7 try Cs. I-13
B g Four .a unu FotrfRent.-P'leassant sisigie roomi. sin- Do 3011 sasnt boirudersl If so, svI-
Otter to Music Lovers. geei room 1, liteil and hsessted, $2. Omit serlise in the Daily. 1-4
INA A OLS rinmuard's AMusical World for lets-o lufos - 11p5,0E.l'smitsi Sidls, usllie'coirr-
IN IN PLSber captains besides the usu~al large st. 7 mienmher the olsd new-s staiid, 12 N.
LOUISVILLE, .llloutofetreading matter, "Duswltig lMylour J 0st glsiaslunlou otfits of She-AMain.lDetriiit, Chicago, Nesw York,,
and CINCINNATI. F'airie's,'"tiyC.IBohim;i:"Tile sast 1i-11i, the Blookseller',tiles' carts' tue Cinicinnati1111 Toledo paipers. Ilesi-
Ilreeting," biy C. 1. Neck; "My Dear
Little Alaid in tliii' ooni"iwalt.z" )y
larg-est aid best liue.
Junior or asisior "Miedic" w aotesltoll
Through Sleeping Cars
Petoskey, Louisville and
E. t). M(ilAI i' I.1lIiTiN.
l'asiseEr Irafle 1iar. firs. I'. &'1'. Agl.
lng to pay a lle mosre than Ills plice
chaged Ifor Illsoadinarly trade Cigareiles,
wlhhfld THIlS BRAND sperior ballothesa.
The Richmond Straight Cut No,.I
ass mails frasi Illsbrightamst eleicate
in flavas, and highest coat GOLD LEAF
grawn in Virginia.
thai lbs nasseIoftsesmanuacetursasa
belaw is an 5every pacstage.
V RANCH , sIeseeDjvluI5IA
Aiita Cisens, asntd""arewvell,Psiul- sct as stessarid. Call at Dsaily office sit
isle," by Gceorge Aliyood. This ilishe 7s15 this evenling. uf
1i1 aloiiescorthi $2. The W1orld is $1.30 Alsessstheto sg cl i
pit y'ear, 15 cenits pe'r eopy'. Doting Sgzuares in splenidipailtterns of :Martinu
th1is month the psiblishes's offcrto11 st 1 ialls'r's.
the Mubsicail 'iWorldi 00trial lfot fosur i is3t rss oi 's'r0
isontssssoiireceipt of 25 centsin ii iiOitiI' ;~iL: .
stamlps. 'lisssiilliniclsuid e teseusti-1(toICl'i3 'LNIil.
fli Christinas and Nesw Yior's holidauy'''WATE3D.
nusmibers, sisd the fossihsues -ill cio- Studiensts toi occuspy three unsfunished
110111 sboust 20 pieces iif nessmsic., he. ro2sina ceisient ansi tesirable
sies a large amsouint of tater~estisig quariter of 1111 city. 'iill rent eithiir
msnical readisig. N o issnotes los-er 5il15g3'oir onelssisgle 1101 a suite. Eamch
shsotulsi fail to accept this libss'sil offir. is larg e enousghl ho accoinliodaste Iii's
Addrtess 'f'ime S. Ihailsil's ("otus;Co.,- i0'r5o54. Cliven'siencesaIs to icoil,
Cliteag o. wooidi 11111 iwatert. Piie 50c. cacti, or
__________________ S1.'25)for Itha' threrooms. tush st No.
Twoshtlislers can maiske good snoney i2 S. tifths 5v51. 1-7
soliciting subscriptions for the h. of L~eas'e your orders for U. of -Ai. Dauily
AT. Dauily. Call at the office ill 'filles at Stofllet's ises stanid,generaul agent
block. for daily' ulisd sweekly liapers, and
umonthly sisagazines. Give is(me a call
A. tIl. Nelsiun, '04 is lilacs i-isig 1111ill before placing y'our ordero. .2-7
cile mt IBuckeye, hlicm. W,'auted-A sseulucussssheight, nisiuhel
AV'. ..Webb usd 33. A. lush, '03h irt3youngi 11151,)fostlightis-os-k Sai',u-
1155wsre practiejnsintim troiti. stay aftenoiso. Call at ance', 1N.
Ingalls 5.., 7 to 9. '4-0
dents east of State it. can leave their
oirsdeirs 11at S. Stsite, sit Jolly's. 2-7
Two11fhue ssitt's, v5113' 5iii~, lfu'rnace
Pmsiim. t.lsost mis-c. -
Noble's Star Clohhilsi house sells th r
best $5.00 Dlerby hi till city. 1.12
A spulenidil iiie of Lace, Chenille,
smith ~Y ndSilk CuslaisastIMasrtisi
Itailer's. 1-4
'lie 110113'i15thie'onm~'lyiecispiapllt im
An Arbomr devotesi exclusiveily to tile
Far lime next111311 i-eks si-I',i11l
showu'y3051hss'largsta iuid best lines-
of Soils ml $12.00. Others isill charge,
you $15.50 aid .$15.00 for time sanme.
Tite best ll eic'scr3'liilg 11111135 Ii tl
tile greatest satisfacion. Theui' RUStCEP
CCNKIINC (:iara are lmeheetal asu
cist 110 1111'r' than lisnferior' branli.
ltualgimet r&4- 's., 'tailors, scil be
leased to inturest 3511 in ltme many
buy tlimings 1111.3 are offering for fall
icemur. 1-13
Time Daily sil print Ifiillieccounts of'
NOTICE. 'lie clmsses is danmciing at51 anert, all footbaoll gaines this fall.
Acmademiy cosunucoce lessons Satuirday, Just received, a new lot of deshs and'
All Diily caiss"0 ass vPinig books Cct. Gt Na stairs to mountm.OCfici'aiid boob1 cases at Mlartiii lallerns, well
wsill Ilease' report at mile affice toinighit. dancing hall ama grotuidfloot. ladllptedlifor stuidents' nie.
Mteeling of the Daily board tomoor- If you scish to hiav'e yont rooms riot. Wagner's & Co.'s 1U.'of hM. Cellar..
row night at 7:30 'sharp. sd, advertise 11hem in the Daily. 1-7 Do you wsear it? 1-13