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October 04, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-04

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Ijc I LL4f


VOL. V. NO. 5.



How the Professors Put in Their
Time During the Hot Weather.
'rhe student body1 lie dout feol fan
inttitest to know ;just 1how tle varlious
professors stienit their vacation. Rest-
irilig lhids a Diliy reiporter weiit tie.
rounds anit gleaiied the following
Preisidetl Angell tils splent lie' great-
er tail of the eiiiiinet in travetlig.
both fir lhlsiliiss andiilt tdi~sllti. ie
Utiiiei Stai leandt Canai~da; ind also
eig trot. Mcbauihini ini Newst
York uiioii til reurin freem Euirope ini
liiii to Annii Arboir.
P rot. tDtlogi ocioted tile vacationi
lai a sht l itieo trill ii iii ilal Sicai-
diniavia ad Diilenimairk, Nvithi s short
valilible b oiks arid illnsirntiiiis f'ir
lisi' in thle ctassroo.111
Seeitary Wa~de iats tiein ii' lois-
ist mni al:th liii ivrisily. as u11111
hii lii f ll iliidty ill' sititiii'iiliii
liie enirie crotit if ill1rvnetuo
thi ceisiiis Thile tias iciiediii hils
(eitre tinie.
Registrar de'iiil reminied in te
city miili Auigust, c whien h(i \teil 'to
Bois Ill-us Island for liii mest f lihe
P'rof. P'attenigill, in icopaiiy fithi
Prof. C'raig alil wife, sill-lt the siimi
trot. 1-etsi'y was iii the eity 'eigager{
upon a revisioii of tile "Anbasis:
Prof. Rholfe tenjoy ed at yaiching trilp
ini the vicinity of Maillht's \-in-c alit.
Prof. W aiter cwas in Ptrts ieigaigeid
upni cwork fur tile depiartimenit in thei
triif. flisiois lIsa reiiaineid ill Annu
Arbor lihe entire sumiimer enigageid
ini literary cwork.
Priif. Traetitooi in Jully at ~lntd
the mieeting tif the National Associ-
t1011 ot Elociutioiiists. wcht convienled
in Phliladetlial. flits was folloowed
biy at short fishing eXcurrsiot liii liii
takes, after wchl hoi enjoyeid a net
lit hiomie.
Prof. Hudlsoni spenlt part of the sum11-
luff ii Seal Park. Me., lndlt o a151l
few cweeks iin tie' White Miiuntainse.
The remitidter of the stiiiiiiir eelsi
occuplied cciii literary wcork lt hiomie.
Prof. MLaughlini hs just returneit
froni Eturotec where lie has bein 1st oii-
inig a yearl ill study, onlleav 'o f alb-
Prof. Hlinsdale lattenduedte lii-National
Edueationli Associationl. tilic net;
for a cweek at Asilbury lark, N. 7.,
after wcchii lie madeli a11 extendtedl

of t

ill the Weist, lie for as Salt take DR J. P. MocMURRICH WHY t1o we crry the fitest
y anii Butte, retirning Sar ia h Who Succeeds the Late Dr. Pord WHY lile1o
dtllr tPaeific ill tltatter par of in the Chair of Anatomy. MANDOLINS,
list. The iiihoii f Si'tlbei' ccas GUITARS and
tuuecti ieriy ciD.tr. .1. P. MiMurrirti, ccho ha~s 1bern BANJOS.
rof. Aulaiius atteniltihli'ensaiimeu'i'ppitledlto the chir eiifti( ii ii li They lare tiecheaulpest
iii of apikliih li tniu the lukte Dr.IFr.,t-i't c1 letilniill liTor- 'ut s iatrll
r 'mot onts, f'anada. ill 1859.i liiihe in ULUMof) tL1al1
sfor six «eeilts. 'The li'iillli-l',

hi'v caaiiiou wsis tsedin iitile
[r' 01111111 li.'h tre i ItA,'oh it
!iyff leei'graInd tiiawi'its -ciull
luti tki'llieSho110111osut Ietnan
-Vieit, cc.ler'eIhe'11111Iiwirk iii

atis it Torointo, cchre lie recivedni
tflu' uhu'rei'of' A. It. ini 18711. itet'hunl
lO111 liii'esillilyof meicitnii'atlithe
se ifi h'actin.- as assistantil iiliiie
tililogilaboritiroury, 11111 itokl its
mas11tr's li'gii'e inIi 12. 'Thii'foullow-
ig yer tie cris apptieii- lslrni 11.1'
at Julius Illukie sI hicv'icily, Ns lii'
hei rtus'icu'uthil e sent ul'i..' ofI'l
Di. ini 1007. r.-i thgils Him' li alsi
etudhie i ediiie,'buiii novei'tooil.an
eM. D. utegle. In 7111 liei' n-os i-Io

51 S. tMain st.

t'rii. 1-11w r hub lisinlsei lii iii' iitillit iii iii i'ii 111it 111111 1 5 BEA L SS-A E 'U I
111111 . islii liit 10o 1 11.1has renzid-ills t i-he ~ s. cuu'li'r-ilei itIslt I~ tT 2 T A $
t'pei-. ili'ii it 111C l Uiv ersiltyp lilies p .C bh4 f tA 11t011s t.
thil-eugliWhere htirlniiil. thrillfstioil,3 tiaii' i-UiC-
lin e \lii at:1;11li aii full profe1sti-hiat U IN 3S E.HuroV Steet
P11111(s 1 lilaiyoturi fIi' tnrc-
ihiiesinlIsixloevueks teiI"11111cl i-ty.o111111 aisi' iT
Prol'.f ifelrshi-lit-i ten 01 Siattiiu' thiii,-,
Ciiii 1117i ii iii iiiirt i nc ~ iaitiIlero e rtlshattines..illnygie, nic
ht f f i sr ci n at ail C(1- tin (E 1.11 tingii litlilO 1 10 o cloh fur
ifft 111fi--i.iti fiinmal' iBoa-ridMuing). se
t'm'i-shti-mihposituonihe1111s hilgdssin(('its
P' rom. hii-si-ti-tmhg 11111e1111 i5 15 itohiiE1.. at- il81lE _
oieriili'hmg tza u ie dsolroftork o his( I 1 iEMaynrdSt t Jj 1 tojH lzSho
1111r iisidnt it1100liAlht of i-i-i A I. rot1 PooftaitsffCtae in1se- eflilie i
Ponft. ciuriii iit hiilit ~ 'iii- itot iable, t iamiir'iif iiituiicipr o- 141 HO OL TE
crt.li- -clhi1 1 fe icIi' 5 t111 TUT LE'S
Prof. Rgullssellhihas.lbieet1117,of (tn-ii-1'ut C r L lestil 7 C ifinE i
s 1uper iuintnd i - t uos ilet 11g .1' itii'hifishu sI1111ls111
newimiil houe, and iilso inulitellis lii F rs F ot al G melF ES117N o
be atuilCelred11e uctinl i l. lii JUSTucoel l tlis u-elioi AT ,sl eiu
S''im'I 'tliu. 1 orf iliukii 15.u' l il-ruiii TIS fi T, . Luir uuu S, fi-
JunorLasiee. evr liii' tuu11heoei uthe cliui ili'li 48 ugurtii . tSii-sT aES-.
tiuc ii ta y Ac dm. I r~h r l l's.6wil liii lily hhienuiiiiuhs11t1ufiiiuiit Niu e
St. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae tAN-linieul, ra euetis l'lisulii!)iliit I uiau 'lii Iiiieli 1 tai s ii
lilt liuary to lor maniuza 1 -imunt, o i'ut uetion, Avth 11d10y 15 year-hnd1nt.11 - y I hart(ex lus i ,
'httumliryla , in theilt url'llI7- i 11Schoola yati 111cl iiiisd tof ''ssiuu-t~stocct,'~it~iyvn
limeen fioocfgeuumuuu'' oe il teeE ha t'irtin-u'u-tokomiiesCotiegi ottitSatrda
oil ~ ~ ~ ~ - rhisl711:aseyrtiCme, w AHR~tDi
If'tes Stieo. Stin , SJ. uC.lSgerlu tlgof ue ulliul but lull euuse ttuiuu in(1 cetihi
mule.Thof tueai-allsiimeie.n attyurk frol erI'ev d11_ sc, ountonk.alv
S.Ihill 11a imuuif'i fsx um hf Aiheiii'n o lats7electeudb u-ts li uu'Uners, itTO <e xn~ >t-B osnlc.l na
near)lI montt Otgd tlsiasitoach acc-ill lii' lltltunilililu'it lw,eialart.,Oem c etcl o
,tg r ht' te iiolanry -irmI.uuem ntof t .iui'17 tutd' iiu1 tl '51s -so cetfcB os
t IeSt trigs. pjiea uca
Litbug aw. Ltue s. somu ims t hico baye a ae a rks lwh o mug tiuro esrae.oeoie
'.i in ~~ ~~ ~~tci le11tielmojthemymo'.'their Best LinemBmttes wre papeerrisatPinZtoCoPereatLb.e
Aoitue at cc-i ll:ci Messrs.fetfit imu hOiiel7 or i rtoul ieelimiu
luu stu orgalute tibot hefw'ie-pitedg .1ixhithemn 'flast'ml earuih re, ' ac it, n ttheu Law, _MedicalPharmaceutica
hutsh trempit oiary - suigit mu n 11 uuu ufheiutitiulto(i meegtstimiand1O S c1ienific ooks
inoot em utsh from fl tetuWlbuy and ullsecodet'd 'fs.t o c hols of th u as. T e a e t e matcgal I nstu r umhlemntsuarid
Cityu-uhhugu' sDrafin' up isa t p cil b s

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