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December 05, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-12-05

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~( ~not int the sn class with Wiscon- _________ J. T. JACOBS. CAS. 11. ALLMANI.
an_____dttf or wiicihwe lie sey gratetu. =J IS& ALM N
Publshed Da ily (Sudays eepted) during Bit the (adinilhas lit the only UJA O S& LM ND
thre Colege yea, y tellsr whichilimsitt5to lbt' tileto ti-
THEU. E ,UM INEPED[NT ASSOIAION, Peit lieigal. )imlnnsota, Purdne, ®tDEALERS IN
(BelCY:T iesbuildng N llaie c., o]1505t Aion. .hteltirt and11NotrteVDaitie 3
post ofic1e.' il(ciid-yctllitstte+ + S I'I E .
Subscriptltion price 20 111. 75i1, invariabtly scotts-tt:tirlltemils 1osuperOtll'ior COMIEAND SE-: S.-'MZSS,
t-dons may ht g1heft 1at 1the ltec .of t eterIN, tol tigati an we it titl' nllillt
ati~toilet, at State sttn11w standlithlla1y havs e ct silentttrand(1ilaydi tiall. THE VICTOR TRADE MARK The Washington Block.
oll tile editors. lr authorizedsli~citors. i 111absolte garatee o qulity
l,'ome'lsecatiole shlouldrealch tieofilet Iy is r ean11asoe don10y1t111011es
7 oclock p met.ithtieylare' ill appear til exl t Latin Disertationne s. llt I cj4
day. Adress 11llltter illtendedtfo101uli-Victor Atlletic (o0011Plank wt
cation to tie iManagitg Editor. All busiess SE .II.-MR. MEADti R. Victor Biycles adlIre bcmn
commuicatiosshl~ld ill sttn lt h i I1- Fl'The ioman )-I ontt'lll y s'te . , mre toparlev'ely lily.
tess Miaiager. )liei.AllnSen ' lraldna t ie . Ii. Fll liteo lilseall,''niTo-A HEU FM AL ,T e nal10,01V)isGae pl y n siu ndAhei S
TH U O 11.D 11-I oineligio. Sise(icce tlltlcillst .11VictoAthlti
EDIitRScRomaniBoiksgidTheir 11. p Goes,)/ a
J. t..LituilLit. '55 litnltlliegEdtoi. lin. Mr.. Wlco, ce 1. U eedtttc-atlogottlV17
F.1'. .itt Lit. 'i6, Assistant'S-.cVittofle (ity of Rolin the il. OVERMAN WHEEL CO ..."~
I. CEMcAN, Lit. 'l7, Assistan tallic estfVitrBiyl1,, 0th ADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ad SO iT
A. F. iliet EL Iit. '9,Asssttt 11111' ittAngists. iss lEfitiDan-l. 15 1Magiientcbildn; enteaetrs ta
Bottont PiIladlphita ell-el , ,11tten.mci, gnd dscplne;sulprir o rt. wl
JA. Lentit , Lit. i96, AtltticcEldittr. fot ,li.-ill . N iiokChcIo, Dett I lid reading eo n; daily lcuors Sattday
T . SNLis VerE,9 Buinss anaeg.I, DresiIL'er . .bb111 llJ1nataomcepiotaom sis;it;;pee 1111--~ reeptons1opn he n aie year eExep
I. . ee.,Lte tt lesers aeglc. .1 'il Iitliit Illll'01115 S 5 'ci~c i'iAST: t l~ri acitiel tr placing stdets tinpost~ion
- ---- Assistant ti'' t.Al~y.11.I. I -arse, Los n~tgls, Pertlandt tttccdlad rtenetoa$in.7nppit weetin piat
Assistt. 'LUa______t, rIi s. Theseraesleredaced lto oby slf-
LTRR ,LAW ii. 111e'lifte o it'iil'the l lIrrt't s -llSc-' na. 101 Fnr Calolge addeet
. 0.Shiley, 91. . Ititsmll, '5. inlometii.it'. Byront C.Kiilts.Taitt 1S, __T___T___7___77____ ____7___P . tFO (Y(Pie
Carrie. Sisith9'i,. i. .itrrso'9d. t al 1it~tA'.7tio l )11D U1 iVUIC '- f RNI PRAHUE
Mlinnie Tittieptiln,')7 sICLc.i MSi s stlle tBatcleltder. an. 22. _S.__Bartlett_____ _______
tFe.rlrel cit.ele lt ' B. ( njiseoit 11. 5 Ctaust's ttt Romel' s t'ec iit. Sir.
1111E..NTAL ~ 'il 1.. 1'.W\tial. >22t"Six Love Songs," SATURDAY, DEC. .
__________________________________________ Boman011111 recss.)Tiiiss T,ttil sa lt . l yi ~it 1. syytr. T''tnslat inttfti Si
All cttpy mut b t t tte office h ttre 8:30t. .Tit. -!,,.ofi etnes finest lricse ittestetisttetusht iticac"a emet ttothet' Jolly' G crmai
itt. othtet'day o pulictiion. 10. Sl- lavr ttng ilt' tomltlls. settings. Heavy Paper. 70 cents. Dialect t'tottda,
Teediors itot no t lci tltceecscrt'tlon- I r. Sitttc SA t Mackil.7 il.eraCOLEE?:rJ E lIfOO.2..1i
itli' tr tieOpintieoi s stttttemetsofcrtret' 1.iRmaLttla~t'Consitredlt t CLLGsSNS.i E1OO S
pcitdetsa ppetri it ittthe Y.
tlover 300000 slt. Heavy Paper.0 biatitl ccittdy caettt
RomaLawil tt'Sitceutt lliianAltl% tt. .1"'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS'"____
to o1u11 gsiet tiil I li lt-I-ilt is oIottitit rder ar 0
glalittyil.:g itever.sltllnrllndlpr- 13, l oauL xuril . -ic Say o ly tokoft tItheind ullish e. ITe PRICES, - 35c, 50c and 75c.
lecssor i i l t 'illil''sily. I It .ttu ''ice tn i . -tO tHeavy Paper, $ t.00
of con~gri'ltion'lt nole ot1 h nau Ias,.Ais'a 1try ill t'sA Otan"'-it ijp tiltcSihoederl'. it'l. 5. tiROYAL COLLECION ISRM[NTAL GUITAR MUSIC Big)1 .Fo1u'rIRouLt
- ,1.T'ePlo mitit 1101111'Lit'., Siss Eigh yt aopee fr e itarirotiie teBEST LINE VT)
s1111s ilei in such'a 11yiti o lici sucthit16. RomanI Publilic Lit'. l9 ickltlslme tove. 00CentsINDIANAPOLIS,
a lt-.tritlold. . 7.Any boh entpspai nrcit ofpri 1c. LOUISVILLE,
________L1. ItouanatArcli~i-cic-talligt. Siit OLIVER DITSON CO. and -CINCINNATI.
Tongh ocus hefirt opol"" tirils 111111Odert's lss 7111iI-lIt-l-
btchi. -o. 15.s-acs 3 ashingte St.,eshBostn. ELEGANT
social, whit-It ielnisto ill it m ost 18. Remins oftttAntcitnt achilltctre'C. I. Ditsott & ---',0 Through Sleeping Cars
enoybl rafair, ad hc yryi oenRl Hs ni .Hl.22 years nn the Bsines es-BETWEEN
slitopIomore' -1111 1al11shold tli tit.tteb. il. Petoskey, Louisville and
(C'Itss stcials ill tilt' ast ft'o ~' tCs
hayscun' t belooed ponas nc At the Grand Opera House. CIT LU DYCicna.
lof11 ithl511l~t pl tsuralirt'oflt ii i-c I 0115 a IlIigltuit icditneTa11111 ASK FOiR TICKETS VtITA
sill- ieti 11alrt'c l lltiilgmorltlandIte ttt t' .\cilt11of li sisilalst nigtXD. X0. SEABOLT, No. 4 N 4th ave BIG + FOUR + ROUTE.
more111'i l l' tt endelll~dl. i-svery It-ll itt i ngtIit 1. 'iTool' 11111cltlltitly ~_____________
i t 1-5idy plesilig lcltdramctna. Caps nd. Go ns DjJR~i IT1).B AT11N
sloillknowss'his tlsslllcandIld llt' seF0 ICO CI~t i O~~
"lsliarl'tt-y 1n111 ho' hi ne1111.' Plc' 11iny'PasetgeiTaficSgr. te. I-&TI.- Xl.
_ _ p tlttriil'0 fol'ilt- disp~ly ofithir WiOe ae prepared to furtish Caps h i t a l
holit- 'stotsin tlCrdll 111.'ital51s150 vaied tltis. SM. IlcitI'nbst74111(111and Gowns of ttto ihigest qicality da nrN y oa.oe i h oUiesteClee n col
ilt 111a lanrgetll as ii~rittroghout ttc Uniteed States, ate
sit- ~tti111 llli~iiig ~t~l 0111 ililass-l~ lis.i~titltc'.il its scrprisingly low prices. Self leas- r w
lolrils an1111 I'itilieitits seTri '11rement forms, cotainintg all ec-
11111 fotalllteamciil 'lt tt'Iu inatl h111h1 liloil 5 he1111 it' edtol btylla- mos10t1cel- essary instrutctions to sere per-
lita I'll0115sor111', becaull0' 011ry5sictlilaudtiiene. Ill' SOs al-spotdfetly fitting garments withot189
00'01olliii atl' Nlilltrltlvisiting the sore, will e forwarded1 9 .
not) inludlled in ouicfotball lsehlc byll lSiss Aice OVilntIoldl. his it'adinglt uponlrqtuest.StdnsdtllvalotatCl
atidlh1115'1111 iol(to itit ~iterness 110. 011 Itleld'tIl-u1111II iycilly inVited to Itake or store tletr
the Ithgd0101 tEIII t;Sot11'cepltth oflhr atintg. liss )Slltit' RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS headquarters andiadnspct otrtlesi
- -l1c at f ndm. E~ Jarhoe sislnd lts her lirt oI gant line of College Octfits, Sweat
ofth tt ~tcks m111111- 11,telcrinltt 5170ilc different widths, at moderate ers, ot Ball Goods, Skates, import
pirs-ices.tl sll ty I mat'ctnnettlir.andti0-1(tht-heiblanitI')-prces. ed Hose, Cameras, Golf Clutbs, etc..
th ace. 111en1(o) I it c'srre 51' llet'olf te cmpanyttS, woe inatboe teStraw~bridge & Clothier etc.
btisls() ediorialilo111thei sui- lyr age, 1an11t1110tine seec11 y 1111.y
S~toil i'tttit ~cill llt cal~tt trry, 111'e11pl'ay itlseemslbound ii sae- PHLADELPHIA. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.
,lest willIperhap-1urn'er a1n0-dem
ic iit<IIlcrl.lti lti'5101 lt d - g 5'lliltt The largest exclusively Dry Goods 147-149 Wtaasht ave., Chicago 711.
- )i. e'.1:, 892. House in America. ___________________
1011'. dratitisis 1otit-Il lit te 111'! ____________ T___ D R~G-A. S I' T
tie Catrdil ha lls put: 0isonsnl as 'itill'sa-or lawss Iar-- tiiintg i~izz-d n & r&4 C M n i Students Recreation Head-
tiii ehitmti otheowes. Ob10 tis w sionthes b et dnc. SHOLO ACNequarters.
iti- ,11-sdI 11'sllet lvitce. SHOLO ACN.No 3N. Alain Sreet.
thie Cardinlthad11de1ietha 111 tlost Biycles wsill b helekedl atic etrg- C'lttses eow ipe. Ppil receiveed at aey
beoehr emhdplayed a gaie, ed for lt le satme rtte as 1)0 Ilonds time, the temsartng wih date of-admi- ANN ARBOR
iieor ltc eltliIial lot. Alt classes areunder the persal i- S E " DYE WORKS.
anIferteefeat of linnesota Ofexcss lgae nbot airasruction oe lr. and Mrs. oss ranger. No STEAM
md lfterilteof hghag ttoh ralri teairs te mont. Offcee ld Bacg all on
celeraed in a glaring reid sheet. rulnning itroghl Ail Abhor after the groud finr, 0 Mayard 4t. Lale'nDedC.tigCla
Thle Cardinal stiles that Michigan is Tan. 1.1 Subcribe for the Daily. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR.

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