THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~( ~not int the sn class with Wiscon- _________ J. T. JACOBS. CAS. 11. ALLMANI. an_____dttf or wiicihwe lie sey gratetu. =J IS& ALM N Publshed Da ily (Sudays eepted) during Bit the (adinilhas lit the only UJA O S& LM ND thre Colege yea, y tellsr whichilimsitt5to lbt' tileto ti- THEU. E ,UM INEPED[NT ASSOIAION, Peit lieigal. )imlnnsota, Purdne, ®tDEALERS IN (BelCY:T iesbuildng N llaie c., o]1505t Aion. .hteltirt and11NotrteVDaitie 3 post ofic1e.' il(ciid-yctllitstte+ + S I'I E . Subscriptltion price 20 111. 75i1, invariabtly scotts-tt:tirlltemils 1osuperOtll'ior COMIEAND SE-: S.-'MZSS, t-dons may ht g1heft 1at 1the ltec .of t eterIN, tol tigati an we it titl' nllillt ati~toilet, at State sttn11w standlithlla1y havs e ct silentttrand(1ilaydi tiall. THE VICTOR TRADE MARK The Washington Block. oll tile editors. lr authorizedsli~citors. i 111absolte garatee o qulity l,'ome'lsecatiole shlouldrealch tieofilet Iy is r ean11asoe don10y1t111011es 7 oclock p met.ithtieylare' ill appear til exl t Latin Disertationne s. llt I cj4 day. Adress 11llltter illtendedtfo101uli-Victor Atlletic (o0011Plank wt cation to tie iManagitg Editor. All busiess SE .II.-MR. MEADti R. Victor Biycles adlIre bcmn commuicatiosshl~ld ill sttn lt h i I1- Fl'The ioman )-I ontt'lll y s'te . , mre toparlev'ely lily. tess Miaiager. )liei.AllnSen ' lraldna t ie . Ii. Fll liteo lilseall,''niTo-A HEU FM AL ,T e nal10,01V)isGae pl y n siu ndAhei S TH U O 11.D 11-I oineligio. Sise(icce tlltlcillst .11VictoAthlti EDIitRScRomaniBoiksgidTheir 11. p Goes,)/ a J. t..LituilLit. '55 litnltlliegEdtoi. lin. Mr.. Wlco, ce 1. U eedtttc-atlogottlV17 F.1'. .itt Lit. 'i6, Assistant'S-.cVittofle (ity of Rolin the il. OVERMAN WHEEL CO ..."~ I. CEMcAN, Lit. 'l7, Assistan tallic estfVitrBiyl1,, 0th ADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ad SO iT A. F. iliet EL Iit. '9,Asssttt 11111' ittAngists. iss lEfitiDan-l. 15 1Magiientcbildn; enteaetrs ta Bottont PiIladlphita ell-el , ,11tten.mci, gnd dscplne;sulprir o rt. wl JA. Lentit , Lit. i96, AtltticcEldittr. fot ,li.-ill . N iiokChcIo, Dett I lid reading eo n; daily lcuors Sattday T . SNLis VerE,9 Buinss anaeg.I, DresiIL'er . .bb111 llJ1nataomcepiotaom sis;it;;pee 1111--~ reeptons1opn he n aie year eExep I. . ee.,Lte tt lesers aeglc. .1 'il Iitliit Illll'01115 S 5 'ci~c i'iAST: t l~ri acitiel tr placing stdets tinpost~ion - ---- Assistant ti'' t.Al~y.11.I. I -arse, Los n~tgls, Pertlandt tttccdlad rtenetoa$in.7nppit weetin piat Assistt. 'LUa______t, rIi s. Theseraesleredaced lto oby slf- LTRR ,LAW ii. 111e'lifte o it'iil'the l lIrrt't s -llSc-' na. 101 Fnr Calolge addeet . 0.Shiley, 91. . Ititsmll, '5.'. Byront C.Kiilts.Taitt 1S, __T___T___7___77____ ____7___P . tFO (Y(Pie Carrie. Sisith9'i,. i. .itrrso'9d. t al 1it~tA'.7tio l )11D U1 iVUIC '- f RNI PRAHUE Mlinnie Tittieptiln,')7 sICLc.i MSi s stlle tBatcleltder. an. 22. _S.__Bartlett_____ _______ tFe.rlrel cit.ele lt ' B. ( njiseoit 11. 5 Ctaust's ttt Romel' s t'ec iit. Sir. 1111E..NTAL ~ 'il 1.. 1'.W\tial. >22t"Six Love Songs," SATURDAY, DEC. . __________________________________________ Boman011111 recss.)Tiiiss T,ttil sa lt . l yi ~it 1. syytr. T''tnslat inttfti Si All cttpy mut b t t tte office h ttre 8:30t. .Tit. -!,,.ofi etnes finest lricse ittestetisttetusht iticac"a emet ttothet' Jolly' G crmai itt. othtet'day o pulictiion. 10. Sl- lavr ttng ilt' tomltlls. settings. Heavy Paper. 70 cents. Dialect t'tottda, Teediors itot no t lci tltceecscrt'tlon- I r. Sitttc SA t Mackil.7 il.eraCOLEE?:rJ E lIfOO.2..1i itli' tr tieOpintieoi s stttttemetsofcrtret' 1.iRmaLttla~t'Consitredlt t CLLGsSNS.i E1OO S pcitdetsa ppetri it ittthe Y. tlover 300000 slt. Heavy Paper.0 biatitl ccittdy caettt RomaLawil tt'Sitceutt lliianAltl% tt. .1"'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS'"____ to o1u11 gsiet tiil I li lt-I-ilt is oIottitit rder ar 0 glalittyil.:g itever.sltllnrllndlpr- 13, l oauL xuril . -ic Say o ly tokoft tItheind ullish e. ITe PRICES, - 35c, 50c and 75c. lecssor i i l t 'illil''sily. I It .ttu ''ice tn i . -tO tHeavy Paper, $ t.00 of con~gri'ltion'lt nole ot1 h nau Ias,.Ais'a 1try ill t'sA Otan"'-it ijp tiltcSihoederl'. it'l. 5. tiROYAL COLLECION ISRM[NTAL GUITAR MUSIC Big)1 .Fo1u'rIRouLt - ,1.T'ePlo mitit 1101111'Lit'., Siss Eigh yt aopee fr e itarirotiie teBEST LINE VT) s1111s ilei in such'a 11yiti o lici sucthit16. RomanI Publilic Lit'. l9 ickltlslme tove. 00CentsINDIANAPOLIS, a lt-.tritlold. . 7.Any boh entpspai nrcit ofpri 1c. LOUISVILLE, ________L1. ItouanatArcli~i-cic-talligt. Siit OLIVER DITSON CO. and -CINCINNATI. Tongh ocus hefirt opol"" tirils 111111Odert's lss 7111iI-lIt-l- btchi. -o. 15.s-acs 3 ashingte St.,eshBostn. ELEGANT social, whit-It ielnisto ill it m ost 18. Remins oftttAntcitnt achilltctre'C. I. Ditsott & ---',0 Through Sleeping Cars enoybl rafair, ad hc yryi oenRl Hs ni .Hl.22 years nn the Bsines es-BETWEEN slitopIomore' -1111 1al11shold tli tit.tteb. il. Petoskey, Louisville and (C'Itss stcials ill tilt' ast ft'o ~' tCs hayscun' t belooed ponas nc At the Grand Opera House. CIT LU DYCicna. lof11 ithl511l~t pl tsuralirt'oflt ii i-c I 0115 a IlIigltuit icditneTa11111 ASK FOiR TICKETS VtITA sill- ieti 11alrt'c l lltiilgmorltlandIte ttt t' .\cilt11of li sisilalst nigtXD. X0. SEABOLT, No. 4 N 4th ave BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. more111'i l l' tt endelll~dl. i-svery It-ll itt i ngtIit 1. 'iTool' 11111cltlltitly ~_____________ i t 1-5idy plesilig lcltdramctna. Caps nd. Go ns DjJR~i IT1).B AT11N sloillknowss'his tlsslllcandIld llt' seF0 ICO CI~t i O~~ "lsliarl'tt-y 1n111 ho' hi ne1111.' Plc' 11iny'PasetgeiTaficSgr. te. I-&TI.- Xl. _ _ p tlttriil'0 fol'ilt- disp~ly ofithir WiOe ae prepared to furtish Caps h i t a l holit- 'stotsin tlCrdll 111.'ital51s150 vaied tltis. SM. IlcitI'nbst74111(111and Gowns of ttto ihigest qicality da nrN y oa.oe i h oUiesteClee n col ilt 111a lanrgetll as ii~rittroghout ttc Uniteed States, ate sit- ~tti111 llli~iiig ~t~l 0111 ililass-l~ lis.i~titltc'.il its scrprisingly low prices. Self leas- r w lolrils an1111 I'itilieitits seTri '11rement forms, cotainintg all ec- 11111 fotalllteamciil 'lt tt'Iu inatl h111h1 liloil 5 he1111 it' edtol btylla- mos10t1cel- essary instrutctions to sere per- lita I'll0115sor111', becaull0' 011ry5sictlilaudtiiene. Ill' SOs al-spotdfetly fitting garments withot189 00'01olliii atl' Nlilltrltlvisiting the sore, will e forwarded1 9 . not) inludlled in ouicfotball lsehlc byll lSiss Aice OVilntIoldl. his it'adinglt uponlrqtuest.StdnsdtllvalotatCl atidlh1115'1111 iol(to itit ~iterness 110. 011 Itleld'tIl-u1111II iycilly inVited to Itake or store tletr the Ithgd0101 tEIII t;Sot11'cepltth oflhr atintg. liss )Slltit' RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS headquarters andiadnspct otrtlesi - -l1c at f ndm. E~ Jarhoe sislnd lts her lirt oI gant line of College Octfits, Sweat ofth tt ~tcks m111111- 11,telcrinltt 5170ilc different widths, at moderate ers, ot Ball Goods, Skates, import sll ty I mat'ctnnettlir.andti0-1(tht-heiblanitI')-prces. ed Hose, Cameras, Golf Clutbs, etc.. th ace. 111en1(o) I it c'srre 51' llet'olf te cmpanyttS, woe inatboe teStraw~bridge & Clothier etc. btisls() ediorialilo111thei sui- lyr age, 1an11t1110tine seec11 y 1111.y S~toil i'tttit ~cill llt cal~tt trry, 111'e11pl'ay itlseemslbound ii sae- PHLADELPHIA. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ,lest willIperhap-1urn'er a1n0-dem ic iit