Time Table (Revied) Nev.18,18 ~d fRMf~lT~lIIF Jciunlictn I\ 041.F(POTHLYN
EAS. WEST UIIMIN UILTYEWIERE board (f Oa torical asscd iiFri
'x M Ciiliy. Dec. 7,it1 4 It. lin.roomi 1. SERMONS OF REV J. T EANIERLA.
Mail and it...:150 5Mail d.. . 8iA43S, Pce.Seris e-189-At
N. Y.Speci .. 575.i N5see i 30 ,, .I O l~ ,Pr eis7f19-5
asrsEx -1e 2 N. S.I((liced 12
A.aisterncRe -p 7i 1phiii of (le 1iliy foobllI - -
AeaeeR .... , 747 if P. M. fK1
Alic. Exei.-_ 740 We Yee .ra t iiifor 3'5 cc ill Ib- Mected lFidaly SEPT-The Soul's Cry for God.
1). IY Epres .115 03 wes. t. enFn----12 7u, .03 -oige iocen 011 OCT-Jessas Humanity's Ideal.
(. W. Ocnco, 2e CAl i, 0 1 0.;j ry0110 chochas(lc e d1117011 0 5 NOV.-Secterianiem: Its Evils, Causes
G.0 Y. T de.,Chl o. eAgt . An A ber. u ;_. tame> ic th ile yer ientoitle oitc 10 .1Cased Cure.
Tc.diA. Aig. ,0. R . . .- 0NIilli CLASSES. 500. A YEAR. 50. A NUMBER.
Talin e tSuda, liIr 194 lasses hi lclici i ll flgcii10 i-11111 For1l e t i 3 'ssnt Se
Trf 'ileae-cAce Arboo ca ecilo l (11. .Ti"yF JQ lbeginlin~g Ion. S. 11 5. c isee ltwice
N11101 r SOUTH, ~ ~ ii~i The ony Vigil (1rtide liroil tiil(l,1p11ecek Ike ( for p 1 /Cesolilii tolbREUBEN KEMPFyQ
i:1a. m. 7riY> 10. il.arli i c.ol at ia esiablil Price. pi l i ue acgn a e ,oote4vt osraoy
12:25p.on. 10 . cm. ._______000 in lccii- t,,c cGllivr1oa lcoy,
t rains ruceteen iiAce Abr andfToledo Simple Durable; Writing in Sight; _i1111llY5110fc I.I Teachr of Pano Orga ad Mirii.
oly. Permanent Alignment; Instantly ]:insjanior of lihe gvllliislollii. il Composition; also the Art of
1n1.ain .daiy e ceptS nay. .-c eChange able Type. 11ou110IN-il hob e follocc : liI r-o Teahing
W. I. IRNNETT, . P. A. Toledo, UJ. S. PEARL, Agent, (lStu11dlic l~f,- i1 ( ie o S::i1 S Iiiio (I.,Aln a~ri ic
&IM . fY , CEILleiigleriist.,Anc Arbor, iiMi.c 11d1ad 1and11 Fri111ys. ;,.i1.1tw113111 ~CATERER,
ANN ARBOR eYPSILANTI ST. fl1 - 11101 e) cvoiliri Shilhl e li cciii ANOSER 1* cvdit
Time Table; October 7, 1894. WEB13STE'S Tlloii'' I.lir 1 11 DIETAS & SCHANZ,
11-110,J01! Y a ltLevelpeilciiii fPoao ie leO INT RNATIONAI, t. 1.ide ON TI
nd1:0am.1 2 5'2:1., ,5 0 .14 1(0 a d _______________
,1111111 r~.l;12d.C eo oicr DCTIr AY17.ITR 010 i-T. IINES.. T ,L1"
leace AilliAelorelucion,111..0 9.311nd I 4 oA If C7lN R 1 ~SltSCT+r-CNET
I1110 m 1. 12 u03, 5,r13,71 111101c 0 adIll Wi-helnc st fttc; T e A C i-r SO e ly dicoe t for 111001 1ru11 1estl -1.! of I orcior nllol-
OUNDAYT11311- e1, l.tb- l61" - tilti 1 alllnc . i- l ssI ic I 11111 eetlll
Ii1 bpiilleei1111 111 1A Die 11111101 cltatei ll ict e111111 ( l~yhle sI oo i tellll eaning111111, Opressing and
LeavcAnAll )or101 Icltlll 2(04:010, :3, r, 1 - -dl -I-i I t --- u .horAm rr
7110 11119 300p. nl - 4Tio i hliiiiiiiCO . lo, itii ng to tak1e,: S .i s.- 111 cr Ci r1
x fir idee of t - T1er11
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Bn: D hllr lpa 111110, ceiw-oinldracing for poiionsiifaiidSieiltequsinob dbt
Willia t.etrcedre s lie Tlocnllite-a
The One G(rat Stadard dAtnhr. I ("(Jedi 1111follwi l 1(001011 1o1 1e
FLOWERS, FLOWERS 13101(1r4 y q dbateld:
Fo Eerthn ad veybd. rror1.lai lotillt <. Rsled111-1ccF 011131)1 1r iit11 1111 1 20 G E-
COSIS 1r 1FItl26Silhriy vehilS 11tbu0.prns f fef. tl s0o l b ta lsh d- he O -
-~ I lm aBUSNESS LOCALS. i 0I (112 5W +ri .,
'vim( dilemma L~NoiceIllerdcdliieellllllunlos 1111-te R1 Ar 11+N.
of eeis pee lure. Spciail ateIs for loger ClO tI:E T E e ~E ^l er .r.11;1 ill-
tin, _111111detalines1cfuclniehed ly applyig i~ l 110 111 oo 11 111
lidCu I~l Ilfic. lIii-l red HIP , 1 -2n11 1 (111111 Itl'i eA
t I .v(N1217CS1 ~4 I i. 1 l S, (I lll 1 THIS011 i th!loll Siix i~o .txillh
frequently consists2-11-Fli 5yearso (f le liill th11113 He ihm n0 i u o
/ ethere tooat oc " f(ppilse el saol i; i ite
- ' o high priccd 5 (If 111111to uie-l 0110011,e10 Fostllfrulltl
hlletrdmcntortotry 1Coraihlilio1to 11111-d1 lloilg s 110 i t01 11,11 n111 ld c 11e tihith LAF
0110111in0agood in- sholdll ble. l011111111 01(1 roll-it-ulel-hi ~ aui 00111 IIX171v
-.oh selectiois mo gt1. 0nett1, mt0l Crrsa
n se ceap good-. Noec- 1111 ,111 1.1111 I l . anI- 1
-tu - il(ill e 11. 05per erlll,1 ( 01a thIlhlasi. hi . 1011000mo 0 'RtlgeIC
°i l S 1 i 2 h . 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 i lh l
t hugh llllill 6 ,U1ret Slpo o llth te en1111
an -orvlint 1"11 chiiiqht5 r 01Il yleIFlieuor. llclhtltif.l so 11111ramie, * a
a scrch a lie-imne amngFheper goodscwihot fdnding good dtabl hooardl at 111- Or,1F11011 0(-
anythingg Clat at all approaches themsh, enVtyo500rcidilleIIll Vlslcli cc 111 g g a
ready to tol or n 100100100t inspeclt th ee iagnidie
cepro duic tiionsC of teIlarigest musIiali fcory in tie " I1llieF-yor Iheisho 1100115tIsp 1 1111
word,'a l T ey- ar15old 11y leding dciilers eoerycvh115cr for 1c1n01(10er llhtliedl at N. 3111(i1nI /* f
BeauifuldSouvenir Catalogue ctaiig porra is ofI!o ldig ?1 st Seon loor1111.
artislee, upon11 applcatioa o hebsm~anuacters. o ~ . (11 1515 fll~lh
_________________suteO, furriac- e at 111, 11(5t id l d -1
FACTORY y S ALSROOMS Wa7ter, Imodernlconvenicllels . Prices / a ' A
Opposite Unisn ParkWbaAm nSteetnd reaonale.ii 1 fcvo O ll "(I'rlolhhe cei-l
WAbas Sreeand r Iccoahi. 51 ootc~es f omsFl.h ths
Chicago... Chicago.r.c 100 I 111 11110 1 -
Maoynard St.
(yr^ 20 ATiHUtRON STREET. C-
S.7Ole .Agents, 4r * jr r~ r " O a heeod Work Gualrnlted. Goodscal-oled ort
- "" ad delivered. A F. COVEROT, Prop.