Pu1 'shed Dil y (Sunasecpe)drnteClenear by'
Omeen,.' Times hildihieN. 'Male st., oiposil
Subsription piee$2.50 per ,year, i nsariabl2
in ads'anc..Si gist'coites 3 cens. Salseip
tiossmaylte letat the ofliceoftfihleiM
at Stathl's,at State st. new sftand, erith and
afthIe etdilts orta au'ttizdsolictors
t'ammenid'aliamshou~ld 'tacht he office,'bi
7eo'clockitp. mif they ae toIsappthe Cla'
day. Address' all matter intended leorItulli
catioa to the Managliag Editoe. All lbusne'.
coammunications shouald be seat toeSt'eIBusi
srets Mtanagte.
Ann Arbor, 5'Mi.
J. 1.. Lo ttie, Lit.' lii, Manag ing Edlitor.
1'. 1P. cSAnten, Lit. 'l9i, Assistant.
F..It. Wtt.taees, Lit. '9t5, Assisant.
S t. Suritesy, Lit. 'l95,Asist ant.
J. A. LtmtvY, Lit. t90, Athltetic Editsr.
Wmt. A. t1oats, Lit. 17, Easiness Masae.
Minnsie Thoson,'9eesl EI. L. Evanis, '95.
Caeeie V. Smith, Sptl1.-
tHarryt.'leman, Spat. at! tttt'..
All copy mustlbea't theioftilboes'slt.s:0
at ofthe tday at putlicaltin.
'Te etditors do nost haititd tes e es pn
sible foetheaopinios or tstate'meantfeeor's-
Edition today 3,000.
Thie Daily itt giving the life at troe.
T. A. Eagle ie its etelttitns todaty, in-
attbitates a tacit's of biogellallit't
walk a mile otr tore to the Athletic INTER-COLLEGIATE. J. T. JACOlBS. CHAS. 11. ALTIIAND.
field., This in a sute way to kill all Thatiiattlngotetitetsl
et'ttltsianis, antd it neetts that titose in legiate Football asoltaiJilL ACOBS & ALIMAND,
ehargcecultd sea that this tlaitsgItogabs ii is.'Vt auttg
by halves, this equtipping a gymitl The Kalnsats Uivestity football l )I, SEP15IN
sittmt atitsettdiing atliletia tetamnstt a iwilb e~ nrtgti
tulle away fromt the center aftudttteit Neuirly ttll the alti tien arec back, antd + 4. E" ( [S. ,
life tie heectice, this cliangitagfatobasslaabeitatit lieSp.1
feet the benuefit ofathileticsandtht ietin______________ tt rMlA'LD .E Nt
leaving the.'ampugts like a status at To "lye tha "Beat oti Earth" is thae_________
seahav diecty cuntrbaan ill. in-totto itt Wittats' Palace iLaundtry,
tel lti'etileelycoiuseralneng which leaves notling ondono thiat a The "Washington Block.
filettes. Theta is 110 doeubt that tha be clone to give pertect work. Wa eal- FLOWE RS FLOWV ERS
intention afthtei authorities is gooti, lect Monidays atid delivetr Thursdays. Ie ,, udicbii
bett what is tequirteti is action. Leave ordets at Fiultie's TalorecShap, & ~ ..t
cor._________ et of State atnt Williamtists., oratd-i £TIS ,Fitl, T«lelttae 115.
Football Fraction. idteos carid to L. D. Pate, 21 N. State st. EXCELSIOR s LAUNDRY C
Saute 40 mteni wete seet tat praitiet Detital stdetit w'mted~ to solicit totr . 'sl l'o llt i 117HN ''tE't.
oee the athletic fielsd yesterday. Afterthle Dtailv. tGooel Cl " bt. ve etei t( eiatGodstailed tee
titd dlist Isii'r~ t.'ra.Ii
punltinig atid kieking lpractice,eIO 22 Years in the Bsine -'~
elt'vens were liiieii tp and playeti tot
tbeat 20 mtinutes. The Waritiy tol. IY 1~f~
Tue berst camie easy, hot tile secoteelX. VESEABOLT, Nto. 4 it. 4th ave.
suit stuebbornly tesistedl legthe scrubs.
All ehe ptltys that were given waiebre b Dtm I~
litils'ea neoteistsi
Chtoeigli the lite anti a ftes'hicks.
Clygeet appeaedtianti played tfill-
btatk onthie 'Cacaity". Hayes has beau
-shioredi ill)fromsenttito tackle, Ccii-
- tuatily at least. Villta arrivedtini
toA-vn tdayibeforte yesterday, buttwsats
not alit fat pttactice yesterdlay. Smithl
is expeltidbailk soati. Hooes.ill
nat returtn, as lisa beetsrut redtt.
'hisa: D.'.-i.'conlitainls offliilntoices
trotm the iftcultvtyaisd notices ttree
the athletic teames etndiothserstudent
It contintscoutple teleorts iof tlt
Tnivecsily evets of iteest,
and evetv othser tepartet.
$2.50 IN ADVANCE. j
nut of the il's'' memebets tef ut tie' tielig iniBelsvidiete, 11. Stuhscriptioisrecteisedl ltte'
tulay, anad wche it is hiopeti still ose C-. E. Anderson, '94 last, lia stetid DAILY' office, 'fuses buiilding. Staff'
intrtitia th('su Co lia ttitt'ui si-to.lets anid by ahl authiorizedi solicitor's.
Co anrdc hmt h tdn ht last office in Chicaigo.
astiedearomilly itdle'ceuiosity. ftsh Willia Elliott, '914 law.,lais acticing FIRST NATIONAL BANK.
tlhnt such an itroduton Is naimost ills ,i Denve'u, Cola. (OF ANN AlIiliti
tine. Miltoni Elake, '94 hass, is prtacticiigCupital,X50(000. Surplius .rd Prisl$t. at as
S -5iTrans ats geune'ral lNasliisi bustiness.
b hosd lit ls''sil hi'laws in Detiser, Colo. 1tacei E s.. 's'inuuet spi t ,auissBal. 1'uuesuisii
Itit o beahpteetatsitme tithbe.
nO ecaniy oeutgui til o utiiSi . A. I'ietihutg, '97 lit. is sttudying ete'Af r Cdt
it0ecaeic t s urituettlgattendgP.iediaHtursatSMush. Madical CaCashge.
th tltcms ~CLn +iia tfuhMdclClee ihIt cain ceractinly'be takeen toe J.B. Edytocluatig '95 li, isat- THE SIMPLEX PRINTER.
gratedClit set siitut ~ iii ltnding a tirnuatic schuotil in Chilcagoe.
gdra'tedDthatyeveryisthdevt inuihesUCiuA tiewc iinetIitu lot' tditplicatinig
Ed-nDny Jllw oe o-eseity is loyal to lis ltasmate, copies sfititngsa nsd deastit ga.
Cli i' verus'tity iroiniChiin.Ile seas
and ntrely every loyal stuetiautwilli
teealit inceumbettupontimlut o lattend aiityinCi asiaotCu ilis
flitsseting. Freshmn,sve wsotuld=gsct-tut
espectilly urge to cameaout tutu tahee itbtiatugiteiu
of .111n ino lneof the Hobart Guild wvill be held' hut
Chin ouportunilt u hit g tb elis
ss' ~ ~ hrsa vlin t73 ocoki ith 'P. of . interest. Tieuniver'-'ltidyestlgit70t'laii
Herri's Hahl. Fo nunausin odinaru Cag1r itthu
sit' is aentering huitn anewv era itsanmy usen10 toisu'euu te nase.Filty
Mrst. B. A. Hitndahe, ot Waslitenno' enuites sof type'uriuer mnu scrsipets produced
muanyreasects, ini atleties nunsig inuIanrisiuuts s scd tiesirt siutrs suitsamuslas
othece W~itotr ias gyutiaatuo ~.sae., hunt kindly invitedh the Political atfnuurkS AGENTS CeAN5 ).
drainers swe ace ante y iuoacsa-iithisua WON & CO.,
cutomeathrhueplate srganizaioti,anud above all aFrdyOc.520Vs SNeYok
teed hfeeler, '93 lt, svho tooke p. g
tuoe uifed Ctieit bdy.Nohting orek last year, is 'acting as prinicipail WEBSTER'S
csill halpt ossardt his unure titan te
and protessor of science in the tHough- INTERNATIONAL
mianitestationi of general interest at rm DC O A
toil high schtoot CN en ITIN R
Clue first of the season. Let everyonuc H. G. Laritaer, 'S3 hut,, t ormoehly Scesro h
regard it as hula duty to attend this . ~ "Unaiaedged.,
nssuetnprincipal of the Topeka (Ran), highF A Dietinnary of
___________ schooh uataknupiite practice of I E;. Geograpihy,
Hoistin's latue to the condition of the Fotbalbai is hecotming quilte hire- 11 A Grablnd Euao
- ,nAbreat ofthe Times
catuptus, iiiisedinihu'y adj~oininig Chit'vsaieut amontiClefreshusen, and Chic -.. Alibrary in itl
WatermnG ymnasiuumi. tnudsuggeated organization ot a good teamu nay he I isn. 0. J. Brewer,
'IlaC it be cleutned up t once in ot'der looked torscard Co. "I ,N supremet'Coart, ite:
Co allowv the tooihall candidates space S. P. Budgett, '925nmedic, and nstis- The One Great Standard Authority.
taut C Prof Loubed, san Pariedtedby
to practice. o eftort tins heeti made, Cn oPo.Lmad a are StLSRIiAMCo., i_rrtiatns, tS.1.S
a iiortkae yiatl Bookselaers. entahrPub
howvever, Co better its condition and Chiles unnuer in Oregon to ile s Frances liii entaor reeprospecus
Chone desiring to witnens practice must Janes, of thin city. mMnleenh nneeCSiu
bur~sr:y.N . 472 AM) 474 BROsisAWAY
As =1irc-iof t a . s-lsOaVNNt ~i
V A_' et' >ItL9-.Sgt.. 41t5 itiimis-mm-et.
I. 55ilir 5: -.u' , :5. i xn s e i uisi
ii nit ,uiatlyl1y
HAND. Magnifitsbuling; tenteathe.s;hate
atindnetgted discipl ine;s uperior work;well
suppliedreadang om;daily lectuest taturday
tionaltfaeiliiesforpplaingstuenits in pstins.
Boardandiroom $sino$sic5 erwetpivate
fmilies.Thserates redued he lien by s11f
boaiding.tint Catlogueaddrenss