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October 03, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-03

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l e tiv of


'\oi. V. No. 4.



W AT ER M AN GYM~NASIUM. here, and there is considei'able space
for moe. The locker fee which comn-
The Internal Arrang-ement, Appa- prises the entire fee, is $1 per seines-
ratus and Method of ter.


Thimp terovementit in witiich tiheli
ageaer-stidnteis perhaps iiiotiteriested
is te long oked for cotople ioni of
he WatermanPgymitsilit. 'file pastl
Siiiiiiier has Iteei a teisy onie ill the
j yiii'ti'111an asa resit. it is loin'
alinosi readly foineeupnciy.

the main floor iif the basement ate the
laths Iltl hate so far been placedi.
They consist of six shiow'er baths if
the latest pattern antd a nnniher of
boias lhint cail he sisedl for sioge
bathls. The plnimbling inl this rioo is
oxcepitioiiilll'fiiie. Proibahly antherb~

tN'1i1thelce terior of thiii liliia'll siiniiar rooini-will he litted 1111) soon
old, .anidl lrolly all 11w1V indenits withIi<t large numiber of sponge batis.
i1tt' familiar. Alrchiltnraily. it will tPhe niuin of as lame shower ts ac-
comlrire favitiably situ am similar coni tamlate six it a isle is also con-
structure i iin'erounltry. 1intone tt dlatil.
feature that oar11s it at present: is iii- The entlire wvest side of the hbuilig
bare nd li blank northern side. ago ist lfor te wiltliof atioutttfeet 1 as

To Give Athletics a Start and En-lieo
gender a True University MANDOLINS,
Spirit. GUITARS and
____ BANJOS.
The directors of the Atlii' locia'lt They tire the cheapest
tiat t ctlast cevenitig, t11id iillidil E AUSET1at is twhat yo
isitnber of tacanicies on thietioarid. As UL MUL ant anti
If. Gh. tClavlanil tsill not retunt,J. WE WANT YOUR TRADE,
C. Coitdon, 'li5' was eleced plitdeiitii
of the Ibittrd. fTe ie-lpresitilttitthtsRlit 1 "P i .
trill pirobablly lie tijunior Ilitsttill hi 51 S. Main st.
elected at the ]text mees'ting. C. T -ID P 1TrSj
Weeks, '95t,titas electetdtastebtalltmtn- WN
at;er. Thtretots ilircetors tw'ee elct- - -FINE-
ed, P. D. Ilotieltiti, '5, J. A. ILe lRoy, FOWA
'063, tttd II. Parstons, '97. It tcas de'- FOWA
pltace ti be lift ltt'titan twhomttthe .
presidenit shall nattmt as chirmttati of
the trtack cotitteet.
Tetitss itietlig talretady ttlitioni-
ed ill thie Dtaily, iit, as deciillt hotldiBEAU.i1S SHOE STOKE
iext Friday evoiitig at iS i'clock il lt t ut r tshiuse', 1ltititi1.
the Itiw lecture irttti. Slits ntccil I I i 0Nr IrS Y ouAE t
still be ini tttny restpests till ittova-t ]EgUiI1I sAV'
tion hees'ntdtsl tslll te modelledl after ItyIityig.intu
the ttty in whiceatsterniv tiiersities '\37'Q DD A_ ID CQQA-
sttart tilt'ball rttlliit. Aidtresses twill -"- 0
be deliveredl by lDt. Nautetete, Prit. G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Hunron Street.
Knowltonandtiti htlers in the tiriveir-
andi other plate'sstill be lheri lii shtowiBoarding House',
hth'rinterest ini the atleitic ititerctis

tw11101t 1iie sti-oten's thnly is tlie
tit. Itn passetg.i, tyit t'd-beliltei-
I tinidltttlt'10irosectls furO r i t''i-
ftiofthelttrbu'in 11tea1a
.Asi oe itetrs thei'tbtililit-gyti heii
mall(iti cttrttiei'facile we5st, he )ss
'This roomtligivsstigoti'o is' ot ittl
the lbasemtent. Btyondl is the i'rhit-
or's oth et', lbatk of wthichi is a smta~llc'r
Thilt is ittedl tip)stithist-tlt's antistiti-
ht'c ltllitlll't'5fir the ust' of the dil
155iX1, ) feet. 'This has bien lincly

tetu lc'ft foti a pltnige or tool. 'hils,
itt, itill not hi' hut ill just ye't.
directo', tists thle so-coilledl Roberts
sists of t' lest exercises tatntlitdets
troutes-cry systemo adapltedto lt metlt-
is tisedilmhiost intirely it Y. .t. C.7A.
gyttliisiilms ini this Couintry, whottlly er
cage tUiversity, 1'. of Nt'ttrtsl :t, Wil-
litins, Amhilerst. Lietigh. It is natmted

Alt I'. .A. g ulitlit*rl Tlts nt' hu, it siotilid be explatined',
lii' tititi'ofItrtt'sliiili'gysill-is initeittlit to statrt athletics fur liii'
situmittiti kinredliqiestions still bte comitig' itti. While footbatll is, tof
setle atth Yleeinl o th Ui";r course, telbrtattct lutsttuolie lookeil
sit' ttitit' lst oitlt~s''s"tthg.after forliii' pre'se'nt, yet the sliositig;
ittotrs silllie sit tisitic fortInielis, hut noade iniothler tbtanchies is stll still

of Music).
$2.50 :IER "CJWEET
For Lathes taislOciltlelneui.

huilii' s. incudiing 2t sits juhiyit li11.nt 15ituitbe ec ititit till lii'tnc leIteutul upt~uuhue enutmsittntesvincedul tutu iii 1111iiuA
'cihuis, fitui r ii'itg vcights. fotur i-still be.at this uttectiig. 1'-Sctitil, trot-k atlIt- + TTTZLE+'S,
'reostllmach-ineuis, spuecial mact'hhines5 First S. C. A. Reception. lei's tatnt tennuis wiilhall hiaise to tic + 48 5. STATE ST.
slithi itsncmit- atc-hinmt, strist rohll th Si'hrs etoi is-an it endtinmugrcct measssrce uuointhii utc ur c
tuateruicslu', 1twosits partllelI barsi. ist dtsptlttyet it tis, Elieiehining,
pides of te Studtents' Ctiristimuui A si- Stuout hiell; i tnis ". lasses comr~
suns dedtm horhuizonuttal but', sviulting 'of ttheer , lt.6,i9 tadutu111it. utnticut excusivelyi,
' iautionu sill' b h ni' h'u tc ess'tetiy s _____________ 5ttttut.ymoutntia i ttcts thtrttty't'k
butu'. fly-ing tituStraysclinug rngs, bucs, ift 5 sto'cloek. it tsiet uuiu'nhyi, Satsurday
Iaf-si dausy u'st'ung', Out. v. Anu i- Bibliography, a~tirnt thtis415 tucluck. Laduies antutuitlhe-
s ttuiug horse, srinig botatd, tumb- ' ______it cuuu-dauy ustuisut e.51unit. Joen1-
hirustiug rsgr-inthalss tuueenitre' Siearedo hesodcituef Ile, OtiUtiuhutyuieusnuut Sl telle.. Nut stairt
btells. Induitaniclubs, ssands, olic. 1yfrto h hr:cureo e-tmut fie ldDni-Hl nt
Outite secitndtfluor' hue twto ltrge, oast etch's'effort still hi'itttil'et uktarso h s f tiirr il rstt dS. ls or6v~tintdS. ne1lc; eto
te evc'ninmg enjoyabmule tointilts ___well______________________
st-ll lihucutuutus. sthtlis-tli ts-u'lti'cn issscbhtegint in rooi21, otnt loniy evsint
set asbiit s mu boxinug andhmufencihng mstlS t:'imo h oitsiugi hnOct.iS, att7:11(1 o'clucks. Shut sc lecturem
rtooum.STeformer has bee'mn ovidecdhngrt atnfuecremuu: tisd' ueitgnuedhespieciaully liii sltuets
wis htwso stilhug ags, taud both still "ire" ryr r 'o juist enternig etlls-gi-. 'hise siun,
itt selsomue, D. 5'. Menlo; solo, totiss t
fit fully fsrintshmed mamiiieciuuI Itted.u'ul he to take iegniultrcours ini Sibiui Vie otter sdiscount outall
Broillte; adsdress, Dr. Prescott; ad-,rpt iertnseht ~e fru.I.Shest etBos
corridor between these roomms letads rpiarreusetoictPf.I.UvriyTx-Bk,
osu tliOOth nuuumidrestsc. Tisions- SteC.venss;um sitongIt,"T'hetpttt5111, Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
ou pnternigtak hscn 'C ai nro 0 Tpa 10, ,,sists ms yet of butmtwso layers of ost and limit." tS'edmesdty, Olid. 3, at 3Sosclock. and Scientific Books.
buoardis, butthSie tractk still be built -'I.Cats P h.isri'g itiiWi' buy amid seth se'onds-huand hooks.
C. . Cark 'Ji lt, s raditg aw nttatlteutttiesi Instruumntsstud
soon. It still be 12 or 13 limstso1 the P'ontiac, First Faculty Concert. Dhrafting Saptplies at special
mile. Tinelprospeits for a gooth Castthituu The'Siii'ochuol of Musiecstill ,it he rattes. Wet'oifer
Stillmabosvc'tSits seconuthfdoor is lo- this yetrtremit'very'fdatternimg. A greatist tfits anumatl serui itsofSpleinidBest !inenl.taper at 2kc Per Lb.
cated a vsltons gallery, sshichu, though hortionm of te sadvertisemuents hatue mit- fauty toni-utntommxltT imrs.uyw ven- BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
callus-nhig-l, c~tttommands agoodh viewtof readuy been secured. Slut' boardnt tits ig, IIat liel h1im t'ssmemmuts ' n-iof time 50.L AGENTS h-OR
time floor. bueemnstorutmg hsmla sh urin-g'tiii'summi- fit-lty still tutuh i'iumm m 51't_trslti. + y+TE~pMAN'S IlC CL BU C IM~tA1PENt
Ini the bausemmentmltiimgs atint etul3u' ier umonthus ammmiiinuetigtiill tprob-hsisticin it tolibhi-'cx-tioittlly liii". Wet 1n I'
conmpleted. Rig-lt hiundrted lockters of ably be liel the latter hart oithIiss 1givee, m-'ttunutiinhumfll S':itt ni'- tt"5AO S'I'OR ES.
1tmre'ss'tt aswssebtmtlu eek t-cf om'organmizationm. r-ri ss aamuui' oil lateS. Op. tCo ut use.

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