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November 11, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-11

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~i .'~t~~tine hart in seleetingtilhbet songs Senior Law Election. J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. 11. ALLMAND
4J 4t', ' and then leadinag the singing. bt ex ' 'te'Snir law class naet Strday
______ tth awhat they itn odo noaoe tirtarng iaid elehcitei tieremaining JACOBS R AIIMA f
Pulse DttaalI lty (Sunad aseceptd) duringknows.It they will sigify thetirin- officsessfoe ilisining yer.i' I',i- WJAI~lIU
the C'llgei , by tettioin lit the iatter Itiey will r ie- i ~la isitd
THE U, Of M. IDPENDEN ASSOCWATIOHI a''dent Waisaf~ i 1 h p. ill'' 3. DEAESIN
po Pti st ficea . iia., 1)raie igaiid to their mode of plro'eedit'. Likey. f I ennaylvan~tia. witr' tine- +f4* i J + +
Sstoi'iiiiahuntst bP somiiifeot'elto 'ptickoti w dfriepeidhest. AMEtA.IIISI' L 5
ii advaicei. Siige uei3 cen sl. Subltlithesnsin-i h ;(( Lla ihs waselcitidlby sait t eaof114 to 2.
tis may be lftiatitheiioffitefti hei'IiiiilAii~, ta do sa.well;Iti o , bul ttt w tt'ton t Ai Age ,'. W sat i tuas iiaiistets-
t Stsltle t'sat shateSt. ntitauid tithi ay tlsl-S' h ahntnBok
ot the ,editor'is oruhoarizeaeitons. '. ''thy5iYsa e',lcitied eoice''prasidio he'ahigonBok
O 'ciloct p.lit. if they are' to apt(ais theeas t The Golden Fleece. Ae~sA .Hno - e
day. Adili-a'aa att er initentdadiforiputbli-___G.__ tit.ftilaof 1 iehiiig, wereail, iati
cationi io tie' lasais g edito.A llbsnessj _.
THE U. OF M. DAILY. ntruosy
EDITORS. 1,ge edsot vrG
A. CEA, Lit. 'o.Asisat.
A. F. ROCKa ELa , e.,11'Ita9, Aasist'o~itatnil't.o fnl~,t''" ii' s,('i'it ialt fter ' t a 'i~t rt.to 5Ists LEADING SCHOOL OF BUliESSad S0000-
nn monstrous drag0n0.oftHAN MD CHlbidig; tniches
J.i. ALcii~, Littt. Alieti, EditorI. (ltli11'uilrdeditt,,ia ita, a, ofIat lia. i isltrtt'. 13' rho cls'voteti, 'atendace;god dicipiie; suprir wrk;a e ll a
t. 5 leci, Co '5. Bsia'aa laai",s apflidscditg o; diylecue;aturoada
AS.iat~iii Lwi't3,tillsatit iiairo ,goeiara''i- 71il7. t V - evendi. f'i,'sia a lg recetians; pes heeire arisy cs e p-sa
3-IliiI 'i,,it is t faass elecitedi tas-itllati' 1 i' r itt'tta'ii. iBosd ad oasi H2 io.75 pea wektia pias,
I~lI aens yolkTil. 1 Olhalfdafide ad0,50 bytat{t
Si..Ii Site, n 3. i' i.i s~i r i Isi'3'is i, ia Pi L.e. i'i' IfIIiltvos ipuiais'i Ott'9;i.., t ireasCiiaa.adrs
Miainie 'l'talpson.'l17 aisiAT,. Mttsa'''''ttt 0 t,,,~aht''E GRAND OPFRA\ HOU SI
C . err ll I il'9S It 1. a o n,. . ha'gal t3 , Ii' n'a' ___
DETA. ___hrstait._heidal_______ofanscodasisan________soe- RIAYEEN I NG, NOV.6TH
tHOMEOPiATHIC.sit sal ,',,n ' ii,' tat ha en tt he i me111etilg l' 1 i etlI
m. sf the dayof atpublication. I~5i itt, i, l''tttrl'0A C aclrJa
laid Itriseiasls'fah'ailtta the presenCrackereracs
Seveal',i ,-hlllltii'liouhate11.1,-I i li uiis'eiltssitiiis i, attg atitttHitl10O'E THE OKLAHOMA OOMERS,
set Ife,.hilt a n 1loit hods.ofre l'' htandiiltttf,tt '1 e:r:2:d:: ° ~,- "THE THREE OLD SPORTS,
sin'ta-,''ain uliil i , hut tty. Titue i ,iidel haa tr is ata :lj w4:::'THE FUNNY COURT ROOM.
thisnflec,.wahihlhangs Ihi h atotet' a 6 GREAT SPECIALTIES 6
b(r eie he o ihhi-'e v 'tcry aev ii, h,',,ieI : 1 e\PRICES, -35c, 50c, and 75c.
paidtaill otithe ilFlut'y13-Se'ting gints. 013-it ll tilt-s -ethbossibhhe. airiimade o h Iit,, tical ~ daegn- 5 J JJ .E .FU
ip a tiirc'-111 \ l ~ iC I d it is one of this beast 51111 d Ibettat I I ananiy ohe at ke t it, slat- BEST LINE 30
ed_____________w Oaihete al ,liis an iii (lilasam1e01itsailnt
gai'Sihtha' aii', i''Ie3 h'titt'es tithia'- rt'in tisist t-1'his3-tilt',with, Vitillicylt eltINDIANAPOLIS,
for hltituhigau i sl t o s "- ittle'hs i tpait,-li itir iiittgni13i,'VICTOR "INTERCOLLEGIATE OR "ASSO L.OUISVILLIE,
lu ii ts'iuits liiti' h-tii' Iiii,iesgtt'at iit,'e1slitoncirt iy this CIATION' FOOTBALLS, EACH $4. and CINCINNATI.
tiug.Nut. 1Jll"Icput
tdoubt ii ltist' i cau sei-itetor. i' ___ Sporting Good, Baeballs, Bats, Through Sleeping Cars
gii'ate ill, hiwe,st, 11i.11, 1-e ttoI off-I{ Abionl 0;Reserves . Tennis Balls, Rackets, etc BETWEEN
oni tiie tti,. shittasi.ts' si do,i,'aheiPetoskey, Louisville and
oflii iael's iiit o aa'i ettt l'it ',oie'i5 ii' tii''tlitAl,,,, OVERMAN 'WHEEL CO., Cincinnati.
tnlt till.t iI'11ul3 3e1 lilttiObIhihi, Sturday3' ii t itit' t 'l'3' t-ittsry tc'ta' Si-.. a (f Svitr icylt es.____________
aniptgtgf, i, -, fi -hl,1 hou iighrtiherti ''Slat,,'oillacotittitB e, Sh sepua ei. ASK FOR ICKETS VIA
titti 5 t'ti'it aii ~ 0-3of t fitld ,-ae,-r'ttithplaceaith uuN-ews'Yorkl, Chilge. IDenver. BIG + FOUR f ROUTE.
vistory3. htLe tt'eyonil htititctlt ps-SanFaniso. LoAngIs Portand (F OtCtJ.I Ti D.5B.t OATIN
sbsi e ' - the i,,, o atten d the of attavIna hit ell'hitst htlt'f.Iotlis Pases;;a 'tuafIt 01.4 Ge.P t . t
iuuauutiu-ot Itt he.Athlticifild thtis tatolsItiiitAt.h CX.hth atofu'l1111'Ac d nj iisc SPALDING & BROS.
91hus 1ut 1oti'"; l utlto f ipi' -.t Int3 ll(i sec-
ttuu 'uisotti'tg'ct'thouel athhis ro-FOOTBALL SUFPLIES.
(ac', e nd ,. ),,eIel ouhaGlf, uo,-tiherostilt'soredui, titoutg'hlriEaviry isitet fits ha
gut ilishu,'tisetemetsufits(if,-:1oftenhhlt1' COLLEGE SONS. 1 uicis
eC dshcu'ieetlfor :IC. of itlitte d3 i Spalding's
(1.111n' 111 '.1 f ulu sti 5irt l ii h s 5 ihe' itsre sev s 3ist pplasolege ,'slletion ueess taO, i Official
Rear ut'etfeatedI 113'tbrnuhi uiu'sio'ui ,lbiti's ends owi toodtus- 50 ceHeavyloPaperit, $1.00.Intecolegiate
tess uttdot 'aor t thnibutuo'uf lullugagis. . Football.
sahi as he hut e 'uuuu iiieuuut iatill , it t!itt i','t ", tuit3 'New Harvard Song-Books" n.rdotd10594ythe
fel t11a t'h as t lutst Clone hi huts 11bion13'. ttedtttli - upunuea r soiu'gutAssoa
slttl.ildiug,'ll tei-eeset Havad asou -s'f 'usc.anduidcst be usedo
______________ tuss lplay. h aing sumeotlo' eavy bas 'Heavy Paper, Si].00. - lto all machitolguss.
The u'Daiily print t oday twousof Soy- 111111 ill theluintt. 1Ro enuute saoeigidIE iuuu ptgaecpao sthuifCatorsit'
ealthe fol'oicttuall sahngs a3ylii titu-i' 2731 poundTehas lt'euusoweltsat-so si2, COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS.' eut free "psdigsO'eilooEstball Gaide
fos 189" edited by Waltrn tait, cotainiung
hbeenu iuuutanded itii fie iutlicao'tioun. nuuntuts lontg. T'li'laci, up: As s g ill the liadigcollegssfsrn suuiet. the ew asl, au thute alube ifsrau-
Heavy Paper, $.00. Lionu, by math. pie 10 allts. Spaidng's
'P1,-e nsi'5 ar1'5leu.nlulltou hut u'ug'us,'ocl ABION. POIsTION. R uSEUiaaS tade-maks cut wat yuyis the garsiee
Stiat te gds tue the tea.
5llIh ~ ~ eFlsesu ute._.- tasfBoot'S Album of Songs." Nc ci. ici. Pirjhc
S eetdfrlila'Cousutel l i:A.b tBuels - left ttuishia .E's
are tuihedhuiwsitli theut' o f lettinug tes-h------- eft gardl--iaciell A ew, clletinsfuines liss1lesongs,iy K = N D E R G.A. Jn}Z r 2' 1T
Wh to cnte--_ .-. Deby teia ution of Ileas a h0altiitIin ug
this studeti siaew scullislbeiut uttetMe'dtt' riitt-- -ad. .. akt harluoes," whiuciaIncludd. $1.00. Students Recreation Head-
110 this dirctionan ncur 'usuage' oithers tooki - ght tackle .- ariern Ay boks et posaid onu eeipt f pie. quarters.
L. Wits-a....igit esd-----S~atsuu Sd fon buleticsof te le voae an d N. 3iN. Main Street.
to swrite. 'liie'fIl.e iluul, and liSulls ulollanbiud ......uatiter.- __Narrioistrumenttal susi.
has-a alsoureceaivs'evetrsial sangs, andSipp-h-------eft hlsh--------...Le~syAN ARO
Gil.......-..---.ight halt- .Fansham OLIVER DITSON CO., ST A DYARBORKS
thes latter awill 1probably' hpublishl .oiii5 Spis_.-full bckP.....-.-Gates SE M D E W R S
in its net lisse. It is unlderstood that SubstItutes- Welsh fan Marstn, Gibsn fan 453-463 Washngton H., Bouston. Lades' coil Gens Cloting leaned
Buac. Umpire-F'resud. Referee-Bursbam. C. 15.. Disos & ICoN.Y. cr Dyed
tea Glee C~li xectss tou take ill 0- Linsouc-Waid. .. E. Ditsn & Cs.,Pila3. W. HURON ST, ANN ARBOR

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