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November 11, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-11

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*1 . al.

VOL. V. NO. 38.


PisE-Tiaaaan CENTS.

KANSAS SCORED TWICE. sas could not gain, 11nd1 her bunt Will
We Won 22-10.-They Bucked Ouractd10Ie. rorgllarbl
Center in the Second Half.-Son- and(1rni 75 auidi. for ai tae<.i-dowd.
ter Oid Creat Work. Gal b ly Piatt. Scaure 1Ei-li

Iiielligaaii trnoilihar la-all hal i
from iaKanaaaa t Kanasaas City. on Sail
airdaay, aotNAviith aislant-ot alslansi
year, iiava've. blat lay a s-hoaae of 22-101.
tLast year lligi~algait baa lirst
aaanrli~ilaaonly at llaa-very ehal aa
aherilsthal, after ltlaelaardeastlkinad
of a siriaggla'; this.yaaar,. aiaa the aaa -
Craary, Kiian-sas Avals easly far Atialilaa
in thea'first:laalf.,lautl lhargaamlaa araas
ava'ily 11.1ayed i- aaseaaoad.
Ile (lay was coaldandaaa blakl.laua:
x.000)peaoplea' ir-i'ilaatena'ncaie,'tlha
aoio'l y aif K-ansaaas lily lailag clt:in
tall faorce. T'laail Kanisaa siyll-
paallizrsa' enraal ailIat athlea'shoaawiiag
o1 ibeir ieaaaainlithila sa'condllaalf.
Ilaire'wasavaialientark aofractie be-ai
fotiahlii'g~ -lise ion 1 iriganl's tall.
lielaigallAN-aoila the' tass anal layd
W-ilahIthaa' iajaliaa thea'first:aalf. IF'ar-
b'ri retuneda'a n iasas' kick-aoffawithlaa
pra'tly ru if 211yaaradi. hllaaiaiailhtona
ilhee rirced leal ba'daaniaely Aithlbfiind
iuteafa-ra'ia-a'.anal tyga'r . An th roaugh
thla liaaa'3. anaaalaroauaailtha'anal155
yarads. liiaaagsalai agaaiaaa'al2)vyarads
er a airi-crosas, anal Dyar addoalinaa-
eothc-r 21)yaaa'ds. 'Ihraough thelaa e
D~yga'rt glined-aliSyaradaa.Villa. 5,
l'looaaaingaaloaa t. Dygeat 4 anal Hail.
eigar 4. Senter thenAaveant aronda
lie raid 10 yards. aaaa Dygi-rt wa-at
.ver for a touchadowan, llnaiaagsloa
kickiaag goaal. 'Tiama- 9 aainautes. .cer
Michiganareuarnedalthe aaext hick-off
re tlae ceater witha steaaly gains. Hgere
Dyer was tackled for a 10 yards loaas,
out followead it by aiprerty 40 yarals
p1001. Kaansais thieaa hadtal ela ball far
tbe first timea, anti triead tha e (,ft anal.
but Price taickledlfair a fiveyatrads
loss. They thenari daheao thier anal,
tot Seniter threw theian baick 10 yarals.
Kansas anever aigaina triaealthiea'anas.
Pratt tried tao kick. wAhich rasai stop-
ped, thie ball rolling abaout ini Iha
crowd, until Samith fall oan it. Saenter
.lade a paetty rtun of 21) yarads, aaal
Reynolals At tharoaaghathe lhnenIG
yards. Senlter thena e nwalt 20 yards
for a teuchdowin. Plooiingston kick-
ed a hiarad gaal. Tiaelia- maainiites.
a4core 12-0.
to anoether seven iinutaes 2ticlaigan
-ad lae third touchdown. Dygert re-
turned tea kick-off for 15 yards, and
steady, short gains through tlae line
followed, until Palcer ala' a 20 yarals
run andtitouchdiaowvi. Nai goal. i-li- re
The next kick-off wrais well rataurneda-
by IFerbert, and Dyer's 45 yards Ilaint
hiut it aoi Kansas' 15: yards line tKan-

Iva.'art kiceaa-off, ia]laa aasasaacoulad
anotlgainiaoil Ith'reaaadalis. l'iaal I algalal
Fa-ria tfall ala lta- ballI lass Ihaniaa
foot 1froth aa'eKanasaas goal. IU
I ',11 C alia, alaa'i .Iaaaas a-a , wr
c~allaea Itila', liaviligtiha'scorea'16-l6.
s I ta goltoaa lie'm liiiwal-ia'ino
long;ag ainas alaithear siada,. 'is
laria tharaougha Sliclagaaaa' i--lita-I.sol
graials. Abaautiltenl lainutea's tellr Iie
giala"nla p ny, theaay laaaalithe laall ala
Alipaaa's 1yaaral lineaa' . a'Dye).
Nsa urtaa 'Indaairal n n I ur

President Angell Speaks to a Large
Audience at the Il. E. Church lrys taa leatralwthouaat baoks.
on That Subject. Saatae peaaple' lhoaaghatry to use
mus-ic'al jistriants withhlittle
:\ lalaga aia.ilieaaa-a' galtlla-al ll Ipit t1
oraa atonlaae.
o1alloiaadl'(l"a1a1r- l1a ssl-alyi 11aaa1a1) to
ia-ir Pra-sialai-Ai Aagall la'a-olaaa laa'la liWe ~Say Buy ihose Which lae ]one
-4aaniii l-si BA ' ' 1s.1101 i- W e sellflthat kiaaa.
I ioll 11a l hl il ali-. aa. iiI - -
ia-it laar ll lt l li ia-liaa 111ai-. -. Q
51 South Main st.
Shah'l is oliii aatln'a- fitIla Iv lills o-
lIiaa liil-lia ll aill aalli'ii 1 11111ofonhaul S'Ii -U -0"-]Zi.hi -~L\ T ihS
two1 or11'laaiv iath lalafl-a 1111sistl'la ill'
'1'lw (1114"11 -i l i lal aaloalilag I)(-F N -
io s igh lal 1( lla'; !a1a11a 11,a11aaFOOTWEAR
ar1 loyaaatil -laaaaa!11!6+ a-aaailaia 'ArP
ia1i alan-au.t
Iarlalll oiion taill aissiaaaiaieias lo

- - -- - - - - - - - - laa ilaaas amissioaisa'abrhiltaislail'-
Iii'. laalaat gainlg toa lialf aaaal Ilygirt alaa-'a f - I b---.a-araaa- l
to fill bacak. Ol ilia ant ploay IRlste oe.lia'i is ilbn. :iet
laaaaaa iarilgla21iaIigaiis tll faaaaa. 'ta nr irtis heada, lialy caia'aiil-BI LSSHO S OR
Kianasas' secoaauil laaa-iia. Noa goal.lpp . aalnaaItalllolllilat alslai 011t aatouseAl Iainaa.
Sie -au-a' tllopp silon-oIll.iii
aa-ywirl.reiry16-Iha10.-.ll II IfIyotiwanat to gut a fine box of
tii-hiigaaa's hne lt, alaca-aill. 1iali I a
'ti ha aah'hu ol gai a iall'lii-w iiissaaawarka's -aaahliil--i ieiC II 0CH CO LATE BO N-BON S
aaUnt lillily- tackhaa'llidt-y "a-r't. va- malmig(liaaaaa aaial - arCheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either
21ia-Iigaaaathenai cediaaiai- d aaigaol thei' laml sataaaaallaiaaill afINight or flay go to
ondw".'il set is t- a raualaly, hoiweve n tr aanceaaial 1a-l R. E. JOLLY & 00., StataeiSt.
sooiah l'ovae-' afora'a toaicidoiaaiai b aai-alflast al olhawa-coaast aihaatera, REUBEN' H.KEMPF,
l±'eibert Golua. Sco-ia'_'-10il
flmaia'' i li -a-iao t lecounty, till ii I oa'1' I1) It e Po at I aaaaareaalaay.
Iummrig 111'eraiinhg timel-theiiballl IStuttgartlearmanmale
am-asilaill' lm hi-Iigaams a-a-lothIiaoretically, maissioaaaamies eaa so haTeacher of Piano, Orgao and Musical
wasmotl i 3icign~ trrto l, ny' part if Chlina.Ilii Chianaaft ltha' Composition; also the Art of
211a-haiaaaa's lig tiara-i' sld not adaatheai'hig
hausl iiiSlaisOhsionarssartl. 'e
gaians wa-e a-aaade thamammgiatiaa'ai tiame MERCHANT TAILORING?
A.lmoug thia' abstacleas ea'al eecaiaaaIni
aiftar tiam'. Occasionaally also Kanasas Cleanisgiressg asdliepairing
thias work, tine of l1ar10haost seriaous is alone nieatly lay
ivaimihal ike gaials ihartgtagIakleaas, AUG. Sf115)NEWAL), I2l E. lWashinlgton
lacik aif unitedaeffort. lDivisians amie~'__________________________
afe fa'hlaiing ittraae lite a tti'ntion(Iaa n ed owanss w nnde o- fi Ni F
the centelr.1'iamea Swas cailleA-a Ilthai-RSHLNEO
tI'ih. l'5igomieRa atinhl~lii(alhes ;uliiinedii'i li i
brill on IStieligaaaas 20) tardsln. am']atLO N YS C CLA E
am hoald on CIahhnatlhat amightlalIaveLO EYS H C LA S
ini themir'il-al ssio1llll. aJUSTsiaaia'l hi' mimmaayhalaIaam aas
ThClin 11): chistanied he ounry ad ot is-+ TUTTLE'S,
'timiaa llites adefaeatedl thai- effaetall asarkinag + 48 S. STATE ST.
Gr aiF M. POITNam. KANSmAS.+
Cm-rter - h------eft email_ l-----Krk (If the imissionariis.'.'Ih' hlaguaagi-tha
Villa---------left taackle ------'--oee is dificltrtoIaalstar; ad11am' schlaraly C iR A I\ C E V
Gar------lflgaaarah- Ih---Moedy
Smith---------craeter -----alker hrile ofltii' Chiinesae haeas thaemaitoii SCHOOLOF DANCING.
tHenningae-----i ggard ------riffithla a'ieveitiatl:lt'hiyicalh-ara imlihagi a -nwruCHaiiLaFii ic rm1 Ian
Reynoel------'rght tackle -----Palt lse o pn ?pl ~eda n
Price'---------right enal----Areanar frimifore-ignia-s. limtliii' greatelst ala- ii'e, ameelsitarting wathia ate of aicais-
sisal Allclasesaireaunder taa persainal Ira-
Ferlert---- quarter -------_--hill stale'iratheiaj' ltof chIristiaaaiziang trabaaaaaf Air. aadMrsa. liosGramiager. Nao
Ilygert--- lafi halfi...Shelirigargcr tairs tao maaaat.rOfIiicle adIDaninlg'hall os
Blihaor s -.Iaa .....right half -- I---- tilmenr i ' aiia is aaia'estr'al mirshail. Cialmitheagrun foo rI i M I IaynairdSts.
Diyer---.- --fell ack - ------Hester thsb-noprtd noCrsint
'Touchidownsa-Renter, Price, hDygeri, Per-thsbiicrlral-hilaCaitahar'
Icr.Armiour, Hester. Substitutes-Btaird Cllilanmsaaahl iaa111llrabahilityt I'll-l- V S B O SO E

Baird. Refere-Mlaston, Harvamea. iUmpire
-Rlainsdell, Prlincaeten.Lisesman---Cosaan,
Football Camnes Saturday.
tGaaas miiiSaturdait' l'maisths'aia
12, Princetoia 0; Yale 511. Leahigh 0I;
Han-varah 3l, Chiala-gm A. A. 0I; Caaraaell
(, Vi,'iliiaas 0, Navsal ('Ilats IG, Pa-in.
Coll. i; IBrownai12, Orataiga'A. I'.lii;
Botoni A. A. 21, t'resa'a'at A. C. 0;
1t. 21. A. 15, t). A. C'. 4; Butalr +,
IlePaaw IU; Purdurma-42,VWatbaisha 0; tIA-
eaalga 'aiv. 28, tFakea Forest 0; IDart-
imoutha 30, Aimhest 0; Minniesota 40,
Bheloitt0; (Griiaiell 0, Ioais G>I; taise'
School 34), Ohio State Uniiverisity I0.

ha' oil thai'high ioadaao ham.aCharistianaltaa-
lief. Brat as-a airec-ty ahopposinig a(-ha
imialt it is arialamoitst inistil-iiaamiiihala
obtstacle i thea'path (If a'idAe ig
C'hristianhaity. 'T'm)g-t iaallaequaaeid,aa
oif am missionaary's situaationaoia mul ust
halalgila'a I haamsi' tacthaer'a-in
liarse amI navaol'asriag tlam aiart has
ham his faaitha whaila'surro'imuadadabyhat
yajstemaiof rea'atiaoaships a-aaia'a-I t, aatof
symapathay ihhiIls iaus analan lam nyhlit

Wie other disicotuot 011al
University Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
and Scientific Books.
We boy and sell second-hand books.
Mathematical Jrnstrunieits and
JDraftiiig Sopplies at special
ratee. We offer
Best Linen Paper at 20c Pet Lb.

ri-spurts adiretl it'aiagaaistia' toihis SOI.E A0ENT5jFII'J
Ihiprpose. ______+______+ MNIIE L tFOUNTAIN PEN, .+
Ohueaf thi' meathossof"ga-tin-lih-
subhjectthbeaioa' taretpeoplea'is bhat l- 'TW O S2CON~LES.
U'niversityBoks're, DliesTown
CONTINUED ON THaIuRD AiGaa onmiiStale Sht. iOp.ioait HIlia.

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