t Wisconsin on or own grounds by at Cap and Gown. . T. JACOBS. CAS 1. ALLMfAND.
7 >a fscore of 84 to 18. The nxt wek the
'PThc following postal las btsnt
_______ east ating uender a long line of
toth members of ilhs senior JACOBS & A11MAND,
published aly (unitays ecepted) duraisgIeteats bett Ilordoc 4( to b' and Dc-rudt h
the College yar, by lieray class:
T)E1w.14Fto.I). APliltic latec Northwest- irc y ou in favor of can and gowns? )EALEII5 N
THEU H M HOEE~DHI SSHlA~OH~ erit was defeated 72 to i, and Kansas It so, whn shall we get tlicim? Shall
IjericE: Titmes building N. Malo t., opposite o
potsi.22 to0, wileth ti al victoryp' tithe tresident ntmistaetoiite f ~ )J~S
watit frot h 'idcago Uiviersity1)11 nine to select the style 1111 see to
Soub<ri ptios prie e 02.1 iO er ye ar, iaorriabliy odrfhl 0EAl) CS
Is advance. Sisl eaties :1ci s. Sbsrip- Thnksivitgtday lby 28to. t reinIfSE 51 IN t ..
lossmaybleftttell ii i e of-i aMte [)Ai,,these scores of last pyar be.' any fn- Yale's income frtail ttletics last
at Stltit'sat. Stai t . iesstand, withay dcto n hycrail hn1'iya aone o$1407" h ahntnBOk
ofi blip eiitors ticautoized ,ilsolctors .hhhtte cill litl ipa nome o$1407.Te'ahntnBok
Comm utiieaiion, 'boud reathe. ficler by we hose eey reasoontto lists tha
7 o'ctloc ti.) sill they:t',to iap peat ircenex1t 1
daiy. A ticess illtmitteriniitetidieitfot ti iti higani ltis met With lhir olt t-- __________
cationt to the M ntinitp Edtiori. All tisite Ssct Of te season.
otmmn'ttonsshsiolte snt.)tothe lii Otma
tiss Mtantager. sDt ttc o-ttsle lt
THE U. OF M. DAILYc zf T I1r9 u,
Anti Atbtr,tih. olittmgstttiuistts wh-ilehihliie). -bt
.' ' osttLt 11 ~ttintihe esrit pipe titeiista isyIire .5.
H. OLMA, Lt.IAssstin. -Ec .iy I ibsLEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ad S5500
A. I". ltocKIm LTt .lit.'51, Assistan2.t.i ii aItdtlo wmeo AttND a gao ici p t liti;asuperaor obs atel
J. A. Lt tc, .115'6,Atltic'Edtr. 'sIt "1 1 'fht . ht ' 'Iycin ICO IAHETICf (> spld duaoiitltetiudp
Ass is tontiii 1J1lii.n..iite.ipreceispTHi00ns; pan s haeryear. cp
J. S. PAso., Law '95.Business Plata-erViTO.O
___________ twere tbinedittltitilt. LLIt a.nit ro or ptit g idet eeitsapn a
-- Assistant.___ar___datly dimo~iliatigthrs'perii- ..stiiis.Ths ateis eduedtpt,o biet_ 11 riy Ih en u i omkiiadni atlgea rs
LI1 RRY utieW,'latipatt'ect.ure t mton'iiSavonarota. 101 stiishts d P R. CLA.Y. Pres
Carrie V. Smth, 'iii . . .E. i.mi '')5 . P of. ' bliiii's letturi e fti'ri' liie mwe tii trsur e itcritic llubl ili
. B. Slilley. 3. MEDUCALt. tiai sitp- bibtltecltss attthe Mtito- Glovets atdt Stits, Tennis iialls, Rack-
E . S. Nibach. '. ets, Nt, Boig Slaes, Fmootblls
DETALro.. 11. 1. Gaima,' as lisitt rc teird'iaytittwts)eme-it titan' tie.itelet adr isqulity.
______________________ ltreiyoti-ldittlttnlie relots BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. hi space is reserved
All eoy mst leit tie affs-etbetir 8.3t s.1ones. His stbje t s "Sttsoitrola." .
m atftesay ittpubtltiati. _ (treat cloeis bigutmigtetttmet. OVERRAN WHEEL CO for the Grand Opera
Tu'e editors itoiinot hal t ie tat'rs rapoi- Ttieiiii 'iiipoiedSa-ttoa 'tteoitttr1iyls
Biblte tr tht'Opinins or statemotnitst cores- 1H ue
pandentt, appearing I inteIL tiiY. wte t ird ptiileriod f Chlristantut- Boist, Phiaerlpiat.Dlirtintiue
Nws Yor, lirao, Dimnv'r.
'Tes'tarlp'illaionoft hu'e aptoldivipy. Sstsittttar iad fhoee sducatioailuiPiAII OI
gown ut etont is'yti' senorlss adta n hl'hitt'astandhis fiitiiii's 1'itiokss Satin'ainri, Lo AtgIs.Prtltand
shosss tha~t a larg.itutmbter m ust ie 5was5itdtli t'i'theiiii)'greatest ipossile'
~lt'iailp'hfavoirabldp'disipisid toward 'xtut. 'WXiti atbrillianttca'seet' btfat-i
ti t iat d 1:igilih cnt'mmai vowm. 1ms.tis- ittiterit s'eu tat i' iefi'o'a muon smtm.
'vcr, will fthvor theirit wetariitg efoe Whie Pbt n teacier fuia.usionaterpy,
spring sa ss c i nduitgoswntiwithitswIreatrcedsist' teninht
on he roud vond b nethe Con-hula lisrooihis wercrrotwdsed tiiir luer
fortaibleoitor sensible.Tile muinth or utast caipaciy. Its-dnounsid so- ~An Artitic
sits weeks Pbefore eluslneicotttt tS cliiiesis ad ottiliical corptionmvi ss'i i
te oiniytite hen they ip'astubio worin out fear or favsor; 1an1d sYhetitastsaiteui i ilem m a
st-itpropirietp' atnilnoiidobt itie n-to 1110 ipuipit 115'incurredstthe dispices- Al
tot' classtill so1)eideOiti. T'li t'ttoilm mmi' of thei ioneO111)1hitassoereignmbyPp
Ini itself s mulauhabsile' iiit. amd twhiti' hins fearei-tasc051u015 tihe10wies's-
iessotheIPic livso. efreuaenty consists
the geeas'imhimiit Iiintils ceutrytasin mit kimowitg
1 'idol . f thpoplebecish of is w/haiether to at once
is agahot its Indlgenceieis~ t ha ohl'ttitl"as /' - bhy a high priced
ecome prestiy weili ~tailhihli't etlut stcaAuterne ebceaistmensnt,ortory
h'-oalttii-tif l iiclcrupitionm'salld,'5 (tom obtai a god in-
tsihga sandthe sitas this p-iar sitiiiisuiiiro p!, .stmstentb3-proces
huaetoe preedenti of piousmua ritat ohime11hestis-tlths'stu te vs it iltu1- aof slection among
-'i-c li'Ws afilmrielitoasine [e iii- ti-imus .-chests goods. Now
inlhl-p themis'hit i l) ipheuir muiuei. -g ' i .. in regard in the
____________________ of os'crmiumt. i rightidtron1g
Whenthlimoresult of Stuo irt half amd rstore'dliberpy to i oppescit
iae htud hire Satmlua anithu' Sort' ipeople md fat' his liflie umis's iito0vva ote xrssoswretedspesr o h op es-tich
hreard oit all siues Pohiofsu mrprie aini arrested throughmyi thu scaemiis of Is "M'
congratulation,.:\ihenltiesieoad etis l'smid thtougi slseih rgel yt~p hiej I*U I.U5jj
half caite nedmuthtofil s-rs' of 22sitil umhoriths he ssts siecmdeup iloiti'3by~j
to1 0 anniosncetihieremii-us' some)'littlit'thi'eturissaris of thus pope andtil to)U 1 Iii -
disapiioim tt wst-halmoatuerdsmtorutre.Onfitiedeliriumin caius'dtbupthu-e gne !
Pegai tothliig o-crthis'onitiio o toiain hiate'a- confessionswihwitsisBEST IN THEWOKLI
our roami, howmas'laf 11 i the im'wregtrbleilbytiphis torurmes. HItws' ols--
crippled and the captain unable to denyaa tondahfrhrsyadwsyumy pay as muh as ost plae for another make
eriplodmd ue apblitmiuti~e t dsmuiied s seati fr iem-ap-:11)1 etsand yu swillnot obtain as high qality-, or yea may
play, thep'egaii to realizes that Itoeswith ts's of hula foiliwer'slit to irt-hl search a lil-ie aion- chaper goods withut finding
anything that at all approaches them When yur
tettimihad doite remarki-iably wsel isd ip'tby tigt in.tHs life wsl(miicof readp- to talk aver 'n intrment inspect these magnifi
iot amuirimuir wsa ilrudexepit btip'stianmt slf-scriicei'atidsfills-ilsewit * cent productions of lie largest musical factory in the
iod.''hep arm sosad by leading dealers everywhere
iihat cs-rii-e slmetus, ss-ho nut-s's- il)ai mtstefulstriiggls form'hliii'estftsorti.
Beautiful Suvenir Catalgue conianig prranits of B eding
portaiipthig and swhoitckls ecsatethiis priie ailnti the srdi otwes atists, hie, mpsnappliaion tnthumanacturerat
it is natural. tFron tis'accouant of mustsh to himu.
the home it appear's that Crnell adTh iIls lecturu-etitirids tProf. lT)ruTOe-AEROM
FCOY= vneto fight. hard for noarly esiry giltaind blioos'5Beis. Nxt Sundtty lPrs. Opposite Unin Park thWabahMAveneiand
wla illlaisanyiep' stt frminAtgeilstill seoen OA"Missionsiii Chiag... Sre
scoring ty iladversefai'e.nust it i tna." -~
yerago, our Sans h an'i eqally Don't forget to sscie for the -rppe oniin-vsdfetdbyDiy
cripledcat illn w.' dfoaed ty Dily