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November 05, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-11-05

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(Y rrpT. CORNELL WINS AGAIN. I William C'ullen Bryantl, will ie'.), 01- Mrs. Annie Ward Foster's advanced
1WIGHIGAN CENT1110 iiiie ad l imprtanlt literry i a.. class begins Mlonday evening, Nov. v.
TieTbe(Revised) Julcy 115. 04 C0NTINUIEl) FROM tFIRST PAGE. All former puils, 11111all others wish-
Time ableThere usill lae ive alhort coddluss son
EAST. WEST. yrstrough theeline and alniost a ing t10jini, are (cordially invited.
Mail and Ex ----4 0 Mail -------s43 clear fheld for a toiicliiovln. \li -ii idleei l hngaf n rla l0~s Schli, 4(i S. State at._11
N. Y. Special---- 510 N.Y. Specil_ i0 ie adenlecbt,''alw: (i O T
Eastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Linie.l'9'25 oiidlrnot gain 111n1 (lii pillil, sililc i e id ii-ie s OiltR R l TST
Atlantic Exu---.-7 47 11.aT "-ing li ringiig the ball bark to cenller. "uyii 11 11.'b 1i17 li' . uR ii e il li nl '
G. R.Expres .-11 03 Cii. Nt. Eu----10 5 Ctoirmell lieldl 0h1111 there. 1111(slowly la;,lilat iofIif 5 '7 icil aii nd recFinerewrtd. o tm'
G.G.Rasn, . . iud il (i 111 11 0 oi-'- I x _- 7Lev! I). Barbour, ofl 1 ") i ; I *l- .a "t e101 ees -o-rl
0.____.______________ IL___,_HAYES,___ woredowidb ognters lriel-for a i71011(0 lcllltt.liule5.1li o--Itiaysa to traidi-at W'ali'aUitoer-
ilo(orl byby Prof. .rA.eldelllydill-; them -itau Book Store. °Largest stoek of
T., A.. A.. & NV. 11W. RY. uwisionte iin he tacikles. T'lie,.5 min- -Sweaters, (xylilllaatllilsa11111Sport-
Ting effet Suenday17Au. 1, 189. ,l S.ait-iliifaunc-ii1.olA.iueri-aoI telaing SuppN~lies ill e eily. ''fhe'iighit
Lar time. 11 thAlrlaiuill11 111 (Intl ofsfif
NOTH11t-111 lilt asan111Ethitcall an111 elt Itlu''l racI ISO I.GIJ AAtill.
71*a4 ha-R lil oho iiaies plaliyed i Sli ll all , . 1k18a t 3i.ini r by R v..1oilnd a... 1 t I'LD
12 p 111 .11 000 a. i. with llic'li0701 Forcinig 1the'(1110ill"bbvg1.'' ie rl17I N ~Ai
:15 p m. aFp rI-il.ss attraciv t nt hese1111111 al- 115 ara A 01110l oiony, Saturdiay, oli]Main
*risubetweeiiAnAii rborn 0(4 ollelo Sjii-tgall onmldl workillball011steaddhs.I rllb eund oonrb
oinly. swil la-ethe 1-in nolnic-at ila (0 a' I i a. itsil br--eor'd l mlerb
All trin ldily eucept Sunody. itli)I orillia li-rritory anil1il ii - lo' llll~ilult tlll~so d r('ualulg 1hairici, -ISS. IUiversity
R. $. GREENWOD)1, A"eti-i. Seaillt rlils o l}iri
S. 11. BN NETT, G. P. A.. Tobledo, 0. heldus-len. Olii uldolila oll ;; ave ou.
li-il-ill Bryanit, Of Prit-Il 0, Ill., a--u-Is --^______________ ____________ --____
DIETAS & SCJHANZ, 10110pit cklowoard lSi-il'-iii aii
: a l 'r litl i ut -iritl- 1,1t A a e lc '
6U. OF Z&. TAILORS Iihi lt' lo*,luwtthellballllM ich-Ac d m c u i
Latestad best -.tyleu 0o 1 111 11010 1114 Io- brohlort111-il lae li-svr bli- .oi 'tf11
nor garalanteed . leal-i ng, p10511i ii al ii'd i ho I . - 1 11 liil. Sir. 1),1urk (lios ass of 111 \ 0 OL EE l
repl1llairing n atly done. as ho'e11110' l's slesill-tand Ill's ill-illGE IONG-il
485S lte st..Second F11o1r, Ann Al-Ibor' hio irstwoto~ u chdOll1111low "i-i-each 1011 S.,losou larcoll egei-aO o eio-.. evir pubi-
Iassociatel. so-inhs an i ilit-ilst .:! lo"t isuped. 1 Oer 00,000 oSol]. Hoavy Paper,
CAERR ANnflnTteFRStouKi- endt.runs.doll]',-aiithe If.Co'7t50 ceso;nCloth, Cilt. $1.00.
0 1-, lirylilts Iplstor, soials l.anothelr. "Newi Harvard Song-Books.'
- both 1111011 lols. 11101st ol kicked
7..olili Sohn'. Ct'b-iid-iof ~ 11IJradii;.it, iladi 110 'ill till 11e11stO lieu lisngs
and Secondo'o-saiol al-ore'isi(. iii Hoavy paper, $1.00.
cc,:.tait-literl 11oo gt,'naiil po 1
F/ _wn l o llaallnad S,1bc A DF for (eiiarhrrei. Alpha NoulMeeting. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS,'
111111' 1 looro 1011 Rio 111001Asis ung 011 toh-cioll-i0egesuti-lor lI-iell.
.01R l'laadceoebcleddown 'ho- Alpiiiall u-rendteredlia1 veryI'jitor-. Hoavy Papor, $1.00.
l;-A !t11111x1011 (ol 1 il.Piesill- <1 0110 ogbo "oo 11 -llrliyngt~'Boot's Album of Songs.''
- ro0111 -1. A 0711011dly lllllbl'1'sere'litn t; ols b
sololl hifol' liolli -11111 luA n10w calletoion oftfllo(o'lyril11 .0;
- j e' T5.4 t loo10k mright e-111 and11 Dye u l111l'11 Cha les,,,Ililelis illl 1.0
(lollof t ho' S'lih111 numbeitrs. 'I'so- Aiy Otool, 5seat,10101011(id rl'eipt.11f price
11111 11(1-c Michigan's kirk 0ff. Starl- ncety'is l'llllilerilig Ohr adv'isaility of Senld 011follins of t1101' wvoc1l0a0
IRo1tp 11111ukut th (li e iiterf-rencer travledIntrmntllusc
.L I. ]c'av~0Sin1g7 uhp to loli I tor N of Itie n llli
BET NE10O yards.nls1ll;0n to o the bal bhoothlitg. A commiteeliis (leano-il OLr~ IVE ,DTSON CO..
BEStLNETOondcos an tl itltlo n07tr. hos1011ing;yo~r
INDIANAPOLIS,. pitdtoslctsubscripbthionsforoi-' 43-6 sllgo t. otn
and. CINCINNATI. in,,it 1041,1k 11ocenter. 'f allasig wsa ___________
ELEGANT ' Ii s allliutll for Dhowtney. ('arnll U. OF '55. CATLE7NDAL DROP IN AND LOOK AT
Tharouglh Sleeping Cars again~g i Sogilo07011071101011eli'1"' Molsl501., Nov. 1. Riiterlailiilllt at THE WHITELY EXERCISER
AETwEEN anol Starbuck's :2--yard I'll" gav151'lihol Uniylyu'b11,"fTime SBryanot .tinit'i'- I iasto. -ilequail outside ofla, tompl tgm
Petoskey, LOsidsvlle and .1llolholtgol.001, 22-0I. sary." eleu. I11s iuelesa~s, hallseulf0-adjuing re0
MoiluhSt llrllofffrolll?2 tao 65)1ir. lnll~hlllhby ti
Cincinnati. II ha horem'linlhigfitse0'll~illlll'5 i-ili- So.. 'Noos. 5.'1)7lIt us. .)tS hIit leai1ga11 Iletes of tilt da17 All p Irl 05
Athleic fild.allted 1111'tao yells. till f101 catalogne
______eanedthe a torickof For011( by R. L. BL.OUN'T'.14


ASK FOR T'ICKUETrS X. V 11Aiurl'l I iN'brboi' 2--ir hi'Ph'le.ovy.if(hio-1u)i'. 0ISra ioul IIgL S ', i iIr
ioii f li h ld.111 5i1111d .0s 0ilgl ' Thril's., Nov. O. 15lassvso. 'hilawS
F. 0. IMcCORMhICK, 1. 1.MARTINa;Atlicfed
Passenger Traffic Mgr. GOne P . &''. Ant.uwas t1?1. Th'flicehll up:10 ~~eto Rll
W1 L I 11 5 11010LL.. faot., Nut. 10.1). chligan vs. KantSas 'The iDAILY' containis official notices
R _: T 7, E .O . PSTO.Il rcdei ---e fot- 0 l.-_- - lleae ll an tKlasaOity,. from utile Factilty, anud, notices from1
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING vOil-------h- ellt(aol-itn Mrlginlofat., Nov. 10.--Iot'se ta-. Ailji l;11the athletic teamls anti other student,
C'orner of State and Ilbam sts. , Cr- - -- lcft gaaro warer-iom(%) Ailion~. organhizations.
William t. entrance. Smith---.t--__ er - -hnmiiaI'onanscmpeeOeorsofal
fenne- ----right coard...- --Cohnoo Sat. -Not. 10Senolior lisscomleilte. S ot n ~~fleerprso l
K~ T N :I E R G-A R T ' N t Itynoid-_-_--rititacO.Oe -------ogero 'l'-e~lectiof offcers. University evenlts of interest.
Students Recreation Head- 'rice - --_r"1,ed ---0-_-ooo Do1wn(Iy It keeps ou tIposted 011 yonr own
Feea'nt---------- uroe---- --Styrtiohi BUSINESS LOCALS. amnd every othior depoartmnlt.
quarters. Rc~rs--_ et l-_------el
Neo3N. Slain Stree t. llhoian.staol---- r~lt alf__ ts 0a5 (rNotices insere ih Iis colunoiat th rteSUBSCRIBE N OW AND KEEP A FILE
,lyltlt 10100 (isof). hck------_- Oh ot~cemmtoper Ole. Speial0 rates torlone
ANN ARBOR uo 1 ~s1:-ieaca 1. him tlly. boce' m, n01d lwas furnishsed by applying,
STEAM DYE WORKS. 1 at iitcis tmo . il YficeN.01' OIIIANOuiII'S$2.50 IN ADVANCE.,
Ladies' and heet'lstinllg I Oct led Sbsiuteis 01111l oer ILoiogliui. ])Ye' fmor 'lrsli ltliha iIfr111'lrh,12 S bc pio s l evol t te
3. W. HURON ST, ANN ARBOR. Stimmo tau faan gl-iforowney e s 5Frsao ola ,$.DIYofcTmsbidnSo
S'' Tmofhillfh. 3)inuotles; eond1 halfIm5O ive do~llllsiayable-' In ll 1'llc', boil- lets anld by all .atimorized solititors
A. .SADA RS minibomI'. 11cm' Sulill iconvenlient. ''lTo advane
SP.IA.I~~~DING- i'iiolrpiro (wallsm, 11.0 ill etoi io ltm-rs115hrlllt'tecb "OSVIS L 'V
FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. heieint e n rioeth ol L W R L W R
E y Rellnuite' tn o n li eceree-Slills, ILehiio.
i~hiemall iiaae. 1m-iocefort (of our 1pup1il t 'e.rule (If 110 isit-- tor er ting 1 veyod
~\ Siomnding's T'limeam1111 li cad h omiloat 01 111mb 1 irs aditlted wtiillll' strictly' enfor-ediCOIS& LL l~t.261S.1University aus
S .l Ofca thsmorning, Iat-il'ItlolldIdails ar1ide 1(1ndfluolm o\biIll cardis usill be fumr- Telephioe h.
Intercollegiate 'ihay left Ithaca t lt :411101 clsloI llimsv Iiiilehoo-siol115I il'rgl ftl .OW Am o
a Fooball. kIimis andt t half 10Nitaaali Sor 1ision and1111 1mus1t: e slhoslI at thit.', ST'EAMjV.LAUNDR.YCO.
Adopted 100414 toy tile ils practte wuill eitii'111Inll Ohio 111st (loot. (tL alellls a11111 eilrlone l wysis
11001 and most be 11s14 111110'(1111s, forl'the n 01111lois'11011s eleomne.) (i.=a g r'sSlollo a)11 I'n(oean )iurti -en
irllma tchiL gines.ikofc(3AaiadSgrudfo.
rRI'E, withfl amltor, 5. day 110015for Klla1I. f;CtS'117y.le'1 Mil l a. 1011( om E. S. SERVIS, anager,
Spa iing's complete Foiotball CatllVogue Tofn utso ois unae>'OT i(UT VNE
sent free. "Spading's Oftill Football lGuide The Bryant Celebrationi Tv.il 1it0o olo orlte'00btSl ORHAEU.
till 184" edited by Watti Camp, contaiinigheatt, imodermi hose. $2 per uweek
time news rues and lother valale tinforma- 'ihie celebrationl this l''-'ili" ' 011'thelach'it 19 S'ihllt t -,loESIR+LA NRn
lieu, by mail, rice 10 cents. Spahding'a Setp04EX ESOHRON LAUNDRY
trade-mark onlwhat yoanbuy is ti-inguarlantee iUnity ('luollutrse' of 11he''11 1,11m11- For I11105.-I'lt111t sinigle room or
that7 the goods are tile besh.Go okGaate.Goscle o
New York. C'hicago. Phladlphia. droiltht xSOliersary of ho'.heib I1of I5su1te, fu~rnace hea~t, 23.1WilliamlIst. aho edivared. lAnteidCOVodsTaPropfo

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