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November 05, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-05

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Ijc 1tI. of

At. Wairii.

VOL. V. No. 3 2.



CORNELL WINS AGAIN. Senior Law Election.
They Had No Walkover, However. Tihe senior law elass election was
Our Line Outolayed Them.- held Saturdaly morning at 9 selock
Team Returned, in the la1w leetore roels. Sectional
'orotlIl added one more to her list ot treference rain high ad it looked as
football victories seer 'Michigan byIll'- 110 though the contest wNotlid be long
teatiiig no at Ithaca on Satarday, 2-0,M anid wariily- disptited, tint the leingth
sin soggy grsounds Intl in a mists rinlii 'as~ doii(' away wilth by tile wsitll-
Tse game osas nottoon se sied, ilw- di at lfroini thlefheld so' the eandidttale
evii', as the score' would iindicite, butiuportedt by thee leasot number ot sot-
55ts tathald fotight oiie thiroughou't '1nd1ers,lving twoi to be votedl tpoen.
Csreethad to is tork tot evecytouch-eit Ex-Ptt'Oiit'ltBerns celletitl'hellee-
downsl. Itsea8sappioin~tiltlting htIltlt 11'S111ttoirdran 'a~ r leitili' busini's
Michiganl failedlltoisettee, bt;theris 1til'eeetionil was talkenlup~. Ftilee
lii r'e'ason 1 tofell tisciilrliteti asttt011ffitt if resident lr '. il olet'
Diteoit ginile. Otilh1eentraryitai- 01fL'. Salle',I111., svas 111aceInillOltni
il'intlconideras'ititelone'll It il(tio.111yt Myg.l'Mittaeliaront of ('tis -
ticharlle oteighed Crnell ight Johntil' Ilt hitt t islstuti.tlotys-I.
tli ibutlat soll sesililacghe en t'tll-'iirk 11D01itsfhitcl1ago '". l e bi
that charatei'ri'iorn'lt-' sla iin It .1. T. rsut ofei-tie t lii tisallot11111
sThe late itamilplayedtyr111 igi lil_i t d Junnha ior Lawsh nuaDole .0 1i
411a115,hillswCorielti'ilt tielonllttss it-nsScn hwda itegi o i
Semiedliglllisth:lp'etiecti.l'It 1111-' yl.Aferth sltaloel
elaytiforne triolgttrlyne tltllile las bll'llo t ae he lll(-lt'ti't
gnoel iestsel'p111 aysdb.te e olhilt(1:eswl eeetd

The Faculty Concerts Are Largely
Attended.-New Members Artists

Trys toi learn withouilt books.
Some people thtough try to use

Thi eodcneto h a~rt f 111jCI115;1111U 1111,te Shotot fllsic occurred'5i't 8.11ornoltoni
evening. Thle ev-ent 55a5 0111'otitai- W Say Buy Those Wh ich Nape lane,
presnt ererewrde byan nte- We sell thiat kitnd.
lieelrtfthsee hgessatie d ll 111111 f, . 0
wals tilt' secontd apptearancel ofliie
new orp of rtits ad te reep-51I South Main st.
111on va~s aitety itisup1111tfit' 111111
SI-lllnallns Zweitl- glir-st-.1 il mst ,- -FINE-
dlithtiut leetiiell tormiedlthtel 1111'ning FOOTWEAR
and11 rileneredthe tielcill aimannler
ilt thelei:st e'ntertailnmenlt,,vas.reit' edIIitBE.A..LS SHOE S OR
wlith entiasmilol. His siletionltf1r1111 Opp.1 0C11urtose,11Main1St.
Iade IllAl 515Is-I'll choisenlto ing1ot lt f 0ou want to get a tine box of
tilt supil ittistee 51111 li h 115pssss.CHOCOLATE BON-BONS


shoiedihierselfItoisbe 1111 artist of;grealt
shsosget var'tiety ole'xpretssionll 1111
letitico otftlltheletect 011111 whicih

1110ts. NMichigaln's 111y1w's0:10 inedtlll
almo~lst entirely to hut' boekin;g 1111
itionl abotithlebhill011tilt'paret tot
thel'tbatks.- Ferbert hplt111up1 a tlcy
gamle at quartittethoulghl ieatedly-
huiti-. 1a11d tt illso01111' t-ts'tackets.
butt coutldttnot otftcourse lie expectied to
play the pla:ce 5withoullt practice tille
C'apt. Bairid. Thle laltter's 'p'se'nce
ssold hlasve meant at leas~t 111 tosell-
llij5l. Bloslingston pttulptaiistronig
gam~e lat hilatt n11d y gert :ind11Dyer
butckedl Illsline welt.
At thle beginning, Miehiigati kicedl
ott and1 01 O hlpunted tback. Ntit'lsgaii
lost the ball on dossns at ceniter, after
hocking the 11110 steadily. Cornell
11111 tried the center, tailed 11111 withi
steadly gains saround the tends, Kelly
swent os-er tsr a touchsdossnlatter a 15-
yari run. 'Tinse, G inu~ilhtes. 110 goal,
score 4-I).
Oltpooted back -Michigan's kick eff
hs betore, and 1Michigan roshsed it
hack to center. Henninger opienledla
fine lisle antI Blooingstois got 2t0

poininet o a cmmiteeoil it'du- ieirspondedl'lw1150a telicitusselte-
tial andtheaccetanc ofthatc ttis .MissICislotI'te afte ansstt Mr.
isittel's rpttlo itiame~ts of '1ass me11-11 1 sete closed thse enstertainmnts
tti's. 'The ttime' oftthet'etinsswsas sithts iI-hiert 's Duoi. aipiece' Ollilil
buotei'in" Ill prevenit saittelisve s-ott'.lply'thsir'artistic ability.
'1111Illiinois andilOhstissemeisbr5 Ts jon tdght tse concerts g-is(,,lustderfisi'
iiieppsbs tlt' ietiglsi 1111 1rio isilieto of the facilty ott in' Sechool
Mississipp~i ci'naiitions ond qustions tMsea-'tltheiissgttsa
«~-reiisualsy dieiiedbyhismaii ll 155- tith tse ptititici sis svn bthe laigi
jority. 'the Iiettinlst0edlInilt11: itstsnisne thast ihas gireetethtil' oSt
o'clockt, sshen the janiitorlofthtetsbild-~
ing iturnedl sit thse-g's.ompetll ings- ____________
Chiairmans Saue-rto dIll---re 'a 11s'ie e Inter-Class Football.
Acall tsas beeis issuil ed l'orlaother-' Thse first ot thse interclsstfootball
ileeting tat 7:30 o'clock tisis evseningstiltltie tplayed at 3 o'clock lIseafter-
at swhichi a seconid attempt ssill be 111101 at thse Athletic field betsswen the
made to elect at presiden1t. At the bt-. 97 and ')8 its. Twsenty-five isinute
ginning of thse session a ptoint ssill tte hatvs ossill lie la~yed. Thst' teamswillit
raiseti by sevecral members that thseild- lilt' tlt 's tollos
jouning sine die ot Saturdtay's inlet- NINETYSiENsd PcITION.d - SNthlsiesGH
tog terminates thse tempoirary organ- I- -seshm---- o-lft tackle- th----- ie
izations and that the clss is iiow' swith-ii- kr-------et-ur ------h
5'tlml 1111Cr t---- enter---------aker
out tatchtairisan.'1'his seill tprobatblyHutchissons-----ilht guat------.Svage
Emmonlis-- lI--- it tachie-----ardy
reness the fight aiid thlseIlalters ot tilegetis - s
various factions are preparing tsr a it i s------- qartser----..Burdick
Cop"----------ethait------ Olsois
feuce psirliamsentary vahr. fiartietti------ righthIlf it--IBaughmian
Spicr------------ ull aii- riedlander
P'rof. ttiiettii's nessbosh, "_Me-1 Ostitales'Ii IColiins, Kire-r. Ilarri-
diaes-al Europe," hiss jest been issuieitsimnarlow, Newton sndWitley-, '18ea e~s,
Eu-sell, GaitesasdlSmalliey. "Referee-Bataels.
by Gthen & Co. tUmpire-G FIreuntd.55Linesman-l'llioi'.

Cheap; Hot or Gold Lunches Either
Night or Day go to
R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St.
Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical
Composition; also the Art of
OSudio 22 5. lDivisionit 5., Ann lArboe, Mihl.
Cleaning, Ireslang and Ibhiini;l
dose neatly ity
AUG~. SCHOENEWVALD, 261'. Wsashingten
+ 48 S. STATE ST.
IGllas110ow1pen11P1l'51s iecesedtlIan y
thole, theserm111 starting wsths date of asis--
silts. All classes are hiller the personl tin-
structionftir ht. aindSMrs. tRolsGranger. No
stairs to mount. llflece asd tiancing IHallttn
thse aroun~d flotolStaynarld St.
We offer discount on all
University Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
and Scientific Books.
We hey and sell second-hand hooks.
Mathemnatical Instruments and
Drafting Supplies at special
rates. We oiler
Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb.
Trwo .s. ORES_
z n ivr ity Bootore, Dews Tows,
ous Szt to St. Opp. Court Humse,

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