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October 01, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-01

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- Publ'shed Daily (Sundays t'xcepted) dueln
the College Year, by
Sule~eiption price $2.50 pee year, inaraiably
in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Sabcrip-
tlons may be left at the office of the D)ALY,
at Stofllets, at State st. new sland, with any
of the editors or authorized soliciors.
Communications should recth11 ofice by
7 o'clock p. m. If they ace to appear the nest
day. Address all matter intenedt for publi-
cation is the Managing Editor. All businecs
communications shouldl be sent to the hadf-
ness Mdanager.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
_ J. L. knoRI, Lit. '95, Managing Editor.
F. P. SAto.Eo, Lit. 'til, Aistant.
F. 11. cyILTers, Lit. 'l, Assistant.
S. B. SosteT, Lit. '95, Assisi ant.
.1. A. .enooc, Lit. 9i, Athletic Editor.
Wm. A. M1otu, Lit. '97, Basiunes Manager.
- , Asitant.
L. A. l'ralt, 'lO. F B. Ilamill, '(.
Minnie Thompson,'lt7 E. L. Eans,'75.
Carrie V. Smith, pel. -_______
HlarryColemn.Spel. MnEMCAL.
RETeeAL. E. S. Nibltack, '95.
All copy most be at t1e office aefore 8:30 a.
m.of the day of paulication.
The editors o inot hold teselve epon
sible for theroptnitoes o tattment'ts tttttte
ttttiett, apptr.riotI te. DILY.t
Edition today 3,000.
Au our routes have not yet becin ar-
ranged, thcre will be' no delivery of
papers today. Atn effort wiii be imade
10 deliver papers to subscribers tomnor-
row. Today aiiothier edition of 3,000
will be delivered free. If you don't
receive a copy call at the otfice' and
get one.
That te changes in Che Daily arc
appreciated by the students hits beeit
shown beyoiid a doubt by the large
number of subscriptions received in
the lout 24 hours. Such appreciation
is moot encouraging and niakes the
editors feel that the etra labor re-
quired, has been well spent.
While the lockers iii the gyimnasiuom
are being aoignied, it would seoum but
right that a sufficient nuttber should
be set aeide for the use df the football
candidates. 'fhle Athletic asocation
wviii otherwise lie coiipeled to rent
lockers. We nuggeot that the authtori-
ties donate the use' of 25 or more fot'
this purpose.
Provision was made by the regeits'
committee it their last meeting for the
clearing nit of the caimpus bty the gyml-
nasium in timge for football practict'.
but it has not been attended to. This
should tie doine without delay, as the
whole space is needed for football
practice at once. It will have to be
cleared up anyway, and o'e see iio use
- for further delay ia the matter.
The usual number of rumors and
conjectures are afloat concerning the
increased attendance for the coming
year. rhere is little doubt hut there
ill1 he more students here than in
'93294, but it is rather hazardous to
base estimates upon the number al-

ready registered. While it is true
that the enrollment is greater in near-
ly every deptartmnent than at this flute
loot year and that many of Michigan's
students enter late in October, yet the
mnid itaturally inclines to exageration,
and the vision of a thousand men ini
the low department is like the dream
itt which Bcii Adhiein's nanie led all
the rest. 'lakinig into t-tnsitderation,
howvevei-, the lrge gain made Clue
year in niany of the universities it
ie not at all impirobaible that our atteind-
sore will reach iii the iieighiborhtood
of three thousand.
'there are several vacancies on the
Daily staff. 'These will be filletd as
usultht. rot-tughcotmpetitioin. St'vt'rttl
aie talready tryig for thle hoard, but
in order to get the btest poseible ma-
terial the -Doily dlesiri's to haove the
greaitest nuniber poseible to contpete.
'The itncreaseid oize of thie Iaily this
yearti, toianosicreasedi work fotr thie
hitard, and no maen is asked to coin-
ite unless lie is pterfectly willing to

College Dailies. 1
There tre eight college dtiilies in
this country, they lire: Tihe "Crim-
sell" anti the ".Newvs," of Harvtartd;
te "Newcs," of Ytale; the "Suo," of
Coriiell; the "Princeetoniain," of P'rince-
ton; the "Cardinal," of the University
of WAisconsin; the "Daily Palo Alto,"
of Lelandl Stanftortd, and the "Doily,"
of Mlichiigani.
(9n1 Tuesday Prof. Levi T. Griffin will
lecteire to the senitor lawes sit "Eel-
deuce," to the ijntiors on "Comttmon
Law Pleading."
To give the "Best on Eartht" is te
inotto of Witters' Palace Laundry,
which leaves nofting undoite that tcat
be dosne to give perfect wcork. We eel-
lect Montdoys antd deliver Thursdays.
reave ordero of P'ulde's Tailor Chopi,
cotr. of State anth William sts., or tid-
tdreoseartd to 7.. I). Itierr, 22 N. State st.
22 Years in the Business,-''5 h.

+f SHOES. +
The Washington Block.
toreythilltttatd Everybttdy.
COUSINS & NAIL, floitsi .0 Uniertn .s
Telephonte 1Ii,~
hood cWoektGuaranteed. hoods ca lied for
and delitered. A IF. (OVEiT,5Pmp.

is his share. Oilte othett hind no M. M SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.
ftavoritism wvhatever is shown. Norr CTEER
sue has a "ptull" or ta "stolid-itt" he flI;2Iflr ! i l .shin, -
name of each 111011comptlifgis ten- --' - <....
(t-red iii a book, tend he is trtditetd cd Y OUI lCCOREL LONRD
aitt graded for every piecre of corS ABN .Y 7 AD44BODA. ybCiryu
htanted h it.'lTere are thtree vc anitese lMtkerscof CAP'S .mmtl(.OAVNS tothie
'V 0CQD1D /H --ED 0O A Z... Ametcatt iv.t tertsitt illlnctttet
in thte Lifterytetartmenct, anillel ___ __ treattie', et(., upottttqutest.
each in te Ltcv, Deittal, Medictal antd G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street. V . N.ClURhisaL, A ge., 44 Wiiamu Street.
HIomteopatic ep'tartmtents. bit 'h9S is tBe ture ate cctistnot icr oilhyott. ME CH NT TAILORING?
eittitled to our represemtattve aidtd he * t5a8.' .tt~smtAa5%~l~~. Cirsting, 'Presing and Rep-iring
frlre r seilyivtdt o- W BS2'ER'mS done neatly by
frstte r seieh mcie oci- INTERNATIONAL AUG., SCUOENE5VALI' 26 E . Wa Iinti
Pete. Thosse desiring Cs ry for a post- Nwrn D C IN R
tiomi should itud iiitheir untates to Crto oe.1K6DICTIONAR
C-Scecio hJr/ N)~hicnaiihiaging editor, othice hourtms trout - 5. 1 [ t tltig" *
A Milnty of _t
seven Cs eight p. ni. f!P/
The S. C. A. Bulletn. N; --.-51
____I'. 7Ctt A Gandduc "g
The first inuiber of The S. UCA. AbrainIhelft
Bulletin for te year is out today. It liton. D. J. Bree,
- uie c tine T c In ihe LEADING SCHOOL OP BUSINESS and SHORT-
contains to largeamiount of cvaluable o.pm c..,.etee.: 'HAND. Magnificenthbuildtng;eteacbeestarge
. I eowner., 1L i 1111 e oatendance;good dimouplitn; ttperiorwork e ll
suggestions regardinug te rrimgitus °;1r 0Doe Ireazt ;,,andateti Authom ea nttpplted eeadtng roam; daily leetures; baturday
--~' eeningsreceptions; open the entire ye. Exeep-
side of uivtuersty life, being esper- i1ttblt5 el by tional facilities lee pasing studentt ia positis
C : ;- o G 1.t:lt t el e .ntt> 1't- Boaed and room $hat ha .5ay per week ts prteate
hally devecotedth0tothose cvho arcemter- I*. ' 0 ir , :1 oeieo.,,11'"a families. Tbheeraten eeduced ho $t.5o hy tell-
Lt ...104L11et'"1"' hoanmbateding. Fee Catlogueeaddres
imig te institution for te firsttin'. 57.'o te~ P. R. CLEARY, Pres.
N. A. Gilchtrist, cvho is itresident of
the S. C. A. contributes an article omi
te "Otitlook" of te orgaiza~ttion; -
cvhile Delos '1. Wilcox outlimieste aimnt
of the S. C. A. actually and ideally. .-
P'rofeosor V'olney M. Spaulding gives 1~IO
a glimpse of East London in an itter- ~I
Csigcnrbto.Ohrwiter o sh R H ET.te umber are E. A. Btoyles, C'. D. ' CIGARETTE SMOKERS whto aee will-
ing topay a tithetleoe lban tbe priee
'Z'i~msol F.P. adlr Ereta A. caebtd toe the oedinaey teade Cigareettes,
Thmpo, "(P)ader urta .Wiltfnd THIS BRAND supeeioretSallthere.
Bfoyleo and Caocer R. Montague. be The Richmond Straight Cat No.1
Hteretofore the Bulletin has beenIETE
Merely thu account of tile htappemnings are made feom the beightest, most deliceate
Sto allis flavoe, and h bightest cost GOLD LEAP
of the S. C. A., but according to ol I S"ageown mu Virginta.
editorial whicht is contained in the BEWARE OP IMITATIONS, and oseeve
first number, te editors this year bcy le-111 U tat thu e f theibomanufacturesas
solicit articles of a literary character, 'h ve g c.f c r E > Oa~CGe
and invite discussions on issues of ex mR RANCHJ ,sceMesVPQ1N1A

are members of the S. C. A.
G. Wt. Peavy, formterly with 'l.1 lit,
hut cvho has been teahmimg during
the past year, iu back to grtaduate
wcith '95.

Latest and best styles of Foreign and Do-
mestic Winlenss.'lest clans fit andfiestclss.
norh guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and.
epairinug neatly done.
48 S. Slate st., Second Floor,Ann Arbor.


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