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October 01, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-01

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Ijt U. 1,17

Al'._a ln.

Yoi,. V. No. 2.



M~ain Building, Museum and Labor-
atories Come in for a Share.-
The "Gym" Ready and the
Great Organ in Plae.
Among the important improvemsents
niade 10 tie buidigs on the cmiipus
this summsier are tiose in te -Main
iuilding. Formerly te ony storage
rooii was the vault wici was by
far too small to hold all the uiiver-
sity docomeits. Secretary Wade has
had 12 feet partitioned off of room A
aod lined with shelving oii all sides,
tius making a store rooni of 1235 ft.
Th le vault will now be used for the
more valuable papers.
The renainder of room A les beeii
fitedlp for the "Faculty Rtoom." It
will be provided with desks, tables
and chairs sufficient for the members
of any one faculty.
The traurer's Office has beeii paint-
ed and the ofice of the secretary en-
tirely refitted.
The Farraiid & Votey World's talc
organ has been procured through thle
energy of Prof. Stanley and is iow
being erected in University fll. Its
great weight will le bore by heavy
oak joists and seven steel beaiis,
which will make the floor absolutely
safe. The organ takes up the etire
space of the dressing rooos and ex-
tends out soue ten or twelve feet on
each side over the gallery stairs. It
also extends out about 15 lcis ton
the stage.
In addition to the big organ ai
Echo organ of good size uwill be tulaced
in the southeast part of the gallery.
This will be coiiiected by uire aid
operated by the soins key board as
the larger orgai. Thie motive power
will be located in the southeast base-
msent rooni of the Mlain hal.
'Thle museum has also coae in for
its share of iipiovemlets. A new
roof designed by Supt. Ieves bs
beemn put on, which both adds to the
beauty of the buildiig an reiives
lie walls of tie great weight of the
oldi roof. The buildig has also re-
ceived a fresh coat of red paint which
makes it look like new. Several in-
ternal changes have also been made.
Tappans Hal, better kiiown as the
.ew recitatiomi bildiig, is eitir(ly
completed amd ready for use. It is
fiiished in elegait style and is a model
of its kind. The irooms will be used
by rfs. DOoge, llinsdale, ZWaltr.
JDemiisoiiPeteei'. 1teaughlsl and
Stale~iiy, etc.
voE tiYMAS1 IM.
'The 'liateriman (Gymnaiumlu hasl

been fitted up with all the latest ap-
paratus aiid is ready for us. So ii-
portant, however, is the "gymr" un the
minids of the students that the Daily
will devote a speci(al article 10 it.
About $t600 have tbeen spet in dils-
ifecting and paintiig at the Univer-
sity hospital, the iiside having had
three coats of paiit.
Internal repairs hav' aso bheisiode
in the Law buiilinig Phical lbora-
tory,1lomeoathic and Dental col-
leg('s ansI the t'residen's house.
'fhle oli water tamk ha~s been taken
out of the Chemical laboratoy aiui
three' recitation roons added.
"Description o Egypt."
During the past yar there
has beesn addsed to the gn-
eral library some vry valu-
able asid rare books entitesd,
"Descriptioin of Egypt" Tese inter-
sting books, comipsising 23 volumses
of tex, together with 11 volumes of
plates. were' writteni by is banid of
sceltfic meiiwhiomsiNapolseoi took
with hininlito Egyit. 'they give a
sll descriptiomn, aisdi historical stc-
counts of this anc-ieit -ounitiy, anis are
niow accessible so the gmisial isesdr
ini ths' atalogus'rom of tiegeiir'ls
Mass Meeting to be Held.
'This'dieetors of the Athletic associa-
lieuni]net omi Saturday eceing asiid
siscussoesiilams for the comini~g yiar.
A masss mseetiig will behl emxt Sat-
srtday evening probably in the gymina-
sium, to start off athletics for the year
with a] booii. We slash give notie
bter of this meting.
"Bliss on Code Pleading."
The senior law clsss wiii use trof.
E. F. Johnsoi's esitois of "liss oii
('ode Pleasdinig"s ons' of the l
books duriing ts'euuoinisg sc l ysar.
Mr. Johnson has been'i wiking on this
edition for the tpast tivsiys'ar, lainlg
completed it during fle umimiier. 'Thie
origiiial work les beenn(aesflly re--
vised anid anlnotaiteds. A gneat imaiy
liewuisestions have be esllls'5.
Mri. Johnsoii iss greatly addes to tie'
valsue of the work by giving- ilustra
tions of formss fr causes of ation.
C'haptierssboos'beeis addisd onii1ma1-
damusss, iluo swrraito aid Iroillition,
withi rs'ereiiee t leaiss-iing an ree
tie(.T'IWAVusedeitioniiof 75) laeesis
froii the press of liii' Wst l'llliiliilg
('o., of St. P'aul.
Cilos. A. ltiiseu, '4 li, is runing
oni tiii'IRe'publican ic iket for osnliv
sulrve'yosr'of IBranich I Ciounty, Mis-l.
iiiths gouods prospeci'tsof el'ctioul.

It Ought to be a Winning One.-
Many New and Promis-
ing Men.
'Football psractice will beglin in saris-
st todaiy, anid it is expecte'd that 40
osr 30 candidtetis will pirsenit thei-
silo-es today orin i the next fs'w days.
tOn Sattirday Capt. Basirdl issumedl Iis
first call to ctandiduate's and ths coachi
gave about 20 nii'I work at ipassinig
andsifsilling on the ball, after wih the'
liii' meii were taken'IIfor'a5iiii. The
hacks wire giveni pracstice in psuntingc
stissicatchimug anidiwtounds tll prate
with a hlf mile riun.
'fie sicsedules'fsor thei'seassoii is is fol-
Ocst. ii, Mlicluigami lMilitatry Acadlemy,
it Ann Arbor.
Ocet. 13, Albion,sst Ains Arbor.
Oct. 20, Detroit A. t'., at Ann Aibor.
Oct. 27, Caise Seientific School, at
Nov. 3, Comrnell, at Ithiatca.
Nosv. 10, U. (if Ksnsas. at Kansas
Nov. 17, Oberlin, at Anii Arbor.
Nov. 24, Cornell, at Deitroit.
Nov. 20, Cisicago F., at Cicasgo.
In additioii, it is prosbable that.
tbout Noveimiber 1, there wviii be one or
inore ioise gnamiss ini thss iiisle of thse
Inim ilitatioii of the Uniive'rsity of
P'ensylv-ansia isethiod, the teamswoill
be diided into re'guilars stndlreserves,
inisteadiloit as'varsity uand seeonid
eleven. A fusll sceuile will be or-
rsasged for tile reserves, as well as
for thsi reglhrs, aind thsey will 1)11y
with thle Detri-ot A. C., Clevelantd A.
C., Albioni, Adlriaii, Mtishigtn Military
Acatdlemy anis others. Loc-kers will hi'
rss'rve'siniithe gyiinaI~siim fist'toths
re=t'ili-ass i rese'rves.
Be5gininiig todaly, liithe 111e11ohilist
yeair's team woxill go tos tile training
tstble, landilSatin-say Inigilt thes'tuoach
will puck msoi'e. Abssost 20 will be
taken tis the ttable lit first, slnd niors'
later'oil, is5 they prosve the'mselve's
wosrthy. In absosst three weeks, or as
s0011as the t~tari sis ied thes is

W HY (lo wiFe carry the finest
liiie of
They are the cheapest a sBC U ETwn nla o
51 S. Main st.
Sobsuibo for the U. of M. Daily.
The DAILY contains official notices
from the Faculty, and notices from
the athletic teams and otber student
It contains complete reports of all
University events of interest
It keeps yon posted on your own
and every otlier department.
Subscriptions received at the
DAILY office, Times buildingr. S tuff-
lets and by all authorized solicitors.
]Boarding House,
11 Maynard St. (next to School
tof M~usic).
Fiol Laties uamd Gentleenu.
Lowney's Cliocolat's,
+ 48 S. STATE ST.
Oti'. 6,9sand hs. tGenstlessms en elsively),
Saisrisyesiseuiigs oseloct, 'I'luss-dayes-ens-
igons o'clock. Ih<rliiss ieoeisive), Satursday
isil'imsuos,4:15o'clselk. Ladies andsiGeneme-
men, 'i'sse-day ev-sisus 8:15 o'c-lock. Juvems-
ilies, Satsrdasy sslternossuis o'clc. Hisstairo,
tos msuntssOfice ssnd Dhielighalt snttss
mon for,6MynarmsStsoneiblockssestsof
Stat St. sftoss.

wxill hi' tilr-lstasesi.
Wihsst all sirs'most inte'restedl in is We otter discouant ont all
wxhast isld msensoxill be btack andiuli-at University Text-Books,
1new' meni will tiy for the eleven. Niiie Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
if lit'e old msember'is of lasst year's tia and Scientific Books.
oxill be b--k, Cisit Basirdt ilrs' We buiv simd sell second-hamid books.
ti5quaret,. Matisemuatical hIstrumemnts amid
Ilygert sat flli, MtaysaIlendu, Ss'sts-r at: lDrsftinig Stipplies at stuecial
endi, Ferbert aitlhalf, lts'lllssmll' atrrattes. Wse oifer
guasrdi, 'roulndlIt hsssf, Jeonlard asi fte Bst ILinen l Papet at 20C PCIrLb.
sassd siiti, it is 1soor expected 'tLiees- BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
ter. I-el-bustis s-sss-hiisig Indsiana U., suR.tlN'' tl
hut ovill return Otouber 13. -Vi'.AV. ++ WAT[RMAN'S IDEAL EhTiN PEN,-'-+
Itrilfin 10iinbo-us,buf oxill not laiy. ____________
ii(f Isast casr's s-'issecon -lls-li.iI-hour- IfTOI ft'STO27.7
h~riiisi-siiy iBoiokstorei- DowhTo wn'Ii,s
C()I11\1 1,1) s)i Ti11ills '.550 I. ons ile .'.t. Opt)sus.oissteS Iisse.


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