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October 26, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-26

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,ZJC. of . T a*f . ga e > e ttthat all who can
show their ability. Tennis shoultd New Firm, NT1Vew Goods, and Low Prices.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during not be left out, in Our scramble to -i
teCulleine year, by further tile other' athletic irnterests Ther e isilotltiig like a SIM FIGUIRE to pot it itnteotiont.
THE UI. OF M. INJDEPENDENRT ASSOCIATION of the Iiniversity. Wo have laid in at very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. W e
adbsnsai- ingice &o pr yenais.inuari- r is Botight Cheap. We Sell Clietip. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shloes.
in lvncF Sngecpis,3rets Su55-1 IT 00s 5 omisideed that a profes- M7A T j EILL ,E .
ait nst may tinletina the ositeso sitD Ine. sor rereises sucs an ovation as was 4b SOUTH MAIN STRIEET, - ANN AICBOIti, MICH.teatoieIoictL.tnee rf.Meaysedy
Comburdniinsrho.d eh she osince bywteieeliero echianfistlectrtlayRy ItToledo, Ann Arbor and North
aty. Addrerss altter intended fo lc tIes is openinig resmarks were of suchy
is so the isana ilug Ediisr. All ibsusnesa -sir astonikNevey ia TinneCarintsetfect suday, Ausist.T,]W.
tamnunientiuns usuldibeisnt.tothis Bus tDe-pture oftrisat.AnnisArbos.
ses Msaners. this lass sepsartsment his fast friend at (snt
THE U. af X. DAILY, nc. rof. Merham is a man who Gi( oz1
AnnArorXi .Ni. 1. Frnkfor ts il is ad 5Epess 7 20 x. us
AnAtu IsS illscced in binsynchk. -4L_ Nei. inps srAnn sArbsr Aesins T il n
EDITORS. N. 01 Tleo sndOwsso t(Sndsys
r.PROGRAM FOR THE TOURNEY. Co EAIG eoo.OFnnaeo.Sng sly). . i a.
} .. itir5 rinn.,Lit. .1;,ssosgss n 555o. II heLAIGSHO O UIES lg N.1:.Tld adOos ~n
F-.1. sirs sisY,Li t. 's-i A sss ttessi i sssstb isiisgtninestenachnrs; ag t ensdanc~e; I snly). ... .......651.r
C, A..I~~~~~~~ieedis\, it '9;god iss-splisu-; periorswork e ll ni supp~ied reading(;IN;ssiu
A.t tose ii Is. ran-tss Th-e rennistTournament Begins To- r-os;dily sceius;Sa;tureday evningrcptos
w.E ~ rfsi-s .5 i~an. pnsil-sstim rssisy ess; ommsissei aenrauates is great 5No..'7. TelesoilEsxptrss s. _1i'.ay5 l
5.C i 1.1 -. day. is-sissisa issshoad grdens asetnitsece s nitrons Nsi. 5. Toledo Misss prssc .....n. 47 s, . is.
L.iosriisnitsen ar, is, t..}313uisiises 5isisic-. _-- - ,ianexpessa$2. to $2.75perekis priivate far- Nssfs TledostAccommodatss~ionst0s a In
ir. y', GssnFisssissr, Lit. s94, ss. Forn bs(e ouseau s t c ntssii N o. ()wIssseosaniiTolediS bssssiiss
C.5. iiiitrisi -,.an--ements ihavc beets inade fle ae 555isiiosi 1555 esek tis i, addisms l) . _..... . . S) '2 . i. i
A. JiF tr fisLa ''4, ,-*=,,,in. . a. CLEARY o. t. IEs
J.3. ii.ltAsiincies. dii- 94. a sccesbsful tosirsiasasest to be held, No ( I uty) So - - -7'Toedo . iii.
-. i. ii KiTes3, iti. N. s' nessla Thurlscsiay',aissl -dd We Advise Students to See isCnraliStndards-sirne.
5. A..:5t e y,-it.i'?<}, on the cosirts of the astociatioss, sit i F ' e Top isis-sonisy, dlsh,exepndisi ssly.
& ~ e -n Tratinsss0, I s, 5551;, ians 5i0iSrun bisieesi-s-isl-
it. i. I tuu 5,5. oC slectssharp. I-To cous wmiiillsis -ss si-s iss s tl idiei5sc
s.i K. Tii .it '"5 ,Is-soY. FS I RZ O Y7._ Ithser trssinsdily exepi tiSdy .
X. snr~sMedi :6.bes-ed.I. s1I N i1T, ViS. s. Ous<iNwsti O
- issisMsle-si.b ue.TENNIS -SHOESd - IN - STOCK. (;ills. pessAgsct. Locl en~ci
N ssss ri~su ( ySus. Lit. fise evs itas ansnsssniedslare as
C. In. eSsseVnsi-isss-iu. 1.
NON isis issii1.5 ~tii. foll1ows:5STI 1)1ENTS, S.\1\ l 1 lF YOURC MOlNE'Y ANDI T, C
it. -i. -se i , L~t so i. issE1-. ibis se .
i.- i~si~-i, isl -Hlamailton en. 1Wrighat..2d1 clasb s - kai\1 00 V
THE RGOPUBLSHIN HOUE. .?lodlge vs. Summers. s.o t class
The names of all persons whose 1 a~tls.(asl --.e ls TTl>
-. ~ ~wh~nN nf.. , a n!n nk I 555i555biA

f ore November 5th will be stricken 4. G__reets vs. Crane-...2d class
from our list. 1" fiddoc vs. winner of 2 . ittcdust
___________________ 6. \Vatross 5. inner of r_ .. 2i1clas
THE FRESMAN SPRAD. - Wisnner of 3 vs. winner of ~
That the treshminiasp readI willbits - - - - - - ..2d1 clas
a success iso an assured faci. It tis . Visner of 6"vs. winnser of 7.-
gratifying to see all sclass prejudiies ......................-- 2(1 class
laid asidle ands a spirit of gootds fellswi 9 . lodge ansd Paddlsocsk.xc.51 .
ship takis p ce. sue, as stiu- ros and liartnser-...itst class.
diets, are lhcre for 5a comimon pur- ---
poe, antI there should be si comsins THE CHORAL UNION SERIES.
tic bindinigusnvery closely tosgcther ---
socall. Te sphooregirs ae t A Fine Serems of Entertain-ments
socilly Tu topoisoregirl ar toSecured.
lie coimmnendled fsir their efiorits to __-
snake all the co-edtsif the t;isicer- This year the Choral Colion has
sity feel that they are welcomsed to been most fortunate in seeuring the
the spread. Tise comsmittees are best msical talent to be obtained,

Crteelk, Latlit, IFreicli, Germsan sitid all College Text-Ilsoks, Nee

,;. Franzs Rsumel,iaiasit,fass.
4. -Isuig Recital by xI'Ileissyis ii
-Feb. ,
;~. Roi~isonS inipliois rchIriestra,
Al ay 9.
ltepriceof tickets hstbeess fixend
at Sa withl sn esductionsinplie ice as

Friday, October 28th.
hute Emmsisets Crest ilay,
0alJof.NMw York,

busily at wvork miaking all arrange-
nments for thne grantd event of the
year among thse co-edt of the U~ni-
The example of the '95 girls soil
serve as a preceslent wvell worthy tlse
consideration of all subsequent
classes. The righnt course has been
adopted and wve trust it will sot be
deviated from in the future.
Tiu. tennis tournament this wveek
will prove advantageous in bringing
out latent material. The U. of Mi.
tennis interests hsave been severely
crippled, of late, by thse former
champions leaving college. In this
way, as in no othuer, is thsere ay op-
portunity for neny men to prove
their ability to play a ncientific

and consequently offer to the public
a series of concerts unssurpassed in
quality. Isn order to secure the
financial success of the series,
eighteen husndredl tickets must be
sold at once. This is a series o1
concerts isuls as tine largest cities
only can afford. ItI is an oppor-
tunity to hnear six first class conscerts
at the price of one. No student
who loves high grade music can
afford to miss thsis opportunity, such
only, as an institution like the U. of
ItI. can offer.
The course sill include concerts
as followos:
z. Theodore Thonnas' orchestra,
Nov. a..
2. Handel's "The Messiah,"
Choral Union, IDec. 2t.

cosurse-progresses. APwra unpn- Sauen eee
- " -A fRenl hire Engine!ad Teaimed Horssin!
C: lllo rotiTVDyTOR Twho Dus't east to bseetmeSirens HarlemuRitnroad
(stisisas oCNn~eeo~avsslnoBridge Scne.
desire ho go hnome to vote, will tend Prices, - - - 35c, S0c, and 75c
their satues and hnome and city ad-
dress to A. W. Locktons, N. a26 State.I BUSINESS LOCALS.
All OhiotRepublicans wishing to A1n elegant line of novelties its hats
go hnonne tos vote free of epns, ansi furnsishing goods for mesa will be
will mneet itn roonm 1.a, lawv building, shsowsn at the Coock House, from Nov.
1st to the 5th, by C. J. tonneis, the
Wednesday at 7 P-0m. swell hatter ansdhbaashler of Toledo,
---- +---- 0. Exclusiventess of novelties asnd
GRAND OPERA HOUSE, moderation of prices are said to he imi-
______ Iortatnt chsaraeteristics of lift line.
"er~yt D N~s vese."Dancing.
Itarry Williams' "Waifs of Ness Mrs. Anntie Ward Foster's assembly,
Fork" Co. will Ino doubt meet with a Satutrday, Oct. 29th, froms 4 tot6 p. ini.,
hearty reception at the Graisd Opera at Nickels Htall. Admissions, 25 ets.
itouse, Ann Arbor, Friday night, anid Mrs. Foster will form classes, Satur-
they deserve it, for without a doubt it day, Oct. 29th, 10 to 11:30 a. in., 1 to a
will be one of thse best attractions of p. in., at 44 South State street. Class
its kind tiers this season. It is ;just at Nickels Hail, Saturday evening 8 to
the kind of an entertainment that osr 10. Mrs. Fosters reputation as a
readers eats take their wives and ssweet- teacher is too well established to need
hearts for an enjoyable eveintg. commenit. 19-tS-

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