t je . of
VOL. III.-11 o. 21.
SPREAD. hav e ordered tbe same fromt Hang- INSTITUTE FOR BIBLE STUDY,.H RSM Nsafr orsxhnrd Vhtte
w___sill be is a profoundl secret, bet The S.C.A. will Hold One This Year -
Arrangements Being Made for' with \l~iss MeOmber ai the head, , e i Newberry Hail.
a Grand Reception. smtii iitiea vl sdlcos The University of Mtichigan is
L.oM.C-dWllEtraniexctl.noted for advance niovenients, and fnANlJFJQW.I L RS"
TheU.oM.C-dWilEnetn Another newv feature this year is
the Freshman Girls in Royal the tinie. Iteretofore the hour fur a coniaiono t wn vii ht'ERI MICH. '"
Style-This Year's Spread Far of otber universities shosws a decree
Grander Than Any Frevious asseoibliingtias beeo any tiime froms
Affair of Like Kind-Over Six ~t O n. ya of originality wchicti can be foundl
3t op. . Tbis ya it is thse
Hundred Guests Expected-F-Pr-Iiiifesv other p~laces.
fessional Girls Have Been In- express swishs of the chsairmni, as One line in wehichs this may be
vited. wcell as the ailvice of tbe chiaperons,, seen is in iile study. Startin"
U). of Al. cis-eds have a nati thatoocctigrk vi. b nth alb with less opportunity thain the ace-
ureputalion for their cliise application Onteshl'Oefothsbe rage institution fronmthse fact that
to study anid freeiloim from all frivo- Onithewholenoakeftforhmaen Ibere is no work of this kind in the 3
lily. 'Thlis weekhowvever, under i curriculum, there has grown. up an I Wien rou weatthe Latest Mltetpolitan strie
the outwvardh seniblance of the usual sped1ie y'ggrs ieo interest whirls is rapidly increasing eivnn tir $ ime tlei 5api este
nmost pleasant of college ceveiii. AsAri prices, seaSdiir Caitaiogetoi
industry, there is aisniercurrent of I and pronmises to place us in thr ad-ft1*f
;xcitement and 'ac oneha an air TEILNE vance guard of American colleges. K H F ~ &
of happy anticipation for FriclayI While this work has been tiuieicy e "
eeigthe event of the seasoisevloin.fr101rl.easit 153 s-185 ifsuiiwaiin Acer.,
AcGrnstsgfiGesdlopingsfor severaloyeas tDETRIOIT, - - MICHIGAN.
occurs. The freshoman spread this ofGo{hns nteOt reachedh a high niark twvoyears ago,
year promises to surpass all previousAbeaimerWlbeOtFdy when Dr. Harper conducted a Blible P. J. KINNUCAN,
AnAbr 'The psroof sheets of the Octobsr
All womsens of every department areInadrhvcoitoiisl bs This was followved last year by
inviteid. 'Tle '95 grswl not onybvn ork under Professor liurnhani, of MVEI..CHA,'
reciv te rehmg iswilleonlyheingthe first number uoc theyear,
reciv te fesma ils inlerth and the dirst nunmberissurd by thr Colgate University. This year the
escot o th uper-cassenbutpreparations have beeis very exten-
alscort the rfsogippr-lsaseyutnewvmanagenient, it isas asvaited sy rfsosTtuadPieT IO
siveunProfessorsret.taufaiid gPrice,'of T I O
also tilhe IguoeistsofalhgirleasitheyIvtsnualietXiit iseClsicagii University, having becii
ls iibeguests o h esng.Itgives assurance that Irtheieitoirs haveseud.IarttistohseP-
s hoperd that hereafter all sopiso- chsosen ithillwisdlom nsdui ticdtnsecrd nadto oteePo
nioce girls will unite in givinc this fessor Dewvey illtspecakron the liar- AN~li) 1111'iiTltll 0
b b frois the niass oif isateril i that casise
recepstiolnind as more cordial feeliigIsei uing th suiier 'le ables. Also D~r. Coliern, of the
will thus be fisiteredl betwveen literary fea tore particularly noticeable anidMtoitcucha enscrd
anrl professioinal girls thain that comnsdiable is the close touds in- Dr. Cobern is one iof tie leatding
existinsg this year bsetwveeisns sI hc theiumercoesivll Egyptologists of the country.
hostess and "nuests. UnvriylfTihesrl is vls 'ie Institute wvill, of course, be 55 W_. SOR.'=TSW..,
Misstii'aylor, the general chairoman, /cU~est npriua.'i of especial inmportance to Christian
has isowvisher executive skill in the leadliing atceo lellni sa workers in churches and SundayI Detroit, Michigan.
e.lescieni nia,,,..i,,sr ,,iii ?, .,1,r 11 , ,s1ue iiainf P irE wl tin i
outlinerd plaiss for the ocrasion.1Hcr
comnmitteecsswere wisely chosen andl
are cacti entihusiasticiasosut thr
own-i part of the tplals.
'Die receptiosn commsittee, SithI
Miss Sunderland as chsairmmans Is.
snviter l Mesulasies AnsgellMr I ang I-
in, lFvee r, Lonmbard, Dloff, Reed,
AlcLackrlinu, Prescott, Campbell,
Conles, Knsowltons, acid'T'homsa to
act as cliaperons.
'1'he commuittee on arrangemenst
wih :issi Dunster as chirancsi, have
secured Granger's newv hailuivishichs
to sold the fete and the services of
Mrs. Tyler as pianiast.
Miss Craine, chairnman of invita-
Iisn comnmittee, hiss worked faith-
fully iii sending invitations to each
co-ed, anid ahould one have been
missed, she wiii be as cordially
welconsed aa any.
The committee on refreshsme nts
hsistoricaul sketch of the University , c-ioim. 1Llro.Tmmic inmmiai'e mup
of thilty-ive years agos, by the Hion. thse work of the Intlernational les-
liyoiiU Clchetus humsui of'61.sons for the first half osf next year,
If hrr bemv rrsnt iieibe ofgiving teachers an esisecial advant-
thi usstuustnisitslieightet ~ 1 age for that wvork. lBut all this Bible
isuppse that Mucus ais's University wvorkc is ain topportuity for all stll-
has not a history, let hsls scans-Mr. dns h motneo h il
Crulcheous s grapicIpictlure of her as a text-boisk is rapitdly being ahs.
and 'tislsanrd correctedl.is de- Precdatetd more andrh nore. 'Ihis has
sscrilutioss of theblilduings intl been shiowvnhere by the inimberivhso
groudhs as thsey dirst app~earedl to himnihave eistererd tihevariolus professor's
in Iti53, is highly entertaining: IBible classes.
'flue canusswvas suirrunduuedl by' a 'T'hsevork of the institute will
highs picket fence, and I beliese a comneice on Fridlay evening at 7:30,
turn-stile kept out vagraint couvi. and chose on Sunday rveninug.
The ampu itelf ookd lie 'There wvill be sesen sessionssandl
'Ihecantun itelf ookth ike adarmissioln to all wil he free. The
large farmo neadosv. 'The only expenses wiii be very large, as
buildings were the northiandr south printed syllabus will be furnished
colleges (now north and south wings with each lecture, but on Sunday
of University IHall)." D~ormitory evening, at University hail, a col-
life, courses of study, and notes lection wiii he taken to help defray
expenses. An invitation is given to
touching upon the services of Dr. all stunents and citizens to attend
Tappan, Prof. Andrew D. White, these meetings, which will be held
(Continuedson 3dtlpage.) in Newberry Hall.
izhmond Strasghf Qelt.
k Cigcarette. Smokuersseiho
atesmilliniseto suly a lutle
'isliunoe lhan tie Iprice
chargediflime r'm,li'-
tradle 'igur('tte,'ucwilfid
'rmH Iii u'nsuiperior io
'k' all uothers.
Cut Nso I Ciiirtleslime mefroIsmm ihe ight-
cal, mult se ilvetels laedritandshuglierstecst
Gold1 teaflg'owiVairgiia.IThis isthmeOld
at Originma lmrandof tighettCut Cigaetties,
ad seas irought out byisvitsnitimeyemar 15.
Blewarme otfiaitatioims,maniiobsesrrvetuhsut thse
firimmmes belwis aneverrpacikmge.
01 tie Aimericeai Teiod C.
11 W. Washington St.
P 3NATO270_ O_0
R~. E. JOLLY & CO.,
-SELL --
ST A2ki 10NT 1 YR