AT THE. TWO SAMS. legant ine of U nerwezr Ulit FTY
We wish to (all your particlar attention to the fact that or1
Stork, as usual, includes a general andl complete line of high lassI CENTS. B3etter grade at SEV ENTY-I V E CENTS.
clothing. X'oang Mren's All grades of I 'nderwoar in ine Sil, Wol..U rinitantool al-
S-J T STO AN=C-O.7= OOATs hrggan.
iade op with all the detail, care andl( skill which charcterizes the Sle agents or lT'e oss I-li >rticnerltwear.
het tierclhant tailoring work .
Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. =Z71TT7T-(Z)T0SI2 S
Ann Arbor Savings Dank PATRONIZE I-t(f T1T j
,1ss A'morMiehS CspitlStck rt o0 -OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! Vi5i: i T $A14 . "F oii Otte 'W eek !
organizedt itsttsth (praitttankintgCaws No'Isa. r ti ms Brittat'n .
i tisstate. ttesites De pstts,,buys ansd ________________________
er as xchngentau55 ti sharalcitieaisteTOtE S
itet Stts. Dratstass td i)up) (on roer -PTHE ARGUS."-,
ittiticaaatiato. 0th
~tAS. r;. E. iTs.Csh i sv
- i, c-Ltasss hAiL))v. ctbe 2-2. AGNEL & CO., Tailors.
a'\ .hoto{. phe 3 ''TOG A esho 5 ferguba. 'emPorcelain
4 o ph ,ERAIhui~ i" )IA-Nt i u~ Tt ;. t SO. 12°IW. HURON ST.
<- xcesir L undy,21 Years in the buiness. """" a &1"eneral t tl~gt i'iii.ia5i'sin-
2Ii)tA'1HURON stat p t CITY LAUNiDRLY,'. Ltilaveoi> 5 tis2'Hs Sfet
-'$(lad wail, Gusian OteeCot) s ilet)) DpoitBxe orHst
at deivi.ii,) AF COVERT Pron M. M. Seabolt No. 4 N. Forth St. I. FMP, rs. I sE, Cahie.
Bantkpst Stutsdaevtnisg.
B - --A. -N----A. IL THE NLAN GEt. Iouhpa i na
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, 11anti others, are plentifilly dispe red 'tite character of Selsyth(le st_______________
MZILLINERY AND ART GOODS . !throtgha the, is well wruigtot. The sver-
30 Lst rstreiet, Ofita tdiffereattniarater bittoftt est strit tore tat cattlle paset up~o Good peed Si Sons.,
eual intterest antimittportatnice he- this story r either othtle rtmaintig
ttayi tt catta it too coties ianlosi' totchltwos'--'lr veilTAOis'Unortlty antIIL R
suTrc vwiththie I irersity, is the rttce"irsoth Ween5a"-sT IO S
noir5 i "o o rcsieciialrlbe argutmentthttauth ttlors hidto.osfa
ItCriD ffavioni L . Weeks. NI ritWeeks aelti for their tetmesI'ihOiIEt
E A t ' nthinks thet Inivrsity iof Micli a 't:t es ta ~ nits h l
SOppCari~oaittt ssouilte called ''\tAo r tt t o Walter 1,. Mannit, is the best tPa'- WOOIFES.
__________________________________sesity '' IHI meets antI answers etsc]'rose is ra teaial te inthle
tetojictiontsthat thi tute natmetoitecriptitstyle of XWaitt
MI~a itsougt ltto bliueditg ine ceitt'hle sordss an , te aid loodtti
to the state. 'ite article swtll pr~ob-otencst greet te eye atd give teSos.
abliy excite a goitti tea o renitark, story its rater qiuestinablte chart- Goodspeed & Sn.
buttwse iiebt that .'lr. Week's uieseis acter. '
MhI syR il fid geteral favor.i Others nnong tle verse contriiii-HO S
Il "U diescriptive article ott fraternthy ions are i''ie''rie Itteriretatioti i SEE 'l'rtt.sNEW CRZAZE.
life in Geramany, furnithingtome in and "T'layetdanega's Song,'' iy TAN CArs' t~tt'tEtS.
-- terestitng itforiationahoutt sttient' Charles 1s. Deurick, sslihi s spirited I to. Lots: itr
dues, is fron thie len of Cay iL. and liely. NOPAN& il1ENNsE-'T'
Speiea DiseouttO i a- Boks, Kiefer. John C. Rofe conrihtes It is evideit that busitess tmen
Medil, hDental and All l'ntversite a critiue of the Harvard Graiuates' have een convinced thai the Inan S'ORTNtSHSta~.
Text-Iloiths. 'Te larget Ma'gaine, anid A. J. Acric, apro- ter is at efficient nmedim for sver. 17 S. MVain.
ios toi theideath of Geo. Wi'tt. Ctr- tising putrpoes. Every uites __________________
flf c n r b ueln e sa n - h fr n A n r o h t v r a v r-Qi Scholar A mnong M en." ises is re presented, and there it a G o o d s p e e d & S o n s .,
S1l ns IILOII.o BU I n thaei donmain of fidstiotecon- splendidsosing of foreigtn patrin HATTERS
tibhutions are quite up to the eta- age. ANt)
it te city ftor 2° cetts. Agett for lisiteti orier of merit. 'An Experi- 13. iF. hal is managing etitor, Jr. FURNISHERS.
Kettliel & Esser :Matetattttialstru- I mentatitshove,'' frott te Ie's of h' A. rednan, httsiness tmanager; I.
metts. Under prices tita everything. MartinTi'ownsetnd, 'S, releares F. Brigg anti . C. Bedn, ass1- Sole Agets for te -'Millet'
liha vicissituittes of ats actor itt)Ipa- cate eiitor. It.''Finite Line uof
salofafirta0tlaRaEtSttr ------- ihtckittosies.
.''~E resort. ' rTe story me takes a srealistic std'tts wiiifid a ine lue itt cati
South State Street and Main Street. tutofies, especilly cocolat's, at C. A I5S an
ottiaits Cansteuiset. trn its that it is Ihard to (ll ipre- I ytarii , tei'state Street grier.