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May 18, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-05-18

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o atu Judge Champlin has been lecturing
of ~ vnt~. all this wseek, and an ample oppor-
tunity has been afforded to compare
Isselished Dailr (iceitays exceted) dutringtefaueso h w, ntepe
he Celleter year, by tefaue fteto stepc
THIE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION lure referr-edl to hangs just ahove his
bead. It reiquires a careful scrutiny
EDTR.to note any difference, unless, per- TAN SHOES.--Pices, X3.50, X4.00, $.00.
ED~ssIs, Te5,OatSi. Et. h ags, in the expressions. Judge
E. . To'w j, lit. '51. Assisiiit. Cisampli- 's expression is slighstly 48 SOUTrH .,AIN STREET, - AN ARO
Noixt'N FLOWsRA, Lit.'<ii, m"~t nore bland than that of his silent
I. A. Serti~ tc , t. 'i4. Asslet:itt.
('_1, it'rt, l 95', Athletic l~diioi'. 'doubie.''Ilis eyes are set a little -yy--y y TiY CYTTrTT1CY Y
S.A' -rits, P.O. Lit.. Bussiness Matnagee. clse together andl his svhiskers are ~ NI. LIhtUI.' ~ ~ kci
It. COAE.Li'6 ssi stn. S R P 4 .G:tti. 'Li. .4;A-s iiatt. a trifle heavier at the sides. The LJ.iLAA ~ineO.
r t I1" LASS. pictuire might he consistently lahled '
I. tiraiin s i. E. J. tteatt. '
Mi.yAi.'iti. ''94. A. we. Lt..i'lcii . "Judges WValker or Chamtplin." 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO.
R.(.Austiii, 9;5. stetIteat..
J.L aoiee'. C I. N. Sotwers, '93.
Stattist I.StIearl;1snd.F. a.. Mattinitaie, ''4.
L. F. lciioiit, ;'. i'c. K. 5tew'ait, 'li:."it' ,LI 1-'Y' TOLEDO
All cp 'inti liat iithe oli'lie,,i'i' se:3l,.i. U AN*S o nbf
-^N8APOS PULIS INQ HO . . I) L. If ci i 1tl'r sit S.N. Cedarvitic, t"
- - iN. .l., sa15 ' o iii .ie adini clii'Siinday, lay 1I1).
Iiil' Silser cu) giveni iy the S. L Horiord'sAcid Phosphate. eatro risa n rohsht.A rvst etevr etma8 Hrlr steLAIGSHO FBSNS.Mg
n.poe letescr'bs icisifcen lding; nAine cu e r Bs agtES tenagc;.otN NO~
for ielc iopingn IIe atilitIC imiaterial ( I ha e uedit1,0r'seveirit years5,iiit goodil ili'pliiii' tiicerio kel s pliedraigililn Ixrs".. ...: - .n
oiiily illiltly practice, hut 1itilltt Aiy 11- o'iiu hediiie yr;comt eriu cil grauast M i ret;t No). I siiiAnnlAt bor i ecss" . 7: 1 1.
for the 'V\arsity teaitin. It is siur- iv siul)cIa, a c onciisiider it iiilt'r all idiema iii'cothad ii daesoi llietit curoitiit n s;' t No. t. M ati aY elioer*.....A 5p n
prihsig to see the ii lrrst onniestedt Focristases iiie of tledliststiofe Sttiitstsct.55
t02iles thai s'c osseSS. lito' ilelttllex- cake plitiionstto eo k.tii ckaitireisit No. 2. _tiill iitidIPateeticc' . Ii ii ii. 5 a
iii atoilacs Cii)Ia .17 aos~ 1~4)~iir s'tt'stii'' i F. Rt. .CLEARY. Pre o4. Mail:nd: cress' . lii, i
ers aeilustlinog arioindliani ecter- sten' 11c1dvilfl toetital ettiirecd's'u
igesery good 11101 they can Cid. r $DiO ~ 40,~ aily except Snidiiy.
ingr niostrecOlliiheatdsiiequtiritotieaI irst lass and Warrantedin tiToledo ottly, dailiy except Sii~ltiii'.
Eeysotr n 1hasilllre xatiil Appetizer. Ittiiouiishies lfid iliig- N Esery Way. Other trains daily exct tstiday
to swhichi class ssill sin the largest orates the tireil braisntlndhotly, to- E I S. so. oNNhT:a', it. s Oo-uwc o.
nshber of poinits.VWithioutilouiht parts rtetewsed etnergy atnilvitallity, antd E D oty & Feiner. OcGe. Pso et.Lca Ages.Saura'sfiliii'allb s oo elves hefniios
as any college fmeet held this year. I tirocrietis'epctttlltrece Onsaptlicaltint iiiA P P P
Rumford Chemical Works, Provj- S$$A COMPANY
Let a largeolluiler of stutietits tlurn deuce, RI.1
Out anti make this field clay the big- tei'e ill Salostiiutes cod Imitations. AREsIdIC eli, x.AS(YINli. lulO
gest athletic sitccess of tihe season at FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.
the U. of M\. ___A ..~i/ln1VB',
'Ibits hsxbeenlia very Osuccessfull) H NR7iLG,' V5 ,l V is
Teacheeanod soloist, Guitar, Btnoantdt tia- aii il iOcd Picii'ile L& 00
year in tile mulisical circles of tile dolintdioii at

U niversitc. ITle finlest tslical or-
ganizationsx if the counotry hasve pal
tlhe University a visit, a151 all base
been greetedl hy crlodedl houses.
It cats be said wsithoult fear ofd son-
tradiction, that there is n0olher cit
svhere highl grade concerts are covn
at the low prices prevailing here.
raven in thle largest cities, hrires for
one concert by the sanse organiza-
tions that visit os, are often as high
as the svhole course here. Tomor-
row nighlt the iloston Symphony.
Comspalny, the peer of any musi-
cal organization in the country, sill
close the musical season at the Uni-
versity. To all svho have heard this
superb orchestra not a sworid of com-
mendation is niecessary. To all
others soc cais only say thlat thle con-
cert soilhe a rare treat, such as no
lover of music can afford to miss.
A Ureat Resemblance,
The striking resenmblance betwveen
judge Chanmplins features atnd ihose
of judge Walker, depicted on thse
canvas recently presented to the
lawv department, is a matter of gen-
eral conmment amsongst the laws.

Rdoomo s-iS.tt
Ggim1gasiUM5 Lavq Teipjis aqd Jease
2] Years in the Business. j3aiI GOOdsn
M.M. Seabot, No.4N. Fourth St. AS 01WIT FlkAAL U.
~TEL[ AUNRY o. hoo grapher
23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. (017I 'II 3 7.11 D1t1 slits .
- aod ites.o nt't sensd out ofe twnaficeE ( CI 15SFiiN.
CtantdySliesyoucin ectitist as giodlat R. SAt11URD AYIEVE., MAT!20th
Jo0113& Co.s.o We don't citrefor style. hit
ThS~t pace Reseved fot give i1110500uand titnis one-halr. Hot xi and.ii~i i-
coloatunhes at all houres of tte tay ansdtiighit. I. er(r' o-sPoili w t
R. L JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South
G.SIHState Street. ___ __
Wodar v. n~tt tre, HOT LUNCHES F'IRE PATROL !
And the verychoicest CnisMinicSei and 0 Stas a Erci~
-AT- IIin ae 1t lopratti. A Gin Firiil 'e 'cliii.
____-- ' *TU1 "T TLE' S, Wagsvonl andlHom~es.
________________Price: - - 35c. SOc, Basil 75c,
---- ---- Secre Seats at Watts' Jewelirv Store.
You aIiliss linwtto. GIB SON,
Call atid see them at
jCycle Emporium, 11 W. Wasintson St.
- u- . __ . NO. 12 W. TIU~RON ST.


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