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May 18, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-18

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je . of

VOL. III.-NO. 16-1.



The Home Team Badly Snowed 1
Under by the D. A. C. I .2
at Detroit. 1'.Vcat M.


I 1 4 5 ; a Will be the Concert by the Boston
o0 200 4 o--t18o Symphony Company on ~
(1001",00000001- 4 Friday Night.,

Victorycan1not507as ssbe 0010. ~ IOoOIA 411101110 lrd. 07jO
} :;rie -1soi . .C. : . fM. T%--1rdy1vni5gtisclrted 01 ~ I/
nce or twicee ilte coutrse of a 000ls 'o Ioaoslobo haS.t.iti ra alo ilb 3711 >VlllF1.l I
runes h110 / 11ieCld0701~ ~;)lll. ll lot. ii m.Soe a 7 l _\nAao riloir. The 0Su1er013worktiof DETROIT, IH
1.0 lad7)07 ltlp lto D[.1 130)27 nil1100 13;iooS ol 0 t .Is 101 1)0/1111ion S 1nowhere000 Iore
tlioc wilol 0ire 1of 71 sf1131t. E e Lsoos it' I i l 'I lo' 1"t71o ooaI 1 tool 0'0.1 _loaoa. 0 aI . . w1:;7~ie t an t e: in
fart a {oooIo i00ll p ers we must {jHi0110101Wit -li!' Jo ioooi tills lot
se 111,00 0 Ilo f .,,01. it 110 rbor. The disetiniiniting
sleet 011OtOlOaosol eola 0~l1771e71ann1ally ill'711-
ov5er-conflli t.ort , -vsole of tis id0 pititchi 07 )70
171111 l 1-lt d17 os1707t o -oits01bestadthe performanofce in Afte0batin1)1if1 ls ll oer telO lffesllla Slt o111:M11100110hve11101}s1ben0171051
feel 0su1e of their a131110ty o pound 7i Tile following311 Intere0sting7 pr10 01 572,$007010001 0111100 111 at100111to01 a 11000les
any 1oitll batrtheeros at t7117 11771orchetraialiys70look forward switli tiha Ahor 1001 0110, sleem Oorog1011to
Yestrdays -lne iththe }. 1 13soniaSoi ettnclrit: 171371 1ma 3higanticipations to this visit, aind
betra an vlshe1 . oinSceytnai elnatheoy have spread abroad the reputa-NM 02
C. will 01000e1just the treatmnelt the 7101n,3J. L.1Iaston; essay, AV. .aH 10 forUiest swl s v~. 13F851Y oosoF
bolys oeed.It will convincethtleoi lEvans; 0ration0AV.\T.lOglertinoouUivstyawels lt,1385WowtipA;,
that they mtust tone dowvn the rough sp~eechlG. V. Tuplper;lilographyct to sucs an extent tihat it is DETRItT, - - MtII(UANi.
edgesy a littleniore, and not depend 0"Kiseol; speech, J. J.Dinhofoel stated by mlanagers that
entirely on knocking the lpitchler 0717The Stoiy of a Northeirn Lumnber-ntiowic sntsrictlydirs- Jh AnnSrigt ct
in thle last twvo innings. mnal;'' impronmptu discussions, af- class can Isoipe to sucedioAn.
Arbor. Thse prograns to be pr-re. CIGARETTES.
Trhe boys did not attnempt to pill firnmatise, H. C. Levingood; nega- setdiCaneiralgnai say b5wrette smioherswho
sented i a mtooaene oa initan
u11 tiseir best 'ganme yesterday, 1n live, A. IV. Lockton; Debate.:esetsat pesare teFlinWil )1 ligan the price
respects.sItgepen eithethe1Fly01g
view of the Cornell ganie Saturday, Resolved, That Utah Oshould be DtcmnhvruebyacsrdWg red fiorteas iii e
ridehmto Illsuradnaittedardto as ladesCigaii sopac wlo fin
and the long, tiresonme rd oIh!amte oStatehood,'' affrniativer.Tlssistoisderfulpiece o superillroth
'lca.Ibs wereodefulbocetfloal Te therkos Rcod Stoaight
aca Irgman and Banks we . 13h )( . Rdeol; Ilegaile, J dscitiewrlngClli.aepCu~t No.1 Cigaretthe.s aemade fIom the hight-
kept in reserve for tisat game. Park andI D. Jf. Bcly dsrpiv rtn. ni re oc st, aiot delicsttoly lvoreolandd:hihest coat
Neithler *Mc~herran nor Seymnour ickey.tured the ocean in storns, lbherest- saddLestgin0l aofVirginiahist isarthesOl
.1 ~ An interesting featlure of' the pro- an Of.. sd Ow asi beo0g teghtCotCigretes
coldo to mucin tilleSObox. Itless surgiltg sither aolththerof Bebyonsstousadn oheeyer5 IShe
semdt ea f a o hm rnl vl etl iglgo oothse phantom shtip, Ilse despair of the Th a~eLENehelowsa seeBranch eag
Thie teans oil the ovholelsowvever, solos by Mis M1argaret Shiawo, en omdcpanad lefnlsla- IcRHatl
played a good fielding gm. tied "Fiddle and I'' and "One l i Manuftacturers, . . Richmond, Virginia.
Cratwford's work behind thse bat Heart Divine."''M~iss M erti Goody. lion whlichlshoall conme thlrough Sen-
ovas first class, and Smeltzer nsadekonzwlbepsntadgva ta's love, a love "true to deatl."
sonesenddasssfo ih Next follossthe celebrated scene
field. 'rhe D. A. C. played tlse recitations. adAi rn e rietnn
usuladwl rv strong gamanrks forld by Miss Felicia Kaschockslla, for- p
tvelleandmi.prv ~on a o Cornel's Strong Team. nmerly one of 1130 leading sopranos
F~ollowvitsg is the score in tlse Metropolitan Opera, Newo
__ ___-.------- -_-- Speaking of the recent trip of thleFok ThEriaS-ponN.
L). o. C. Cornell team, the Daily Siln say's ~ elsvn steIetIinbr
Aaan 1- - t ax nP10)A11 editorially: T'his is one of the greatest synmphonic
'odld, 1. f----0--------s20 1 I it The baseball nine yesterday re- works of all tinse. tt is twrittenls.SIECS
Millt. ii ine frns oe o tle mot bil.in a triumphal strain, and depicts
loheae----------.-- 435t liant and successful tises-er taken. telf of a great Isero, or rather,___________________

Cowley, ...
Ooehnces. 1l
utisey, C. e I., ) --

1 i 4 1 2 1
350 4 17 0 21
60. 1 750 05
___3 0 0 n013
11 50.20
.3 4019 1 7 14

0. OF SI.
Cilawora, a-- --- 5 0 1 .8 7>5
Biclh 1f-------------- 4 5 5 2 U511
Spitzer, s ---------------4 5 0 0 2 0
Slssrncy,Ih. . ..---------3 10512 0
Smeltzer, r -------- .-5 1s2a1 s 0
lltferis, lb--------------3 00.
Pe arson,3b------. . . .------4 1 1 3a2
,Mac1'Scranf, p............ 0 0 0 n 0
*ymour p--------------30 0 040
,ldields, cf --. . ..------ -4 1 01 3 0 1
Totals .............4 272 134

IOnly three games were played, but
two of tlhe defeated teanss rank
among the best in thse college world.
Congratulations are in order upon
all sides, and to mention tlhe names
of the players deserving great praise
and credit for their work would be
to name the whole team. Every
man played good ball, and it would0
be difficult to make any distinctions;
if, however, any one nman can be
mentioned as deserving special
praise, it is he Whose pitching has
been such an ensigmna to the heavy
batters of the east. His support has
been of the highest grade.

the elements of a heroic life. One I h otclbae oeet .J IIN C N
in this symphony is the Funeral
March. Handel's imnmortal "Lar- 'MERCHANT
go," (which never palls on one),
and two numbers from tile "Danm-
nation of Faust," Berlioz, nmake up TAILOR
a delightful group of shorter nunm- I
hers. It will be a delight to listen AND lNPRos'ER U
to these numbers, which are all fa-.
miliar to the most of the audience.
Listz's "Lea Preludes," symphonic
tone pictures, as they may be called, 55W ' T _
complete this beautiful program.
May we not look forward to a scene
fColddon third page.1 Det lrit, ihg

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