THE LATEST AND BEST HERE'S .A SNAP.---Thursday, Friday and
Asrtmet of NEGLIGEE SHIRITS in the City.Saudy
Lincoln Bennett & Co.'s Getuine Engishe Derby hats, all ctotors
HAVE OU S EN OU NE~ SPRI G ST CJ(?and this teatto's shpe, tat are sldt altoer the bited Stes at $5 er, for $3.00.
this is les tansea l tt yost edtoe't sick t ttat
It is a Sptlendidl Showtig af Sis atd Gerats Etra Vale at tea rDie.
WadhamS .Ryan & Reule~. I IE TW O ST I S_ -
Ann Arbor Svings BankPATRONIZE If FI T
Ann Aror Savngs IBARBER SHOP! <%"I"ii < xcelsior Lauu3drv,
Ann Aror Mien. CapitltoncSek, 5,t0, Net Eae HttteNPdttrUR'. xl .S. Hl eFT.s
oraied under theGtrs'tlBanking tLaws eeln o [ f"tertuit I s"[[o iistt. 0evsDeois uy n }
sesexcatgeron the prineipl etis at the 1 1 . Ieg \ "- +ee .i.A~t'ti .eI oeI.etaA .LO E~et
Enited States. Drafts cashled ae prpere , =H RU.-
S etcatitsen. otlicerse L ~ A .. T E A G S~
(nesiTastMA r osr., Bod: 1 fi \r." a ro I ยข' i
3f , iA s. a. sases,, VieAtaTalee I tY PttRICtllES.
Cl. ClSeretCaeer ..LITON -.4U~E.sts etp
!-. nWHIT' O.R..IL/I.oke
F s i,~SIinesiosnns ,alKE. 'fss' "e.' 111
C Tahe ed Shatteg
DANCE HALL with PIANO,'e ~tello exery.
/ a., teit Hese" tse t cres. (. aes ofr n ang
I ) i. tol Mt.I~ e rs. 21 ..bcr,50 o ncear. oar. t .iesae',
/ /P ~7 1=i- c , . 0 "(555 . (AL.'iNI)AE I. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. lat Curt te7t.s ' ,lI it'
TIetit.IS ay. - 'aoee .hSinays cte oiale A newevtimese ule e nt t te
________symphnytirrai_.___________m, ec setsilthee b. A. A. i N. )\ItTRatilwa'ye
T tateeeSyieter trs rat5 ent. ;I. ttly May 14th. See erretedl tihe a I rQ'i E R
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,. conert. to lIe.N t -Afew t eetisled romes
Set. May'?() t. of I.M aUsrs sr ell, asl Mtea. tee ptivate hiose, cosvevatiet to thee
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! t. May IlIiresisy Fiettay. Worlds Fai. Exersin, partien of I,, /
ao astHuon tretwt , gay 1-x 11.w .lvlso1 c'"trein fsos ltaI.o ee1 cafnlbe e eotmodted far
CttseCaStlre5ujW e ao''CtStae. oif.iutesstre'tiii' tetis aof ise ceek sr loger, at 5)
Sieht.'hcsteeSeretse ri. cents eatray for ecneprot. This -____ -
HAcVE ann et . tl' 11 .Ohey- - Caadsisn (Alis ),le u'isiii c it, (Ofre)li lst goodafttes'J tese15tl. Al-
ENaA x' 1oe. sress Abert 1. Ritch,17 lDearboern, I;Now "-N LINE.
fOResrolaset 2 t Tes. l A GrandOMilhaiEvent. J OIJI'S. 9,just tortle of thee Post
0 O Reses SAOCotficleathea bet tachseterisnes ra .?,
soTa nd h ore isa thee city. Try his.ts f nrad? lWSTYES,
E A~ev~e~ s(itlnetitfrostiret sarl Feoen S~r :, or in xehanesosafor hprpats'
onof etusastmarch an evcnisng of rty tee Asia Arbor.r esitat-lsasttiave e e9L C AY5'Tu1T,,
SopfnrtHaat. thaale'noyent? enetur ~ ~ eol. Adderes, M . TAYL'ORe,
re l .Maston, Waxfordh Co., Msich. l1R
twutlte giveno on the program n sothe leeR At tE. - Victor Pneumaittilc. '\i.
9 1,chapel today at 5 lp. i. It is a Nec. ('al at 411 So. Igsi, hitweeso
ti .x:30 assi6Il. mo audy m rig
natter of regret hat di1r. Nikichs i. crS tetlE ro'eie\ s' loss' AN "U-
rdutoets deties of thetpast easone -- 'ireDA'rs."
hoe eith eat dre atctsoot I tch"le Fire Pastrol" is the title' of thee
jI\o1t Ittest saoaoehs'esmes, ssheiersisthefe trissa
fatig utes o f the esc ter ns tri p .t. r . t th e (r eand (p ra Ilo se for S tu r d asyN C 1 A
"ran1.1KesiSel, cwho is a sutperb croso-eveing, Mty 211.lit their satrehi tfter TI. nArc s elitcefet wies fwlCam
cnidctor, and who is, musically, eto- save giveasitse tansewcitheot numerll, ____
Itirely sateratedcth attl \ Nitiselo a retl ti e egii ese buticawst ailaeriv
- era, etc., eta.,unetil the teldIspams t tt
ideseascwill csodeuct. te rephorts le wsell sighe exhauitstee eis t itsl"Te GO ODSPTiTIIII ' Y
\Veareoitrin ou etir stck f LWNI from othee ciis itowhcihttheeorhes fire Isatrol" owe ta r tosedela cvees O fl:
We a ril esg ais el aotert It 1f stilt eiteriat o i'of a gol stam isllmi _______________________
i1115 5 tra hoas already tlayechindoicate that such asisire' eestits thee'ininsg recisotia
TEINNIS andSORT1)'IhNGtGOODS atthoetsebrnare hplayitg cith lelt e hikea.c'tIeoshrasee
I eresahers isiftll oerat ti. 1tthinddtin F LLAN
maeuetfatitrea wolslesale ras. All seerenthusiasm n td virltuosity whchesx- ua ge l t hi e Irpaetr a tignehoresa,
Iceeds any lrevious recordsn macdc ty te',edoinga'teir ftl cuty tttthroer r pL rLINE
seer C~ noamset. clia tesipaaidh to be tto
Rackets inclndede. IlootrMis F ~ieCc>..mmn. h l sthoemo. 'Tlits mnsthocill be a sieci- exciting ad elselsthcostrtctesInelt-
orabte those to cwhat ha been a erzaitsesls alrhvery trosg m- C
cltiaeffects thititaraeitisty SxOF8,~
wondterfutly atractive mnusicah sea- snovlties, asidtheatrisg naltheeniail-KIT T E
son, a easosn eqhualedlhinsteret by ions of being a finanscialh bosnsanzalit
GEORGE WAHR, very few cties in the country. lrgCpooretio ns. r GOO S EED'
University _ 0 . tat S. he unual retrictons), $i. Oil ae nchoatic albetc league P1D
]Bookstore, at Ann Arbor Organ Co's and at Th'e reshman crecvwon thee nter 7S 71 rET
Calkis'.C, I clas boat rae at Coumba_____________