regular coatch this season. inastnucth By Going; to Wtahr & \tiller's anti save fromt arc, hoc and 75e sintever}'
Pubilished I Oig- (5 Stinar exe- m Hirngts the results from experience have pair of Shoes as swe most redce our stork to
the cuuvnttleNetr, ., not jutified the add(itional extpenseotake riot for Spring Goods.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ye~t ttteraunlidlates swill not tarts for - -p---
intelligent andlscientific tdiscitptine. -I-
r~s s.S ss tisttvtvtt it tesitde the effirient trainsing of Ca p-tn otva ~aes
iacntc- iu l( (t-ttes-t. (;t stnt.ats.s serip-twittnt CrawfordI, Geo. t'. Codti will
tiosssts1satyte left ast esttti r thetttr lttt, tie tere at intervals to assist in tse 4$ SO(UTIl MAIN ST R1F;E .
tttniets, trit an fttr ettt t ttrs or vwrk, attdtesperially to give aisi in
anttoizteid rti-itsev.. the box wotrk. 'Tle prospect cannot ' ~ "' ''' ''
tio'cltek P..~. i i teyacr oa ca2T -(n ne sttttdSIartjtt n ht byette butIbe rontsidered good for success- R U E R E .j i ULJI I ffISCOUNT
tar. Atdresttll nattertintentttst ftr psskica- fal Ipractice, a good teant, and albun-
into tttsN-ansgttss Editr. Attltttusesdant victories. 1-011 THIRT I)1AYVS.
eottrmnit nss houltdttt te st sen t tte Bii -
ness Massager. - - &ER CO 0-- A ,o S
:'HE U. of M. DAILY, 1
Ann Arbor, Math.________________________________
tttttEDITORS. 1dA; '~p We Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
N, l.;sasietstttr Michigan Railway.
( A Di tt nwt'(i3 rsstansIs
S.I5-01 c-su,tP. it.Lit., tisnss tNiana sst isR I't. ii sIt ri T'_IAt s e larv-u ltlt (O jdid 'nineCdinttttret (tt a ss.tts 5i', t
IV.55It.ns-:sttFv . tt it94 , Assistt. N J sysSi tt tiett5sttt~s~ssstt
r -i s~. It tn J-{. op'SfOtd s Acid Phosphate. _A_
E' o tt-ttit, 'li, 55. 'tt. - S it 9 r
ll. 55 55 ntit '9S. i('N. Soust---, 'St. I ays- ttti it itt- 'SevCr e- al ra , ntk t t t Es1 ox'x
t',E Boiss, i I.sS tttttt ltt'u9tt. - t rcie htitnx tct is n t-e LEADING SCHOOL. OF BUSINESS. Mig- tito. 1. Mtdai it i 1';x rns ... 5 7 t . ttI_
uirt.tillo e , t6. t 7. t asTstttt-IC. ni-i-idbilin g; sn i iathes; lat-asatts-sdance; s cc - ti ..-r t )iid siii .
ittttt tttstst .i.5n-rt .'S -tivstiitl cas-.tititi ctttsittieritiitu( r att goot distii itn-; sriotrswrk-; wlsnstt It epti n;spled read-n "t , - S . I~ i Ita(.2lA i'ettgterA"c. ...c t iS 1"(0
EItisnsstiis'i-s tttte ttf'tte best terse ' rons, titlyeitveturts; Satutrtday eventngrnpt
r. _.. _ ..,tItottc n tetire-yenr;utosu ercil gratsin great
ti11's t <t EV'at n ss- ttss ,. k-tic iest-sl en- diema tnd;stt horthantttlgradutsn all secureapositinns; s) ),rt
tisttstitttt str its )'s- i-- it s' s e ett t t u- tiS~ itiriistius'snn~ N. ' saiiasndtt'ssnrs- ....ii
Fo x AAOU n ito tdnswostr'Ei-sgt sith i n igotti ottthit- i-itiie 4yS-- tapsiini rwekn tniksswr-ek-,-adtiss No,. 'Maltitl nd sisen. .. r -=i I) n-
THU______________________HOU __S tun.P. i. CLEART.IPre. Ntt. 5.Sti. Tldis Arviisitiiotiivsi... it) a-In
tent.________________________ C__ etral tStndad i me55555.
'frfre-hmoasnliterary class otasie A 1mostexceltenst ind agireeablle toniiec $g0,$.0 4-0,5 lail yxtsSuiniday.
adpete.LtIoilh tn i1g-F $.K $.0 4005 Trssiss8tandt tiruniht-tt 5ti .IinAsbr tir t
asisioImplteeeSaturdiaysslssts limtesecg- 'Tsled'tinlyttt, daii- ixet u n eitii.
a odstpStuta lstseetor-ates tl ii-tredtin antibdyins- I IFirst ClaLss ansi Witsransted in
-nEvheryy,' tertissdaiiy'i suns Iips ay
lng a captain rof track athsletirs. 'This patrts resnewediensergy asist vitality, ssd IN I Eer si ldN .vlt-IS .~si
is enactly swhat is seesdesdto brisng enilivnsstkhefunetionls. E IoyV eie . Ocr - lass,. Aest. Lusal Aet
track athsletics to the front. NWe Descriptiver tniptiet tresesontallittion to5I
are consfidenit tsat it will lie to thne Rumford Chemictal Works, Provi- SHEEHAN& CO. SHEEHAN & CO. ShIEEIA.N & CO.
dence, R. I.
great advantage oi tlhe class in tile urc-ae 4 ittsiittrs sstylttt-ttnts.D TEX'YT BOO~KS
FOed-Rs evesnts, for centraiization +--A\J1JLt~.I 1~~J JI\~Jk
of thsat hrancht of athletirs aboutj FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER
soume completentt sassnuwithenergy H N Y HA G AfnSfsel'hticoeStuidentls,sive litlf y}outs lttlc
anti enterprise still necestarily lie asens i nnst,Gittts, BanjotandtianMtt- adcilbsy of is. 'We tire daily reiilsso ~ 111(.~ ?f:
greatlptj. It is to bse Iholerithat douittisStuidio at - gslsisstnf t
Vast rs t eesssilStt 5 its'5 515 slc ots, 55. secttstid-hI andittislttiis-wortt-i CollegeoT'x Texf hiistethsVastytacsltrstnsl oo oo lrStSattt. Essiwhcs-v Nil f tratlwpicseW we he-rec
be inacest itt alike positon. I atsnd Genstians I~cltitsarics tSetiitilttl tl Sh, v heoaltyi s. A'C
have'F1 ~2U1 4Itus-e Ist actnttt1chestil netie tBttks inthe clis -ils-
Iactions of lie I'isconsit liter -iW, S H E E H A N & OMAPA NY,,
tn-v societies it attlsoriaitg theirI L. GR UN ER, -Stet
University Booksellers, Stat
fromithtie Cardisnal the fiiotuiss.ta- -'A The quaslliitof oresrti-
iiortatinsn: W "~'sorftot ttofldI ne 7he-1 ANN ARBOR RENTSCHLER,
We notie withlItleaisure that te
Unlive'rsity o ifhigtan AILYn isarce-
ceest editoritli is stronsgly isl favor of
isauing a, tsnaasenk joilit debtatetetagu iso
formnedtbetnween te Ustives-sity tof Miech-
Iiigtsi tiasic er oninstitations. It is
oei it be deirsesd thtthte cestisk
,khis -tear wilt he etirried on il5l tstuehs a
mannulertht t hunssiversities swill be
gltarito onOtit it'n te tebtes. ty tilt
sisas let a permansent intereollegiake
;jinktidebate letigise be formsied.Thle
aetitissof the societies lastk ightkittapi-
poinlltintg Cotilitties t l istruet oils
rerisenttivs 5going itito .tun A rr
ks nwhat kindtofitt a i ilfitti 51 listi ws5
a movt n ithesright, i-11git
13[i, utun t t piclice lis ciltlicii
nwills anftatterinsg olitlook. 'BThe tt li-
ben-cof mten ast nw-rkiniantes111a1
there is a tdeep interest taken. 'tre
s-ill tin no scarcity- oifsiatral fruit
nwhichs to select thte tear.T he mie st-n
entler itio thenwoirksn-ithassnarncrst-
AN tc-s dill be juidged -0,0,T.1WhNTBPV O F
T 0otis the fSllest hii's-t3SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. 5 i)IINISI .5 1St .AD III1tN nj
Thes T class Iliit'ts. If E.- S. SERVWISS, - MAN\AGER.
'\Xafcll CLvoltisswant a frs~t NOTI C-- r'tNnGRITP OPERA GUSE
st-I cats-soasstarticle I tltsonsatt' ONE NIGHT ONLY.
focia 5) h tlds rTT7Iareaisoinable rItssnest sticnaril auretiits rda ttnltR.lE-u-WEDNESDAY EVE., MARCH 15
Jnollyn Cit's. We dntt risire fis o ir s Stl
aft the itil nall - prtice e e sure ginve it ' to oidti. a t is oner-hlta'. InCt and sii A11,,5'~]llr ' ,tts-tond
cle of 11 tilldsintid ]E and coild ittrit' tticlt t1histt's sfitlte 5ayant stttt. tiit15 ittcc e. O ai t utsns,
Ht . E.-JOLLY & CO., En- 26 South I-cn- Q14r~
tillieies a5 hlls JI8 11S t State Street-. 14LI i I'II'I
b)eest receirvue n'-rn- sall.' N / L
Wherewith th Mlle-1S(I11" TLU NCI-IES " 0 7 1 I tesrated 15y'ti I7t (Ebnt1I,
ltt r.ils st l iii les' I11tft SI Atnd the vaeynchoscest Casst -,n - 5tisrcal ysa. n nit Coil11 t riI tultit Sti r
iiltr ' U T S i t t a5tll atz s ! liek(! Vs tjtttttnti
I isOn-rthesr. PiCES-- ,, 5.adr $.00
Jtl fll'f1Ii.1 1\ s T
Ave. n\d SMI ,dSON
t 'S let-rl& (DO. 1 T Washingtn iS RICE) A
no~T~ TT5 t~CT . v~t-.c TO. . .VO . t 4li .0S .