To% reocurc or,,-S/ocr! of TWINtE'R UOV DEII lfA1./1- f price uwill
(10 i 1y ol/qo.
See these bargains before buying.
Ann Arbor Savings Bankfi WRDSFI:UE
Ann Arbor Mitch. Capital Stock, tfoo 00,?
Sorius, $1,0.0.00 Secure Rooms through
Or (tie udte GenlBankngtacso'..® ATWA TER,
othis (toite. (ReceivesDepoit, hotysand
cellt eehcho n o the principal citietsof th1e j -N. W. UNIV. MED. SCHOOL, '94.
«entittootioo. (Otficr:o', Make Preparations Early!
C O1iITIt~00 %C00 K ta re.., MaF:.VrnHoo.snao
t.O. (Ott too to..Vato'eeo. - G.O.E..HOE NEVR
300 0.. (es , enclosingthsca.p,
Ottitto Aot.'ohto.2526 CALUMETAVE.. CHICAGO. (
WE~EJ wo sau
Sava lioocoooot and kocning.
9stt 5,,35. t.['oo~oo',0c,.Givesize.soe.
wtt~KOSEtiCOMPANY, 7G Chaucy St., Boston, Mas,
' . Y '0"oot' t'ioottt7'' oo' toC i!
i r 6o0" v oO""r 0 ( oMil ttoIt-oo. co O -t"toc o t(l 0'. tttt tcoiootoA o t ch tottg ie
o, ttoter'o Joint(00do-0 I llflt ( took wol. ell i tlt o oit
/ t;" jiodol oocootof Chambertont' cert, I Iles- CIt[ 1:'. ~~t(
e (<hill ...PMar . I t c. t~i K o -Otillt:.i 0( til
(00(00 (ottenu . nq ir o
if AUK]11n. 1.1~ iversity 112111. o e{~tl ,00
j 0a,(0rr ;-upl; ~ctl , hich(((000(0AlsOsooOO.e ooot. .Ftl't.CC teatt.
A D. 1(JtA B l, So io o 'ot.tootOotooo o o.oo 011E Ir.jit uort f(o 'tt
Excelsior Laundry,
20th (SP-iHURON SottO FT
(Good Wi oork t 0(000tootl. tGt oo clt ote
anddeiceed. A. F. COVERT, Pro(0(.
'tooith and joy' -11 tuncoil=
-'Idl cyC LAhcler. i.5.o,'be~Ythitig
NIc 1, ." a o tverythti; hIso-as
ocecaoas --f'n romritthe heighats
s,4O exotf'oolro .-dlo'jpne'oc toecaznnoot
a o fal-rwo ' s Ciluntia OSafety.
wY t?1 bnt Cott'ooboo'oo troeontpplicatiton to
jc _o t oo 0~ to ts p opte 'ofg. ho-
9 -- l / 'E. Was ingonStreet.
M LLINERY AND ART, GOODS !P;0il0000 tHistoti(alsot 0(0 of(0 o tiit"0f 0office, hbsothfloesct tacks. corriages,
'Servicet't 000 . " 3ot 0') '00000 00 '0t a 000000ndthors'sin theecity. TOY 000m. I
I 't T 'iv ooo .., 'cto ct Ito c.0 Ott of by '.,, Ooo r it. 1.tonio lor w ilite tthfle 'ool1:
S TAot,oFiti~to t Iof.1. . ho 0Ito (o:ttO tjtt, .t .'t Sor. If 0 oooledne od'yfi ttoo '.'iuto'o'
S ...! al . ooto S til. ltotr(00'ot-or at k 00 o to 0, 0 I) . I) Of (0006 oNlar l it i t t o lttoo 'otiogpl t oolile
* 0 c os ')t ' oo . ' to t't Isti rt t 3' >t I<lr~c ttf to'l t. o n tti 1. II' 0
E A Po'oo (t ot.Watt.Wait, W.0'.t~ ( ~
Oc pCoort~cooc Ib o 0o orot o 7oo 000- (0. 000 1 oitololtt f SloojoI11 tld tI12 o 0 \
col 0 ot) . 7t0'lt00ti0 cete- \ool'ottoittg tt ill floe I 'tpot Ao .4
a aperace ra I e t o ovelties ii 1"ooeigti abb oot eoooooc
(ito Oteroo000 E00014 too 00 'CO'iooo. ° oatiotgso u t'o eritog. O t',, (t thIle o
Sonict tweo tyfivtoo cndiodates cc-re 11(0(On (00, ('iTesoay. W'oClt'ootiy, .0000
IJJLIL lracticotto at on0ce. hoe lpa lct ic s (olotetltiEgle,', Dto it. Mr. Rots. ex ,['i
cliteoly conolineco to thrtowinog anod fi toa eeao nit ttion too ill (te l
Got to Ilctottorters flt'aolnuw ot' ooll0ht(lANIi1r 4.16S o
anoo seonotd-hiandrlTEXT-1300 S. o t-tot---- ololocotr AREo SAI
cocrer esenc0t e'ach dayi~. 'lThettusual V1 0 :N" O ED , 0 0 O h 0NA
'Wte liaveoc e t.ioved a largie supply to-ma nle runt ocwasitakenarootto o wn00( 'Tht'eir gOteoc otootloveoft oile
,otoot(1)01 oif tIto lt c'tYo lio cotoloote to 'rrouo'otto'iloe ci it 1 Iai~It h
owil ti tools.gth bah oLoti Ilito ca
coil { , I lot' filltootit ' tite btut P000 totio'crt'tilt'oot'o0 Stol
Froottli (Classioc. ZNEW A ' iN 1) hoe mediao 1lootui loongt'tmor'owoo. toill t pet'0 tlit toot lo miysm
SL('ON 1-l1 Ai). '' o' ottooivngnw adi~tbo 0 . toofbo1xil 0oo'idOpei ~ tlsolltn,-
' (lot (tto ltoo l 1'' t ot oo' toi to7
Woo c o>lio(ft' ' I .0lii .. t''itHOuE,
1010' r the larges~t n bsi Crozir . .]all- .M o ,Ioil,>it) sit0 to'oooo'loto m l(il( 1'
C) tittl000000.I 0o tto 1 00 ~ 11 t:( 1 o 3 <' %t~t~
Not i'IBoook it th io tforloot' c. o' l.. i(, '00' t06 J. 1 o It' 'uc~('0007it.0, 1.Itovac lol 'itow l 0 hi 0 01(l0
tittotI ot to
I (0i1 (otoo l tttb o! 17 n for.0
ah r's Ol~iSuIr oi I 00 .0. Ililrri ''-000,1oi o 00 0 .-00 tottol.C .I.oPG O nDtot ; D, SI
r 7 ' t l"ot' totoog ('0, ot tloo31171(E ( NL '
A.o]'mstal: l r jOO laotol ..cent vmio0 dtcttil0 .00 '1 l2(ti '2I
'oh Qoc ftoirtOEtiZ0, '000! itc'o.'0 ' 0 ,1 1xt'l11f'ltni