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VOL. III.--NO. I11+.
The Inland League Entertained by
an Interesting Lecture Last
The lecture before the Inland
League last evening by Dr. Carrosv
was well attended, and his subject,
"Medicine Among the Chinese,"
was exceedingly interesting. He
assumed control of one of the hos-
pitals at Canton in 1376, and re-
mained there eight years. This hos-
pital receives about 40,000 patients.
This experience enabled him to
study thoroughly the habits and cus-
toms of this curious people which
formed more the basis of Iis talk
than his own personal experience.
He began by saying that pure sci-
enceis unknown among the Chinese.
Disease is there attributed to the
anger of the gods or the enmity of
some departed spirit. Recourse is
always made to the gods, when sick,
but they also use much medicine,
and their materia medica is exten-
sive, containing thousands of drugs.
Rhubarb and gingseng enter into
every prescription, He showed how
difficult the early practice of medi-
cine was among them, owing to their
superstition. A physician had to
guarantee that the patient would get
well, which of necessity limited the
practice, especially surgery. Post-
mortems are not allowed among
them. They have no idea as to the
difference in the arterial and venous
systems. They call the heart the
"prince of the body," and think'
the power of thought lies there.
The soul is in the liver, and the
bony frame-work in one longitudinal
half of the body is all one b«ne. The
examination of the pulse in dift-
ent parts of the body constitutes t:
main physical examination of a Cin
nese doctor.
A beautiful illustration or the
doctrine of 'similia similibus curan-
tur" was exemplified in their meth-
od of "setting the brain.''
The speaker closed by saying that
his remarks applied to the people in
southern China, and not to the
north, where the dialect and cus-
toms are no doubt quite different.
A couple of fine selections were
rendered by Mrs. Clement and Mr.
The junior laws will have their
last quiz in Pleading and Practice
this week.
Unity Club Meeting.
The lecture given by Rev. Caro-
line J. Bartlett, of Kalamazoo, last
night in the Unity Club series was
most interesting and enjoyable. The
lecturer possesses a fine presence
and a pleasing personality which
added greatly to the interest of the
She conducted the audience on
a pleasant pilgrimage to the homes
of George Eliot and Shakespeare.
Folishill and the many places and
things of interest there and there-
abouts, were charmingly described.
She gave some interesting anecdotes
and reminiscences connected with;
her journey.
Stratford -on-Avon was most
graphically described, especially the
homes of Shakespeare and Anne
Hathaway, the Holy Trinity church,
etc. In conclusion the lecturer re-
cited Shakespeare's poem, "Across
the Fields to Anne" in an appreci-
able and pleasing manner.
Dr. W. Muss-Arnolt.
IV. Muss-Arnolt, the new instruc-
tor in Scientific languages, was born
in 18539, in Cologne on the Rhine.
He graduated from the gymnasium
at Stuttgart in 1878; after which te
studied in Tubingen, coming to this
country in 'So. He continued the
study of theology in the Theological
seminary of the Reformed Dutch
church of America, graduating in
'S2. He was appointed instructor
in the same institution. In '3 he
entered Jolins-H-opkins; was Fel-
lowed in Greek from '33 to '3p, and
Fellow by Courtesy from 'S5 to '38.
tie received the degree of ih. D. in
'88, and was made instructor in
Semitic language, which position he
held until called to this University.
MtIr. Arnolt is a member of several
noted linguistic societies, and is also
a regular contributor to numerous
philological journals. Ile has in
progress of publication an essay of
one hundred pages on Semitic
sords on Greek and Latin and also
articles on Creation tablets and the
Deluge. The large Assyrian diction-
ary announced by thelJohns-Hop-
kins authorized in' 87, will be com-
posed by Mr.Arnolt individually. It
will comprise of one thousand pages,
the whole work will be published in
parts, semi-annually, each part
autographed by the author.
Meet and Settle a Question that
Has Agitatedthe Class for
Several Days.
The senior law meeting was largely
attended last evening, but the class
only remained in session a few
minutes. When President Jefferis
stated the object of the meeting, a
motion was made and almost unani-
mously carried that all reference to
the matter before the meeting be
expunged from the secretary's book.
Another resolution was offered and
carried that the class endorse Messrs. _H__E __ ADE
Howell and Nelson as their repre- when you want theLatest Metropolitan Styles
of $2, $3, $4 or $5 Shoes at 50c to $1 a pair less
sentatives in the coming oratorical than Ann Arbor prices, send for catalogue to
contest. On motion of Mr. Turnip-
seed the class then adjourned. The 10.H 8-55sOcl ao e n d rn
clas ad101d.ngodhu 1ad 53g ,a--185woonwAsv Avg.,
harmony now prevails. DETROIT, - - MlCIItGAN.
Chamber Concert. Tonight. qJtzhmond Straight Qat.
The second chanmber concert will No 1
be given this evening by Edward CIGA R ETTES.
r? Cigarette Smokers who
Itaxter Perry and Mr. Frederick are wuluintg ot ay a utts
more th an the price
Mills. it tw-ill be a lecture recital. chagefort the ordinary
rade Cigarettes, willif5nd
This unique combination of the tess Ran superior to
functions of lecturer and concert The stelthmond Straight
Cut No.1 Uigarettes are madefrom the bright-
pianist, original with Mr. Perry, is est, most delicately flavored and highest cost
Gold Leae grown in Virginia. This is the Old
meeting a general ieed, and finding and Original Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes,
and was brought out by its in the year 18;0.
universal favor throughout the coun- ewiare or finitations, and observe that the
firm name as lheowis an every package.
try. Mr. Perry's purpose in adopt- The ALLEN & GINTER Branch
Of the American Tobacco Co..
ing the lecture recital, in place of Manufacturers, - - Richmona.Virginia.
the ordinary piano concert, is two-
fold; first, to add to the benefit de-
rived by music students from listen-
ing to his programmes, and second,
to popularize the best in piano music
with the generalpublic. The method
he employs is to preface each num-
ber of a carefully-selected piano-
forte programme with a brief verbal ,
analysis, calling attention to its
origin, form, salient characteristics, C 1
and descriptive or emotional signifi-
cance. The result attained is, while
giving to music students and ama-
teurs information and sugestions off
value to them from an educational
standpoint, at the same time to MEIRCHANT
render each composition intelligible
and consequently enjoyable to every
listener, even to those who have not TAILOR
the least technical training in the
art. No one who possesses or de-
sires to possess any degree of musi- A Ni) sMoiisTER IAOF
cel culture can afford to miss the
opportunity of becoming better
acquainted with the masterpieces of
the great tone poets thus presented.
Evening tickets 50 cents. Course 55 W R TF0 = ST_,
tickets $1.50. It is much more
economical to take the course
tickets. Detroit, M ichigan.